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Fantasy Behind Those Eyes (Always Open)

Lizzy peered down the street, noticing a familiar blob of black hair. "Atrio!" She called, walking down and wedging through a group of other teenagers to find the guy. "There you are," She said, giving a smile.
"Dave is gonna ask you some questions," Sh said, grabbing his wrist and leading him over to the parked black sports car. "Feel free to lie," She muttered, letting go of his wrist as Dave climbed out of the car, leaning against it as she eyed Lizzy and Atrio. His hands were in his suit pockets, and a bored expression set on his face.

"This is Atrio." Lizzy stated.

"Full name." Dave asked dryly. It was more of a command than anything though.
"Past and current job." Dave said, ignoring Lizzy at his side and focusing mostly on the kid. He didn't really understand why Lizzy was so interested in him.

"Family." Now he was asking one question after another.


"How'd you meet Lizzy."
Atii was a little put back by so many questions but tried to awnser all that he could "w-well I worked in a cafe..... I don't have any family im 17 and I met lizzy here a little while ago" he said nervously to the man

Dave eyed him up and down and then moved his purple eyes to fix on Lizzy, "I"ll talk to Mack. Come back to the hotel with or without him by 9. Any later and Mack will hear of your tardiness."

"Mhm, kay. Will do." Lizzy said, watching Dave give Atrio a hard look as if saying 'Don't screw up', and then he got in the car and drove away.

"Ok, so now what?" Lizzy chirped, looking over at him expectantly.

@Daniel reaver
Atrio shrugged at her "I-i don't know Wh yare you asking me" he said to her still nervous about all of this but desided it might be for the better

"Because you probably know the city better than I do, and just because," She shrugged. "So what should we do?"
She paused, then grinned and playfully pushed his shoulder. "Quit being so.. timid. Let's do something you want to do. We're friends now." The girl said smiling at him.
"that's kind of hard when you've lived the way i have" he mumbled to her before starting to look around "plus there's the fact that all ive ever wanted to do was the job that i had" he said as he playfully pushed back just enough to get her to move a step and not fall over

"Movie it is!" Lizzy cheered, taking the step back, only to lean over and grab his wrist. Then she began tugging him along the street. "I think I saw a theater down a block or two. Oh, and i'll be paying, obviously."
atrio blushed "h-hey!! im not broke you know" he said defiantly to her as she pulled him along a little aggravated at her about the money thing


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