Other Anyone else an aspiring writer/author?

Working on a fantasy novel at the moment that's set in quite a vast parallel world. Thing is, work, friends and rping keep me so busy I rarely get to write these days, although I really want to get it finished 🙈
I’ve been trying to write a book ever since I was in second grade. I’m a college freshman now...

I did get my poem published in fifth grade and that’s about it for my writing career so far... but I have like oodles of ideas on what I want to do and what I can do. I’ve decided to just jump in
I've been writing for a long time, but I struggle to stick with any single idea. I took classes back in college to become a better writer, and I would like to think I became pretty skilled at writing short stories. I want to become a supernatural horror novelist. I've been working on a book for a few months now and I'd be excited to try to publish it or release it for free online at some point in the future if I ever finish.
I'm attempting to teach myself discipline by finishing at least one fanfic before I delve into something completely original. I have tried some original stories over the years. Surprisingly, at 13-17, I actually had some decent ideas, but the execution was horrible. I'll probably reboot several of those plots for any future novels.
Working on my first solo work. I've written for games, websites, and the like before, but this is my first novel-length work.
I have yet to publish my work but I am currently in the process of getting a degree in College for creative writing and hope to become an author when I graduate.
I am an aspiring writer and comic artist! My goal is to create my own light novels and webcomics. I would love to be able to make a living sharing my stories with others someday.
I have a complete novel up and am working on editing. I've also started the sequal. I made an rp based on the later books
I am an aspiring writer and comic artist! My goal is to create my own light novels and webcomics. I would love to be able to make a living sharing my stories with others someday.
Cool. Do you plan to upload on sites like Tapas or Webtoons?
How nice. What's it about?

The series is about a young woman, her brother and her friends trying to survive in a universe with all kinds of monsters, criminals and beings who serve the god of darkness and chaos. Its a science-fantasy that fuses technology and magic. In boom one and two the story takes place on a single planet where a race that serves the dark god is trying to wipe out the two races on the planet. After boom two space travel will be introduced and so will my space battles. A lot is gonna happen in the series but the young woman mentioned earlier has the goddess of light and creation within her. Her brother keeps the dark god within him.
I’ve been working on what could be a novel or series of books for a few years now but have never really come close to finishing it. I have been considering uploading some of the shorter stories I’ve thought up but I don’t really know where to upload them and I’m a bit scared to put my stories anywhere without the proper legal protection. I know I probably sound paranoid but it seems like it’s easy for a small, first time author to be exploited without them even knowing.
I’ve been working on what could be a novel or series of books for a few years now but have never really come close to finishing it. I have been considering uploading some of the shorter stories I’ve thought up but I don’t really know where to upload them and I’m a bit scared to put my stories anywhere without the proper legal protection. I know I probably sound paranoid but it seems like it’s easy for a small, first time author to be exploited without them even knowing.

There's a site i use called wattpad. You can just throw a copywrite symbol on it an the rest takes care of itself
Working on my first book, well I was anyways. Its a Supernatural/Fantasy story for Teens. I had to stop because of Real Life.....emergencies. On top of that I have had to move states and am trying to find work currently. My writings been a little MIA with the anxiety and my focus being shattered and all. I'm slowly getting back into the process. But I'm gonna need some tools to break through this writers block soon. Wish me luck.
Maybe not writing, but I'm always aspiring to be more handsome; so far, I've found I'm already perfect.
I’ve written quite a lot actually. I’m not quite sure that others would enjoy my writing style. I try my best to have the most unique characters and an original plot. It’s a bit difficult at times, but Writing has changed me. It was there when I was dealing with something a lot of people don’t really shed light on (i still am dealing with it). Writing was my escape, and I could feel myself living through my characters, and I felt normal for once. Then, I joined this site and I’ve met so many beautiful people. Thank you.
I am someone that is currently publishing my novel 'Harbingers of the Sun' first in the Bloodstone Chronicle series online (shameless self-plug) so you have a fellow aspiring author/novelist my dudes!
If I could actually sit down long enough to finish something, that'd be great.

But I want to pursue Creative Writing in college, so if that says anything...
I used to write fanfics back in my early days of high school, back when I was a hardcore weeb so yikes. I still do fanfics from time to time but less on anime. I’d also like to write a novel but I’m debating on what it should be on
Working on my first book, well I was anyways. Its a Supernatural/Fantasy story for Teens. I had to stop because of Real Life.....emergencies. On top of that I have had to move states and am trying to find work currently. My writings been a little MIA with the anxiety and my focus being shattered and all. I'm slowly getting back into the process. But I'm gonna need some tools to break through this writers block soon. Wish me luck.
You got this!

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