Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

Jason frowns "You never wondered how he could find us without us needing to tell him where are?" he asks while carefully cutting open Dick's skin and he adds "Sorry if this is going to hurt, you'll thank me later" he says while carefully removing a small trackers and he scowls at it before he crushes it "There" he says as he puts it away and starts to clean the cut.

Rose nods "Which I understand, but I wasn't brought up like that, so it's weird, I can't really remember much from before the fire, the doctors said that it was the trauma that caused it, I know we lived in Central city and that we had a big house, but not much else, not even my parents their smile, well they're on the front page of the paper, but that's not the same as actually remembering" she explains.

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Dick watched Jason cut into his skin and his eyes widened when he saw the tracker and then Jason crushed it.
"The son of a bitch..."

He let Jason clean the cut and shook his head. "I can't believe... actually no. I can believe Bruce doing something like this."

How the hell hadn't heard cought onto it sooner? He always, deep down knew it was a possibility... he just wished it wasn't.
"You think Barb has one?"

If she did... Bruce could have stopped her from being shot... hell he could have stopped Jason from being killed!!!
His jawline tighten just thinking about it. He was seriously ready to hurt Bruce.

Alfred smiled softly as he washed up the last dish.
"Alright then... Rose."

It felt so strange for the old man not to address someone in the proper manner... but he knew after Rose had explained it, it felt proper for her to be just called by her name.
"We often forget the things we thought we would never forget from our loved ones, but one thing will always remain... the love we have for them."
He gave her a soft smile and finished washing the dishes.
"I'll find out tomorrow" Jason says "And you never thought of it?" he asks, well he knew the feeling, not wanting to acknowledge the fact Bruce felt the need to put a tracker in all of them, just to keep them safe, while really, it's an invasion of privacy, Bruce would know where they are at all time, which was reassuring and creepy at the same time "In my case the tracker was damaged when I was revived and Talia had to remove it because it was giving off sparks, but yes, he technically could have prevented me from being killed".

Rose gives him a smile "I know, but I'd like to at least remember their smiles" she says "Could you maybe..." she trails off and takes a picture from her jacket pocket "Have this printed in a bigger format?" she asks showing the picture "It's eh, a family picture from when I was five and it's the last one they ever took" she says, behind her on the picture, are her parents and she has several cousins she never speaks to anymore, but they were probably put in the system or something.

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Lily lay there asleep on the floor near the door of her room
Bruce frowned when he suddenly heard interference come through his earpiece and then felt a bit more relaxed when he head Tim's voice.

"Batman? I'm right outside if you want to tag this guy. If not I can follow him?"
Tim was outside have hacked into the drone that Barbara sent and was watching this new sword guy with the drone as he sat up on one of the nearby rooftops.
He hovered the drone above the building using it's the heat signatures to watch Bruce and the other new guy.

Bruce did a very subtle hand gesture, telling Tim to follow him. Knowing he would do that with the drone.

"Okay, following with drone."
Tim started following him with the drone, making sure to leave enough space so the guy wouldn't see or hear it.

Hitokiri jumped from roof to roof with his wire until reaching a crowded avenue of Gotham downtown. He covered his head with the hood of his trenchcoat to hide his face, and climbed down through a fire escape ladder and walked to the subway station, trying to lose himself among the crowd.

He was worried about the attack he had just survived, one of his many enemies had located his position and set a trap that would have killed an ordinary human being. How they located him? And who was behind the attack? He though it couldn't be Batman because the bomb was meant to kill him and Gotham knight didn't kill.
"I'll find out tomorrow" Jason says "And you never thought of it?" he asks, well he knew the feeling, not wanting to acknowledge the fact Bruce felt the need to put a tracker in all of them, just to keep them safe, while really, it's an invasion of privacy, Bruce would know where they are at all time, which was reassuring and creepy at the same time "In my case the tracker was damaged when I was revived and Talia had to remove it because it was giving off sparks, but yes, he technically could have prevented me from being killed".

Rose gives him a smile "I know, but I'd like to at least remember their smiles" she says "Could you maybe..." she trails off and takes a picture from her jacket pocket "Have this printed in a bigger format?" she asks showing the picture "It's eh, a family picture from when I was five and it's the last one they ever took" she says, behind her on the picture, are her parents and she has several cousins she never speaks to anymore, but they were probably put in the system or something.

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Dick shook his head and frowned deeply.
Bruce had always in a way been super protective of all of them... but chiping them like dogs was going over board. No wonder Bruce always insisted of them to take the private jet. If they had walked through a metal detector it would have gone off everytime one of the kids walked through one.

He looked up at Jason and gave him a very faint smile.
"He's never been a saint I suppose... we all knew that, even as kids."

He rand a hand through his hair and glanced over at the fireplace.
"I wish he would just talk about what the hell went on that night... he's never spoken about it, you know?"

Alfred smiled softly as he gently took the photo and looked down at it.
He was going to make sure he got this done properly for her... and he knew just who to do it.
"I will make it my top priority in the morning Mis-" he stopped himself from saying it. "Rose."
Lily still lay asleep of the floor of her room by the door her stomach growling

Crystal mentally trying to wake her
Hitokiri jumped from roof to roof with his wire until reaching a crowded avenue of Gotham downtown. He covered his head with the hood of his trenchcoat to hide his face, and climbed down through a fire escape ladder and walked to the subway station, trying to lose himself among the crowd.

He was worried about the attack he had just survived, one of his many enemies had located his position and set a trap that would have killed an ordinary human being. How they located him? And who was behind the attack? He though it couldn't be Batman because the bomb was meant to kill him and Gotham knight didn't kill.

Tim followed him like a hawk with the drone and then felt a presence behind him... a dark presence.

"So he's headed north-east." Batman's voice broke the silence that Tim was ever so enjoying.

"Yeah he is... you know the guy moves pretty quickly and is obviously trained well... think he is a LOA?"
Tim glanced up at Bruce and smiled slightly.

Bruce sat down beside Tim and gently put his arm around his adopted son's shoulders.
"I don't think so... but he could be something like the LOA... but I have a feeling this one isn't."

Tim smiled back down as he continued to follow the guy. Feeling like Bruce was actually starting to humanise himself once again.
Tim had often noticed Bruce doing things like this. It would build up with Bruce almost showing now emotions even to Alfred and then suddenly he would crack and a soft side would emerge from the older man.
It was obvious Bruce had no idea how to correctly show emotions like a normal person... but Bruce was clearly not a normal person.
"What night?" Jason asks, though he's sure Dick"s referring to the night he died, it wasn't fun and he'd rather not remember, but it would only be fair "If you mean the night I died, I'll tell both you and Barbara torrow, she deserves to know after what happened to her" he says.

"Thank you Alfred" Rose says and she want to head upstairs "I just realized I have no idea where my room is, can you show me?" she asks, she feels stupid she didn't ask that sooner, but it's been a hectic day.

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"What night?" Jason asks, though he's sure Dick"s referring to the night he died, it wasn't fun and he'd rather not remember, but it would only be fair "If you mean the night I died, I'll tell both you and Barbara torrow, she deserves to know after what happened to her" he says.

"Thank you Alfred" Rose says and she want to head upstairs "I just realized I have no idea where my room is, can you show me?" she asks, she feels stupid she didn't ask that sooner, but it's been a hectic day.

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"What night?" Jason asks, though he's sure Dick"s referring to the night he died, it wasn't fun and he'd rather not remember, but it would only be fair "If you mean the night I died, I'll tell both you and Barbara torrow, she deserves to know after what happened to her" he says.

"Thank you Alfred" Rose says and she want to head upstairs "I just realized I have no idea where my room is, can you show me?" she asks, she feels stupid she didn't ask that sooner, but it's been a hectic day.

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Dick sighed softly and nodded. "Yeah... but we won't want you to talk about it if you don't feel like you can..."

He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed softly.
"You should really get some sleep, Jay."

Alfred laughed softly. "How rude of me.... ofcourse."
Alfred gently put the photo away into a box in his pantry where he knew no one would look.

He smiled softly as he started to lead the way up the hall and past Lily and Barbara's room, opening a beautiful and very well designed room.
"I hope it's alright."
"It's nice, thank you" Rose says "Goodnight Alfred", she digs through her bag and finds some sleep clothes, maybe she could take a shower before getting some sleep.

"It's fine, but I fear you will kill the Joker again if you know, or beat up Bruce" Jason says with a sigh, he hesitates though "Could you... stay with me?" he asks "You don't have to or anything, but since I came back to Gotham I've been having nightmares", he doesn't need to specify about what.

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Dick sighed softly and nodded. "Yeah... but we won't want you to talk about it if you don't feel like you can..."

He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed softly.
"You should really get some sleep, Jay."

Alfred laughed softly. "How rude of me.... ofcourse."
Alfred gently put the photo away into a box in his pantry where he knew no one would look.

He smiled softly as he started to lead the way up the hall and past Lily and Barbara's room, opening a beautiful and very well designed room.
"I hope it's alright."
Lily slept on the floor of her room near door stomach growling, start to snore a bit

Ace has just caught lily wolf scent thinking that its a rogue wolf wanting to attack the family he sniff around upstairs then stop at lily door growling
@Miasmith17 Flame Demon Flame Demon

Dick was a little taken back by Jason wanting him to stay with him, but Dick wasn't going to let Jason have to face his demons alone... not anymore.

He stood up and slipped his arm around Jason's shoulder and smiled very softly at him. "Who's room are we bunking in then? Mine or yours."


Once Alfred had shown Rose to her room he started to walk down the hall and saw Ace growling at Lily's closed door.
He raised an eyebrow at the dog and gave him the hand command to sit and wait.

Once the dog obeyed him, he gently knocked on the door.
"Miss Lily?"

When there was no reply he knocking one again before opening the door to see if she was alright.

He sighed softly when he saw she had fallen asleep on the floor and tutted softly.
It was typical for someone in the family to fall asleep randomly... but it was more so Master Tim that did that.

He gently picked up Lily and placed her gently into her bed and tucked her into the soft blankets.
When would children learn these days that sleeping on the floor was not an appropriate place to spend the night.

Once she was in bed she silently walked out and turned off the lights as he closed the door.

He began to walk back down the hallway to finish his cup of Irish tea, before he too would call it a night.
@Miasmith17 Flame Demon Flame Demon

Dick was a little taken back by Jason wanting him to stay with him, but Dick wasn't going to let Jason have to face his demons alone... not anymore.

He stood up and slipped his arm around Jason's shoulder and smiled very softly at him. "Who's room are we bunking in then? Mine or yours."


Once Alfred had shown Rose to her room he started to walk down the hall and saw Ace growling at Lily's closed door.
He raised an eyebrow at the dog and gave him the hand command to sit and wait.

Once the dog obeyed him, he gently knocked on the door.
"Miss Lily?"

When there was no reply he knocking one again before opening the door to see if she was alright.

He sighed softly when he saw she had fallen asleep on the floor and tutted softly.
It was typical for someone in the family to fall asleep randomly... but it was more so Master Tim that did that.

He gently picked up Lily and placed her gently into her bed and tucked her into the soft blankets.
When would children learn these days that sleeping on the floor was not an appropriate place to spend the night.

Once she was in bed she silently walked out and turned off the lights as he closed the door.

He began to walk back down the hallway to finish his cup of Irish tea, before he too would call it a night.
Lily sleeps in the bed still starving, but she would probably wake up near midnight to get food once anesthetics wear off

She turn over in the bed muttering in her sleep
Rose takes a quick shower before getting in bed and she sighs, it was a huge improvement from her grandparent's house, she looks at her phone and sees a text from an unknown number, so she checks it, Rose groans and puts her phone under her pillow, but a ping makes her check again
Tomorrow at noon, either you or your grandparents die little Rosie and I will know when you bring a weapon
Top of GCPD

Now Rose is wondering just how much of an idiot her uncle is, she actually works there, true she didn't usually make it a habit to visit on her free days, but she could do with shooting practice, so after a moment of deciding who to tell she texts Bruce with a simple text saying 'Tomorrow noon, rooftop of GCPD, my uncle threatened to kill me, do NOT stop me if I have to kill him in self defense and do not, under any circumstances tell Dick, he needs to take it easy'.

Now that that's done she tries to get some sleep while also thinking on what Alfred said, it was hard to pick between her family company and her police work, she's not even sure she wants to continue what it was before "I'll figure everything out tomorrow" she thinks as she falls asleep.
Jason chuckles "My room? Since we're here anyway" he says "Just let me get some clothes to sleep in, I need to got shopping tomorrow, I doubt anything I have in the closet actually..." he trails off when he opens the closet and he blinks confused, it seems that when he was taking a well deserved nap Alfred put his stuff away and put some of Bruce's old shirts in it "Okay, did I mention we'd all be lost without Alfred?" he asks.

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Rose takes a quick shower before getting in bed and she sighs, it was a huge improvement from her grandparent's house, she looks at her phone and sees a text from an unknown number, so she checks it, Rose groans and puts her phone under her pillow, but a ping makes her check again
Tomorrow at noon, either you or your grandparents die little Rosie and I will know when you bring a weapon
Top of GCPD

Now Rose is wondering just how much of an idiot her uncle is, she actually works there, true she didn't usually make it a habit to visit on her free days, but she could do with shooting practice, so after a moment of deciding who to tell she texts Bruce with a simple text saying 'Tomorrow noon, rooftop of GCPD, my uncle threatened to kill me, do NOT stop me if I have to kill him in self defense and do not, under any circumstances tell Dick, he needs to take it easy'.

Now that that's done she tries to get some sleep while also thinking on what Alfred said, it was hard to pick between her family company and her police work, she's not even sure she wants to continue what it was before "I'll figure everything out tomorrow" she thinks as she falls asleep.
Jason chuckles "My room? Since we're here anyway" he says "Just let me get some clothes to sleep in, I need to got shopping tomorrow, I doubt anything I have in the closet actually..." he trails off when he opens the closet and he blinks confused, it seems that when he was taking a well deserved nap Alfred put his stuff away and put some of Bruce's old shirts in it "Okay, did I mention we'd all be lost without Alfred?" he asks.

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Dick looked around the room and smiled as he walked over to the bed and let his body collapse into the bed.

His smile dropped as he thought about one of the times he had slept it this room.
It would have had to have been the night of the funeral and he walked past Jay's old room to hear sobbing coming from the room.
That was when he remembered opening the door to find a sobbing Barbara Gordon clinging and crying into Jason's pillow.

That night was one of the most heart braking nights he had ever had.
He remembered not leaving Barb's side and pulling her into a tight embrace.
He didn't say a word and neither did she. The two of them just cried together and clung to each other. Wishing for Jason to come home.
They had fallen asleep together in there funeral clothes and he was glad no one had asked any questions... Alfred and Bruce just knew that Dick and Barb weren't coping well with Jay's death.

Dick had often walked past Jason's room that night and opened the door to see Barb fast asleep in Jay's old bed. She had often cried herself to sleep in Jay's room, after he died.
And although Dick hadn't told anyone... he had done the same on a few occasions.

Dick stared up at the ceiling and smiled ever so softly.
"Yeah... I don't know how this household would work without him..."
Elendra smiled very softly as she stood beside Damian as he tried to take the money out, in the airport of Gotham, only to find out his card had been cancelled.

She grinned over at him with her gray duffle bag over her shoulder and white, blonde hair tied up in a ponytail.
"Looks like we have to do it my way."

She put her duffle bag down and started to walk through the crowd.
As she weaved her way through the people she pick pocketed as many wallets and money she could get her hands on. It was a smorgasbord for her. So many innocent people to take advantage off, it was almost cute.

She walked back to Damian and gave him a glowing smile. "Don't need rich Daddy when you have friends like me."
She pulled out hundreds of dollars from out of her hoodie pocket and then put it back in.
"And that was made all in under 10 minutes.... think of what I could do in an hour."
Damian looks at her quizzically

"Were did you get that money?"
Jason sighs "Yes we'd fall apart without him" he says changing out of his clothes and into some sweatpants and he decides to sleep without a shirt, cause why not and he drags the covers over them "Sorry in advance if I wake you up" he mumbles snuggling against his older brother before his body finally registers how long he has been awake exactly and he falls asleep easily.

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Damian looks at her quizzically

"Were did you get that money?"

"It's probably better off you don't know..."
Elendra smiled and started walked up to the main office where you could buy plain tickets.
Putting enough money down to pay for two tickets.
"I need two tickets for the Caribbean, please."

The woman from behind the counter looked up at her as she chewed on some chewing gum and still holding her romance novel.
"Sure... are you kids running away or something?"

Elendra nodded and faked a smile.
"Ofcourse. We wish to be married but our parents refuse to allow us to marry due to our age. So we've done some research and found out there is a village in the Caribbean where they allow people our age to be married. I wish my mother could be there... but if she could only see past a mer number and let us be together. But this isn't the way..."
Tears filled Elendra's eyes as she spoke.
"So yes... we're running away... but it's only for love. We're even using our life savings for this trip... this money is all we have."

The woman put down her novel and handed Elendra some tissues. "Honey... most kids around here are in prison or doing drugs... you're parents should be proud of the beautiful woman you are becoming and that you are only wanting to marry the one you love."
She gave her, her tickets and noted with a tear in her eyes.
"Congratulations, you two are going to be a beautiful couple."

Elendra nodded as she wiped her tears away. "Thank you.... thank you so much."

She walked away holding the tickets and grinned from ear to ear. It was a long shot, but damn... she was that good that, that lie even worked.

She walked back up to Damian and whispered. "Mess this up for me and I will stab you. "

She pressed a kiss on his cheek knowing that the woman was still watching them and was now crying as she watched the "young couple" take their first steps to happiness.
Jason sighs "Yes we'd fall apart without him" he says changing out of his clothes and into some sweatpants and he decides to sleep without a shirt, cause why not and he drags the covers over them "Sorry in advance if I wake you up" he mumbles snuggling against his older brother before his body finally registers how long he has been awake exactly and he falls asleep easily.

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Dick pulled his brother close and closed his eyes. He knew most people would see this behaviour as weird, but for Dick it was far from that. It was perfect.
He had his brother back and that was all that mattered. Whatever demons Jason was to face now he wouldn't be alone.

Dick kissed the top of his brother's head before he allowed himself to fall asleep.
Barbara's eyes snapped open as she glassed for air.
Her hands quickly grabbed onto the sides of the tub and she pulled herself up out of the water.
Crap! She was dreaming she was drowning, but she had fallen asleep in the stupid bath tub!

She glanced down at her hands and saw how wrinkly the had become.
It was obvious she had only been sleeping for about 10 minutes, but that was beside the point.
With shaking arms she put a towel over her wheelchair and then pulled herself out of the water and into her chair.
She wrapped herself in the towel and just sat there for a moment staring at the bathtub.
The dream she had she didn't want to remember or recall.

But she knew it was something about being shot and then falling off Gotham bridge into the river.

She hugged herself in the soft green towel before she decided that dwelling on the past wasn't going to help her in the now.
And now she needed to get into her pjs and go to bed.

She wheeled herself into her room, dried herself before putting on a cute pare of short pink pjs and towel drying her red hair with another towel.

She called under the covers of her bed and sighed softly as she hugged a pillow.
She closed her eyes willing herself to go to sleep and then finally started to breathe slowly as her body relaxed into a deep sleep.
after awhile lily start to wake up and stretch realizing she is in the bed

crystal mentally spoke to her:'alfred put you in the bed while u were out.....'

she thank crystal mentally and start to head downstairs slowly, her legs still half asleep but stomach starving.....

even crystal was hungry but knew to wait first
meanwhile the men in white entered a bar on the darker criminal/homeless side of gotham looking for some criminals to hire and help out
"It's probably better off you don't know..."
Elendra smiled and started walked up to the main office where you could buy plain tickets.
Putting enough money down to pay for two tickets.
"I need two tickets for the Caribbean, please."

The woman from behind the counter looked up at her as she chewed on some chewing gum and still holding her romance novel.
"Sure... are you kids running away or something?"

Elendra nodded and faked a smile.
"Ofcourse. We wish to be married but our parents refuse to allow us to marry due to our age. So we've done some research and found out there is a village in the Caribbean where they allow people our age to be married. I wish my mother could be there... but if she could only see past a mer number and let us be together. But this isn't the way..."
Tears filled Elendra's eyes as she spoke.
"So yes... we're running away... but it's only for love. We're even using our life savings for this trip... this money is all we have."

The woman put down her novel and handed Elendra some tissues. "Honey... most kids around here are in prison or doing drugs... you're parents should be proud of the beautiful woman you are becoming and that you are only wanting to marry the one you love."
She gave her, her tickets and noted with a tear in her eyes.
"Congratulations, you two are going to be a beautiful couple."

Elendra nodded as she wiped her tears away. "Thank you.... thank you so much."

She walked away holding the tickets and grinned from ear to ear. It was a long shot, but damn... she was that good that, that lie even worked.

She walked back up to Damian and whispered. "Mess this up for me and I will stab you. "

She pressed a kiss on his cheek knowing that the woman was still watching them and was now crying as she watched the "young couple" take their first steps to happiness.
Damian is surprised of how deceitful she is, and was thrown off by the kiss but he didnt mind be actually welcomed it.

"I hope you wont be this deceitful after we get married."

As Damian is walking with her, he pulls out his phone wondering if he should call his family...just incase something goes bad. He has Dicks number pull up on the screen of his phone his thumb hivers over the call button, but cancels it and put his phone back in his pocket.
Damian is surprised of how deceitful she is, and was thrown off by the kiss but he didnt mind be actually welcomed it.

"I hope you wont be this deceitful after we get married."

As Damian is walking with her, he pulls out his phone wondering if he should call his family...just incase something goes bad. He has Dicks number pull up on the screen of his phone his thumb hivers over the call button, but cancels it and put his phone back in his pocket.

Elendra's grin turned into a cheeky smile as she walked beside Damian.

"I'll remember to put it in my vows." She gave him a wink before sitting down on one of the airport chairs knowing full and well they where going to have to he waiting a few hours for their fight.

She glanced down at Damian's phone and smiled very slightly. She had often wondered what it would be like to have siblings and well... a family. Yes she did have her father before he was executed, but he still wasn't what you would call loving in any way.

She glanced up at Damian to look at his face and then back at his phone, that he had dismissed and put back away.
She then looked back up into his eyes and pressed her lips together.
"I'm probably the last person who has any right to tell you this.... but if I had family... I would want to talk to them... but I understand why your not... but... having someone who cares for you is a rare treasure to have."
She looked away from him and down at her hands.
It certainly wasn't a treasure she had ever possessed.... but one day...
What was she thinking. Someone like her would never gain such a jewel.
Tim followed him like a hawk with the drone and then felt a presence behind him... a dark presence.

"So he's headed north-east." Batman's voice broke the silence that Tim was ever so enjoying.

"Yeah he is... you know the guy moves pretty quickly and is obviously trained well... think he is a LOA?"
Tim glanced up at Bruce and smiled slightly.

Bruce sat down beside Tim and gently put his arm around his adopted son's shoulders.
"I don't think so... but he could be something like the LOA... but I have a feeling this one isn't."

Tim smiled back down as he continued to follow the guy. Feeling like Bruce was actually starting to humanise himself once again.
Tim had often noticed Bruce doing things like this. It would build up with Bruce almost showing now emotions even to Alfred and then suddenly he would crack and a soft side would emerge from the older man.
It was obvious Bruce had no idea how to correctly show emotions like a normal person... but Bruce was clearly not a normal person.

Hitokiri melt himself with the crowd of the subway station, he took one subway train, but jumped in the middle of the travel, apparently in the middle of the nowhere, but a crack in the wall led to a labrynth of hallways in the abandoned subway lines of Gotham.

There, deep underground, where sonars and other devices couldn't locate him, he reached the warehouse basement that served as a base for Mr. Freeze and him. Freeze was working on a desk and didn't care much about his partner, Hitokiri approached to him. He was worried it was Mr. Freeze who had leaked out his location to his enemies.

"I was attacked today, did you tell anybody about my arrival to Gotham?" he asked plainly to Freeze, who turned his head to him, the seasoned criminal feared that a sentence like that could be followed by an agression of a resented partner. Instead he only saw Hitokiri, whose eyes were a purple light, replying "It's okay, I see it wasn't you. I hope you don't mind if I speak to your henchmen".

"Do you expect someone is going to confess something like that?" replied Mr. Feeze with a cold scorn, "They can't lie to me either. Anyway, prepare yourself we have to hurry up with our plans"
Hitokiri melt himself with the crowd of the subway station, he took one subway train, but jumped in the middle of the travel, apparently in the middle of the nowhere, but a crack in the wall led to a labrynth of hallways in the abandoned subway lines of Gotham.

There, deep underground, where sonars and other devices couldn't locate him, he reached the warehouse basement that served as a base for Mr. Freeze and him. Freeze was working on a desk and didn't care much about his partner, Hitokiri approached to him. He was worried it was Mr. Freeze who had leaked out his location to his enemies.

"I was attacked today, did you tell anybody about my arrival to Gotham?" he asked plainly to Freeze, who turned his head to him, the seasoned criminal feared that a sentence like that could be followed by an agression of a resented partner. Instead he only saw Hitokiri, whose eyes were a purple light, replying "It's okay, I see it wasn't you. I hope you don't mind if I speak to your henchmen".

"Do you expect someone is going to confess something like that?" replied Mr. Feeze with a cold scorn, "They can't lie to me either. Anyway, prepare yourself we have to hurry up with our plans"

Tim frowned when he lost the guys heat signature and swore under his breath.
"We freaking lost him!"

He pressed the home button command for the drone to go back to the Batcave.

"Sorry, Bruce." Tim was tired... well over tired, infact he couldn't actually remember the last time he slept.
He rubbed his eyes and new he could push himself further.

Bruce sighed softly as he saw Tim start to sway. Typical Tim. Always pushing himself even when his body was trying to give up.
Bruce picked up Tim in his protective arms and started to carry the half asleep boy back to the batmobil.

"I can... we have his head signature... we could..."

Bruce interrupted Tim's rambling.
"We could call it a night. It's 3 in the morning and you look like you haven't slept in weeks."

Bruce smiled ever so slightly when Tim gave into sleep. Knowing the kid he probably hadn't slept in weeks. He often wondered if the kid's heart would give out on him from all the energy drinks, but some how Tim just kept going.

He gently put Tim into the passage side of the car and then got into the drivers side.
"Let's get you home, kid."

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