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Fantasy Behind Those Eyes (Always Open)

"Were you hurt bad?" Reed asks the girl as he watches her and Kai. Kai nuzzled her hand his eyes closed as he relaxes, his fir shimmering from inky black to dark purple then back. "Curfew is in effect, what are you guys doing out?" He asked curiously. He looked back down the street, the street lights were flickering and thunder clouds began to roll in ominously over the city.

Lavana noticed his suspicious glances behind her. "I didn't come with anyone. I'm pretty sure no one was following me either." She attempted to calm him down, walking into his office.

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Sorry if it took so long to reply @andujarprime ]]

"I was heading to Mowick to retrieve some parts for the factory back at Eredhen but..." Vivian stopped petting the wolf pup for a moment,"...I was captured by one of the government officials," She said in a reluctant tone and subconsciously placed a hand over her right eye. She recalled the moment where the contact lense she had used was being ripped away by the officer with his dark magic. The memory made her to bite her lower lip, knowing that her identity as a mix was already noted down on the list.

Arsen balled his hands into fists as he glared down at the ground. He hoped that it would not be the case, but it was rather obvious to him that Vivian has been caught. Arsen blamed himself for not being wary enough of his younger sister's well-being. "I should've checked on you first before coming here," he muttered, realizing how he was selfish of gathering information for the Banishments first before thinking about his family. He felt like he was becoming more like his father.
Alana bound up the steps of the train just as it began to pull away. She was egear to get home to a soft bed and warm food after a day of working in the mines. She was still a few stops away from londonwm so she leaned her head back and sighed, hoping to close her eyes and doze off. Just as she was getting drowsy she felt a little tug on her jacket. She reluctently opened her deep brown eyes and sighed looking down. What she saw was a little girl, maybe five, standing next to her. She had very red hair, one pink eye and one blue eye flecked with purple. She looked up at Alana, her eyes about to over flow with tears. Alana pulled her up on to her lap and asked worriedly "What's the matter honey?" The little girl began to cry and repiled "My mommies gone. She said she was goin to the bathroom and she never came back. Did she not love me?" Her voice was a bit hard to understand through her tears. Alana pulled out a mirrior and handed it to the little girl. "Do you see those wonderful eyes you have there honey? Well there were some very mean people who said that if your eye's weren't the same color, like mine, then you weren't supposed to be around people with the same colored eyes. Thats why your mom left you here. I'm sure she loved you, she just didn't want to risk getting punished." The little girl sniffled then wiped her eye's, the tears running out. "I'm not like your mom though. How about you come home with me tonight?" The girl sniffled once more then nodded. "Do you have a name? Or if not what should I call you?" She waited expectantly for an answer, hoping she had a fairly normal name. "My name's Lila. I'm five years old." As she said the five years old part she held up five fingers, splaying her hand out. They talked the rest of the way on the train back to Alana's aparment. As they walked back to her apartment she picked Lila up and hid her face on her shoulder. She was talking quietly to Lila when they passed by three people. One girl two boys, the girl appered to be petting a black wolf like creature and one of the boys had almost black wings although they could have been purple, it was too dark to tell. She approached them, looking for a hotel or someplace to stay for the night. When she reached them she questioned the more friendly looking girl. "Is there anywhere I could stay around here, where I wouldn't get a lot of attention from the government?" She lifted the very sleepy Lila's head showing off her blue purple and pink eyes.
"...But I'm alright for now," reassured Vivian as she glanced up at Reed with a sincere smile, "No worries," she then wiped off the dried blood that trailed down her right cheek with the back of her hand, though there are still a bit of it left. Arsen then placed his gloved hand on Vivian's shoulder from behind, as if gesturing that they have to leave soon. However, he spotted two figures heading towards them around the corner. The purple-wing then closed his eyes for a moment and took a deep breath, before reopening them with the left eye returning to it's faulty color of whole purple. He leaned down slightly and murmured a spell by his younger sister's ear, having done the same for her as her right eye turned grey to match the other. The probability of the two presences nearing them being a part of the reinforcements was likely, even though the one of them seemed to be a young child, yet Arsen remained wary and stood composed with his gaze averted else where and his hands in his pockets.

Vivian was about to stand up and bid farewell to both the wolf pup and it's owner after her brother hinted that they have to go, but instead she lifted up her gaze and turned to the source of another voice. She then met two sets of eyes, the first thing that caught her attention under the duskiness of the night. She observed the girls for a moment, greeted them with her usual amicable smile and responded, "I'm sure there's still such a place around here somewhere,"

Alana gazed at the small group in the dim light. She pointed to the purple wings eye's. "I haven't seen many purple eye's round here before, most go where duty calls. she also mentioned the girls eye's. "There aren't many grey eye's here either. What brings you to the city?" She also gestured to the black eye'd boy and asked "You live here don't you? This is the black city after all." She would look around then lean into the black eye'd boy and whisper "Are there any places around here that make colored contacts? I know they're illegal and all but I really need them."
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He closed the door behind her and walked over to his desk, sitting on it and staring at her, waiting to see what it was she wanted exactly. He ran a hand through his hair to get it out of his eyes.
"Green contacts. One, two, doesn't matter." Lavana said, sitting down in the chair in front of the desk and pulling out a wad of money.
Reed eyed the newcomers suspiciously, with a flick of his wrist the katana in hand was at the girls throat. "You should be careful who you talk to, and what you talk about. Especially here, where illegals are hunted." He said in a low cold voice, the katana vanished into shadow and he shrugged. "I have no need for them, sorry." He responded to her in a completely different tone. Thunder rolled through the sky as storm clouds continued to roll in. His wings shifted behind him and the wolf pup sat at his feet eyeing the two new people curiously. "You don't know what or who is hiding in the shadows, don't want the wrong ears picking up on what your saying do you?" He warned as he stepped back and leaned against the alley wall. There were other people slowly coming out of buildings, leaving work to head home before the storm. "Bring her closer into the alley, before someone sees her." He asked moving over along the wall, deeper into the alley. @ashlynn
She stepped into farther to the alley and replied "I doubt anyone who works in the government would be lurking in an alley way with two others. I know I need to be more careful but in this part of the city there are hardly ever any government workers. So I just assumed..." she trailed off.
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"She's a brown eye yet she's questioning us," Vivian looked at Arsen with a surprised expression on her face. She did not quite expect her brother to retort in such a way under his breath, though to her he did seem a little ragged with the hint of a restless frown evident on his lips. Arsen still had his attention averted else where, his gaze focused on the shadow figures moving about from a distance. He then turned to face Vivian and cocked his head to the side, motioning for them to head further into the alley. As they moved along Arsen glanced over at the two other strangers, more particularly on the female who was carrying the younger girl in her arms as she claimed that she could see through the spell Reed has made for his eye. Vivian merely gazed over at the child's fair wings in awe, good-naturedly commenting that they looked lovely in a hushed tone as if not wanting to disturb the little girl who seemed be falling asleep.

Arsen walked by Reed as he kept a watchful gaze over his sister and the other strangers ahead of them. He then questioned the black-wing, "The whole city isn't currently under heavy surveillance by the reinforcements?"

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Alana slipped her jacket off and laid it over Lila's back covering her wings and all of her . She then leaned in as Lila was talking in her sleep. She smiled forgetting her situation for a bit. She shivered slightly in the cold night air. She turned to the siblings and asked again "Are there any places around here that make colored contacts?"
"She seems quite lucky to be in your care," Said Vivian as she shifted her calm grey eyes from the child draped with the jacket to the older girl, "I know of someone who sells them, though I'm not really certain if he's still at the same place in this city," A vague image of the said male with long dark fringe and grey-feathered wings appeared in Vivian's mind. She had seen him once before, but never really interacted besides hastily buying some contacts. She then glanced over her shoulder to see if her brother or Reed might know of the guy's whereabouts. Arsen then quietly contemplated on it for a moment, a faint tinge of concern evident in his purple eyes as he gazed over at the child covered with the other stranger's jacket.

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((Umm, yeah I'm actually not ok with a brown seeing through my magic. Especially if it's strong enough that I'm working with government and they don't know.@ashlynn))

Reed shrugged. ""It's like I said, I have no use for them, and my job Doesn't really afford me the luxury of sight seeing. So no I don't known them. But I do know that if we don't get out of here soon , we'll have more to worry about
He shook his head stepping forward towards the entrance of the alley. The wolf pup growling as he rose to follow. "No, I mean she was already spotted and you were both marked"
Isn't that character from The Secret of Kells (your profile pic) ouo? @ashlynn ]]

With a sigh, Arsen grabbed hold of Vivian's wrist and headed towards the shadowed wall at his right. He decided to resort of another way to egress the city. Vivian almost stumbled on her feet as her brother abruptly dragged her towards the wall. She dubiously watched as Arsen outstretched his hand in front to the shade of the wall.

He uttered,"Adunato umbra(blended shadow)," Out of the shade in front of them loomed a figure of a man-sized panther, it's pale violet eyes illuminating in the dark as it faced Arsen. The crispiness of the air went intense around the pitch-black creature, it's long tail still connected to the wall behind it as if there was a void passage way on the other side.

Vivian's gaze widened as she laid her eyes on the familiar transporter, remembering how Arsen had summoned it for her to escape from the government orphanage some years back,"...We'll discreetly be heading South to Eredhen, where it's currently safer," said Vivian as she eyed Arsen for a moment then turned back to the others, "I think there's still a possibility where we could find the place in this city to retrieve some contacts,"
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(yeah it is, her name is Aslin)

Lila began to wake up rubbing her eyes. Alana stared fearfully at the panther. She began stepping out of the alley ever so slowly, not wanting the animals attention. She was about to take her final step out of the alley when she tripped over her feet and went crashing backwards to the ground. Her head hit the pavement with a ugly thawk and her eye's fluttered closed. Lila was crying again. She pointed at Alana worried and scared and most of all hungry and cold.
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The movie's pretty amazing, especially the animation -w- ]]

Arsen grunted slightly at the other's reaction, not exactly wanting to expect any more trouble than there already was. Foreign footsteps of what sounded to be a group could be heard close by, along with a faint yell before the footsteps got louder and nearer. He eyed the unconscious female then shifted his gaze to Reed, cocking his head towards the panther. "Quickly," Arsen said bluntly, wisps of violet smoke emitting from his lips as he spoke. The smoke then materialized itself into indigo-tinted iron daggers, which Arsen immediately swiped up in his hands as he hastily charged towards the troop and exited the alley in a flash.

Vivian softly wished for her brother's safety as he took off. She then shifted her solemn grey eyes on the wailing child and crouched down to her level, "She's going to be fine, so don't cry," Vivian assured the child as she carefully picked her up then placed her on the composed panther, "You wouldn't want her to see your tears when she wakes up now, do you?" She said in a in a soft tone as she gently wiped the child's tears with her thumb. Vivian turned to the unconscious girl and attempted to get her up, glancing at Reed and Kai for help.
Lila stopped wail but continued crying, not able to stop it now. There was a good sized rock lodged in the back of Alana's head and a small tear in her wing.
"Bah, Kai get her." He spoke in a low tone, the pup nodded and began moving towards the unconscious girl. His form began to blur as he grew larger, now bigger than the panther, two arms rose and extended out of the wolf's fur, picking the girl up gingerly and laying her across his back. The arms faded away as he moved towards the panther, Reed rushing out of the alley after Arsen, coming to his side as a troop of six patrol men skidded to a stop, guns and swords at the ready. Reed smirked dangerously, a black scimitar appearing in each hand. Seconds later they're both on fire as he rushes in slashing at the point man, left sword slash sideways at an angle knocking the gun down, right sword stabbing forward into the guards chest. A flash of anger and the guard is consumed in flames. Reed pulls the scimitar out of the guards chest and spins with the the same arm outstretched slicing another guards arm off right above the elbow. The other guards we're frozen in shock. They knew there was a siting, but they weren't prepared to deal with a fight. However that shock soon wore off.

<poor girls, the nights just started lol @SilentB34R @ashlynn>
Lila stared at the guards, the light refelcting off her one pink eye and the other blue eye. She ran up to them, about to ask them for help with Alana. She pointed to Alana, worried but too scared to say anything.
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Vivian gratefully thanked Kai, then got the brown-eyed girl on the panther with the wolf pup's help. She bit down on her lower lip as examined the girl's injuries from that fall, "She needs medical attention, fast-" she was then interrupted from her thoughts as she realized that the child descended from the panther and ran towards the reinforcement troop. Arsen merely knocked out two of the men, not wanting to shed too much blood unlike how Reed had done. Arsen had used only minor attacks with the poisoned daggers he chose, striking the short blades precisely at the guards' left shoulders from behind by swiftly dodging their attacks and spinning around to face their backs to get the job done. The effect of the daggers were enough to have the two men paralyzed as they lay motionless on the ground, their memories of that night would be erased due to the poison as they awake by dawn.

"Arsen!" He he heard Vivian yell just as he found the reason why she did so when he spotted the crying child from earlier running into the scene. Arsen's purple gaze widened at the naive little girl as she seemed to be asking for help from the guards. The remaining of the troop, consisting only of two black-winged men, stared incredulously at her while being momentarily distracted, focusing mainly on the fact that the child was a Diff.

One of the black-winged men glanced at his defeated comrades before him then finally at his opponents, a disgusted scowl forming on his lips while he spoke, "What's the meaning of this?"
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Reed gave a wicked smile as he flew at the questioning man. Beside him a void opened up, two long dark arms reaching through and pulling the small child in. Back in the alley on the other side of the void, Kai had a strong grip on the girl. He placed her atop his own back, holding the child while she squirmed. Reed steps once in front of the man, slashing at his left leg, the men stepped back, but not fast enough he realized when his lower leg was still planted on the ground. The man fell back with Reed crouched on top of him, scimitar plunged into his chest. He swung his sword out to catch the last guard trying to run. Cutting the back of his calf the man dropped to the ground. The scimitar disappeared as Reed closed his hands in a fist and the downed guard was in flames. He stood up slowly waving the last scimitar it dissipated into shadow. "No survivors, it's the only way I've been able to keep working both sides." He explains to Arsen making his way back to the alley as rain slowly begins to pour in the night. @ashlynn @SilentB34R
Arsen gazed stoically at those before him, eyes narrowed on those lives that were not spared. He reminisced of an event where his father had first demonstrated to him the 'art' of murder, something that he was taught against his will. The image of the small hands he had when he was younger appeared in mind, along with the sinister ringing through his ears when he realized that his hands back then were partially painted with his first victim's blood. "No survivors, it's the only way I've been able to keep working both sides," He heard Reed state, giving him yet another reason why he would never be in full alliance with the officials. Returning back to the alley as the flames behind them diminishes, Arsen watched blankly as his fair-feathered sister went over to the enlarged wolf in attempt to calm the kid down. He concluded that the other probably knew how to teleport with the way he had observed the wolf's movements, hence he carried on to the panther he had summoned.

"We're going to Eredhen," Vivian then looked over at Arsen, his dark wings facing her in the midst of him stepping into the portal he had set on the wall. The purple-eyed panther glanced over at the other then Vivian, as if waiting for her to get ready. Vivian mounted on the panther's back as she kept an eye on the unconscious reddish-brown winged lady. She turned to Reed and Kai, the wolf still holding onto the hesitating child who seemed to be struggling under it's grip. "Will you be coming with us..?"


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