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Fantasy Behind Those Eyes (Always Open)

While he was out, the women got a tweezers and Andrea held a flashlight over Daniel's arm so her mother could see what she was doing.

It took nearly 2 minutes for her to get the entire bullet out, and then she quickly cleaned the wound up, stopped the bleeding, and put bandages on his arm. Then she did the same on the bullet in his side. This took longer, since she was more worried about breaking though the skin any more.

Andrea fetched a blanket and pillow, settling the pillow under his head and the blanket over him. He'd ether wake up soon, or in the morning. Andrea was sent to bed, and her mother went to bed as well. Since her mother was, well, a mother, she had tied the boy's ankles and wrists together with duck tape. Just in case he planned on killing them or something while they slept. One couldn't be too careful.
Spencer did some quick math in her head. "So, ten packets of each color, seventy in all; you can keep the extra money for your troubles," she said, walking into the building. She handed all of the money to the person helping her and patiently waited for him to get the contacts for her. "I really can't tell you how thankful I am."

Daniel had woken up in the morning to find him self tied up "stupid parents" he said quietly with agravating as he looked at a spot on the floor and a black symbol appered creating a demon looking bird that flew over to him and started to gnaw through his leg binds and then started to eat away at his wrist binds while he hoped the mother didn't come down to see what he was doing

Andrea was unable to sleep, and eventually crept downstairs, only to see some kind of black bird thing flutter around a moment. Slowly the girl crept closer, her feet making soft sounds on the floor. She watched, not really caring if he saw her standing there.
The bird has finished chewing through the binds then disapered "that's better" he said as he weakly sat up and looked at his arm then his stomach as he rubbed his wrists not noticing the little girl that slowly crept up on him

He whistled an unnatural whistle and a white little dragon appered in his lap "hey boy" he said softly to it as it climbed his arm and layed down on daniels shoulders

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Daniel looked over to the girl affraid it was the mom but he smiled when it was the little girl "yeah I'm fine" he said softly as another small symbol appered on the floor and a small white dragon came jumping out of it and landing on all fours and looking around before running over to daniel and climbing into his lap and layed down


(The dragon looks like this)

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.030d11c5b2c208cd2cd2de90789feb40.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49662" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/image.jpg.030d11c5b2c208cd2cd2de90789feb40.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • image.jpg
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"What's that?" She asked curiously, stepping closer and squinting at the white creature.
The dragon looked up at the girl and stood in Daniels lap and spread his wings happily "it's a dragon" he said softly as he rubbed his stomach then streched his arms "is your mom that paranoid" he asked the girl


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Adrian got her what she asked for and pocketed the money. He was very excited about showing it all to Misty, as he knew they had bills that needed to be paid. "Thanks...I doon't know why you're doing this but thanks."
Spencer smiled without saying another word and left. The moment she was out of the alley, she put her government pin back on her shirt, hoping that no one saw her walk out of the area. She shoved the small packets into her purse, hiding them underneath her wallet. She said hi to people on the street, never stopping to talk to them, though. She kept walking until she was on the outskirts of town, very close to the parts where diffs and mixes were banished to. She smiled at the kids who played out on the street, waving to their parents if they were out with them. This are wasn't checked very often, so it was where people usually went to hide. She saw a little boy that she recognized and walked over to him. She knelt down and pulled a pair of the pink contacts.

"Hey, John, I need you to give these to your daddy, okay?" she asked the little boy. He nodded his head and immediately ran into his house with the contacts. She smiled and began her walk to the main part of town, careful to avoid any of her coworkers.
Alisa walks into the forest, Snowwy following close at her heels "Where are we going?" she asks

Alisa sighs "Home, we're going home, no great adventures tonight, maybe tomorrow we can go have fun"

Snowwy purrs softly and rubs against Alisa's ankles
"A dragon?" Andrea cooed curiously. When asked 'is your mom really that paranoid', she just shrugged, staring in awe at the dragon.


The next morning Lavana got out of bed, showered, and put on black leggings and a green tank top. Then she put a gray zip up sweat shirt over, unzipped fully. She ate quickly, and afterward brushed through her hair, deciding to leave it down and curl it into ringlets. It was nearing 10 when she left the apartment and made her way downtown to the trains. There weren't many contact places, since the government shut them down all the time. And finding out about other contact places that weren't shut down was hard, since they were so secretive. She knew of one, in Londorwin, and that was across the country. She couldn't fly that far in a day, so taking a train was the best option.

At the station she bought a ticket and found a seat, and just looked out a window with a sigh.The ride would take a few hours. She'd probably get there by 2 or 3. 4 latest.
The dragon stood up and jumped onto the ground and walked up to the little girl and brushed up against her happily as daniel stood up and winsed quietly as he streched his back then walked over to the little girl and placed one hand on her head "thank you for saving me" he said to her with a smile
Alisa wakes up to snowwy sleeping oh her head"get off you strange animal" Snowwy sighs mentally but rolls over and falls off the pillow landing next to Alia's head
Andrea smiled down at the reptile, and slowly let her eyes and smile wander up to Daniel. "You're welcome," She said softly, glancing back down shyly.
Daniel quietly lauphed before the dragon ran over to his leg and climbed up to rest on his shoulders "so when does your mom usually wake up?" He asked curiously
"Seven or Eight," She said with a shrug, looking back up at Daniel. It was probably 6 am right now.
She smiled, nodding. She led him into the kitchen, and then pulled out cereal and spoon. "Can you get the bowls?" She asked, pointing to a cabinet she couldn't reach into. Then she grabbed some milk and patiently waited. Her mom hadn't been to the store for a few weeks so they didn't have much for breakfast, but they usually didn't anyway because Andrea usually just had cereal.
Daniel grabed the bowls and set them down "here we go" he said with a smile as he poured the cereal then the milk then put them away
She brought them over to the table and sat herself down, digging into her fruit loops. "Where do you live?" She asked him once he joined her at the table.
Daniel took a bite of cereal then looked over at the little girl "I don't have a home" daniel said as sadness laced his voice before he took another bite of cereal
Vivian was not quite fond of taking the train, but she had no other choice as she could not exactly fly all the way to Mowick with the partially grey wings she has. Eventually the young teen managed to aboard the train in the nick of time, the one which leads to Mowick, which she will have to eventually pass by Londorwin. She didn't know what struck her to do such a risky thing, despite her half-brother's warning, as the 'purple' city was not exactly the hospitable type as it was back in her hometown. One can easily tell that she was a 'grey' with the dull uniform she wore from the factory of Eredhen.

"Do you think he's eating well, Primo?" She asked, glancing at her shoulder as a pair of round silver eyes popped open out of nowhere. Her little dark-feathered companion soon revealed itself resting on her left shoulder as it responded with a small seemingly uncertain hoot, 'probably not' was it's reply.

Spotting an empty seat opposite of a blonde with mix colored eyes, she went over to it. With a genuinely amiable smile, she asked, "Hello there, is it alright if I could sit here?"

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Spencer walked around the town, trying to make it back to her place of work. When she finally reached the large government building, there was someone waiting outside the door that she didn't recognize.

"Taking an extra long break, I see?" the person said to her.

"Uh, yeah. I had some extra time, so I used it," she replied with a chuckle. She walked inside the large building, still confused about the person who had just spoken to her. She made her way to the office that she shared with a few people, hoping they hadn't taken notice of the money missing from their wallets. "Good afternoon," she greeted them before sitting at her desk.

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