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Fandom Avoiding The Devil

“Lily don’t listen to others well.” Thana said.

“No it isn’t. Nor is it ideal to know thana, who is stronger than me, was captured and tormented and now is slowly losing function.” Magbus said.
Thor sighed a bit, “I guess that makes sense.”

Sarah sighed as she rubbed her head a bit, “Magnus I get it your scared, but I can’t do anything to stop this myself. Hell we have one of the strongest demons sitting in our house right now and she can’t even do anything because im pretty sure my mother doesn’t even have her powers.” She said as she shook her head. “We have limited resources and until we know what’s happening we can’t do anything. Until Banner finds a cure we can’t even do anything.”
“Lily you must listen to brother and his wife.” Thana said.

Magnus nodded.

There was yet another small explosion where Banner was but nothing was damaged. Just banners pride.
Thor sighed a bit and jumped at the sound of the explosion.

Sarah heard the explosion and ran to the lab. “Jesus, what chemicals are you mixing?!” She yelled as there was only so much damage she was willing to have done to her clinic before she became pissed.
“Nothing that supposed to be explosive. I made sure those ones where elsewhere.” Banner said. “I don’t know why they...the chemicals Tony used. That only happened twice when I thought I had the cure but went to see if it’ll work on Thanas blood.” He said.

Thana did too and chuckled lightly. “Someone loves bombs.” She said.
Sarah sighed as she pushed her hair back and put it up in a ponytail. “Well then, let’s get this working.” She said as she sat down.

Thor shook his head, “doubt it.”
Banner was thinking and took some of his blood tried to delote the gamma radiation so it shouldn’t cause effects on thana like it does him. Once thatbwas one he went to see if it’ll kill the chemicals. Which oddly it did.

Thana shrugged.
“My Guess is Because gamma radiation kills off most of not all chemicals. And to a small degree most illness. But as to why it worked I don’t know.” He said then added more of Thanas already contaminated blood to test something.
Sarah watched carefully, “it couldn’t reverse the damage though. While it might fix what’s in her blood, too much radiation could kill the brain cells.” She said as she looked at Banner.
Banner nodded. “They why I deloted it as much as possible. To kill the chemicals but unless I test it on thana we won’t know if it’ll attack her Brian cells and other functions or if it’ll cause like it did wirh me.” He said as the contaminated blood seemed to not be there after contact with the blood that was cured as it could get.
Sarah sighed, “well that’s about half of what medicine is... finding out what does and doesn’t work through testing.” She said as she hated to use her sister in-law as a guinea pig, but it was unfortunately a necessary thing to do
“I suggest give small dosage. The places that is cleansed will still be there. And if the blood that isn’t cleansed not be slowlt cleansed if going through the cleansed areas. Or we give a good healthy shot I the heart to spread it quicker.” Banner said.
Sarah sighed, “well either way we have to try this. I think we’ll try to get it to spread quicker by giving the shot.” She said as she got up carefully.
Sarah went to Thana’s room and smiled softly. “Hey, we’re almost ready for everything. You ready?’ She asked as she looked at her.
Sarah smiled softly, “it’s not going to hurt, it’s going to help making you feel better. I promise.” She said as she looked at her.
Sarah smiled softly, “Don’t worry, everything’s going to be fine.” She said as she didn’t want her to worry. That had been there all night though to provide her with saline.

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