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Realistic or Modern โ ๐€๐๐„๐‘๐ˆ๐Ž. โž - ooc

see that was me this summer and then i started working and life got crazy then school started up. now im staying up until like 10 doing absolutely nothing. wadegfrjdfh
school literally sucks the life out of you, ugh
Okey my compooter keeps flipping the fuck out no matter what I do, so I think I will leave my progress as is for the night and get to homeworking
between cypress and noel, olive is going to go from catholic goody-good to bad girl in a second. i'm just saying.
i just saw noel and omg logan. he is so precious.
what is with this high quality fcs ugh
Now I'm curious though, why you thought that XD
i saw "logan." and in my half asleep state i was like "god yeah that makes sense they're probably calling someone by their first name which is also MY first name and wouldnt that be fuckin tight"
i saw "logan." and in my half asleep state i was like "god yeah that makes sense they're probably calling someone by their first name which is also MY first name and wouldnt that be fuckin tight"

happens to the best of us
the discord is gonna be chaotic bro
this is 100% accurate.
i'm super happy about that though, usually they are always so quiet! i love when its nuts

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