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Fantasy Behind Those Eyes (Always Open)

Reed looked at Kai and the girl, then the other two. "Might as well, we're done here. Where in Eredhen are you headed?" He asks as a void tears through the air next to him. He reaches a hand in and pulls it wide enough for Kai to walk through. He steps partway into the void waiting for their response @ashlynn
Vivian glanced at where her brother had left off then answered Reed, "Most likely at the street from south of where the central factory is," she smiled sheepishly then continued, "You'll see it when we get there, it's not very hard to find when the town's not so packed," Vivian stroke her hand onto the panther's nape and looked into its eyes as she nodded for them to go.

The panther then faced in front moved on further into the portal along with the girls on its back. It strode into the darkness as the portal closes up behind them. Darkness enveloped their surroundings for the first few seconds until the panther's purple eyes shone while they carried on forward. Vivian could never get enough of how the travel never cease to amaze her, as it felt like the panther was walking on air when there was practically nothing underneath its claws. Besides the radiance of the panther's pale eyes shining faintly enough for them to see one another, though they seemed to be reaching the other end of the portal with the entrance of what seemed to be a glimpse of the grey city ahead.

Finally entering into the other end, they arrived in front of Vivian's small home, which appeared to be of a comfortable-looking cottage that was a bit further away from the other dispersed homes in front of it. It was naturally colder in Eredhen, which somewhat caused Vivian to shiver slightly as if she had forgotten about it after being away for a bit. The panther apparently had followed it's master's trail as Arsen stood by the doorstep of the house, shortly waiting for their arrival.
Reed nodded and entered the void. He gathered the girl into his arms lifting her. He placed a hand on her back and began humming to her, slowly soothing her as they walked on in pitch black. Several bits of reality suddenly floated before him. Each appeared like a lit window in the darkness. He thought of the factory vividness had mentioned. Thought of that area, South. He didn't know exactly which house but when he figured he was at the southernmost house, he stick his hand through the window and pulled it open with a tearing sound. He stepped through and onto the street just two houses away from where vivian and Arsen we're standing. "We're here child, you will be ok." He said in a low calming voice as he turned her around to see the rest of their company.
She calmed down, but was still crying a little bit because she was hungry and cold and scared. She struggled out of Reed's arms and ran over to Alana. She stared horrified at the rock in the back of her head and the hole in her wing. She reached into her pocket, pulling out bandages. She began to get busy trying to wrap Alana's wing up in it. A small black rat climbed out of Alana'a pocket and scurried over to her head.
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Reed raised an eyebrow in surprise as the girl began work on Alana's wing. He neared the rest of the group still watching the girl. "Your just full of surprises aren't you sweety" He said jn a light voice. There were nonthunderclouds here and the moon shone brightly enough to provide light for the girl to work.
Vivian watched the little girl. Even in tears, the child continued to aid the lady with the bandages she had. The sight did impress Vivian, how the child had knowledge on the basics, though she was afraid that wrapping it up in such a way might damage the structure of the wing. She then place a hand on the child's head and smiled at her, "Let's take her inside now, I have other medical supplies and necessities that could help older sister here. I hope that's alright with you, because both are in dire need of a proper rest," said Vivian as she got off the panther to pick the child up. Arsen quietly went over to the unconscious female. He placed an arm around her back, careful not to ruffle her wings whatsoever, and the other arm underneath her knees as he effortlessly lifted her up and carried her into the cottage with the radius top, wooden door opened. The panther walked off, disappearing instantly into wisps of violet smoke being blown with the cool breeze. His sister followed in afterwards as the light from inside of the cottage turns on and emits through the opened windows.

A bunch of books were scattered lying all over the orange-brown carpeted floor, along with a couple of partially empty shelves on majority of the faded, brown-brick walls of the living room. The ceiling was comprised with warm light bulbs, at least one in each room besides the living room where there was a fireplace filled with bits of jaded ashes and unused short logs of timber wood. In front of the fireplace sat a dark brown,box-pleat skirted sofa on the left with white pillows, a single red fabric armchair on the right. Arsen went over to the sofa, as he avoided stepping on the books around, then placed the unconscious girl there.
Lila looked at reed and arsen, a terrified look crossing her face. She pointed at them and looked at Vivian while saying "The nice men came to help! They were gonna help Alana and make her all better. But they killed them! They are bad men! Bad bad men!" She leans in to whisper to Vivian "I'm scared of them." A small fox kit peeked out from behind the sofa and made a pitiful sound.
Arsen noticed how the kid saw him and Reed as criminals, but his stoic expression did not falter. It did not faze him as he knew the kind of things he have done for his job, hurting the lives of others and getting rid of some. He silently left the room and went to the kitchen in search for some medical supplies from the top shelves.

Vivian glanced at Reed and the kitchen entrance, then smiled sympathetically as she set the child down by the sofa and answered her, "It might seem like they were the bad guys, but little did you know they were the ones who actually protected you and older sister here," she gestured to the lady on the couch while examining the injury at the back of her head.
Reed had walked in behind the froup, his hands behind his head as he stretched. He heard the child and saw the look on her face. Nothing new there, he felt a little bad for her and the rough awakening to the world she was already having. But pity didn't save lives, caution and decisive action were what helped. He shrugged as he turned away and began wandering around the house curiously, peeking out the windows every now and again. Kai following behind his childhood friend. "Poor kid" He muttered with a shrug. "How far across the city has the search gotten? I'm sure the curfew was put into effect almost immediately." He asked peeking out a window once more
Alana groaned and sat up quickly. Lila shrieked happily and ran over. Alana stared all around, confused. ''Where am I?" She groaned again and rubbed the back of her head and felt the rock there. A slightly horrified look crossed her face when she touched it. She let herself fall backwards. Lila leaned in to her ear and began jabbering quietly. Alana occasionally nodded her head or murmured something.
Reed poked his head out of the kitchen when he heard movement. He saw the brown girl sitting up now, and the small child whispering excitedly into her ear. "You alive over there?!" He asked curiously as Kai poked out between his legs then bounded over to the girl

@ashlynn @SilentB34R
He chuckled as he walked into the room, Kai following and jumping up onto the couch. "How's that rock fitting in? The way you were carrying a diff. Around in the black city one would think you really did have a rock for brains" He remarks sarcastically. "Haven't you been paying attention to the world around you? If any other blackwing caught you, it would be over for the girl, and for you.!!" He exclaimed clearly irritated by her naivete.
(We're both waiting on @rawr I'm scary @Lizzy so it's ok)


Daniel reaver](Sorry guys I never got a notif and life had happened) Daniel grabed the kit and nervously walked over to the girl then behind her "can you spread your wing" he asked softly as he looked at it [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/5418-lizzy/ said:
Alright. And you can go ahead and make a new char, I was thinking about it as well.)

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