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Fantasy Blaumgartner's School for the Gifted


Murder by Numbers 🏳️‍🌈🖥️
Welcome to all who are interested!

Rules are posted under the overview tab. Following them is optional.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask here ^_^
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Question about my character. Weapons? I thought of having someone with a hidden second personality that can take over, like a devil possesing the cahracter. That devil is supposed to have guns. Is that a nono?
Weapons are allowed, including guns. Feel free to add that into your character sheet when you create them ^_^
We most likely won't start until tomorrow. I don't expect everyone to have their character sheets up tonight xD Though if we start without you, you can feel free to have your character appear in the midst of everything as if they've always been there. (Of course, being fashionably late is a great way to make a grand entrance ( ;) ))
I'd encourage you to write something down, but you don't have to go too in depth if you're having trouble thinking of what to write. It's fine to expand upon their history as you go.
Omg I'm laughing at "ignore the boobs" on Bryan's character sheet xD That was one of the most entertainingly tragic backstories that I've seen in awhile. I'm looking forward to seeing what other people come up with ^_^
@Ami the breadling, You did a really good job with the history considering that you were stuck on it xD Also, kudos to you for going all out on the bbcoding. The red on black was a nice touch.

Everyone has such intriguing characters. I'm definitely hyped to see where things will go when they're put into action. ^_^
ApfelSeine said:
@Ami the breadling, You did a really good job with the history considering that you were stuck on it xD Also, kudos to you for going all out on the bbcoding. The red on black was a nice touch.
Everyone has such intriguing characters. I'm definitely hyped to see where things will go when they're put into action. ^_^
The coding wasn´t that hard, but it looks pretty awesome in my opinion.

I put a lot of effort in the history. I hope you liked the way...
Added a bit to my story so it made a bit more sense. Crazy imagination is always fun to use. Love your characters @Ami the breadling @ApfelSeine
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Omg I died when I saw Shadow's picture. That's the greatest thing I've ever seen xD

Everyone has been getting so creative with their history, it's been super fun to read all of these character sheets
I think I'm going to start things off soon ^_^ Anyone who hasn't made a character yet needn't worry, as its fine to just jump in wherever.
Lol don't worry, it's gonna take me a bit to write the introduction anyways since I'm a stickler for atmosphere and setting the mood. Additionally, I don't think everyone is online at the moment anyways.
RedLikeRoses said:
Posted my character, am I accepted?
You're definitely accepted ^_^ Everyone is automatically accepted. You deefinately did a good job though, and I'm very excited to see what will happen :D
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