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Fantasy Behind Those Eyes (Always Open)

She paused, and then brought out her hand. "My name's Rose."

Once shaking the boy's hand she would gesture to the couch. "Sit."

She would sit in a recliner near the couch, and look at him intently.

"First of all, where are you parents?"
Aidan sighed and asked,"Where are you, girly?" He looked out the window and waited for her answer. He couldn't give her directions if he had no point A.

"One second."She said, diving down and landing gracefully on the sidewalk. "2nd Smith avenue. In front of Kathy's Cafe." She said a short while later.
"Okay...let me think..." He mumbled and leaned back in his chair. He chewed on his lip as he pictured the city in his head,"Take a right on the corner of Second Smith and Rojers...then go straight until you hit the Arts and Crafts store where you turn left into a small alley." He sighed and continued,"The alley opens up on Henricks. Turn right on Henricks and then turn left on Beilschmidt. You'll find a wider alley by the bar. I'm there."

"They abandoned me when I was two" daniel said sissy as he looked out side "I don't know where they are"

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Bandit swoops through the trees of Mowick ((Im sure thats where you guys are...?))

She observes the children playing and frowns, she never had a great childhood.

Bandit puts her arms behind her head and flies backwards expertly.

She is suspended in the air for only a few moments until she hits a tree.

Whoops... Bandit hits the ground with a harsh crack.

She broke her wing. Bandit walks down the street with a tattered wing,

covered in blood. Every house she passes, she feels more and more faint.

Bandit collapses onto the ground in front of a few houses.

Passed out.
"Got it. Thank you. I will be there soon." Lavana said.

Once she hung up she turned right onto Rojers, looking for the arts and craft store. Once finding it she turned left and so on. Within 10 minutes she found the place. Warily, she knocked on the door, waiting for the door to be answered.


Rose was a silent a moment, before saying softly. "I'm sorry. I really am." Then she added softer, "Andrea's father was taken to banishment when she was 4."

"I need you to promise to protect my little girl. And be honest with me and help out with the house, if you live here." She said.
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Visiting Mowick that day was not particularly the best choice for the grey-girl, especially when she arrived the city around the time of the recent change of patrol system being carried out. Vivian could have called for help if it were not for the bounding spell casted on her mouth to keep her lips sealed, and she was then scurrying frantically down the dark streets, her mismatched colored eyes widened in terror.

She did not foresee that they would go into such an extent to use magic against her will, using a spell to pry out the artificial grey contact from her right eye in a swift yet excruciating moment, not like it did not hurt Vivian at the abrupt force they used to do so. At some point she felt something warm trickling down her right cheek as she was sprinting much faster then with her wings helping slightly as support. She knew the reinforcements are nearing her way, even with her having a 'headstart', hence she did not want to even think of what she might have looked like running down the streets with blood emitting out of her brown eye. Somebody, anybody...Help! She cried mentally, though she knew her efforts were probably futile.


Bandit pulls herself up and wipes some blood from her wing.

She looks up to see a few children looking at her with widened eyes.

Bandit pulls her wing to the front of her body and uses fire to close some wounds,

though the wing is still broken, it is the least shoe could do.

Bandit stands and walks slowly down the street looking for a place to possibly

stay the night.
[[ @scaryyangell , if you don't mind ]]

Revealing himself as he stepped out into the light, Arsen fixed his purple gaze at her. He held a gun molded out of peculiar dark violet smoke with his poison magic, in his gloved hand, the firearm's muzzle pointed at the woman's direction.

"Don't move," was all Arsen uttered in a low mutter before he pulled the trigger of his magic weapon with only a faint click emitting out of it as the bullet heads straight into the shadow manipulated creature that was behind her. The dark creature, which seemed to be in a form of a hound dog, howled in pain with its ruby glowing eyes narrowing. It soon disintegrated into thin air as it lowers down to the ground.
Spencer, too frightened to speak, stood with her mouth open as the person in front of her fired his gun. She thought for sure that she was going to die. She turned around just quick enough to see the rest of the creature dissolving into nothing. "I- what was that thing?" Spencer asked in a quiet voice, still holding onto the broom. She loosened her grip on the broom, trying to asses her current situation. She quietly waited for the man's answer, trying to remain calm and collected.

((I found that amusing xD was not paying attention and totally stole your line, sorry @scaryyangell))


Bandit continues to walk down the street trying not

to cry. Her wing was dripping blood as she walked on, her hair whipping in the wind.

The sun shone down on her giving her warmth.

((@scaryyangell where might you guys be located jw.))
((I see, im just trying to find somewhere to go xD I cant find anyone @scaryyangell))


Bandit passes a house and hears a gunshot.

'Wha...?' She squints to peer into the window. Her yellow and grey eyes

gleaming in the sunlight. Bandit notices a young man pointing a gun

at a startled girl. She sees the creature disintegrate.

'What is going on in there...?'
[[ @Rawr Im Scary @scaryyangell So I guess we're all in Londorwin, then? Also there wasn't the sound of gunshot, but that's alright ]]

"Degulo," said the seventeen year old male after a short pause as the magic firearm in his hand disappeared into small wisps of purple hued smoke. Arsen then simply place his hands back in his pockets and glanced over to another direction, as if sensing another's presence. His focus was somehow interrupted as he felt an ache in his left eye, causing him to narrow his brows as he placed a hand over it. Vivian?

"...Most likely summoned by one of the reinforcements," Arsen continued nonetheless as the throbbing still persisted in his eye, him feeling the need that the other had to know of the summoned smoke hound despite how he seemed to give the woman a slight glare. He observed her for a brief moment, realizing that she might not have known of the Government's recent scheme with how pale her face went. She did seem familiar, somewhere he had seen once before in one of the Government facilities. Of course it was natural for him to be cautious over the stranger, also taking a small mental note of the other presence he might be sensing from outside. With nothing more to say, Arsen turned around to walk towards the door and thought that he could survey the other locations where he might have sensed a sign of the reinforcements... Or perhaps tend to the cause of his left eye aching all of a sudden.
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Spencer watched the person walk out of her house, still thinking of the beast that had been behind her. "How could they not tell us this?" she mumbled to herself. Sighing, she resumed what she was doing prior and began to clean up the broken glass. After the sharp blades were swept off the floor, she picked up the photo that was lying on the ground. She looked at the picture of her and her brother, smiling weakly at the memories of having a family member around. She put the picture face down on a nearby desk, not sure what to do with it now that the frame was broken. Spencer tossed the glass into the trashcan and picked up the larger pieces of wood from the frame.

She nearly ripped the pin off of her coat, chucking it across the room. It hit the wall, and then fell to the floor with small thuds. Mumbling profanities under her breath, she pulled out her phone and dialed the number to her bosses office. It rang twice before someone answered.

"Hello, I need to speak to Cindy Michaels," she said into the phone. "Don't put me on hold, this is urgent," she added, knowing that her boss had a tendency not to ever get back to messages. The person on the other line told her to wait a minute before there was the small click of the line being transferred.

"Who is it?" a cynical voice demanded from the other end. Spencer took a deep breath.

"This is Spencer Jane, I work on the fourth floor," she stated, not going into specifics. Cindy began a small spiel about Spencer, saying how diligently she worked. It took nearly every muscle Spencer had to not tell the person on the other line to shut up. "Listen, I need to set up a meeting... and I want to talk to you in person," she specified. Cindy nearly never met in person with people, and Spencer knew exactly why. "Well, yes, I'd prefer it was in your office just so it could be private," she coaxed. "Okay, sounds great. See you tomorrow."

She hung up the phone. She didn't know what had inspired her to make the call in the first place, but something had to be done.

Bandit, kneels down in the street and grips her wing,

throbbing, swollen and dripping blood. She

wipes away some of the blood to get a better look at the wound.

Bandit rips a part of her shirt off the corner to wrap around the

broken wing.
Lizzy said:
"Got it. Thank you. I will be there soon." Lavana said.
Once she hung up she turned right onto Rojers, looking for the arts and craft store. Once finding it she turned left and so on. Within 10 minutes she found the place. Warily, she knocked on the door, waiting for the door to be answered.


Rose was a silent a moment, before saying softly. "I'm sorry. I really am." Then she added softer, "Andrea's father was taken to banishment when she was 4."

"I need you to promise to protect my little girl. And be honest with me and help out with the house, if you live here." She said.
@Daniel reaver @SweetCat2319
She glanced out at her daughter, and then got up. She said nothing as she walked back upstairs to shower and get ready for the day. She worked from 10 to 5, and in the morning on weekends. Rose figured it would be better with someone to watch her daughter while she was working.

After a while Andrea trotted back inside, Lucy scuttling into the house before her.

"What did she say?" The child squeaked, hurrying over to stare up at Daniel.
"Yay!" She squealed, hugging onto him. Since she was much smaller, she was basically just hugging his waist.

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