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Fantasy Behind Those Eyes (Always Open)


Lady, running down to the riptide
(Go to overview. We are always accepting!)
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Lavana stood up, wiping a bead of sweat off her forehead and letting out a breath. It was hot today and the sun was beating down on her, and all the other farmers in the field. She was a few miles east of Green's city Himlimde, hence all the fields around her. Outside the fields were miles of trees, which she knew were the forests. Every year more and more got chopped down, but Lavana knew there were plenty of trees around the world, and the mayor of Green's city was always looking for other places to plant new trees, just out of the way of the fields.

After another few hours Lavana's shift was over and she extended her wings. She waved a good bye to one of her friends, and then began flying back home.


In Mowick, a girl was in her backyard, playing her with her pet chinchilla Lucy. Inside the small house, her mother was making supper. Andrea didn't have a father. He died a few years ago. When Andrea was 2.

"Andrea, come eat," Her mother called. "Coming!" The blonde girl replied, putting Lucy on her shoulder and walking inside to sit at the table. She put Lucy on the floor, and the small creature scampered off to a small bowl a few feet away with her own food. A small plate with a Pb and J sandwich was placed before Andrea, and she began to eat. Her mother watched for a minute, before sitting down with her own sandwich, and a bowl of grapes to share. A pretty average day it had been today.

@andujarprime @Daniel reaver @SweetCat2319 @Rawr Im Scary
Daniel had though he was off the hook after pick pocketing that one man until he found out that he was a representative of mowick the gards had quickly came down on him so he had no choose but to run through the only way he could he jumped back yard fence after back yard feince until he got his shoe caught on a fence and went slamming into the ground in front of a little girl
Before Andrea could walk inside, a boy face slammed into the grass before her feet. Lucy squealed, Scampering off her shoulder and scurrying to the house.

Andrea widened her mix-colored eyes in surprise. "Who are you?" The 8 year old demanded. She didn't have to worry much about the guy seeing her eyes, she could just hypnotise him into forgetting or something. That's what her mom had always told her to do until she was old enough to get contacts, even though it was illegal.
Adrian walked out of the alley that led to the secret attic that help his "office". he had sold a lot of contacts today. It seemed that mixed eyes were becoming more and more common. He walked casually back to the place he shared with his sister.

Misty was in the office as usual. She couldn't wait to get off work and go home. Bills and her brother waited for her, she knew but it was still was home. And there was Senshi of course. The troublesome cat always made her smile.
Daniel looked up at the mixed eyed girl then looked back at the shouts from the athoritys then scrambled to his feet "daniel" he said quickly to the little girl as he stared into her mixed eyes with his mixed eyes before starting to run off again
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She stared back at him, her mouth dropping slightly. "You--" She began but was cut off as he ran off again. She watched for a short while, hearing shouts of men as they ran past. She hurried into the house, not wanting to get banished if they saw her eyes.


Once Lavana was home she changed into gray sweatpants and a green sweat shirt. She lounged on her couch, watching tv while eating a salad for supper. She was planning to get her green contact tomorrow, instead of going to work. Lavana sighed, hoping tomorrow would go well.
Daniel had eventually lost the men and was looking for a place to hide "maybe I could go to that little girl" he mumbled to him self as he held a bleeding arm "no that will put her in danger.....but they could have medical supplies that I could maybe use" he said as he though for a second before he disided that he will just go ask for some medical supplies as slowly started back to look for that little girl that he'd seen earlyer hoping she would help and if not he hoped he could find some one els like him to help

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After supper she sat on the couch, petting and cooing to Lucy while looking out the front window. She was curious about if the boy would come back. She doubted it, but decided to wait a little while longer before going upstairs.
Daniel had eventualy found that little girls house and snuck into the little girls back yard except it wasn't that quiet considering he tumbled over the fence and hit the ground hard making him cough up blood "this sucks" he said through a winse as he slowly tryed to get to his feet before realizing that he was shot in the stomach too
Hearing a small 'thud' behind her, she and quickly went to look outside at the backyard. Sure enough, the boy was there.

"What was that?!" Her mother hurried down the stairs, looking over Andrea to see if she had been hurt.

"Mom, that boy is hurt," She said, walking to the back door.

"Don't go outside. I'll get the kit."

"Ok.." Andrea said, tapping on the window to get his attention once her mother was out of earshot
Daniel slowly looked over at the girl as he held his injured arm and blood slightly leaked out his mouth but he gave the little girl a small smile to try to reasure her before winsing again

Spencer walked around the small part of town where the 'normal' people lived. She felt her pockets, making sure the wad of cash she had taken from one of her co-workers was still in her pocket. She made her way to a place where she knew contacts were sold. Before entering the alley, she checked to make sure no one was watching. She jogged to the back, wondering if she'd be too late to pick up contacts. She knocked on the door, hoping someone was still there.

Being shy, and somehwhat freaked out by the blood, she barely managed to give a sliver of a smile in return.

"Mom hurry!" She called.

Within a minute her mother was walking outside, staring hard at the boy. "Who are you, how old are you, and what happened to you," Andrea's mother demanded, basically glaring at him.

Andrea slid outside after her mother, watching from the porch steps.

Her mother kneeled, taking a few bottle things out of the first aid kit along with bandages and a few damp paper towels she had brought before coming outside.
"D-daniel....1-7...." He said through the pain as he removed his hand from his arm to show the bullet hole in his arm while he looked over to the little girl and gave her another small smile to try to reassure her

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Adrian had to go back to the alley because he had forgot his coat in the attic. He saw a girl standing at the door and said,"Hey." He went up the stairs.

Spencer sighed with relief. "I need to get some contacts," she stated simply. "One of each color that you have available, actually," she said with a little more detail. She realized she was still wearing her government pin and took it off immediately. "I- I'm not like the government... I mean, I am, but that's not why I'm... I'm not going to bust your shop," Spencer finally said.

"Why were you shot?" She asked, trying to gently help him up so they could go inside. Andrea held the door open, and once they got inside she spread a sheet over the couch so he could lay down there without staining the couch.
Daniel looked up at the woman with his eyes wide showing her the massive pink flackes in his black eye and his blue eye "why do you think I was shot" he said in a pained voice as he layed there and moved his Un injured arm to his stomach @Lizzy
Adrian narrowed his eyes, both of which looked blue at the moment,"What shop? I just thought you just might be lost." He had saw her government pin and felt very suspicious. He was silently saying goodbye to his sister. He ,ight have to run.

"Please, I have to buy contacts," she pleaded. "I usually send other people over here, but there are a lot of police out tonight; I didn't want to get anyone else in trouble. There are a lot more mixes and diffs popping up than there used to be, and it's hard for them to get their own," she explained. "I wish I could tell you why I did this - working for the government- but I really don't have much time. I have money, though," Spencer pulled out the wad of cash, about $750. "How many set of contacts will this get me?"

The woman stared at him a long moment, muttering something under her breath before began to she carefully pulled his shirt off. "I need to get the bullets out." She explained, gently tossing the boodied shirt to Andrea. "Go run that through the wash." She said, and the little girl hurried off to do as told.

"Look at me, and don't look away. Getting the bullets out is going to hurt, so i'm going to do something that will basically knock you out for a little while. K? K." She said, not letting him respond. If he were looking into her eyes as he had been told, he would slowly loose feeling of his body, starting at his toes up to his face. Within a minute he would would be unable to keep his eyes open, and would fall into unconsciousness.
Adrian saw the money and groaned,"I hope you're for real." He said as he unlocked the door. They needed the money,"It'll get you 75 packs. A pack has six each. I sell cheap because...I know how it is..." He holds open the door for her.

Daniel looked at the woman's eyes and slowly lost conceousness for what felt like an eternity hoping that when he woke up he wouldn't find him self in custody or abandoned on the street for the government to find and kill


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