• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern Auburn Springs


Suddenly everything was a little less boring and she had zero clue what to do. Y'know when somebody gets scared, or shocked and they just freeze? Mercedes wasn't afraid, no. It was something a little different but she couldn't place what it was. Bentley was flirty, forward, and entirely too much-- and therefore, Mer froze. The thought of 'secret places' brought the slightest bit of curiosity. And that was a huge flaw with Mercedes. It's always good to be curious, but not curious enough to be reckless. Her gaze snapped to Bentley's gentle motion across her cheek and the brunette's fight or flight kicked in.

She chose flight, of course.


Was it bad she kind of wanted to show her some sneaky, private place just to see what Bentley would do? Not that she'd be interested in hooking up with a stranger, or a girl in the first place. But Mercedes had to admit that she wanted to find out whatever Bentley was implying and if she'd be brave enough to actually do it. She cleared her throat and created distance, feeling a little more at ease now having her personal space back. "Art room, I desire that. Thanks." Mercedes led the way towards the classroom, allowing Bentley to explore as she pleased before moving onto the next.

A little while later, Mercedes had already shown Bentley half the school in silence. Well, other than pointing out what was what.

"Janitor's closet by the way."

"For the... y'know, less savory pastimes and all that."


TAGS: KingofAesir KingofAesir
code by valen t.
i came, i saw

Roman's eyes stayed glued to Eden's. He hadn't felt so vulnerable until he'd asked the question. It was something that'd lingered on his mind, and he was hoping Eden would've felt the same way. Roman loved Eden, hell, he would kill for her if he had to, but it seemed almost an eternity ago that they'd shared each others' bodies. He'd sensed some distance between them each time he'd visited Eden, he'd figured it was the rehab after all. Now things would be different-- he was different, and yet Eden's answer was the polar opposite of what he'd expected.

Roman couldn't help but blink at Eden's words, it took him a moment to clock in her response. "Oh," he sighed. But he couldn't help but laugh along with Eden. It was cute how her cheeks got all rosy when she was flustered. "I'm just joking. School's not romantic enough for my taste anyways." He smiled down at her. Roman wasn't lying to protect his own feelings-- he didn't mind being denied a few seconds of pleasure. He wanted Eden, and she wanted him. That was more than what he could ever hope for. But he'd caught the subtle flinch in Eden's eyes when she made her excuse, like he was disappointed in her or something just because she'd said no. That wasn't a feeling he wanted her to remember during their first encounter, and so a white lie was told. Roman could live with that.

It didn't help but make him wonder though, and retract a couple memories from today. The full bag of chips Eden claimed to be eating, and this-- what was she keeping from him? Or did he just not know her anymore. You're just overthinking. She said no, live with it, Roman. He snapped to himself.

Roman gave Eden a peck on the lips, before rolling onto his back at her side. His fingers intertwined with hers, whatever she was dealing with, he just hoped she didn't think she was alone. She wasn't. He was naive to think things would be the same as before though, people changed, even the ones he loved. Maybe he'd have to check in with Valerie or Honey to see what was going on.

"Minus the little oopsie at the end," Roman chuckled, "This doesn't fare too bad as our first date both living back here, huh?" He turned his sights over to Eden by his side, beaming in a wide, toothy grin. "We broke so many rules today, I don't think the staff should be worried about the 'Bridgers." Roman added, locking eyes with Eden as they lay side by side.

"Val's having a getty this weekend. There's a special lady named you I'd love to take. What do you say?"

mood; heart eyes. | location; 2nd floor science room. | tags; eden LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki , val jasmyn jasmyn , honey Zatanna Zatanna
i conquered.

code by low fidelity.
Henri was currently standing in the buffet line at the Auburn Springs cafeteria. She was intently staring at the food on offer behind the lit glass: schnitzel, curries, fries, rice, spring rolls, and assortment of salads – which Henri knew she would never fucking touch if she could help it – and some pastry snacks further down the line. Fuck, this place has it all. Silently wondering if she would get judged for going back for seconds, it took her a moment to realise that her phone was vibrating in her coat pocket. Ah crap, its Liz. Maybe something happened?

Sighing at the fact that she would have to leave her spot in line, Henri answered the call as she hurried out of the cafeteria, bumping someone’s shoulder as she rushed through the doors. “Sorry – Sorry!” She called out behind her before turning her attention to Liz’s voice, leaving the loud noise of the cafeteria behind her as she found a quiet hallway to talk.

“Henri! How has your first day been going?” Henri rolled her eyes at her sister. I left the buffet line for gossip? However she couldn’t be mad. Her sister was probably going crazy from boredom, Henri figured. Being cooped up at home because of a fever couldn’t be fun.

“Liz! Today has been... Interesting to say the least. I guess. They paired us up with a Springer to show us around. That went so well.” Liz must’ve picked up on her sarcasm. “Oh, I feel so sorry for the poor soul that ended up with you as a partner.”

“Fuck you, Liz. I can be nice when I want to be! Besides, I only saw her for a minute before she was whisked away by some guy. Last I saw she was eating his face. Ew.” Henry gagged a little at the memory, What a great first impression that was.

“Oooh, are you jealous?” Liz started to taunt her, and Henri couldn’t resist taking the bait. “No! I’m not – I just think it was inappropriate.”

“Uh huh. I’m sure you know how that feels, you know – The whole kissing thing.” Henri could hear laughing at the end of the line and she could start to feel herself become flustered. She raised her voice slightly, almost as if she was scolding a younger child, and next few words were a bit more defensive. How dare she. The nerve of the little shit.

“Hey! Just because I’ve never been kissed doesn’t mean I don’t know how to or... Well – Nevermind that! It was still inappropriate. She was meant to be showing me around!” Henri desperately wanted to change the subject. She hated the fact that Liz held this particular fact over her head. “Anyways. How are you feeling? Do you want me to pick up some more Cold and Flu tablets on my way home today?”

Liz – thankfully – let Henri off the hook. “Yeah, we’re all out back here. I still don’t feel any better though.” Henri frowned at that, but would stop by the pharmacy anyways. “Maybe we need to get you in to see a doctor soon.” Henri’s stomach growled again, reminding her that she needed food – stat. “Anyways, I got to grab some food. I’ll tell you more about this place at home – And I promise I’ll grab those tablets for you.” Ending the call with a sigh, Henri put her face in her hands. I swear that girl is exahusting on purpose.
TAGS: ditto ditto
@nuttree says:
Lunch was Katee’s favorite subject, hands down. If they had a valedictorian for lunch specifically, he’d be it. Ooh, or lunch Oscars. He could go up there and give a little spiel about everyone who’d got him here and finish it off with a “big ups to my lower intestines— you put in the real work”, plus he’d have something to set beside his mattress to wake up to a greeting from.

All of that went to say that Katee Nausbaum was, in fact, the king of lunch— well, of eating in general, but especially of lunch period. He was a food compactor, but human. It kinda went without saying that he would eat just about anything.

But this anything, at this bougie school, was amazing— like, heavenly.

Like, he’d had most of it eaten before he could even get through the line.

Welp, and then someone bumped his shoulder that made him drop the rest of what was on his plate.

He let out a soft gasp. “My corn!” He stared at it, and he bent down and grabbed up his tray, sadly looking at the lunch lady.

He tucked his tray beneath his arm, walking out of the cafeteria with it in his armpit. Well, he was just following his first instinct, which was to go find the janitor to go clean the mess up, so his mind wasn’t really on what he was doing or how weird it was that he had turned his whole tray over and tucked it beneath his arm like a book, but no one was really around to comment on the oddness of it—

Oh, wait! There was someone.

Katee stopped in his tracks as his ears caught someone chatting on the phone. He recognized that voice, and he looked around to see where this person was.

Oh, there she was— Henri! Talking on her phone with someone. It had to’ve been her who’d bumped into him, too.

He studied her face, not focusing on the words that she was saying. She looked…mildly distressed.

He caught the words never and kissed, and he cocked his head at her, brows furrowing as he quite obviously eavesdropped.

When Henri hung up, he spoke to her, like she’d known he was always there. “Who were you talking about kissing?” he asked loudly. “Your boyfriend?” He paused. "Ohhhh, or was it never kissing?"

He scrunched his eyebrows together, putting a finger on his chin.

Suddenly, he pieced together what she had said. "Ohhh, wait! Henri, you've never been kissed?"

{ MOOD }
+ nosey nut +

+ the cafeteria +

+ [insert super unfashionable fake hypebeast clothes here] +

+ henri +

+ n/a +

{ TAGS }
+ Nixiee Nixiee +

this user was active: less than a minute ago

♬ "what the hell am i doing here?" ♬

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Lunch was Katee’s favorite subject, hands down. If they had a valedictorian for lunch specifically, he’d be it. Ooh, or lunch Oscars. He could go up there and give a little spiel about everyone who’d got him here and finish it off with a “big ups to my lower intestines— you put in the real work”, plus he’d have something to set beside his mattress to wake up to a greeting from.

All of that went to say that Katee Nausbaum was, in fact, the king of lunch— well, of eating in general, but especially of lunch period. He was a food compactor, but human. It kinda went without saying that he would eat just about anything.

But this anything, at this bougie school, was amazing— like, heavenly.

Like, he’d had most of it eaten before he could even get through the line.

Welp, and then someone bumped his shoulder that made him drop the rest of what was on his plate.

He let out a soft gasp. “My corn!” He stared at it, and he bent down and grabbed up his tray, sadly looking at the lunch lady.

He tucked his tray beneath his arm, walking out of the cafeteria with it in his armpit. Well, he was just following his first instinct, which was to go find the janitor to go clean the mess up, so his mind wasn’t really on what he was doing or how weird it was that he had turned his whole tray over and tucked it beneath his arm like a book, but no one was really around to comment on the oddness of it—

Oh, wait! There was someone.

Katee stopped in his tracks as his ears caught someone chatting on the phone. He recognized that voice, and he looked around to see where this person was.

Oh, there she was— Henri! Talking on her phone with someone. It had to’ve been her who’d bumped into him, too.

He studied her face, not focusing on the words that she was saying. She looked…mildly distressed.

He caught the words never and kissed, and he cocked his head at her, brows furrowing as he quite obviously eavesdropped.

When Henri hung up, he spoke to her, like she’d known he was always there. “Who were you talking about kissing?” he asked loudly. “Your boyfriend?” He paused. "Ohhhh, or was it never kissing?"

He scrunched his eyebrows together, putting a finger on his chin.

Suddenly, he pieced together what she had said. "Ohhh, wait! Henri, you've never been kissed?"
Maybe mum can get Liz in to see a doctor soon... But I’ll definitely have to take that extra shift on Friday. Just in case. Henri was deep in thought and nearly jumped at the voice behind her. “Ohhh, wait! Henri, you’ve never been kissed?”

Henri spun around quickly with a squeak and came face to face with the “infamous” Katee. Henri hadn’t run into him often at Ambridge, but moreso had heard of him through the grapevine at Ambridge. Apparently he was known for snitching, but Henri knew him more from his use of excessive punctuation on Twitter. Henri felt her face heating up in a ruby red blush. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck– Fuck! How long had he been standing there for? Fuck. He knows. He’ll tell! Her mind raced for how she was to play this: Deny it? Threaten him? Flee?

Unfortunately for Henri, her mind decided that all three at once was the best way out of this. “Oh! Katee! I didn’t – No no, I’ve been kissed – Uh, totally – Yup, the thing with the lips and other lips too... Thingy!” Henri was rambling, flustered as she took some steps backwards in an attempt to get back to the cafeteria and away from this whole situation. She hated this conversation, but she hated the topic of the conversation even more. Henri kept telling herself that it was no big deal, that she didn’t care about any of that kissing stuff, but deep down she knew that was a lie.

“So Katee – You didn’t hear that, I mean – anything. And don’t you dare tell anyone about this, ok? Or else I’ll... I’ll...” Henri’s eyes narrowed in what she hoped was an icy glare. But she supposed it was hard to be intimidating at her 5’4 height, especially compared to Katee's close-to-6-foot height. Deciding to cut her losses and run, she fled towards the cafeteria with another glare, leaving Katee behind. Fuck.
TAGS: ditto ditto
MOOD: Hype!


LOCATION: Valerie's party

MENTIONS: Dex, Faith, Valerie.
TL;DR: Eugene, local kid with one (1) friend and resident hot garbage fire, pulls up to Val's house in an Uber with tequila

Eugene cheerily waved goodbye to his Uber driver at the gate, waltzing up the walkway to Valerie's house. The whole ride over, he'd been chattering excitedly to the driver about how psyched he was to be attending parties again. He had a shopping bag slung over his shoulder, in which clinked three glass bottles. Sort of an apology gift to the hostess for being obnoxious on Twitter. He hoped she liked fancy tequila. He'd gone through a lot of trouble to get it, which may or may not have included forging an ID and dressing up as his father.

It had been years since he'd been able to go to a party, and in reality he'd only ever been to short few. Ever since brain cancer cut most of his freshman and sophomore years out, drifting in and out of the hospital for chemo and radiation and all, he'd been entirely out of the loop on regular teen antics. This was his chance to make up for lost time. Get out there, have friends, commit petty crimes... be a normal kid for once. Well, a normal kid with a foggy memory and some other residual issues. Cancer leaves its mark; it always does.

Speaking of being a normal kid, he had finally returned to the high school for classes on the past Tuesday. Was he excited? Disappointed? Honestly he wasn't sure. He'd only done a few months of high school and while he was sure there would still be familiar faces, he also knew that Auburn Springs High had changed a lot in his absence. For starters, they had merged with Ambridge High of all places. Ambridge. Eugene was pretty sure that the run-down city was basically 1800s London. He wouldn't be half shocked if the new kids were all chimney sweeps and coal miners, fishing corpses out of the Union River to loot. Creepy stuff.

But maybe they really knew how to party. As much as Eugene was perturbed, he was also incredibly curious. Over the week, he'd been mostly joking around with this guy named Dexter, a senior or something from the high school. Dex was kind of amazing... amazingly stupid, that is. But Eugene loved it. Stupid friends were the best friends. Stupid friends got up to the best kind of tomfoolery. And besides, as much as Eugene would never admit it, he was... not that bright a bulb himself. So the two had hit it off almost immediately, much to the chagrin of everyone else in the chat.

That was when he started talking to one Faith Gomez.

Honestly, Eugene had been kind of vibing with being the clown up until then, but... she called him cute. Nerdy cute. And apparently she dissed a judge to his face, which Eugene thought was the most stunning display of sheer chutzpah he had ever born anecdotal witness to. He just had to ask her out.

Okay, maybe asking a girl out on Twitter was kind of lame. But to his credit, it wasn't like he knew any better. Friends, let alone partners, had been more than a little hard for Eugene to come by. After his mother died, the ensuing depressive spiral scared off his middle school friends. Then, just as he was getting acclimated to high school, he had to take a two year long try-not-to-die vacation. During that time, he'd made a handful of friends in groups, but about a third of them were now deceased. And dates? Completely out of the question.

This party would change everything.

He had, besides, constructed a much less bland way of asking Faith out to spend some Saturday afternoon out in the park with cake and musical numbers. He was pretty sure he owned a canoe somewhere. They could go boating, or maybe some kind of weird romantic adventure scavenger hunt... the possibilities were endless and his foggy little brain was brimming with ideas. But like, first he had to actually ask. That was the nerve-wracking part. So he'd written her a tiny little note on the brim of a cocktail umbrella. Was that smooth? Or just really dumb? Eugene had been trying over the past year or so to take self-doubt out of his vocabulary entirely, resulting in the cocky persona he put forth online, but even he couldn't help but take this task under some extra scrutiny.

So into Valerie's house he went, flicking up the collar of his jacket and sliding his sunglasses up with a Cheshire Cat grin.

"Helloooo, party people! What is up!?"

First order of business: Locate Faith.
A bitch gotta know
code by valen t.
The Welcome Party


Oliver had never, ever liked parties.

Parties reminded him of home. Of being trapped in his room, of violent alcoholics, of strange men, of... vile and horrible things that had been done to him. To say that most of the more traumatic events of his life had been connected to parties and drinking was certainly not an understatement.

On top of that, parties were loud. Parties were crowded. And at least in his experience, they tended to be violent. Indeed, they were everything Oliver hated, and yet here he was, buttoning up his new (and very stolen) shirt, running his fingers through his freshly-washed dark hair. Lance had helped him steal the outfit, as he had sort of taken Oliver on for the night. Oliver hadn't been quite sure what people wore to parties, to be honest. He had eventually decided that maybe yellow was a party color, for some reason. It just seemed fitting. And as for Oliver himself, he had been determined as of late to try new things. His friends had been pressuring him to push his boundaries a little. He was learning to fight back literally, but scarier than that was fighting back against his strong-as-steel instinct to avoid noise and intoxicated people. Even though he had long since resolved himself to attend, his knees hadn't stopped shaking since the morning and he was even paler than he usually was. This wasn't just a regular drunken apartment brawl, after all. This was Val's party. This was going to be completely outside the realm of the wildest side of his imagination.

He really should not be doing this. This was practically suicide. This was just asking for a meltdown. He had Lance watching his back, but to be honest Oliver didn't know Lance that well yet and he could be a little much to handle at the best of times. Lance was overwhelming in and of himself. At least, from what he'd heard on Twitter, some more reliable friends would be in attendance. Even Raven had been convinced to go, somehow. The whole situation with Raven and Valerie was very confusing. He thought so, anyway.

Oliver cringed a little at his reflection in Dani's mirror. God, compared to his peers he looked like such a child. All big head and gangly limbs, wide brown eyes and a dorky lopsided smile. He was barely 5'5, weighed less than 120 pounds soaking wet. He had actually lost about 3 pounds this week; he hadn't been eating lunch at school because of the stress. And then there was the bandage still on his broken hand. which really wasn't helping the healing process much at all, which somehow really completed the look. He just looked... very much himself, in a sad and painful sort of way. He always complained when his friends condescended him by calling him juvenile, but in more than one sense they kind of weren't wrong. He was young, and naive enough to still be frightened. The only thing he could do to change that impression was to gain some experience, and he... hadn't been doing too well with that.

He had a pencil tucked into his pocket; and the first hundred or so prime numbers fresh in his head. Over the past couple of days, he'd picked up those as coping mechanisms for his near-constant anxiety. Silas had suggested Xanax. His other friends were quick to aggressively shut that suggestion down. That conversation had sort of spiraled, aggravated by all sides until it became yet another cataclysmic fight. The fighting, even the less serious altercations, scared the absolute shit out of Oliver. Losing his friends was the penultimate nightmare scenario, second only to horseshoe crabs. Crustaceans were just giant armored bugs from hell; he had no idea why everyone else seemed okay with them. But aside from that, the mere thought of being rejected by the family he'd built up over the years was practically enough to kill the boy. He knew where he'd be without them. He would, without a shadow of a doubt, be dead.

Still, since the fight Oliver had rejoined the group chat, tried to mend the broken fences, and prayed everything would slowly return to normal. He had ended up leaving the school early to come back to Dani's place and calm down. He wasn't particularly proud of this; Oliver prized his grades and he already felt himself starting to slip under the pressure. This whole week had been hard on all of them.

If there was ever a time the Ambridge gang had to stick together, though, it was this party.

Oliver left a little bit before Dani. He was fairly certain he'd made her angry again on Twitter earlier in the morning... god, he needed to stop divulging so much information online. Besides, she was driving with Sly, and Oliver was more than a little scared about carpooling with people on a night when people were going to be drinking. So he was walking with Ryan instead. He really still wasn't surer whether or not he should to be drinking, to be honest. He promised Drake he would follow along, but still. On the one hand he really wanted to have more experiences, be more like his friends who seemed to be growing up so much faster than him... but on the other hand alcohol had caused him a lot of problems in his life. His mother was a violently angry drunk, and all the angrier sober. His two older sisters, in turn, became alcoholics as they grew older, quickly becoming the spitting images of their parent. Oliver himself hadn't ever been tempted to touch it before, though. The last thing he needed in his life up until now was to have less functional judgment. The truth was, though, that he probably had the same addictive tendencies as his family somewhere buried under all the anxiety. That was the actual scary part.

By the time he and Ryan turned onto the road leading to Valerie's house, though, Oliver had thoroughly formulated his little experiment. He was going to drink whatever and however much Drake told him to, take some field notes, measure his heart rate before and after, then drink some more, take more notes, and so on. It sounded really smart in his head. Well, it kind of didn't. He wasn't too sure about it at all, actually. Drake had been far from reassuring and his other friends were quick to advise against this idea. But he'd worked so hard on it, and the pressure to grow and gain experience was far too much for the more rational side of his mind.

Was this going to be a disaster? Probably. But, gritting his teeth and shyly edging through Val's front door, he convinced himself he had no other choices.

Just about as soon as Oliver set foot in the room, an immediate shock of anxiety coursed through him as if he'd stepped on a live wire. Too loud. Too many people. Nope, nope nope nope. He startled back out, gasping shallowly and grabbing his pencil out of his pocket, running his thumb along the smooth painted wood.

Think of calming things... Quiet spaces. cereal. Cats. Homework. Marie Curie.

Okay, he had this. With one last nervous glance up at Ryan, he whispered barely above the noise, "I have to find Drake now... uh, well. I- See you in a bit." And back in he went, fighting the instinct to cover his eyes.

Drake was not that hard to find, even in the palpitation-inducing swarm of other teens. His friend had a distinctive look, to say the least. Oliver slowly approached, clutching his pencil and notebook close, and delicately tapped him on the shoulder with the wrist of his broken hand.

"Hey, uh... hi Drake. It's been a while, hasn't it? I have, um... I asked around for some of your homework and I got your textbooks for you. But we can look at those another time?" He was speaking very fast and very quietly, bouncing up and down on his heels. "I'm... I'm ready to start, whenever you are. My heart rate is 150 BPM as of five minutes ago, taking into account that I was walking and, uh... not feeling very good. Are you good? You don't seem good. People who are doing good go to class. I... should stop talking. You're the expert, so uh..." he stopped talking, making a vague gesture that seemed to beg Drake to show him where to start.

They had an experiment to conduct.





Drake, Ryan

♡coded by uxie♡
@freudianslipnslide says:

What was the point in even going to this damn party anymore? Chelsea had held out to this party all week, and now, thanks to Mercedes, he couldn't even get shit-faced. What else was there to do at parties? Fight? He'd already done that this week, and he was already mad enough from that that he was sure that he'd nearly kill whoever he fought. So bad idea. Hook up with girls? He could do that any time he wanted to, but he couldn't do that in Val's mansion-- and he couldn't drive her home and leave Mer alone.

Besides those two things and some drugs that CK's burnout brother would probably have his twiggy fingers all over, there literally was nothing else to do.

Sigh. Great. Just great.

This was what he got for giving Mercedes that "one favor offer" if she cleaned up her side of the counter. She should have cleaned up anyway! Why'd he offered her that? Now he was stuck being her designated driver.

At least now he wasn't indebted to her. But now he had to deal with her--


He'd sat around all weekend contemplating how in the world he could weasel his way out of this situation without technically breaking his promise. He could, say, get drunk anyway. But no, he didn't want to risk getting in a car accident, because then that'd land him in a lawsuit or something, and that wasn't what he wanted. He could...he didn't know, drive her there, leave her there, and return? But he, the king of Auburn Springs, couldn't just miss a party like this. Not when he had new people to show whose boss he was.

(Oh yeah, how the fuck was he gonna do that now? What happened when he was challenged to a drinking game? What, was he just supposed to smile and say in a valley girl accent "like, sorry, but, like, I've, like, gotta, like, drive my sister home, lol, 'cuz I'm, like, her designated driver" or something? That would be pathetic.)

Regardless of how much he thought and fought, he still couldn't come up with a way to get out of this without sacrificing his honesty or his sanity.

So now, here he was, pulling on his well-worn letterman jacket, staring into his reflection's eyes in his bathroom mirror. The number 01 on his left sleeve told him that, regardless of what happened tonight-- and regardless of how humiliating it was that he had to drive his sister to this damn party (with the Ambridge riff-raff)-- he still came out on top. He was still number one, he was still the most popular, he was still the most liked, he was still the most adored, he was still the strongest, he was still the most powerful, he was still Auburn Springs' king. That was all that mattered. A night where he did something a little bit out of character wouldn't change that.

Chelsea Kader motherfucking Freud wasn't going to be brought down by something as petty as having to be his little sister's DD.

"Come on, Mercedes," he called from his bathroom. He sighed and flicked off the light as he walked to and stood in the doorway, grabbing the keys from the hook beside the door. "Grab your shit and let's go."

{ MOOD }
+ mildly irritated for no real reason, but, then again, when isn't he? +

+ home, though hopefully not for much longer +

+ mercedes +

+ n/a +

{ TAGS }
+ Soap Soap +

this user was active: less than a minute ago

♬ "go away, leave me alone" ♬

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

What was the point in even going to this damn party anymore? Chelsea had held out to this party all week, and now, thanks to Mercedes, he couldn't even get shit-faced. What else was there to do at parties? Fight? He'd already done that this week, and he was already mad enough from that that he was sure that he'd nearly kill whoever he fought. So bad idea. Hook up with girls? He could do that any time he wanted to, but he couldn't do that in Val's mansion-- and he couldn't drive her home and leave Mer alone.

Besides those two things and some drugs that CK's burnout brother would probably have his twiggy fingers all over, there literally was nothing else to do.

Sigh. Great. Just great.

This was what he got for giving Mercedes that "one favor offer" if she cleaned up her side of the counter. She should have cleaned up anyway! Why'd he offered her that? Now he was stuck being her designated driver.

At least now he wasn't indebted to her. But now he had to deal with her.


He'd sat around all weekend contemplating how in the world he could weasel his way out of this situation without technically breaking his promise. He could, say, get drunk anyway. But no, he didn't want to risk getting in a car accident, because then that'd land him in a lawsuit or something, and that wasn't what he wanted. He could...he didn't know, drive her there, leave her there, and return? But he, the king of Auburn Springs, couldn't just miss a party like this. Not when he had new people to show whose boss he was.

(Oh yeah, how the fuck was he gonna do that now? What happened when he was challenged to a drinking game? What, was he just supposed to smile and say in a valley girl accent "like, sorry, but, like, I've, like, gotta, like, drive my sister home, lol, 'cuz I'm, like, her designated driver" or something? That would be pathetic.)

Regardless of how much he thought and fought, he still couldn't come up with a way to get out of this without sacrificing his honesty or his sanity.

So now, here he was, pulling on his well-worn letterman jacket, staring into his reflection's eyes in his bathroom mirror. The number 01 on his left sleeve told him that, regardless of what happened tonight-- and regardless of how humiliating it was that he had to drive his sister to this damn party (with the Ambridge riff-raff)-- he still came out on top. He was still number one, he was still the most popular, he was still the most liked, he was still the most adored, he was still the strongest, he was still the most powerful, he was still Auburn Springs' king. That was all that mattered. A night where he did something a little bit out of character wouldn't change that.

Chelsea Kader motherfucking Freud wasn't going to be brought down by something as petty as having to be his little sister's DD.

"Come on, Mercedes," he called from his bathroom. He sighed and flicked off the light as he walked to and stood in the doorway, grabbing the keys from the hook beside the door. "Grab your shit and let's go."
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@deviline says:
Angeline Jumper looked hot af for the party today, according to the boys who had slid up on her story. Of course, she didn't need them to tell her that, but it had helped to give her step a bit more pep and her smile a bit more pride. She owned the night-- wait, no, that wasn't the right way to say it. Val owned the night, but she was...the maître d' of it, and Honey was...probably the chef de cuisine or something.

She tossed her strawberry-blonde hair behind her shoulder and smiled at her reflection in her full-length mirror. Her tight, sleeveless, low-cut black dress did not fall very far down her thighs-- it didn't even reach her fingertips. The necklace that she wore-- silver-plated, of course-- rested comfortably just beneath her collarbone. She spun around, making sure that everything was just in place where it should have been, and she let out a soft laugh.

Her dogs yapped at her feet, and she smiled at them. "Bettyyy! Mickie!!" She bent down to pick the greying chihuahua up, while the golden lab pup lapped at her ankle. "Mickie, how are you doing, baby?" she asked the tiny dog in a baby-ish voice. "Are you aww woken up fwom youw nap yet?" She pecked her forehead and sat her down, then pet the other dog along the back. "I've got to leave, you two."

She looked around her room, and she spotted her phone on her bed. She grabbed it, smiling at the abundance of notifications on her phone and letting out a small hmph. She snatched her purse from her nightstand and headed out her front door.

The best part about Val's house was that it was right beside her own.

Before she got out of her yard, she stopped to stare once more at her image on her phone's camera. She brushed her hair from her face again, smiling brightly. Oh hell yes, she looked amazing. Her makeup was subtle, but on point. She tested expressions. Oh, she looked killer. She tried out a pout, and then a smirk.

She was in the mood to flirt.

With another soft hmph, she sat her phone in her purse and set for Valerie's house.

She strode to Val's door, her long legs walking confidently despite the height and thinness of her heels. She gave a short knock, and she entered with a small, confident smirk on her face, as if she owned the place-- she visited here so often that she may as well have been the co-owner.

As she made her way in, she gave soft little mwahs at the people she passed, relishing in the adoration of her peers.

(And there were some Ambridgers looking at her too. Kind of ew.)

She spotted a boy with a familiar face by the banister, though she didn't put her finger on who exactly it was until she nearly got to him. When she realized, she let out a soft giggle, and a bright smile came onto her face.

It was Coda, that new Scottish boy who she’d had the absolute pleasure to talk to many times this week.

"Heyyy, Coda," she greeted, smiling, as if she'd spoken to him before. She gave him her trademark mwah and a little wink. "I love the fit. It's fitting," she teased lightly with a giggle. "You're looking cute tonight."

{ MOOD }
+ par-tay <3 +

+ val's +

+ little black dress moment +

+ coda +

+ n/a +

{ TAGS }
+ geminiy geminiy +

this user was active: less than a minute ago

♬ "baby how you doin? feelin good as hell" ♬

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

Angeline Jumper looked hot af for the party today, according to the boys who had slid up on her story. Of course, she didn't need them to tell her that, but it had helped to give her step a bit more pep and her smile a bit more pride. She owned the night-- wait, no, that wasn't the right way to say it. Val owned the night, but she was...the maître d' of it, and Honey was...probably the chef de cuisine or something.

She tossed her strawberry-blonde hair behind her shoulder and smiled at her reflection in her full-length mirror. Her tight, sleeveless, low-cut black dress did not fall very far down her thighs-- it didn't even reach her fingertips. The necklace that she wore-- silver-plated, of course-- rested comfortably just beneath her collarbone. She spun around, making sure that everything was just in place where it should have been, and she let out a soft laugh.

Her dogs yapped at her feet, and she smiled at them. "Bettyyy! Mickie!!" She bent down to pick the greying chihuahua up, while the golden lab pup lapped at her ankle. "Mickie, how are you doing, baby?" she asked the tiny dog in a baby-ish voice. "Are you aww woken up fwom youw nap yet?" She pecked her forehead and sat her down, then pet the other dog along the back. "I've got to leave, you two."

She looked around her room, and she spotted her phone on her bed. She grabbed it, smiling at the abundance of notifications on her phone and letting out a small hmph. She snatched her purse from her nightstand and headed out her front door.

The best part about Val's house was that it was right beside her own.

Before she got out of her yard, she stopped to stare once more at her image on her phone's camera. She brushed her hair from her face again, smiling brightly. Oh hell yes, she looked amazing. Her makeup was subtle, but on point. She tested expressions. Oh, she looked killer. She tried out a pout, and then a smirk.

She was in the mood to flirt.

With another soft hmph, she sat her phone in her purse and set for Valerie's house.

She strode to Val's door, her long legs walking confidently despite the height and thinness of her heels. She gave a short knock, and she entered with a small, confident smirk on her face, as if she owned the place-- she visited here so often that she may as well have been the co-owner.

As she made her way in, she gave soft little mwahs at the people she passed, relishing in the adoration of her peers.

(And there were some Ambridgers looking at her too. Kind of ew.)

She spotted a boy with a familiar face by the banister, though she didn't put her finger on who exactly it was until she nearly got to him. When she realized, she let out a soft giggle, and a bright smile came onto her face.

It was Coda, that new Scottish boy who she’d had the absolute pleasure to talk to many times this week.

"Heyyy, Coda," she greeted, smiling, as if she'd spoken to him before. She gave him her trademark mwah and a little wink. "I love the fit. It's fitting," she teased lightly with a giggle. "You're looking cute tonight."
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Ryan Murphy

Ryan was almost surprised at how okay the first week in Auburn Springs well. Almost. It would have been a resounding “yes it was totally okay” if it wasn’t for dumb fucking Mason “punching himself in the face” and the fact that dumb fucking Ryan had singlehandedly managed to fight every single person he ever loved. But hey, it was almost okay.

He had convinced himself that going to Val’s party was going to be fun, that networking with the richies would give him some insight as to what he would be suffering through in the next few months. He had, also, almost convinced himself that the party would be fun. There was no way that the party would be entirely boring, right? Like, his friends would be there and there would be alcohol, which he could certainly use after the week he had just had.

And, of course, there was going to be Jess, but he wasn’t about to admit that convincing her to come to the party was quite possibly the only thing that still had him even wanting to go to said party.

The walk to the party was quiet with Oliver nervously following along beside him. He felt for the kid, he really did. Oliver had had one hell of a week and, as much as Ryan wanted to help more, there was only so much a caramel ice cream cone could do to help boost the spirits. He was proud of the boy though, a sort of big brotherly pride coursing through him. Ryan had practically been floored when Oliver said he was going to the party, nearly passing out when Oliver actually came outside to walk with him when he texted, his soul leaving his body when Oliver actually walked up the stairs and into Val’s house.

Rest in Peace Ryan Murphy: killed by shock. He leaves behind, uh, a half-broken camera, a possessed motorcycle, and a few friends that are foolish enough to stick around. Amen.

Ryan followed Oliver up the stairs, hands fiddling with the various buckles and zippers on his jacket. He may play himself off as a tough guy who loved to socialize but, in all actuality, Ryan was terrified of parties. So many drunk idiots to cause problems, so many problems that could lead to a newly broken nose or stolen wallet. Parties were good for nothing besides causing problems and he could sense that this one was probably no different.

The house was bigger than imagined, even fancier and more movie-set-like than anticipated. More than anything it was warm. A sort of warm that he hadn’t experienced in a long time. The type of warm that made him wonder what it would be like if he got to come home to such warmth and invitation every day. It was a sad thought that Ryan promptly pushed out of his mind. It was time to pretend like he enjoyed partying!

Walking further into the house, he found a table with assorted drinks. Finding the strongest, most foul smelling alcohol, he poured himself a glass and took a long swig, face scrunching up at the bitter taste. Ryan was gonna need to be drunk if he was going to survive the night.


val's house


'can I go home yet?'


smh dude has one outfit


oliver Chimney Swift Chimney Swift (mentioned)
coded by natasha.
@dcent says:
Parties were not what Donna did for fun. To the stranger, this may have come as a shock. After all, DC could be spotted— if one was looking for him— at nearly every public party around town. Certainly, he didn’t look as if he were particularly thriving, but that could be blamed on his sad eyes and the fact that the boy was very rarely expressive. Yes, if he came to all of the parties, they had to be his idea of fun.

The acquaintance, however, would give you a much different answer: no, there was no way that Donna Camus enjoyed himself at these parties, and that was not in the least bit shocking. It was no wonder that DC, wannabe, as his detractors called him, attended parties as some vain attempt at proving himself to be up to the standards that the school demanded of popular people. He came to save face, and that was all.

Plus, in DC’s own words, “there is very little difference in smoking around others and smoking alone; there’s just a different vibe and a lot more noise”, so, as much as he hated the vibe and the noise, at least he had nicotine and green to keep his mind off of them.

Oh, yes, and alcohol. And whatever drugs that anyone else brought.

It was unsurprising, then, that Donna pulled up to the party with a cigarette between his fingers and looking just as puss-faced as ever. His thin, lanky figure, clad in his blue-and-black letterman jacket, exited his smoky car, and he made his way to the door slowly, stopping only to discard his cigarette butt to the side of the door.

When he walked inside, he was immediately hit with the loud noise of partying. Yes, partying was a noise, trust him. He sighed softly, eyes searching for a good role model to influence him as he made his way into the room.

His eyes caught on just the thing: the table of drinks. It was perfect.

Donna pushed past people until he reached the table. It was only when he arrived that he spotted another boy beside the table. A familiar boy, one who he had spoken to many times on Twitter and in-person throughout the week. He had said, originally, that he looked like a Tyler, but now, after their many conversations, he knew his name right off.

“Ryan,” Donna greeted nonchalantly, “pour me whatever you just had. Looks fun.”

{ MOOD }
+ ...party time... +

+ valerie’s place... +

+ ryan +

+ n/a +

{ TAGS }
+ geminiy geminiy +

this user was active: less than a minute ago

♬ "breathe and be aclm" ♬

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)
Parties were not what Donna did for fun. To the stranger, this may have come as a shock. After all, DC could be spotted— if one was looking for him— at nearly every public party around town. Certainly, he didn’t look as if he were particularly thriving, but that could be blamed on his sad eyes and the fact that the boy was very rarely expressive. Yes, if he came to all of the parties, they had to be his idea of fun.

The acquaintance, however, would give you a much different answer: no, there was no way that Donna Camus enjoyed himself at these parties, and that was not in the least bit shocking. It was no wonder that DC, wannabe, as his detractors called him, attended parties as some vain attempt at proving himself to be up to the standards that the school demanded of popular people. He came to save face, and that was all.

Plus, in DC’s own words, “there is very little difference in smoking around others and smoking alone; there’s just a different vibe and a lot more noise”, so, as much as he hated the vibe and the noise, at least he had nicotine and green to keep his mind off of them.

Oh, yes, and alcohol. And whatever drugs that anyone else brought.

It was unsurprising, then, that Donna pulled up to the party with a cigarette between his fingers and looking just as puss-faced as ever. His thin, lanky figure, clad in his blue-and-black letterman jacket, exited his smoky car, and he made his way to the door slowly, stopping only to discard his cigarette butt to the side of the door.

When he walked inside, he was immediately hit with the loud noise of partying. Yes, partying was a noise, trust him. He sighed softly, eyes searching for a good role model to influence him as he made his way into the room.

His eyes caught on just the thing: the table of drinks. It was perfect.

Donna pushed past people until he reached the table. It was only when he arrived that he spotted another boy beside the table. A familiar boy, one who he had spoken to many times on Twitter and in-person throughout the week. He had said, originally, that he looked like a Tyler, but now, after their many conversations, he knew his name right off.

“Ryan,” Donna greeted nonchalantly, “pour me whatever you just had. Looks fun.”

Karmyn Darling

“Valerie, do you think that tonight will go alright? I mean, both sides of the bridge are coming and looking back at all the arguments on Twitter…” Karmyn knew that she didn’t have to finish her sentence in order for Valerie to understand what she was saying. Of course she knew how parties could get. She was fully expecting that things would get wild as the night progressed and people continued to drink. She only hoped that no one was injured too badly or gave the authorities a reason to make an appearance. She frowned as she looked into the mirror of Valerie’s vanity, removing the pins that kept her curls in place.

Karmyn had gotten all dolled up for Valerie’s party. Starting early that morning she had picked up Cade and headed to her mother’s spa in order to look her very best. Karmyn had enjoyed herself during her treatment, that gold mask had given her that glow that she loved so much and not to mention the hydrotherapy. The pink sea salt scrub had left her skin feeling baby smooth while the combined scents of vanilla and cocoa left her smelling like a dream or maybe even dessert. She really hoped that the other girls were able to enjoy themselves, especially Cade. Karmyn had been inviting her to hang out with them lately because she wanted the other girl to feel welcomed. She knew what Auburn could be like, how selective it could be when dealing with those who they considered outsiders. But Cade seemed like the type who didn’t let that sort of thing bother her, which Karmyn envied and admired.

With the last of the pins removed Karmyn began to gently run her fingers through the thick curls that fell, creating a more wavy look. With her makeup already completed there wasn’t much that was left to do, except putting on her heels and accessories. “I wonder if Mercedes will actually bring the karaoke machine like we talked about. That could be really fun I think.” For a moment she thought of a certain someone and what his singing voice might sound like. Though given his regular voice Karmyn would guess that it was just as swoon worthy. There was something charming about that accent of his but she couldn’t put her finger on what it was.

Though at the thought of his charm Karmyn’s mind went back to her problem concerning a precious family heirloom that she had misplaced. The thought of her slip up made her feel foolish, a little weak even. Because after everything that had happened she should have been fine, she was over it, she had moved on with her life. But as Karmyn walked through those doors again for the first time in a long time and entered Roman’s home she had been tense, no matter how well she thought she hid it. But she was determined to power through it while also making sure to avoid him at all costs. Which was a little silly considering that she had been in his home, tutoring his little sister.

During the session with Dreyja things had gone smoothly, she was a bright girl who caught one fast. And as they simultaneously worked and caught up with each other Karmyn realized that she had missed the younger girl. A tiny part of her regretted distancing herself after the breakup but she knew that it had been for the best. However things had come crashing down and their little bubble was shattered once Dreyja had announced that her brother was on his way home. And Karmyn, in her haste had failed to notice when the emerald ring had slipped from her fingers. And now here she was, waiting to meet up with Roman to retrieve the ring and dreading it a little.

location: valerie’s room
interactions: valerie
tags: jasmyn jasmyn
outfit: here

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Raven was oh-so pleasantly surprised Valerie settled for cafeteria food. She couldn't help a smile form on her face as she followed Valerie to a nearby table. Listening intently as she continued, Raven was slightly surprised that Valerie didn't dodge the question to get to know her better-- and that only meant she allowed her to. And that alone had made the brunette only a hundred times more infatuated. Raven leaned her elbow on the table, holding her chin up with her self-manicured hands. "I know there's plenty more for me to find out, but I'll give it some time." The fact she wanted to go to school for business shocked Raven but only momentarily, it was just another reminder never to judge a book by it's cover.

It bothered Raven that she never considered the girl across from her had dreams. Everyone had dreams, but when Valerie was born into wealth, she figured most people wouldn't have a need to make something of themselves because... well, they already had what they needed.

The brunette had just forgotten that some people actually wanted certain things, because they simply just could. The difference between Valerie and Raven is that well, one needed it and one didn't. That didn't invalidate her or what she wanted to do, people came rich for a reason. They worked for it. And those born into it should do the same.

"Woah woah woah. Who said I had a thing for you?" She teased before continuing. When the conversation was turned towards Raven, a simple shrug settled on her shoulders. "There's not much to know. I'm an only child too, I can speak Spanish... for the most part." She chuckled, shaking her head at the many memories that came up. She wasn't going to say she was fluent, but she wasn't an amateur either. "Raised by my grandmother, and can't cook for the life of me. So before you fall in love with me and decide to wife me up, remember that." She didn't want to get too into her life story. Raven was a private person, except when it came to Mason. Mason knew everything about Raven and vice versa. That's just how they worked.

Well, everything to an extent.

"But uh... yeah, that's all I could throw out there for you. I love to write, so it's something I'm focusing on for my future. School is definitely something I want too, so my plan is to work for a scholarship at the least and figure out from there? I don't really--" A phone call had interrupted Raven from continuing, and she mouthed her apologies before answering.

Nancy's voice on the other line had informed her that there was an accident at home, and the alarm had shown on Raven's face before she even said anything. Thankfully, it wasn't anything overly terrible. Leaving school early on the first day? Terrible, yes, but what kind of granddaughter would she be if she hadn't came home? Rose probably wouldn't acknowledge it, but as long as Raven showed up, that's the only thing that mattered to her. She hung up the phone and turned towards Valerie as she lifted her bag to her shoulder. "I'm sorry to cut our date short, princess. But I have things to attend to. So, I will see you... whenever I see you." Strong end, Raven.


"Are you sure you're okay?"

Nancy just rolled her eyes, grabbing the bag from Raven while a toddler ran past the three of them. "It was just a fall, Raven. Nothing's broken, everything is fine. I can handle Rose and Ari just fine. They both watch tv until they fall asleep." Nancy said with an amused smile that Raven returned, but it faded rather quickly. This was ridiculous. She was leaving her grandmother alone for a party? For a party. It's stupid.

At least Nancy was okay with babysitting. Raven wasn't going to go without Mason, definitely not.

"Stop overthinking it. Have fun. You two earned it, go." Nancy became much more than just a nurse for her grandmother. These last few years there was no way Raven could juggle school, work, and taking care of her grandmother without Nancy. By now Nancy was a part of the family. And instead of Nancy being with her own family, she was here for Raven. Just so she can let loose and go to a party for a girl. Yes, a girl. Raven loved parties. Of course she did, but she would've opted out of this one because of the circumstances she was in. The exception here?


And the fact that she was willing to put her worries aside for her? That didn't sit right with Raven. It just felt... weird. Entirely too weird. The Uber had used his horn to make his appearance in the entirely too loud of a neighborhood and Raven sighed. "Okay, okay. We're going. Thank you, you beautiful woman you." Raven's compliment went ignored by Nancy's wave of hand and went to go chase a three year old red head who's newest interest was the refrigerator door.

The last thing Raven heard was the smallest goodbye ever and it almost changed her mind completely as the door shut behind them.

"Maybe we just shouldn't go? We could order Chinese and watch the entirely unnecessary sequel of Grease?"
INTERACTIONS:: Valerie, Mason.


jasmyn jasmyn Winona Winona
code by valen t.
Coda Adams

As much as he didn’t want to admit it, Coda was entirely screwed. Perhaps not in a bad way, more like a generally ‘I’m screwed’ sort of way. He had received more attention in a matter of a week at Auburn Springs than he had in his entire time in Scotland. He liked to think he had made friends with a few people, but it wasn’t friendship that was bothering him. Usually, Coda made flirtatious jokes in passing and got no response back. But all of a sudden, every flirtatious word was met equally, if not better, to his own.

Of course he was screwed, his mind reeled every time he opened Twitter. He wasn’t used to the attention and although he knew how to respond, that didn’t stop his brain from lagging moments behind every time he got a response. Cade teased him endlessly, having taken to calling him the Auburn Stud (courtesy of their new town name, of course). Even their fathers had taken to teasing him about the stupid, goofy grin that appeared on his face every time a certain name popped up on his screen.

Which name? Well, Coda wasn’t even certain of that himself.

The day of the party rolled around and, before the sun had even risen, Cade was busy working away at the punching bag in her room, rock music pumping through the walls. There was no one to discipline her, both of their fathers having left for a lovely sunrise walk, leaving Coda to hug a pillow over his head to drone out the drone of Nirvana. Who the fuck woke up before the sun to beat up a bag? Apparently his stupid sister. He loved Cade with his entire heart but sometimes he wanted to bury her alive.

After a rather eventful morning involving phone theft and exposure of some rather odd looking photos, Cade finally left for her ‘spa date’ she had been groaning about all morning, allowing Coda to fall back asleep.

When he awoke once again, it was to Cade ripping open his blinds and telling him to get up because it was 4pm. How had he managed to sleep through the entire day? He wasn’t sure. But between Cade begging him to help her choose an outfit and his growling stomach, he managed to get up. That party better be worth it.

Arriving at the party together, Cade and Coda entered into the mansion with mouths agape. The place was huge and, more importantly, absolutely stunning. Coda made a mental note to compliment the house to Val, a sign of courtesy he usually wouldn’t extend if he didn’t feel so out of place. They were early and, thanks to some whiskey they had at home, slightly buzzed already.

“Alright,” Cade said, shifting her weight on her feet. “Divide and conquer, big guy. I’m gonna go find someone to bother, we’ll catch up later. Have fun and don’t get anyone pregnant!”

Coda rolled his eyes as his sister smashed her fist into his with a wink before turning heels and disappearing into the house, saying a few hellos to people as she exited the foyer. Finding himself a drink and a corner to stand in, Coda found himself quietly flipping through his phone and sipping on his drink. He recognized a few people in the crowd but lacked the courage to approach them.

He wouldn’t be alone for long as his eyes caught sight of a little blonde heading his way. Coda’s breath hitched in his throat as his mind raced to remember her name, his eyes tracing her figure. Fuck it, what was her name?

Angie. That was the name. Fuck, she looked good. Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was the fact he hadn’t even so much as kissed a girl for a few months, but he found himself unable to keep his eyes off of her. He wondered if she was truly coming over to speak to him, why would she? After all, they had only had a singular lunch and a few text conversations together. And with every other one of her friends at the party, it made little sense as to why Angie was coming over to him. Yet there she was, in front of him, speaking to him through glossed lips and batting eyelashes.

“Hello there yourself, Angeline.” Coda purred, watching as she complimented his outfit. Normally, his mouth would have run dry at the observation. Instead, he found himself leaning into the conversation, his phone lost in his back pocket. Reaching out, Coda took her hand and raised it, pressing his lips to the smooth skin of the back of her hand. “Aye lass, I must say, black is most definitely your colour. You are stunning tonight.”

Coda’s eyes traced her figure again, slower this time, and fuck, he hoped she noticed. He had laughed off Cade’s comments about him getting all the attention he had but suddenly, with her eyes scanning his body, suddenly he wasn’t mad about it.

“I was hoping I’d see you here tonight, lass. I didn’t think you could look more beautiful than usual, yet here you are.” Coda said smoothly as he carefully dropped her hand, careful to articulate his words through his thick accent. “Aye, now what are you doin’ over here with me when there’s an entire party of people lookin’ for ya? I wouldn’t want to keep ya all to myself, now would I?”

Fuck yes he did, but he couldn’t say that outright. Instead, he played coy, the smirk plastering his lips as he carefully looked down at the shorter girl, his back pressing against the banister behind him as his large hand gripped the cup in his hand.


val's house


buzzed and flirtatious


feelin good


angie ditto ditto
coded by natasha.
Mason took him home and Drake, more or less, felt like he was shutting down.

He slept -- a lot. Only waking up for brief periods to go to the bathroom and then he would crawl back underneath the torn blankets and sleep back into the blissful darkness of sleep. He would sometimes stir when his brother would come in, but Mason's words fell on deaf ears. Something about the journal -- how he needed to be filling it out, and taking his medication, and this and that and blah, blah, blah. Drake wasn't listening. Mason's words couldn't penetrate past the static in his mind.

It was like being under water. Trying to hear someone while you're under water, your lungs bursting and screaming for air, but not having the strength to push yourself above the surface.

The most that made Drake stir was when Mason said Adriane. Then, he stirred. Then, he focused in on his brother as he told Drake about how they were talking. About how she missed Mason and she missed Drake and his heart felt like it lurched and broke and cracked all at once. He figured she hadn't thought about them once since she left.

So when Adriane called, Drake didn't hesitate in picking up. Until then, he had any calls or messages -- not that there really were any. Just a few.

"Hey," his voice sounded hoarse.

"Hey," her voice was a pleasant, welcoming sound. Drake put the phone on speaker and laid it beside him, his pale eyes staring at the phone screen as he tried to stop the tears that pricked at the edges of his vision at hearing her voice. "Not doing great, huh?" She asked, but she kept talking before he had to figure out some kind of answer. "How's Auburn Springs?"

"I hate it," he mumbled. "I was only there for a day, though..."

"Oh," she went silent on the other end for a moment. "Yeah, it sucked there."

"How are you?"

"I'm... good." Her words sounded unsure. "Out of the hospital, so that's nice..." her voice trailed off. "I miss you guys, though. You and Mason and Ari. Like I have new friends and I'm happy enough, but... it's not the same."

That was enough -- hearing it from Adriane that she missed them as much as Drake missed her. When she had lived here and Drake ever felt down like this, Adriane would always come over and lay in the bed with him and just... talk.

"Did Mason tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Well... I need to talk to him, so I'm coming to visit at Christmas for a few days. Maybe a week. We're working out the details but, I'm hoping to see both of you. Exciting, right?"

His lips wavered into a half-hearted smile. "Yeah. Yeah that's really exciting."

There it was -- a little spark of hope, of happiness, that erupted in his chest at the idea of seeing Adriane and hopefully her parents. Of course Drake knew that Adriane was bad news -- at least when it came to Mason -- but for him... he didn't care right now. All he wanted was to feel like their little family was back together.

Even if it was just for a couple days.


When party day rolled around, Drake was feeling...

Not better. At all.

But he was going. For Milo and now, for Oliver.

Drake dragged himself out of bed and fished through the pile of clothes at the foot of his bed until he found a hoodie, t-shirt, jeans, and underwear that didn't smell horrible. He shuffled into the bathroom, dropping the clean-ish clothes onto the small counter. Drake shut and locked the door and started towards the shower but halted when he caught his own eye in the mirror.

He stopped and turned to look at himself, leaning in close to the mirror so that he could get a proper, up close view of his face. The dark bags under his eyes, the vacant look in his eyes -- was it evident just to him, or would it be to everyone?

He broke eye contact with himself to look down at the sink and that's when he saw the pink sunglasses sitting by the soap. How they had gotten there, he would never know -- probably Ari. Drake picked them up, unfolded them, and slid them on his face. His gaze went back to the mirror and now with his eyes covered, he almost looked normal. He forced a smile onto his face. The glasses couldn't cover the greasy hair that had been left unwashed for a week, but that would be fixed soon enough.

Oh yeah. Drake could totally pull this off tonight.

The sunglasses were pulled back and replaced in their spot next to the soap until Drake was ready.

He showered and that made him feel a little better -- it was nice to be out of the clothes he'd been wearing since Monday.

Drake got dressed. Brushed his teeth. Dried his hair and struggled to pull a comb through the tangled knots until finally, he gave up and tossed the comb down. Oh well. His hair was usually a wild mess, anyway. It wouldn't look out of place.

The final touch was sliding those pink sunglasses onto his face. With a wavering, half-hearted smile, Drake finger gunned his reflection in the mirror.

Yeah. He could do this.

And with that, he left to go and meet Milo.


The ride to the party in the back of Milo's dad's car was a little weird for Drake. He spent most of it staring out the window, distracted by who knows what and just nodded his head or offering little comments to Milo's words. It was nice, though -- it almost reminded him of being with Adriane, where he didn't have to talk. He could just listen.

Also, turns out it's really hard to see in the dark with sunglasses on, but that was a different issue.

When they arrived at the party, Drake offered Milo's dad a little "thanks" and then he was out of the car. He waited for Milo to also hop out, and then he led the way inside.

"So, drinks," he started talking as he weaved his way through the crowd in search of the alcohol table. "Oliver wants to get drunk, so I'm thinking shots. I was debating on doing like shots with mixers or just straight hard liquor and I'm thinking just hard liquor. Now, the question is do we do tequila or vodka?" Drake didn't wait for Milo to give any kind of answer before he decided. "Vodka. You're right."

Finally, the table of glory appeared in front of them. The beverage table. Drake walked forward, picking through the bottles until he finally found what he was looking for -- straight vodka. Perfect.

Even more perfect? Oliver arriving right then.

Until the boy opened his mouth.

"Of course I'm good. I was sick. Ever heard of being fucking sick, Oliver?" He snapped, his tone unnecessarily cold. Right. That wasn't going to fly, so he forced a smile onto his face and forced his voice to lose the cold. "I was just sick, but I'm good. Don't sweat it." Now his voice sounded warmer, but strained. Fuck.

"Here." He took the top off the bottle and poured some vodka into three red solo cups. Drake set the bottle of hard liquor down and picked up two of the cups, passing one to Oliver. "Cheers." Drake joked and clinked his cup against Oliver's before he brought to his lips and downed all of the alcohol in one quick gulp.

It burned going down -- hard -- and Drake couldn't help the grimace that crossed his face as the liquor burned down his throat and upset his empty stomach. He'd totally forgotten to eat today. Fuck.

But he didn't say anything about that. Instead, he just smiled at Oliver and Milo. "Vodka, check. Next I'm thinking tequila. For your research of course, Ollie." He said as he set the cup down and started poking through the bottles again.


TAGS: LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki Chimney Swift Chimney Swift
code by valen t.
@deviline says:
Coda was such a charmer. Him taking Angie's hand and kissing it took her slightly aback-- in the best way. A giggle bubbled from her, and she smiled at him, batting her lashes at him as he complimented her in that sexy accent of his. His eyes were glued to her, and she felt a swell in his chest from this knowledge. It wasn't as if he were just sneaking peeks or shyly following the shape of her body. Instead, he was confidently and obviously eyeing her. She loved the feeling.

Her eyes rolled across his body and back to his face as he flirted with her, dropping her hand. She felt her face and body heat up. He was so smooth and charming, ugh. She just wanted to eat him up.

She gave a smile, brushing her hair from her face again. "If they're looking for me, they'll have to wait their turn," she teased, her words curling up near the end of the sentence as if she were punctuating it with a heart. She giggled. "I'm surprised you don't have a line coming from you, Red." She placed a hand on his forearm and met his eyes, giggling lightly. "I figured I'd have to grab a number and wait for a chance just to speak with you. Oh, or maybe you'd've had a little auction and your sister'd been the auctioneer?" She laughed. "I kid, I kid...but really, I haven't gotten to speak with you much at all, Coda, and I've been sooo down about that. You're fun, you know." She pouted.

She moved her hand down to the hand holding his cup. "But now, lucky me-- I get to speak with you all by myself, handsome." She smirked. "...hmm, and look at you all by myself..." She giggled. "I love the view and the words...it's a whole experience."

She noticed a tray of jello shots going around, and she snatched one up from it, giving a scrunch-nosed smile at the carrier of the tray before the thing went down her gullet. She looked back at Coda with a light laugh, and she bid him, with a crooked finger, to bend down so she could speak in his ear.

She cupped her hand around his ear and whispered, "I'd love to have this experience in a nice, quiet, cozy place...hmm, say, my bedroom..." She pulled back with a giggle and a bat of her eyelashes. "But the night will say if I get to have that, huh? It's still young." She smiled and twirled her hair. "And we've still got a bunch of fun to have before the real fun begins, hmm?"

She loved to be a tease.

{ MOOD }
+ flir-tay <3 +

+ val's +

+ little black dress moment +

+ coda +

+ n/a +

{ TAGS }
+ geminiy geminiy +

this user was active: less than a minute ago

♬ "i'll take you to the moon and back, backseat of my cadillac" ♬

code by ditto (head empty go bonk)

Coda was such a charmer. Him taking Angie's hand and kissing it took her slightly aback-- in the best way. A giggle bubbled from her, and she smiled at him, batting her lashes at him as he complimented her in that sexy accent of his. His eyes were glued to her, and she felt a swell in his chest from this knowledge. It wasn't as if he were just sneaking peeks or shyly following the shape of her body. Instead, he was confidently and obviously eyeing her. She loved the feeling.

Her eyes rolled across his body and back to his face as he flirted with her, dropping her hand. She felt her face and body heat up. He was so smooth and charming, ugh. She just wanted to eat him up.

She gave a smile, brushing her hair from her face again. "If they're looking for me, they'll have to wait their turn," she teased, her words curling up near the end of the sentence as if she were punctuating it with a heart. She giggled. "I'm surprised you don't have a line coming from you, Red." She placed a hand on his forearm and met his eyes, giggling lightly. "I figured I'd have to grab a number and wait for a chance just to speak with you. Oh, or maybe you'd've had a little auction and your sister'd been the auctioneer?" She laughed. "I kid, I kid...but really, I haven't gotten to speak with you much at all, Coda, and I've been sooo down about that. You're fun, you know." She pouted.

She moved her hand down to the hand holding his cup. "But now, lucky me-- I get to speak with you all by myself, handsome." She smirked. "...hmm, and look at you all by myself..." She giggled. "I love the view and the words...it's a whole experience."

She noticed a tray of jello shots going around, and she snatched one up from it, giving a scrunch-nosed smile at the carrier of the tray before the thing went down her gullet. She looked back at Coda with a light laugh, and she bid him, with a crooked finger, to bend down so she could speak in his ear.

She cupped her hand around his ear and whispered, "I'd love to have this experience in a nice, quiet, cozy place...hmm, say, my bedroom..." She pulled back with a giggle and a bat of her eyelashes. "But the night will say if I get to have that, huh? It's still young." She smiled and twirled her hair. "And we've still got a bunch of fun to have before the real fun begins, hmm?"

She loved to be a tease.


"Of course I'm good. I was sick. Ever heard of being fucking sick, Oliver?"

Drake's words slashed deep into Oliver's core, his mouth falling open a little in shock. He hugged his notebook, no longer bouncing up and down but instead shifting uncomfortably, eying the floor as a deep blush crept onto his face. In the grand scheme of things what Drake had said wasn't that mean, just a little harsh, but coming from Drake, it crushed his feelings. "I..." he couldn't formulate a response, the hurt combining with the overwhelming environment to make speech almost impossible. He wanted to cover his ears, to close his eyes, to hide.

Almost immediately, though, Drake's tone softened as he uncapped the bottle of clear liquid in his hands. Vodka. Oliver was intimately familiar with the stuff. Cheap vodka was always his mother's poison of choice. He was used to seeing it splashed across the floor, vomited up on the carpet, viciously spat into his eyes. Here though, it looked strangely neat and refined in the tidy glass cups Drake poured it into. He studied the cup in his hands. He wasn't that good at eyeballing measurements, but this definitely looked like more than a proper shot of one and a half ounces. This was at least two, if not two and a half. Whatever. He wasn't supposed to be measuring anyway. Drake said so, and Drake was the expert on this endeavor. He swirled the alcohol in the cup, watching how the liquid caught the light with wide-eyed fascination. He gave it a hesitant sniff, wrinkling his nose. The aromatic profile was as sharp and unpleasant as he remembered.

First field note: Expensive vodka still smells like an antiseptic.

Watching Drake down the contents of his glass and noting the grimace that flashed across his face as he did so, Oliver could only assume it tasted exactly as it smelled. Bracing himself for the discomfort, he did exactly as he was told on Twitter and took the shot like a champ, only gagging a little as the viciously sharp burn crawled down his throat. He coughed, placing the cup down and shaking his head to clear his thoughts as he opened his notebook, balancing it on his left arm to jot down his findings.

Second field note: Tastes like bad memories.

He didn't immediately feel all that different, aside from the nauseating aftertaste, so he finished writing his last note and started the old, cracked stopwatch on his wrist. He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, the chattering of the crowd drowning out whatever Drake said as he reached for the next shot, Oliver fidgeting anxiously beside him. The smallest teen of the group squeezed his eyes shut, raking his fingers through his hair as he bit hard into his lip, each sound and sensation shooting through his addled sensory system and rattling his thoughts. He himself, though, despite his clearly overwhelmed and anxious mannerisms, hadn't noticed himself slipping into sensory overload. He was far too preoccupied with the science of inebriation. His general wellbeing would have to wait for the sake of the experiment.





Drake, Milo

♡coded by uxie♡
mentions. val jasmyn jasmyn , angie's mom ditto ditto .
interactions. donna ditto ditto , ryan geminiy geminiy .
mood. indifferent, content.
location. liquor table.
outfit. xoxo.

Party? Harrison Wilcox certainly fancied a good getty, and one didn't have to be a genius to know Valerie Flores' bash would be the place for it. While he was sure Val might not have heard of him, Harry certainly knew his fair share about the Auburn Springs senior, and her filthy rich parents. They were neighbours now after all. Moving in, and fully renovating the Wilcox mansion took longer than expected (especially with his father's absence), not to talk of Harry getting to speed on the American curriculum. His sophomore year had been very much short of eventful, and so it'd left him with a thirst for a thrill now as a junior. Valerie's party suited all his needs.

The thought of Ambridge's rag-tag miscreants moving to the Springs, and likely attending this party further enticed Harrison. What sort of wild, and unhinged ladies would he be meeting tonight? Would he have a chance at recording a tubular high school fight? Oh, skinny-dipping in the pool!

Harry's mind ran wild with ideas and possibilities. He had even caught himself taking more glances at the clock than at Mrs. Jumper's breasts during his pool-boy shift that afternoon, and nobody teased at teenage boys more than underpleased women.

Well, now that time was finally here. If he hoped to secure enough numbers, and laughs to get him through his first full year at Auburn Springs, Harry would need to make a terrific first impression at this party. Surely enough, that's what he'd done. He'd scheduled a barber's appointment shortly before the party, and had his outfit tailored and modeled after his physique. Pulling a couple strings here and there with the agency he modeled with, Harry had secured some merchandise that was yet to even touch the market. The volume of his hair was supported by some mousse, and his scent a minty-lemon strawberry, which was his staple cologne.

"You know what to tell my father, Lancington. I was studying all day long and so I'm sleeping away. I'll hand you a fiver once you're back here to pick me up." Harry winked, and slammed the door to the dark limousine shut. In spite of Val's home being only a couple minute's walk, Harrison Wilcox was here to make a mark of his own. Hopefully when his driver returned he wouldn't just be picking up Harry.

Harry waltzed into the Flores home with his head up high, and a bouquet of Peony's in hand. Rosy enough to show that he found the host more than pleasing to the eye, but awfully far away from red or white to mistake love of any kind. It was a gesture his father had taught him growing up, and one he hoped would impress. The thing with pretty girls Harry had come to realize was that they were always fashionably late. A quick glance about the scene proved Harry correct. While the number of party-goers was slowly amassing, the host herself was nowhere to be found. Upstairs, Harry's mind quickly clicked. He shrugged at the flowers with that, opting to get acquainted with some of the other party guests before the queen herself arrived.

"If the goal is to get wasted at least do it with some class." Harry grimaced over at Ryan's drink. He brought a hand over Ryan's to stop him from serving Donna a similar monstrosity. Harry placed the bouquet of flowers away over the counter, and in quickly executed motions, served his favorite order. A pair of peach margaritas, one for Ryan, and another for Donna. "What are you two, brothers? I'd hope mixing drinks isn't a hereditary trait because you'd both be in quite the pickle." Harry sighed, and leaned over the liquor table across from them as he anticipated the two to have a taste of his drink.

"Oh, name's Harry by the way, truth be told it's pleasure. I don't know too many chaps around here so I jumped at the chance at rescuing the two of you." He joked with a wide smile. "And your names are?"


mentions. n/a.
interactions. dani jasmyn jasmyn , oli Chimney Swift Chimney Swift , drake Winona Winona , milo LowkeyLovingLoki LowkeyLovingLoki
mood. excited, well.
location. liquor table.
outfit. xoxo.

Partying was far from Sly Cosgrove's schtick.

Half the time gatherings like this had people feigning laughs, and forcing goodwill like they had rods forced up their asses. There was an obvious tension between Auburn Springs and Ambridge, no party was going to convince Sly that there wasn't. And yet the great Danielle Monroe had somehow convinced him that this event could be a much needed step forwards. Dani had always been a protector, and someone looking out for the greater good of their Ambridge pack. In some ways, Sly liked to believe he did too. But she was right when she said more harm than good would come out of them staying separate. He wouldn't fraternize with the enemy, but he'd be making an appearance at the Flores girl's party.

Sly had done nothing more than curse, and shout in annoyance throughout the FaceTime call between himself and Dani. What the fuck was a semi-casual party? Sly wasn't sure what the in-between was, and after calling up Dani, it seemed she was just as lost as he was. He certainly didn't help by repeatedly asking her to loose the clothes and come over. What, the behind the school car sex still lingered in his mind! Thankfully Dani was downright stunning in anything she put together. Sly on the other hand, didn't have a care in the world for what he wore. Win-win, he figured.

A plain white tee, a leather jacket, and some boots. Sly had decided to sport the Ambridge male usual on this night out.

"The Knicks won." Sly chuckled down at Big Johnny and his boys as they watched the television in the main sitting room. He howled in laughter at their groans, took the keys to his stolen Porsche off of the wall, and headed out of the bungalow. After picking up Dani, he was headed straight for Valerie's home (navigated by Dani and her phone because he certainly didn't have her address memorized).

Sly left an arm swung over Dani's shoulder, and the other tucked into his jeans as they entered. "I am so going to pick some pockets." He chuckled as he thoroughly took in Valerie's home. It was spacious, and well-decorated. Nothing like the homes in Ambridge, and if anything, it had a similar vibe to the A.S. High School. Maybe all expensive buildings held that same aura to Sly.

"Off limits?" Sly chuckled and gave Dani a daring stare. "Seriously?" His smirk was laced with mischief as he maneuvered through the students and over to the liquor table along with Dani. Sly's once pocketed hand now sat over Oliver's head, palming the small boy. He wasn't sure how menacing he must've looked to Oliver, but ew, even Sly could tell that Oli wasn't taking his alcohol down easy.

"You've made your point, give it up, twerp." Sly remarked. He took a short glance around the group at Oliver's little friends. He chin-flicked over at Milo, but his sights eventually fell onto Drake. "I'm guessing you're the genius behind this bright idea." Sly started, and found himself playing with Oliver's head. Reeling him back and forth to an imaginary beat in his head. "I don't think Oli's the fish you want to fry tonight,

What'd'ya' say we have a drink-off?"
Sly's once serious tone grew more enthusiastic towards the end of the sentence. He shot a grin over at the set of shot glasses, averting the disappointment he knew Dani would hold towards him. "If I win, chumbucket here," Oliver, "Doesn't drink at all tonight. He lives another day to do my homework. How's that?"

Last edited:

Jell-O shots. That was the only thing on Mercedes' mind right now. Did Dad see her raid the freezer? Did her mother watch as she poured the vodka into the red liquid? How was she gonna get them out without being noticed? Oh, let's be honest. They probably won't even notice by the time Chelsea comes down the stairs. Mercedes was never paid attention to unless someone else pointed out she'd done something wrong. "What are you wearing?" A voice startled her and Mer flinched, causing her to smudge the eyeliner across her eyes. She was never good at makeup. Even when she tried so hard to be, it just never looked right. "Uh, a tank top? I'm going to a party." She replied to her mother.

"Alone?" She resisted the urge to roll her eyes, grabbing a wipe and attempting to fix the mistake she'd made earlier. "No, with Chelsea. It's Valerie's party." Mercedes couldn't tell if the name Chelsea or Valerie but that sentence together had changed her whole attitude. Taking that opportunity to walk into her room and towards the vanity, inviting herself to do her makeup and the brunette just let out a quiet sigh.

"How is Richardo? We haven't talked in a while. You think at the firm we'd talk more, but we're both so busy now! Especially since he's been spending so much time with that client across the bridge--" Mercedes had tuned out her mother as she watched her erase the makeup she had worked so hard on, practically removing everything she'd worked on for the last hour and a half. Watching her apply neutral and light tones. Within a few minutes, Mercedes just looked like herself again and... she hated it. "...Thanks mom." Of course it was forced, what else could she say? 'I hate it?' That'd cause an argument she wasn't interested in hearing.

Michelle didn't reply and held the cardigan out for her to put on. It was a silent; 'Cover up because you look entirely too revealing.' She had heard Chelsea call out for her and Mercedes couldn't leave quicker, not even bothering to mouth a goodbye and walked out of the room. Grabbing the container of her idea of 'roulette Jell-O shots' from the freezer and she was out the door.

As soon as she got into the car, she pulled the mirror down. Wiping off the clear lip gloss and applying the red lipstick she had in her bag. Thank the heavens for that. "Want a Jell-O shot?" She glanced over at her brother momentarily with an amused grin. Clearly teasing that he couldn't drink. This was the perfect favor. Now she could do whatever she wanted without everyone towering over her about what she could and couldn't do.

Unbuttoning the cardigan to unveil the slightly 'revealing' tank top from earlier. Mercedes had turned the radio on, changing the station until she had found whatever pop song that was on the top of the charts by now. "I love this songggg. Come on come on, sing with mee." The brunette unbuckled her seatbeat and started to dance, obviously still in her seat though of course. She wasn't that reckless. At least not as much as she was annoying. "Switching in positions for youuuuuuu, c'mon CK! Sing!" And-- No, she didn't pregame. This was simply just Mer.

She didn't live very far from Valerie, so it wasn't a fairly long drive to get there. The song had ended and so did Mercedes's confidence. "Wait wait wait. Do I look okay? Mom messed everything up and I feel like--" Like she looked like shit, yeah. But she wasn't going to say that.

"Do I? Look okay, I mean."


TAGS: jasmyn jasmyn ditto ditto
code by valen t.
Henri felt awkward. Then again, when didn’t she feel awkward? She felt weird looking down at herself, wearing the only dress she had ever owned. A small, ragged black number. I’m just glad it still fits honestly. Parties were not her thing, alcohol, drugs and sloppy PDA? No fucking thank you. However she had promised to look out for her friends, and that meant she had to be present at this party. Henri was told by the Springers that she had to dress up and not be a slob. She couldn’t care less what they thought, but Henri was on a mission tonight: Make sure her idiot friends don’t get into too much trouble tonight... And the last thing she wanted to do was to cause more trouble by dressing wrong.

Henri shifted uncomfortably in her dress as she bent down to tie up her combat boots. At least I’ll be able to walk. Or give assholes a swift kick up the ass. She wouldn’t be caught dead wearing heels. Actually, that’s incorrect – She couldn’t wear heels, it was a broken neck waiting to happen for Henri. Death traps, I swear. Stepping silently towards the window, Henri snuck a glance back to her closed door. Her mother, Evelyn Thomas, would have a fit if Henri was out “on a school night” no less. Fucking hell. If she thinks she can suddenly get her nose clean and then tell me what to do she has another fucking thing coming..

Henri grimaced in distaste. Until just over year ago, her mother had her nose deep in whatever powders or pills she could get her hands on. Her father was no better, until he overdosed. Then he was dead and her mother was shocked into recovery and suddenly became this doting, overbearing maternal figure. Fuck that. Henri didn’t buy the act for a moment. ”Making up for lost time” my ass... What a fucking joke. She didn’t give a shit about us for years. Why start now? Still, Henri would prefer to avoid a confrontation with her mum. The last thing she needed was to start an argument in front of Liz.

To avoid rattling the window frame as she made her escape, Henri placed down an old checkered flannel shirt on the railing. I’ve seen this in movies. I totally got this.

Narrator: She does not got this.

With as much grace as a gazelle carcass floating down a river, Henri climbed over the windowsill, using the flannel shirt as a barrier to avoid the sharp cracks in the railing. Whilst attempting to judge her landing on the grassy slope below, she didn’t expect to lose her her balance and tumble headfirst out the window. Fucking shit! Oh–!


Ow... Waiting a moment to make sure she hadn’t made enough noise to alarm her household, Henri used the wall her house to steady herself as she got to her feet. Yup, I’m so happy I did not wear heels. I could’ve impaled myself! Wait, why do I feel so cold– Oh for fuck’s sake! Maybe it was a stray nail head, maybe it was the windowsill railing, but something had torn her dress, revealing the grey boyshorts Henri was wearing underneath. Fuck! She couldn’t climb back into her room to change, Henri knew she wouldn’t survive another round with the window. But I sure as hell can’t go to the party with half my ass flapping in the wind...

Thinking quickly, Henri jumped up and grabbed the old flannel shirt and wrapped it around her behind, double-knotting it at the front. This looks trashy as fuck... But its better than nothing. Just at that moment, Diego’s beaten up black Buick rolled up to the curb, shuddering as it was placed into park. Swiftly, Henri reached the passenger door and yanked it open.

“Hey dickhead! You’re late.” Henri grinned as she mock scolded Diego. Spying a bottle of clear gin on the seat next to her, Henri’s grinned widened and she couldn’t help but shoot another teasing jab his way. “I see you took my advice to smoothen-up your game. Good luck tonight – I think you’re going to need it.”
OUTFIT: With combat boots
TAGS: jasmyn jasmyn

Ashley awkwardly adjusted the edge of her shirt. She wasn’t sure what was appropriate to wear to a party, so she just wore a shirt that was a size too tight, with black jeans. Maybe there were better ways to look good, but she was feeling stylish.

She felt like a fish out of water. When she was 13 she had gone to a high school party, with an old football buddy, and a drunk sophomore tried to get handsy with her. Though she laughed it off, she was still wary of parties. The only reason she had decided to go was to indoctrinate herself into high school.

Not only was she a Bridger, she was basically the only freshman in the school. If she wanted to prove that she wasn’t some baby, then she had to suck it up, and attend the party. Maybe even get wasted. How could her friends complain? Drake was only a year older than her, and goodness knows he wasn’t a saint.

She scanned the room, searching for familiar faces. She reminded herself not to stay too close to Ryan, since she knew that substances were a sore subject for him, and the last thing she wanted was for her friend to see her drinking if it trigged a traumatic memory.

She spotted a table where her favorite dumbasses(Drake and Oliver) were hanging out, and walked over. “Hey guys!” she grinned, and glanced over at Oliver’ s less-than-great appearance. “Is he ok?” She whispered somewhat concerned over her friend, and sensing this may not be the best time to ask if they wanna get wasted with her.

Ashley Park

code by valen t.
Parties were like... the bane of Jess' existence. She didn't do parties. Jess hardly did just normal hanging out, let along going to some place packed full of bodies with overly loud music and the stench of alcohol in the air.

Jess had been to one party right before her freshman year had started. The events that had transpired had, for the most part, been shoved deep into the back of her memory for Jess to pretend had never happened. However, the faint memory tugging at the back of her thoughts was like a neon sign of why she should avoid parties.

But instead, she had agreed to go to this freaking party. A party that would undoubtedly be filled with people that Jess couldn't stand and that, vice versa, couldn't stand her.

At least, as she approached the party, Jess wasn't totally alone. Indigo had agreed to come with her -- instead of, you know, playing video games which clearly would've been the better option here, but anyway. It was nice to know that she wouldn't be totally alone during the party especially if, as she was suspecting to happen, Ryan, Henri, or anyone else that has jokingly agreed to hangout with her at the party ended up with better things to do.

Not that she would blame them.

"We could still go back." Jess remarked as she looked up at Val's house. It was huge, fancy, beautiful. But even as she spoke, Jess knew that she couldn't go back now. Well, she could, but the hard part had been convincing herself to come here. The easy part was walking through the door and letting herself be swept up in the crowd.

Yep. Nothing was more fun than being surrounded by drunk teenagers while you yourself didn't drink and remained totally sober.

Jess' heart was beating way faster than she anticipated as she, finally, worked up the courage and led the way through the front door with Indigo following after her.

They were in.

And... Jess realized she didn't know what to do at this point.

"What are you supposed to do at parties?" She asked, turning to her friend. Jess didn't know how much Indy knew about parties, but she could almost guarantee it was more than what she knew.

MENTIONS: Henri, Ryan

TAGS: KingofAesir KingofAesir
code by valen t.
All Mason really wanted was for once to not feel as if the meager state of okay his family sometimes felt wasn't crumbling and slipping through his fingers like sand. But every time that he started to relax, every time he started to feel happy or okay, something new came along and pulled Mason straight back to his knees. Straight back to that feeling of helplessness.

Because right now? Watching Drake fall back into this pit of despair just left Mason feeling utterly helpless. There wasn't much he could do but be there for his brother but, between work, school, and taking care of Ari, Mason barely has time for that.

So yeah, he called Adriane and explained the situation and a little bit of Drake seemed to return after she had called.

Mason was really fucking weak, wasn't he? He couldn't even handle all this shit without having to rely on his ex-girlfriend -- the one that had abandoned him with Ari and left.

His first week at Auburn Springs had sucked -- and not because... Mason had issues with the whole, or with Chelsea, or anything else. It made him nostalgic. Reminded him too much of Adriane and too often, Mason had found himself drifting off into daydreams and memories of her.

But now it was the day of the party, and Mason had managed to get time off from work. Had that meant working all night the evening before? Fuck yes. And he'd only been able to get a few hours of sleep before having to get Ari from the sitter's -- a nice neighbor by the name of Lydia. She had retired from whatever her previous job had been years ago and didn't generally leave the house, which worked out well for Mason.

Through necessity more than anything, Lydia had become one of the only people Mason trusted one hundred percent -- the other two being Raven and Henri.

Speaking of Raven, Mason was now at her house. Nancy had been nice enough to watch Ari so they could go to the party -- and, yeah, he was a little nervous about it, although he was sure it would be fine. However, Raven's own nervous questioning of Nancy didn't do much to ease his own worries.

Well Raven was speaking with Nancy, Mason took the time to give his daughter a hug and tell her goodbye -- not that the little redhead really cared as she wiggled in his arms. Finally, Mason let her go and Ari was off to go play. He rolled his eyes and rose back up.

"Bye, Nancy," Mason called as he followed Raven out the door and pulled it closed behind him. He looked at her, a grin spreading over his face as she spoke.

"It'll be fine," he assured her. "Plus think about how sad the princess will be if you don't come to her party."

Mason brushed past Raven and headed down to the Uber as he continued. "We can do that tomorrow night. Nancy has it handled tonight, and we deserve the break." At this point, Mason wasn't sure if he was trying to convince himself or Raven.

He walked over to the far side of the car, hesitating for a moment because staying in did sound good... but he sucked it up and opened the door, climbing into the small car and pulling the door closed after him. Mason shifted in the seat until he was comfortable.

"What's going on with you and Val, anyway?" He asked after Raven also got in and the car jerked forward and started towards Auburn Springs.


TAGS: Soap Soap
code by valen t.
Cade Adams

I like it, I'm not gonna crack

I miss you, I'm not gonna crack

I love you, I'm not gonna crack

I killed you, I'm not gonna crack


The sweat dripped from Cade’s groomed eyebrow as fist and foot smashed into the punching bag swinging from her ceiling. The music was far too loud for half past five in the morning but, if Cade was being honest, she didn’t care. Coda could use the early rise and she needed to get the jitters out before her spa date. Her muscles burned in anger as she pushed herself through the pain, her carefully wrapped knuckles taking most of the force as she practiced.

Nothing like a good workout and some Nirvana to start the morning.

Cade was excited about the prospects of the evening. It had been a minute since she had been to a party, though she wasn’t entirely certain if Val’s party was going to be the type of party Cade loved. If she didn’t end up drunk, barefoot, and either tangled up with a beautiful guy or dragging an equally Coda out into the woods, it wasn’t a party. If she woke up the next morning and really knew where she was, it wasn’t a party.

The release was sorely needed. As much as she fought the thoughts, she missed home. She missed the damp rain that chilled her to the bone and the stones that snuck their way into her shoes and the wind that ruined perfectly good hairstyles. Scotland was home. Auburn Springs was not and, if she was being honest, Cade could never see it ever truly being home for her. Everything was so foreign and polished and refined, lacking the casual chaos of a truly lived-in and loved world. The perfection was unsettling, like a sort of uncanny valley Cade couldn’t quite put her finger on.

Coda had seemed to have settled right in, especially with the local ladies, and Cade envied him. He had always been better at adjusting to moves, always behaving himself and blending right into his surroundings like a chameleon. Cade, on the other hand, had managed to almost fight two different guys, almost went to jail on pedophilia charges (what was up with the little dudes and hitting on her?), and said ‘sorry’ more times than she could count on all fingers and toes within the past week. The confidence that lingered on her smirking lips was a facade, a mask to hide her discomfort. And, as far as Cade could tell, she was doing a damn good job. Oscar worthy, if you asked her.

After getting cleaned up, Cade found herself in Karmyn’s car and, eventually, the dreaded spa. The place was terrifying. Women in rollers and masks and fluffy bathrobes getting sharp little pieces of wood jammed at their nail beds and little toe separatey thingies shoved between their fingers. To Cade, she wondered how this was not some sort of modern torture. Karmyn convinced her it was fine, that it was nothing to worry about, but Cade still found herself flinching at every poke and prod and, by the time it was all over, she made a promise to herself: no spa trips EVER again.

Once she returned home and woke Coda’s lazy ass up, Cade got ready for the rapidly approaching party. She had considered, for a brief moment, not going. Coda was excited but Cade really just wanted to stay home, chill out, and take in her new home alone. But alas, Coda was bugging her to go and how could she say no to his overly dumb looking face? So, one long hour of outfit picking and makeup applying later, the two were out of the house and heading to Val’s house.

Stepping inside the party, a flush of energy rushed over her. They were early, as usual, and after a sly comment, she abandoned Coda in search of someone new to speak with, hopefully the rather captivating lad she had had the pleasure of conversing with (and endlessly teasing) on Twitter. Cade couldn’t help if the guy was all talk and no game, as they usually were, or if he was genuinely up for the challenge. She certainly hoped it was the latter.

Carefully untwisting the cap on the bottle of whiskey in her hand, she did the classiest thing she could think of and took a heavy swig right from the bottle, the alcohol burning a friendly warpath down her throat. It burned deliciously. Fuck it, if she was going party, she was gonna party like she wanted to and that meant swigging straight from the damn bottle.


val's house


'aye lets get this thing started'


heart-shaped box


coded by natasha.

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