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Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis: OOC

I still have to edit a few things in my CS, but I changed the important things on my CS for my first post. So far, I only have her appearance in her armor and her two firearms changed. One gun has most of its info while the other still needs it, but I'll get it done.
And now it is time to do unreasonably exhaustive research on Yoshikage so I do this encounter right.
So, are there any limitations placed upon our characters? Say we decide to roleplay as someone who's canonically a nigh unstoppable being, we'll have to really water down their capabilities to balance 'em out, right?
So, are there any limitations placed upon our characters? Say we decide to roleplay as someone who's canonically a nigh unstoppable being, we'll have to really water down their capabilities to balance 'em out, right?
we generally water them down to balance them... yeah.
I was slightly tempted on using a WW2 pilot as a char for variety, but instead I might use one of the Girl's Frontline T-dolls

Overall this RP seems very cool, I'll join in if I can stop lazying around when making chars
I was slightly tempted on using a WW2 pilot as a char for variety, but instead I might use one of the Girl's Frontline T-dolls

Overall this RP seems very cool, I'll join in if I can stop lazying around when making chars
I wanna see a Girl's Frontline character here!

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