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Fandom Beyond Infinite Crisis: OOC

Clearly this means I should app Shinji Matou now or an Ainsworth
Hey, sorry I haven't done anything yet. I've been a bit busy lately. I'm going to change some stuff on my CS, mainly armor and weapons, but I have my first post done. I'll probably get the screenshots needed to edit my CS and post my first post within the next day or so.
Hey, sorry I haven't done anything yet. I've been a bit busy lately. I'm going to change some stuff on my CS, mainly armor and weapons, but I have my first post done. I'll probably get the screenshots needed to edit my CS and post my first post within the next day or so.
cool try going to Los Alba, Mars
Is anyone else there to interact with? I honestly considered going there first off since I believe my character would be appropriate there since she's a robot and all. I just don't want to be rping alone.

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