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Fantasy Behind Those Eyes (Always Open)

"I'm sorry." Andrea said, pursing her lips. "Maybe you can stay here," She said, smiling at him.


Lavana glanced over to a voice, keeping her head down slightly, so it was harder to see her yellow eye, from an angle, it looked green enough to not be suspicious. "Sure, Hi," She said quickly, looking down at her feet. She didn't want to come across as rude, but she didn't want anyone calling her out because of her eye. She couldn't get banished or killed when she was this close to finally getting contacts to make herself safe.
Vivian didn't particularly mind much the way the other has responded, knowing well how it feels. Though it was quite a shame that they can't be revealed for too long.

"Don't look down, it's really alright," She assured with a slightly hushed tone, "I'm the same as you are," she tapped her right temple with her index finger, gesturing her right eye which was covered with a grey contact.
She glanced up, staring at the girl. "I'm on my way now." Lavana said softly, meaning on her way to get her own contact.

"Am I really that noticeable?" She added, barely above a whisper.
Humming in thought for a moment, Vivian gazed at the blonde's eyes. She was rather fascinated though, how the two colors seem to fit."A little bit, but they don't seem to stand out much. Yellow is kind of close to the color of green," Vivian answered truthfully with a smile.

"Where are you heading to get them?"She asked about getting the contacts, wondering if the blonde might be heading to Mowick as well.
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Daniel looked at the little girl and smiled "we will have to run that one past your mother because I get the feeling she doesn't trust me" daniel said woth a smile before taking another bite of the cereal

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Spencer sat at her desk, waiting for the clock to strike five so she could get out of the cramped office. Without anything else to do, she checked her e-mail, wondering if there was anything new. There was a message sent to everyone, one about mixes and diffs. Spencer didn't normally pay attention to the mass e-mails her boss sent out, but this seemed important.

Dear Whomever This May Concern,

With the growing rates of Mixes and Diffs in out population, we will be sending out more reinforcements at night to make sure these monsters stay in their place. Don't be alarmed if you notice the increase of security as it will not effect anyone normal. Thank you for your time.


Spencer glared at her screen, immediately deleting the message from her inbox. "Who do they think they are, calling innocent people monsters?" she said aloud. The woman who worked next to her had left the room long ago. She looked at the clock, just in time to see the hour hand switch to point at the five. She stood up and rushed out of the building, ignoring those who said anything to her. She didn't bother to put her jacket on at she ran into the coldness of the night. She mumbled profanities under her breath, cursing the government and anyone who worked for them, including herself.

She walked to the nearest store and walked in, leaning against a wall. She took her pin off and shoved it in her pocket. After five was when all the mixes and diffs went shopping, as she had learned. She waited for people she recognized mostly so she wouldn't scare anyone into hiding, but there was the occasional new person that asked her for contacts. She provided them to them without a price, only wanting to help. The hidden shop had the best brand that seemed to last for as long as you took good care of them. It wasn't long before the income of people had slowed down and she decided to leave for home, taking to the cold, dark streets.
Meanwhile in the suburbs of Londorwin silently lurked a figure in the distance whilst the dimness of the late evening hour slowly loomed upon the vast mountains. The colossal precipitous hills slightly reflected the faint hue of the amber skies above, as if having most of the mountains' peaks painted with what was left of the sun's warmth. The indigo-haired young male gazed down at the dark city below, not like it seemed to vary it's general image even when it was brighter in the day, with how he was standing on top one of the very mountains that selfishly blocked out most of the light. He glanced over his shoulder as he felt a refreshing breeze coming from the South East, and he was soon reminded of his sister, whom he has not seen in almost a year, for that short moment.

Arsen then turned back around to face the city of Londorwin, the usual stoic expression back on his pale face as he idly wraps the knitted dark brown scarf around his neck and slightly over his mouth. Outstretching his dark violet wings, he quickly took flight off of the cliff and flew straight down with an immense yet silent speed towards the city for a personal investigation.

The recent news of an increase in reinforcements established from the government officials irked him, and the very fact that they were planning to start there was the mere reason why he decided to pay a visit, in hopes of returning to see the mixes and diffs safe despite the dire situation. His low-profile had led him into an advantage of being capable to blend in, having deceived the government a number of times over the past four years of his experience as a spy. Nonetheless, he made sure to still remain on his guard, and be able to leak out information to the Banishment whenever he could find a chance.
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The wind pushed Spencer's short hair with ease as it blew in her face. She shoved her hands in her pockets, hoping to keep them warm until she got home. Keeping her eyes on the ground, she finally made it to her small home. Once she got inside, she removed her coat and shoes, locking the door behind her. She spots a picture, which had been hanging on the wall when she left, lying on the ground; glass from the frame surrounded it. "How did this happen?" she wondered aloud. She walked to the kitchen to get the broom that leaned up against the wall to clean up the mess. When she turned around, though, someone stood in front of her. "Who are you?" she questioned the mysterious person before her, still gripping the handle of the broom.

"Londorwin, you?" She said with a nod.

(Gonna do a time skip in my post, since others are getting ahead)

After a while of talking with the girl she decided to take a nap, since she would probably be up for a while when she got to Londorwin.

By 4 oclock the train arrived in Londorwin, and she got off the train, waving good bye to Vivian. She got a proper grip on her bag and then flew into the sky, making her way to the city. She knew where the building was, at least the general area, and knew the office was hidden in some building. She took a deep breath.

After a very short while she discovered finding the place on her own would take to long. It was almost 4:30 by now. She beat her wings to slow down, and then just hovered in the air. No one was around to hear her as she pulled phone-looking device out of her pocket and dialed the number of the man who sold the contacts. Hopefully he would answer. She didn't want to waste any more time searching on her own.



Andrea smiled again. "Well I trust you. And Mom will too."She kept eating her cereal, swinging her legs under her chair peacefully.
Daniel smiled and finished his bowl of cereal before standing up and taking it to the sink and washed it off before walking back out to the table



(Sorry didn't get a notification)
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Adrian looked up from the newspaper he had been reading as he heard the phone ring. He glanced around out of a paranoid habit and then shook his head at the silliness. He picked up the phone and muttered a greeting.

Misty walked down the street to her place. She was still in a state of surprise at the fact that her brother had brought home so much money the other day. She was lost in her thoughts.
Jacob stood there and watched misty from a street corner with a slight blush in his face hoping she didn't notice him watching her. He had been doing this for about a week now ever since he had seen her on the street corner he clouldnt get her out of his head

Misty continued walking, not aware of the boy who watched her from a distance. She just thought about the risks her brother was taking. She did glance over her shoulder because she felt like someone was watching her but she saw nothing.

@Daniel reaver
Jacob hid a little more when misty glanced back but then he started to follow her while he shapeshifted into some one to blend in for a short time
Misty walked and walked. She never noticed Jacob behind her and she felt relatively safe. She reached her apartment building and went inside.
"Hello? This is Lavana. Is this Aiden?" She said, glancing around to make sure no one could hear her. She didn't need anyone becoming suspicious of who she was talking to.
"I'm on my way. I need directions though. I don't have much time and I can't risk getting caught by searching on my own." She stated into the phone, lowering her voice slightly.



Andrea finished soon as well and put her bowl in the sink. Within a minute footsteps were heard and a drowsy looking woman came down the stairs, a hand over her yawning mouth. She walked into the kitchen and narrowed her eyes at the boy, eyeing her daughter as well. "What are you two doing?" She asked.

@Daniel reaver
"Finishing brekfast" he said with a smile as he walked out to the couch and looked for his shirt "ummm do you know where my shirt went" he asked as he looked at the little girl with a smile

Andrea's mother watched him stride into the living room, and after a minute or two her daughter came scuttling back into the room to hand Daniel his freshly cleaned shirt. "Here you go," The 8 year old chirped.
Jacob smiled "thank you" he said as he painfully put it on then looked at the mom then back to the little girl and pated her head softly
Andrea's mother watched him for a second, before asking, "Will you be going back home now?" Andrea pursed her lips, deciding not to buttin the conversation and answer for Daniel.
"Can he stay with us?!" Andrea squeaked, clinging to her mother's arm and looking up at her hopefully.

"I don't know..." Her mother replied awkwardly.

"He can be like my brother," Andrea said, grinning excitedly. Her mother gave a soft smile. "I'll talk to him. And maybe he can. You go outside and play. But be careful about neighbors and anyone walking around."

"I will!" Andrea squealed, picking up Lucy from her cage and going outside.

"Ok. So i'm going to ask you some questions and maybe i'll let you stay for a while," Her mother said, turning to face the teen.

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