Batfamily rp: the bat, robins and archer

Jason looks at Dick "Talk" he says, his good mood gone "And I want honesty Dick, what the hell happened after I died?" he asks "And by the way, Red doesn't suit you". He hoped he would get honest answers "How is the Joker still walking around?" he asks.

"You're taking it easy tomorrow" Rose calls after him before she sighs "Is he always like that?" she asks looking at Alfred after sitting back down "Because if he is he needs to take better care of himself".

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Dick sighed and flopped down into a comfortable lounge.
He closed his eyes for a moment just taking time to think on Jason's question.
"Everything turned to shit after you died... Bruce and I both lots it a bit back there... we would do nothing but argue... Barb had become the glue that held us together. Then Tim discovered who Bruce and I were. Bruce took him in as the next Robin..."
He pressed his lips together.

"After you died... Joker did the smart thing about going in hiding... that was until he came out from under his rock and kidnapped Tim... well Robin."

He looked at the fireplace and his deep brown eyes started to fill with tears of regret... regret for what he did... and regret for not making sure Bruce stayed away.

"That night I found Tim before Bruce did... all it took me was ten minutes... Tim was freed and Joker..."
He stopped and pressed his lips together before continuing as his hands started to shake.

"Joker had a crowbar. I got my hands on it... and I just kept hitting him with it."
His deep brown eyes started to get a darkness about them.

"I wanted him to feel the pain he had put you through... I wanted him dead... so I killed him..."
He looked up at Jason with no emotion or expression on his face or in his eyes.
"I killed the Joker."

Alfred sighed softly and sat down with his Irish Tea.
He looked over at Rose and smiled sadly.
"Unfortunately... Master Dick learned from the best on how to always put his own self and health last."
"I'd hug you for that, if he actually stayed dead" Jason comments dryly "You did something Batman wouldn't because of his moral code" he says "So I'm proud of you for that, trust me, if I see the clown I'm putting a bullet in his spine for doing that to Barbara".

Jason's being casual about the whole thing, but he's actually really happy someone did avenge him, he's also confused "So if you killed him... who brought him back to life?"

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"I'd hug you for that, if he actually stayed dead" Jason comments dryly "You did something Batman wouldn't because of his moral code" he says "So I'm proud of you for that, trust me, if I see the clown I'm putting a bullet in his spine for doing that to Barbara".

Jason's being casual about the whole thing, but he's actually really happy someone did avenge him, he's also confused "So if you killed him... who brought him back to life?"

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"I'm not going to stand in your way when you take your shot at him."
Dick's heart almost stopped when Jason asked who.
He was only going to he able to say the truth to him. He knew it was going to drive an even further wedge between him and Bruce... but Jason deserved to know. He deserved to know why Joker was still walking around.
His eyes flooded back with all sorts of emotions and he looked into Jason's eyes.
"Bruce did... he did it so I wouldn't have blood on my hands..."
Lily continue to put the cream on her back in her bathroom, she finished and notice the two worms squirming trying to bite her scar wound bit of black old dead skin around it, cream covered back

She frown, not wanting to bring anyone into this mess but realize it was the only option as the second worm looked bigger than last time and thats not a good sign as she doesnt want it having babies to destroy her back more

She pull shirt down and walk over to her door opening it after unlocking it.

Lily immediatly notice barbra wheeling over to her room and whisper:"um barbra, is this a good time to talk?"

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Jason just stares at his brother with a blank expression as he tries to think if he heard him correctly "Bruce brought him back to life?" he asks "How could he?!", of course Bruce Wayne aka fucking Batman brings his worst enemy back to life, one who nearly killed two Robins and shot Batgirl "What the hell was he thinking?!", he's glad he doesn't have any of his weapons on him because that would end up in a disaster.

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Lily continue to put the cream on her back in her bathroom, she finished and notice the two worms squirming trying to bite her scar wound bit of black old dead skin around it, cream covered back

She frown, not wanting to bring anyone into this mess but realize it was the only option as the second worm looked bigger than last time and thats not a good sign as she doesnt want it having babies to destroy her back more

She pull shirt down and walk over to her door opening it after unlocking it.

Lily immediatly notice barbra wheeling over to her room and whisper:"um barbra, is this a good time to talk?"

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Barb looked over at Lily and gave her a warm smile. Well this was a nice change, Lily actually wanted to talk.

She wheeled herself to Lily's door and lowered her voice.
"Yeah it's fine, Lil. What's up?"

She was actually glad that Lily was starting to talk to the family. It ment that they would be able to protect her more and find out the truth behind the men in white.
Jason just stares at his brother with a blank expression as he tries to think if he heard him correctly "Bruce brought him back to life?" he asks "How could he?!", of course Bruce Wayne aka fucking Batman brings his worst enemy back to life, one who nearly killed two Robins and shot Batgirl "What the hell was he thinking?!", he's glad he doesn't have any of his weapons on him because that would end up in a disaster.

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Dick sighed and shook his head. "I don't know, Jay... all I know is at the time Bruce kept telling me 'this isn't your fight. You can't have any blood on your hands.'
But it was my fight... the moment Joker started hurting you... it became my fight."

He closed his eyes and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"I don't know why he did it... but he did."
Barb looked over at Lily and gave her a warm smile. Well this was a nice change, Lily actually wanted to talk.

She wheeled herself to Lily's door and lowered her voice.
"Yeah it's fine, Lil. What's up?"

She was actually glad that Lily was starting to talk to the family. It ment that they would be able to protect her more and find out the truth behind the men in white.
Lily look to make sure no one else was around then asked her:"i need some help, i would ask tim but he left to go help bruce...i need you to pull something out...."

Crystal mentally speaking:'lily this might be a bad idea and put you back on the family radar....'
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Lily look to make sure no one else was around then asked her:"i need some help, i would ask tim but he left to go help bruce...i need you to pull something out...."

Crystal mentally speaking:'lily this might be a bad idea and put you back on the family radar....'
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Barb smiled softly and nodded.
Lily was finally trusting people with helping her! This was fantastic progress.
"Sure, Lil. What is it?"

It was obvious it was something that the girl found imbarracing, but whatever it was Barb was sure it couldn't be that bad.
Barb smiled softly and nodded.
Lily was finally trusting people with helping her! This was fantastic progress.
"Sure, Lil. What is it?"

It was obvious it was something that the girl found imbarracing, but whatever it was Barb was sure it couldn't be that bad.
Lily blush and then open the door more:"i rather just show it then explain...."

She let her in then once barbra enter she close the door, starting to roll up her shirt
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Lily blush and then open the door more:"i rather just show it then explain...."

She let her in then once barbra enter she close the door, starting to roll up her shirt
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Barb wheeled herself in, but started to immediately regret her decision as soon as she saw the state of Lily's back.

Her eyes widened and she swore under her breath.
"Lily! How long has it been like this?"

She was clearly worried as she wheeled herself over to Alfred's secret cupboard of first aid equipment and medicine.
As soon as it opened, she quietly slipped some sterile gloves on, a face shield and mask and a surgical apron.

Her stomach turned slightly but she forced the feeling away. Right now wasn't the time for that. She had to fix this issue.
Barb wheeled herself in, but started to immediately regret her decision as soon as she saw the state of Lily's back.

Her eyes widened and she swore under her breath.
"Lily! How long has it been like this?"

She was clearly worried as she wheeled herself over to Alfred's secret cupboard of first aid equipment and medicine.
As soon as it opened, she quietly slipped some sterile gloves on, a face shield and mask and a surgical apron.

Her stomach turned slightly but she forced the feeling away. Right now wasn't the time for that. She had to fix this issue.
Lily notice her worry and look down:"if you mean the worms few months, if you mean the back condition then years....."

She heard her putting on the glooves and serveral other things, probably didnt like this as much as she doesnt.
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Jason groans "It's his fight, but he doesn't seem to want to do anything about it all, what would he have done if Tim was killed?" he asks "And if he wanted to claim it's not your fight he never should have made you Robin" he adds, Bruce made no sense sometimes, but Batman made no sense most of the time.

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Lily notice her worry and look down:"if you mean the worms few months, if you mean the back condition then years....."

She heard her putting on the glooves and serveral other things, probably didnt like this as much as she doesnt.
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"Okay... ummm... well we have to get rid of those... things inside you and then... we have to get rid of the rotten flesh and then clean everything and..."
She stopped. Lily was going to need a hell of a lot of local anaesthetic for this job.

She quickly put all the supplies she would need and sat them all on the coffee table beside the lounge.

"You're going to need to lay on the lounge and you might fall asleep from the amount of local anaesthetic I'm going to give you, but you might not... this is going to take a while and you're going to really feel it tomorrow, but that rotten flesh has to come out, Lil. It can't stay there."

She took a couple of slow breaths and as soon as Lil laid down, Barb started gave her the local anaesthetic injections so Lily wouldn't feel a thing.
Then she got to work of removing the worms and killing them.
Jason groans "It's his fight, but he doesn't seem to want to do anything about it all, what would he have done if Tim was killed?" he asks "And if he wanted to claim it's not your fight he never should have made you Robin" he adds, Bruce made no sense sometimes, but Batman made no sense most of the time.

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Dick looked down at his hands with tears starting to fill his eyes and a single tear escaped and started to run down his cheek.
"I'm sorry I failed you, Jay..."

He had taken enough beatings over his life, but none where as great as when he beet himself up over not being ther for Jay when he needed him most.
"I really stuffed up."
"Okay... ummm... well we have to get rid of those... things inside you and then... we have to get rid of the rotten flesh and then clean everything and..."
She stopped. Lily was going to need a hell of a lot of local anaesthetic for this job.

She quickly put all the supplies she would need and sat them all on the coffee table beside the lounge.

"You're going to need to lay on the lounge and you might fall asleep from the amount of local anaesthetic I'm going to give you, but you might not... this is going to take a while and you're going to really feel it tomorrow, but that rotten flesh has to come out, Lil. It can't stay there."

She took a couple of slow breaths and as soon as Lil laid down, Barb started gave her the local anaesthetic injections so Lily wouldn't feel a thing.
Then she got to work of removing the worms and killing them.
Lily lays down but stop barbra before she starts:"look i should mention this now but it took years to scar over i cant heal, so whatever cut is made i wont be bleeding as i barley have much blood i will probably have to wear bandages for the rest of my life...."

She lay still as barbra start to remove the worms:"i been cut up before so i probably barely feel anything....."
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Jason gets up and walks over to his brother "You never failed me, Bruce did" he says and hugs him, he didn't usually do hugs "So stop saying you failed me, if you really wanted to fix things you'd build a time machine, also come with me for a moment" he says.

Rose sighs as she finishes her tea "I think I'm going to get some sleep" she says putting everything on the tray, it was a hectic day and it seemed like everyone needs some sleep after it.

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Lily lays down but stop barbra before she starts:"look i should mention this now but it took years to scar over i cant heal, so whatever cut is made i wont be bleeding as i barley have much blood i will probably have to wear bandages for the rest of my life...."

She lay still as barbra start to remove the worms:"i been cut up before so i probably barely feel anything....."
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Barbara nodded slightly as she killed the worms and extracted them from Lily's body.
After hearing how Lily didn't heal, she thought it would be best to just clean all the wounded and infected area.
She sterilised the the whole area and made sure all bacteria was killed off.

Once she had finished the job she started dress and bandage the area.
Barbara was starting to look quite pail after doing all this. In all her life of having witnessed people dieing... Lily's back had given her a flashback that she wished she never got back.
It was that of a police officer, who was half rotten in an abandoned building and it was obvious Joker had killed him.
She remembered the smell of rotten flesh and her stomach started to turn.

"Okay... I think I've done all I can, Lil..."
She threw the dead worms into the fire and could feel the palms of her hand beginning to feel sweaty.
Jason gets up and walks over to his brother "You never failed me, Bruce did" he says and hugs him, he didn't usually do hugs "So stop saying you failed me, if you really wanted to fix things you'd build a time machine, also come with me for a moment" he says.

Rose sighs as she finishes her tea "I think I'm going to get some sleep" she says putting everything on the tray, it was a hectic day and it seemed like everyone needs some sleep after it.

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Dick was a little surprised about his brothers sudden imbrace, but it was a welcome one.
Dick smiled very faintly at his brother an nodded slightly as he stood up.
"Okay... where are we going then?"

Alfred stood up and gently took the tray.
"Ofcourse, Miss Rose. It has been a terribly hard day on you. Sleep well and if there is anything you need please do not hesitate to ask."

Alfred took the tray into his butlers pantry to clean.
He liked his Rose and he liked how she was going to he good for Dick.
Richard needed someone who understood him... he believed with Rose's help... Dick might become the man, Alfred knew he always could be.
Barbara nodded slightly as she killed the worms and extracted them from Lily's body.
After hearing how Lily didn't heal, she thought it would be best to just clean all the wounded and infected area.
She sterilised the the whole area and made sure all bacteria was killed off.

Once she had finished the job she started dress and bandage the area.
Barbara was starting to look quite pail after doing all this. In all her life of having witnessed people dieing... Lily's back had given her a flashback that she wished she never got back.
It was that of a police officer, who was half rotten in an abandoned building and it was obvious Joker had killed him.
She remembered the smell of rotten flesh and her stomach started to turn.

"Okay... I think I've done all I can, Lil..."
She threw the dead worms into the fire and could feel the palms of her hand beginning to feel sweaty.
Lily sit up slowly not wanting the bandages to come unwrapped, she look over at barbra noticing her paleness:"thank something wrong?" She asked her curiously noticing her palms

Crystal mentally spoke:'she seems nervous or ill....'
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"I'll help with cleaning up though" Rose says with a smile "And how much use it is to ask if you could just call me Rose?" she asks, he addressed everyone with miss or master, which is honestly a little weird for her, since she grew up with just her grandparents and it wasn't a really formal setting.

Jason drags Dick to his room, before going to the bathroom and he takes a small knife before fishing a small tracking device from his bag and he scans his brother's arm "There we go" he says when it gives a beep "Okay could you take off your hoodie? I need to reach your upper arm" he says.

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Lily sit up slowly not wanting the bandages to come unwrapped, she look over at barbra noticing her paleness:"thank something wrong?" She asked her curiously noticing her palms

Crystal mentally spoke:'she seems nervous or ill....'
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Barbara shook her head and disposed of her gloves, mask and surgical apron.
She forced a smile at Lily and cleaned her hands with sanitiser.

"I'm fine... just tired... you really need to get some rest, Lil."
She started to wheel herself out of the door.
"Sleep well."

She smiled softly before closing the door behind herself and quickly wheeled herself into her room and closed the door behind her.

She could feel her whole body shaking and knew she was going to throw up.
She quickly opened up the toilet lid and threw up.

With shaking hands she flushed the toilet and then washed her hands and face.
She quickly brushed her teeth and then started to run herself a bath.

She put her hair up into a messy bun and started to undress. She felt so dirty. The flashbacks from that night... was something that had tormented her for weeks. She had slept on the floor at the foot of her dad's bed for months.
Gordon must have known something wasn't right as he tried to get her to go to a councillor about it, but she had refused.

She turned off the bath water and pulled herself into the bath.
She sighed softly as she sunk into the warm water, closed her eyes and hoped to wash away the nightmares.
"I'll help with cleaning up though" Rose says with a smile "And how much use it is to ask if you could just call me Rose?" she asks, he addressed everyone with miss or master, which is honestly a little weird for her, since she grew up with just her grandparents and it wasn't a really formal setting.

Jason drags Dick to his room, before going to the bathroom and he takes a small knife before fishing a small tracking device from his bag and he scans his brother's arm "There we go" he says when it gives a beep "Okay could you take off your hoodie? I need to reach your upper arm" he says.

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Alfred laughed softly and allowed Rose to help him clean up and gently handed her a soft tea-towel to dry up.
"Miss Rose this is what I do. I serve the people of the house and I address them as such. Be grateful I haven't started calling you Lady Rose."

Dick felt so confused as he watched Jason poke his arm intently.
He slowly took off his hoodie, but he was was still so confused.
What on earth of Jason doing.
"Bro... I trust you with my life, but what the hell are you doing?"
Barbara shook her head and disposed of her gloves, mask and surgical apron.
She forced a smile at Lily and cleaned her hands with sanitiser.

"I'm fine... just tired... you really need to get some rest, Lil."
She started to wheel herself out of the door.
"Sleep well."

She smiled softly before closing the door behind herself and quickly wheeled herself into her room and closed the door behind her.

She could feel her whole body shaking and knew she was going to throw up.
She quickly opened up the toilet lid and threw up.

With shaking hands she flushed the toilet and then washed her hands and face.
She quickly brushed her teeth and then started to run herself a bath.

She put her hair up into a messy bun and started to undress. She felt so dirty. The flashbacks from that night... was something that had tormented her for weeks. She had slept on the floor at the foot of her dad's bed for months.
Gordon must have known something wasn't right as he tried to get her to go to a councillor about it, but she had refused.

She turned off the bath water and pulled herself into the bath.
She sighed softly as she sunk into the warm water, closed her eyes and hoped to wash away the nightmares.
Lily look at her:"ok, you too...."

Once barbra left she start to change into pajamas then her wolf hearing heard someone throwing up and turning on the bath.

She mentally frown then heads to her door to go eat dinner but the anesthetics kicked in so she collapse and fell asleep on the floor
Jason frowns "You never wondered how he could find us without us needing to tell him where are?" he asks while carefully cutting open Dick's skin and he adds "Sorry if this is going to hurt, you'll thank me later" he says while carefully removing a small trackers and he scowls at it before he crushes it "There" he says as he puts it away and starts to clean the cut.

Rose nods "Which I understand, but I wasn't brought up like that, so it's weird, I can't really remember much from before the fire, the doctors said that it was the trauma that caused it, I know we lived in Central city and that we had a big house, but not much else, not even my parents their smile, well they're on the front page of the paper, but that's not the same as actually remembering" she explains.

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