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Fantasy Blaumgartner's School for the Gifted

I don't even know lol. It should probably be daytime, but it's a magical school. Just roll with whatever seems to be going on
I just rolled with the whole daytime thing, but no one is responding? I kept Hide's actions indirect, so if anyone wants to just pop up and make something happen, now's the time
ApfelSeine said:
Welcome to all who are interested!
Rules are posted under the overview tab. Following them is optional.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask here ^_^
Does a like mean I'm in?
You are in automatically ^_^ (A like just means I read it lol) Feel free to jump in wherever you want. If you have any trouble, let me know and I'll have one of my characters come by
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Sweet! Do you guys wanna try to revive it from some few days later? Or do you wanna just pick up exactly where we left off?

Or (Third option) we could wait for more people to come back first.
I think it'd be best to try to message a few people, see if they'd be interested in coming back. After a few hours or a day, we'll revive it.. Is that good or nah?
I honestly lost track of what was happening, which led to me backing out ^_^ ; Sorry about that. But I'm happy to help revive it. I suggest waiting a day, but leaving it open for people to jump back in so that we can add people as we go.

If I'm remembering correctly, I think the headmistress holds announcements and whatnot during dinner, so we could skip to that and plan out an interesting event to springboard the plot. Unless you both have something in mind for where you'd like the plot to go. I'm happy help facilitate things either way ^_^

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