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Realistic or Modern Apocalypse - OOC

The stairs fell on her leg shortly after she hit the ground, so it's a bit caved in, I guess? There's a lot of dried blood around the wound and it's a bit dirty
Btw, I can just let this slide but if the weather is cold as we are describing it to be, realistically the frostbite would have killed her within the first 12 hours.
Yooo, guys. I gotta apologize for my recent pauses - recently started college and I'm getting settled so like, don't kill Ana off, I do what I can. <3
I don't really have anything to forward the story with Ally or Kate so I'll just wait for you guys to finish up
Will will find a way to make it better? Nikita's the doctor.
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Same here with Nik. Unless some of yall wanna visit da doc.
I forgot to make Ally ask Nikita for a bandaid for the gash on her nose, but honestly I don't think there's much of a reason to write a reply just for that

Unless I want to build their relationship together-
Plus, I kinda find it funny how the doctor is the ruthless asshole of the group who would just kill out of nowhere.
I wanna add a former veterinarian assistant who would provide more meds and who might or might not have known Colette before the apocalypse. But I don't know. The group is too big.
I wanna make Kate have a thing for Nikita
Interesting idea. Although, I kinda have an arc in mind for him already so they have to be good friends which on its own will take quite a bit. At one point I will have him change and open up a tiny bit at which point it can most definitely happen. Although, it doesn't necessarily have to be Kate, it is going to be someone who will have to be friends with him which is going to be a bit difficult considering he is an asshole.
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Interesting idea. Although, I kinda have an arc in mind for him already so they have to be good friends which on its own will take quite a bit. At one point I will have him change and open up a tiny bit at which point it can most definitely happen. Although, it doesn't necessarily have to be Kate, it is going to be someone who will have to be friends with him which is going to be a bit difficult considering he is an asshole.
In my mind, Kate shares a similar mindset to Nikita where they would rather keep themselves and the ones they love safe than go out of their way to save others. Kate is a bit more liberal compared to Nikita when it comes to this mindset, but she would be willing to leave someone to die if it meant it guaranteed the safety of her loved ones
In my mind, Kate shares a similar mindset to Nikita where they would rather keep themselves and the ones they love safe than go out of their way to save others. Kate is a bit more liberal compared to Nikita when it comes to this mindset, but she would be willing to leave someone to die if it meant it guaranteed the safety of her loved ones
I guess you are right about them being similar. But I wanna make it clear that Nikita is not protective. He just uses the information available to him in order to come to a conclusion that would be best for the survival of him and those that protect him without any regard for moral and ethical issues. He does not really care about those around him personality wise. He helps medically them because if they were down, there would be less people protecting him.

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