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Fantasy Blaumgartner's School for the Gifted

It's hard to keep track of if he goes around punching people at the drop of a hat I suppose xD
Eli's gonna be all around, like, I may as well make a character that can clone himself.

Your not gonna know where Eli is ever, fucking wildcard.
Eli does not want to go up against a troll, and therefore he throws something at it. I am concerned for this boy's sense of logic xD
Lol xD Well that may work out better for him considering.

Also, RIP Eli's phone. I once brought an electronic thing into the ocean because I forgot it was in my pocket xD You'd think they'd make waterproof phones by now.
I'm actually really scared right now. What is she gonna do? As a god she can do anything in her dimension. She could turn Eli into a fucking girl. Rain hell on him, turn him into a duck? I don't know!


Eli: More luck over logic
maybe i'll just let bob and eli fight it out. juniper would like that

anyways, brb
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I'm awake, but not really in a position to do much xD And Bob is able to interact with your character, but he's already on the beach since he jumped out of the water
I know. That's why I said what I said. You can't join in on the RP :(

Juniper's too good for those xD

Jk. I forgot about it haha
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