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Fantasy Angels Among Demons

Detective Zhao Shukun
master_in_suit_by_aenaluck_dc5ijni-pre (1).jpg
Her tail got a solid flinch from him, truly not expecting the sudden jab at his back. Feeling the slight sting, he'd glance down to her, and about to set her down. He'd then feel her grab at his thigh which brought along a hissing inhale from the pain. Ow.

"Assaulting an officer?" He said through gritted teeth, not at the car. "Fine, fine." It seemed she won, as his other arm came around to carefully turn her and move her in a means to set her down directly in front of himself. Though, he would sit her down on the hood of his car. A car which was freezing cold, a cold that would come at once as he just set her down just like that.

"First you tell me to loosen up, then you say stop treating you like a kid, then you say I'm a prude and a pervert. You need to make up your mind." Shu would say with a sigh, the car unlocking and soon after he'd get the door open for her to scurry inside.

A sharp yelp of pain erupted from the girl as she was sat down on the freezing hood of the car, the sudden cold shocking the demoness straight back onto her feet. She nearly slammed into the full figure of Shu, her hands raising at the last second to keep those few inches of space between them. Exhaling loudly, cold air would form around her mouth. A glare was soon shot upward at him. "You can loosen up about yourself, and you can stop treating me like a child. You don't have to carry me under one arm, whilst possibly flashing me to the entire hotel complex! Here's my final request, learn how to act right around a woman!" She exclaimed up at him, throwing both arms into the air now. After huffing out some clouds of air, she'd move to slip into the car.

Despite the layers of snow outside the garage, and the bitter nipping air inside, Lilith didn't seem to mind it at all. She was constantly warm, and it took a lot to truly cool down a demon. It was probably the main reason they managed to survive during the winter with nearly all them lacking proper gear and homes. Once she had sat down in the car, her legs crossed over each other. Her arms mimicked the motions, and she simply puffed out one cheek as she looked out the window. "You should say sorry. I only hit you because I wanted to be put down." She offered to him once he got into the car, fully expecting the officer to apologize to her. "And we should also probably set up some boundaries between each other."
Detective Zhao Shukun
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Pursing his lips together, he would remain quiet as she got in the car, only to close the door behind her. It's only once he got in that it would turn on, and in time everything would start heating up. Adjusting some dials and such, he'd continue to listen only to quietly sigh. "Very well. Sorry, I'll be more aware going forward." He'd apologize, and while it sounded genuine enough she could tell he'd slipped back into being as boring as ever given his current tone of voice going back to the stern one he had when they first meet.

It's only after he shifted the car into drive and started driving with the intent of exiting the garage and heading to the mall that he'd speak out again. "Hit me with your ground rules and I'll add to It after if I feel it is neccessary."

Settling back into the plush chair, Lilith would hold up one finger to the driving Shu. Oh boy, looks like it was going to be some sort of list. "One, and I'm saying this now before you try, do not grab the tip of my tail. It's sensitive. In fact, don't tug on my tail at all, cause that just hurts. It's like tugging on your hair or something. Two, just because my occupation involves dancing on men, you don't get to just stare at me like I'm a tall drink of water. Well, I am, but you know what I mean. I mostly just wanted to touch on the tail thing, actually," she mumbled out the last part, leaning back into the chair. Her arms recrossed, and she inclined her head towards him.

"So, got any rules? Or will I still be allowed to slap your old man abs whenever I want to?" She added the joke in at the end, hopefully lightening the mood a bit. It was clear she wasn't too upset about the whole ordeal, but it was probably good they were setting up some boundaries between the two. People assumed because of her job, that Lilith was just open to whatever. She can lock her mind away for a few hours to dance at night, but that was a different person. The real Lilith tried not to recall those times, because they always left a sour taste on her tongue.

After a moment of silence, she'd add on. "Listen, I like jokes. I try not to get offended by things, and you don't have to be constantly stern with me, but I don't like being made fun of in public. Already happens enough with this job," she said quietly, her tone soft and serious. Hopefully he'd understand where she was coming from.
Detective Zhao Shukun
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Those two rules were easy enough, though the first bit about her tail definitely roused a few questions that would have to go unanswered for now. One thing was for sure, however, and that was that this rule would likely be broken if she jabs at him again with that thing. "I can treat you a little more your age, just stop calling me old. I already feel old, and I'm only forty seven and in better shape than ninety-nine percent of this country." He'd grumble in response, pulling onto a major roadway. It's about now that crisp fluffy snow could be seen, most of which mush in the streets that have already been salted and plowed. A lot of shop arches and areas were still undisturbed, even this close to noon.

"No." He'd finally answer, not really having further rules to add. "You're kind of an energetic pain in the ass, an extrovert when I'm clearly not. That's not a sin, or against the law, so I'll just suck it up. As for making fun of you, I'll tone it down. I hope you at least notice a difference between my teasing and the comments you get in the general public." Shu finally added, very aware of the things humans say to and about demons already. At least he hasn't called her Red yet, though the slip has almost happened once or twice already. [/font]

Now leaning forward and to the side in seat, because once again, she was without a seatbelt, Lilith poked a finger into his rough cheek with a large grin. "So you're forty seven! I was just calling you old until you finally snapped and told me your actual age. Don't worry, you're like a spring chicken. Oh! What if we got face masks at the mall? I've always wanted to try one, and it can help with your skin," she casually suggested, implying his skin could be in way better shape than it was now. Leaning back into the seat, she began to spread her fingers out and examine her nails.

"Hmm...Yeah, I guess. I can tell you're joking. I think you can be real fun if you lighten up, but it's only happened once. Surely I can coax it out of you again, but I know you aren't as bad as the rest of them," she offered, but the implication was still there. He wasn't perfect, and she was making sure he knew she was aware. Lilith wasn't going to let his slight prejudice just slip from her thoughts, and she hoped he would reflect upon them more with her around. And just maybe, she'd think differently about the angelics that descended down to give the middle finger to all her race.

Detective Zhao Shukun
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"You're not nearly as bad as some of your kind I've had to deal with either." He'd respond in kind, picking up her comment and returning it in favor. He'd meet a few nasty reds in his day, one even kind enough to leave the nice scar that lines down across his eye and over his right cheek. That specific encounter is a big part on what he's adored by many higher ups in the city, but that was a case discussion from a time so far back it felt like another lifetime. Likely one he'd never discuss with Lilith as it certainly didn't paint an image of human and demon alliance.

"I'm not sure about face masks." Shu finally answered your question from him. "We'll go look, though. The main thing is clothing, though if you see some stores you've never been in and always wanted to I can be your escort." He knew for a fact the slums didn't have a lush, or some of the other places that she'd likely only seen on catalog covers or from a far. Maybe she's taken disguise to actually go inside, but as for afford? Likely not.

Tapping her chin a few times, she just sighed softly and returned her gaze to stare out the window. The blanket of snow hid much of the world, which was a shame. She never exactly got to see the city, and now it was covered in white. White, white, white. "I guess we're both kinda stuck in the same mindset, eh?" She offered weakly, before letting out a loud sigh this time around. What else was she supposed to say in the end?

"And heh, escort. That would be a good job for you. Older ladies would love to have you take them around town in a skimpy little dress. Go out to dinner, treat 'em right. The whole shebang," she said, before laughing to herself as she imagined Shu in a dress. His large frame likely wouldn't even fit into the outfit, which made it all the better in her mind.
Detective Zhao Shukun
"Let's be real." He'd pause, taking on his serious tone yet again. "If I were a woman, I'd still wear pants suits. Dresses are just so unconventional." Especially for his line of work. Ever seen a person in a dress slide over the hood of a car and tackle someone to the turf? Wasn't happening. Now, that didn't mean he didn't think others didn't look good in them. "Tell you what, the day you're in a suit and a tie is the day I'll get involved with a dress." Some possible inspiration for her to go out and look for those kind of jobs, maybe, even though he was returning her joke from the get go.

It's around this time during their drive that the seat warmers would kick in, and Shu would have to take a moment and remember he's about to walk in the mall with a smol™ Demon. One in heels, a pair of boxer shorts, and a large plain black T-shirt. This would actually be an eye opening experience, he'd get to experience the prejudice that she's dealing with. On a side note, he'd get to see what it is like for the quickly gathering group of demonic sympathizers if he's seen with her all day. Fortunately he was pretty sure his shield would carry him through any issues when it came to the general public.

Turning to him with a rather wicked grin, she would simply make a finger gun motion. "Just wearing a suit and tie? Cause that's a dangerous bet, and I'll go into your closet once we're back at your place and put it on at once. Hope you got a dress stored away long enough to cover your dick," she said with a roar of laughter following, if one could even call it that. It was still 'dainty' in a way, feminine and charming. It was also infectious, but Shu may have been vaccinated along the way. "And psh, you just don't know how to properly work a dress. You're just assuming it's too hard, that's lazy. I could kick ass in a mini-dress, and go out for dinner an hour later. You can bet on that."

Turning her attention back to the window, a happy smile was forming over her features. It seems this was the type of humor she enjoyed most. At least, at their level of relationship. They just met each other yesterday, they hardly knew each other's stories, yet they were staying in the same apartment and he was driving her around for clothes. It was an odd predicament, but Lilith wasn't one to let odd things stop her from enjoying her life. Everyone was like an egg, just gotta crack 'em hard enough to get the good stuff inside.

Her eyes widened at the thought of that, before she giggled randomly into her hand. Ah, bad sex jokes. The best type of jokes. They were dirty, dumb, and most people could relate to how stupidly funny they were.
Detective Zhao Shukun
Some of the guys at the station definitely had a mouth on them, and it was pretty common to have some locker talk that was just downright toxic. The thing that caught him off guard was just how small and, well, cute she was - Yet here she was, dropping dick jokes like a grade school boy. On top of that, it was about his dick. "You are getting nowhere near my bedroom, let alone my closet. That's a fact, so you better wipe away that horrible mental image of me in a dress you seem to be clinging onto." He said with a light chuckle, but now he was a bit concerned. She seemed the type to take dares, that was dangerous.

"Besides how bad ass you are, Mrs. Bond, other than Macy's for clothing what exactly are we going into? I don't want to spend all day in the Mall, but if you plan on keeping us there for a while we should plan on having lunch while there too. There's a pizza place that's pretty good in there." Currently trying to plan out his day, he at least knew it was probably impossible to guess how his week was going to be. Either way, they were quickly approaching and soon enough he'd even be pulling into the under building garage at the Manhattan Mall.

"Oh yeah, sure, sure. I'll totally stop thinking about you in a gold mini dress. You got it, detective," she said, trying to sound reassuring in her tone. Of course, she just sounded awfully sarcastic. His closet was nowhere near safe, especially with Lilith slinking around his home. Revenge would be sweet for her, oh so sweet. Grinning over at him, she just winked and stuck her tongue out. Her attention was then dragged to the windshield, and she leaned forward to peer at the mall with large eyes.

"I want some warm sweaters and jeans. I can't really afford them normally, so I want some cute casual stuff. I'm not sure what color would complement...me, but probably not red. Or maybe red, I'm not great at fashion. And I'm down for pizza, as long as we can put garlic powder on it. And basil. And mozzarella. What I'm trying to say here is I want a margherita pizza with garlic powder on it really badly. Oh, and like...what are they called? The little sticks with cream and chocolate in them. I heard pizza places have them cause of Italian food," she rambled a bit, before turning to peer at him with an eager gaze. She knew some food, but it was clear she wanted to fill in those gaps where she didn't know. What kind of foodie wouldn't?

"Also, your laugh is nice. It's deep, you should laugh more."
Detective Zhao Shukun
"Hah." The final bit about his laughter actually got a chuckle out of him. Not that he normally didn't find her ramblings to be humerus, it's more that he was beginning to think she may not have too many positive outlets in her life. "Alright, I personally want to see if a Christmas sweater will burst into flames on you. Since you'll be staying with me during Christmas, I also am allowed to impose you have to celebrate it by wearing one when in my home." Shu said with a sly grin crossing his face, now imagining Lilith in a big goofy wool sweater covered in snowflakes or with a tree on it. She may not know it yet, but he planned on getting one for himself too, and at least he wasn't saying anything pervy unlike her.

Finally pulling up to the garage, Shu would actually slow down before turning. Raising his right hand over the steering wheel, he'd point just down the street with a smile still on his face. "As much as this city exhausts me, it's worth seeing stuff like that." If she followed his pointed hand, and looked that way even as they turned, she'd see a mere half block away was the empire state building. It's sides still clumped with snow, and it reflected the light from the whitewashed city under it like a beacon - A glowing pillar that loomed over them with how close it was. One that was soon out of view as they pulled into the underground area. Finding parking looked like it would be hard, but he'd simply pull into the security spot just outside the Macy's. This was a zone for first responders, ambulances, and so forth. Fortunately, his government plates would save him from any grief.

Once actually out of the car, he'd walk over to meet Lilith on her side of the car, soon after just pointing towards the door. He was going to let her lead the way, knowing exactly what he planned on getting while he was here but also knowing he could get it later since he'd be here a while judging by her presence. It was also very clear already that demons did not come here, people already looking their way the moment she exits the vehicle.

Shaking her head, she rolled her eyes at his Christmas sweater comment. "I doubt it'll burst into flames. Obviously I can't go into a church, or weird holy grounds, but Christmas is such a wide spread thing now a days. Unless you're like super religious about the whole thing," she said to him, a bit of warning in her voice. Holy items burned demons, and they were common weapons used against them. Churches had begun to lock up their holy water to avoid hate crimes against demons. One slosh of water over a demon could potentially murder them. A shudder ran down her spine, but she quickly shook the thought away as he pointed out the Empire State building.

Leaning forward in her seat to stare at the bottom portion of the famous building, her lips soon pressed together into a thin line. It was surely a beautiful sight, but not one demons could ever enjoy. "We aren't allowed near it, you know. Or any of the 'famous' places in the world. They say it was built for humans, so only humans can see it. I think they're scared we're terrorists or something, only coming to blow the places up. It's still pretty, though," she offered to him, before a weak smile formed over her face. Even him flashing his badge wouldn't get her near the building-- That was a law on a federal level. Lilith tucked a lock of loose hair behind her ear, not bothering to redo her bun. "I'm sure it's nice though. Maybe in a few years I can go see it." With that, the somber silence settled over the car. They were already pulling into the parking garage, and it was time for Lilith to start mentally preparing herself.

Once the car was parked and shut off, Lilith sat there in the cooling seat. Her eyes shut, and her breathing slowed down as she attempted to calm herself. She wasn't going to be some cry-baby, clinging to Shu every time someone gawked at her. The police station was a test, and she had passed it. This was a cakewalk to that now, and she knew it. Throwing open the door, Lilith soon stood from her seat. Her back was set straight, and she began to walk with a bit of authority towards the mall. She never gave a glance to those gawking at her, instead only crossing her arms under her chest as she walked.

No one was going to ruin this for her. Especially not some stupid humans.
Detective Zhao Shukun
master_in_suit_by_aenaluck_dc5ijni-pre (1).jpg
"Maybe sooner. Besides, you can hold a form for a day you said? I'm sure you can manage to get into the empire state building. I won't tell." He mused. "And no. Christmas at the Zhao abode will just involve a ham and lots of spiked eggnog." Shu finally added, alleviating her concern that he may be a holy man.

Watching Lilith walk with a certain confidence in her stride definitely helped melt away some if Shukuns worries. Sure, they wouldn't be able to actually stop anyone from their sour mutterings and general negativity but if she at least looked like she belonged who would actually stop her?

Little did he know, he should have had his badge ready in hand already. A security guard was quick to be alerted to the Demons presence, and judging by how he managed the radio strapped to his chest the whole crew was now aware. Walking out the automatic doors to intercept the pair as they approached, Shu was already fishing inside his coat only to reach out just as the guard got caught when saying "You cant be h-"

"Mines real. This is police business, you should radio this in." Shu said plainly as his shield was raised, his golden badge gleaming his authority over the silver medal of a mall cop. A detectives shield no less. Who would have thought they'd need to do this before even entering...

The security guard hesitantly did as told, knowing well the others should probably know about this. Mainly so someone could at all times keep these two in their view. Otherwise, Shu and Lilith would walk into the automatic doors of the Macy's, the large heaters near the door blowing over them to keep the cold air out and welcome them into the transitioning warmth. It's now that Shu would just gesture forward with both arms, as if letting her free.

"I'll follow you." He said, badge still in hand because he knew with the way people were looking at them he'd need to show some gold time to time.
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Staring at the guard with a cool gaze, Lilith simply held her breath as Shu flashed his badge to the man. A tiny part of her was expecting the man to reject the badge, and for someone to just handcuff her right then and there. It wouldn't be outrageous, considering the state of their society. Yet he was agreeing to the command Shu gave, and soon enough the gates of Macy's were open. A slightly shocked expression overtook Lilith's features for a moment, but she was quick to replace it once again with her steady gaze. With that, she began to walk into the store, her tail shifting out from under her shirt to wave behind her. As if almost taunting the guard that a demon was entering his fine establishment.

Once inside the store, Lilith just looked around slowly to take it all in. Her arms dropped down to her sides, limp, and her jaw nearly followed the same motions. Where the hell was she supposed to start first? There was a whole section just for bras, another one for men's pants, and she was even starting to smell perfume in the distance. Hesitantly stepping further into the store, her eyes finally settled on the rows and rows of winter wear for both men and women. Racks were filled with jackets, sweaters, and even hats. Boots were lined up on display, and everything seemed to be on sale. It would probably be wise of her to stick in the discounted area, just so Shu wouldn't get annoyed with her.

With that thought in mind, Lilith began to walk among the human women towards the first rack of sweaters she saw, completely unaware of their gaping mouths and vile looks. Her mind was already set on a cream colored sweater, bundled up by the neck to make a large turtleneck sweater look. Running her fingers along the material, she looked over to Shu with a wide smile.

"Can you get a basket?"
Detective Zhao Shukun
master_in_suit_by_aenaluck_dc5ijni-pre (1).jpg
What with this being a Macy's and all, she would immediately notice the shining displaces of Christmas themes. Ornaments hung from the ceiling, and mannequins were draped in festive wear. Shu only took a moment to look around, wearing an admittedly false smile as his eyes caught the expressions of those who were looking their way. Surprisingly enough, while most looked shocked, only a few looked angry about this. Hell, even some of the staff seemed pleased. Could it be that lower society like retail is the most likely to affiliate and befriend Demons?

Finally finding his gaze on Lilith yet again, he'd bring his observant eyes to her tail that began to swish back and forth. Almost reminding him of a cat, one currently overwhelmed with all the new things in which it can enjoy.

Following close behind, he'd take note of her choice in the clearance racks. Definitely appreciated, but not necessary. It's as she turned to him with a smile and spoke that she'd catch genuine surprise on his face for a moment, looking wide eyed to her before giving a soft laugh. "Alright, sure. I suggest you pick out an outfit to change into immediately while we do the rest of the shopping." Shu would offer, turning his back to her and heading right back towards the exit. Instead of a basket, he'd pull out a cart. Fortunately still in view of her, and vice versa, so if anyone tried anything funny they'd regret it.

Giving a firm nod, Lilith tugged the sweater off the rack to hold in her arms. She hadn't noticed that the sweater was a bit cropped, but it didn't matter to her. Her fingers traced along the other sweaters on the rack, and she was soon stacking more and more into her arms. It seems t-shirts weren't exactly a concern for her, and she was going straight for luxury. At least, luxury for her. Once she had collected around five sweaters and her arms were stuffed, she turned and hurried over to Shu to dump them down into the cart. Only the cream sweater remained in her arms, and it was clear that was the one she was going to put on. She moved away from the sweater rack after, now heading over towards the jeans and pants. This time, she opted to only grab a pair of light jeans. A dark pair was snagged too, the latter being thrown into the cart. She didn't need many pairs of those, considering one could wear pants more often than a top. The whole time, Lilith was walking deeper and deeper into the store. A rack of socks was passed, and she snatched up a party of ankle-length duck patterned socks. A beat passed, and she grabbed another pair with koalas on them.

"I don't even think I know what this animal is, but it's adorable. Time for it to go on my feet," she chimed to Shu, before scanning over the aisles once again. Jackets were on sale, and she was already making a bee-line towards them. The first thing that really caught her eyes, was a light green parka with a fur lining. It was picked up, and she checked the size on it. A medium, but it hardly mattered to the short demoness. Into the cart it went!

By now, she had paused on her little trip to turn to Shu, raising an eyebrow up at him. "Is there any suggestions you have to me? I'm just grabbing whatever I think is cute, but I've never really shopped for shoes before. Ahaha, get it? Your name actually sounds like shoe...Is it spelled the same?" She asked, already weaving off topic. She was clearly giddy out of her mind, the sweater and jeans excitedly clutched in her arms. Her tail was flicking widely behind her, proving his theory it was almost like a cat's.

"Maybe we can get some boots, or you can help me pick out more winter clothes. Nothing too revealing, alright? Something cute, maybe even festive. I've never been into the holidays before, but why not this year?"

outfit reference -
x x x x
Detective Zhao Shukun
master_in_suit_by_aenaluck_dc5ijni-pre (1).jpg
"Those are drop bears." He'd say when she questioned the creature displayed on the socks she picked, following closely behind her at all times as she shopped. He kept his eyes peeled for a good seasonal sweater, and by the time she was leaving the isle towards the coats he just casually reached out and plucked something off the rack. Checking the size, ensuring it was a medium still, the dark blue cashmere sweater covered in dainty white snowflakes would go straight into the cart.

After which, he was right behind her and listening as she began to ramble on, drawing his lips back as if concerned for a moment. "No, not like that. S H U K U N." Shu would spell his name out for her. "Yes, though. This is New York, however. If you don't own a pair of Timbs then you don't belong here, so go find one." He'd say with a nod of his head in the direction of the boots, specifically timberland boots. They were all the rage when he was younger, and they still were a staple of New Yorks fashion sense even at this year. They were also two hundred dollars for just a normal pair...

"Remember this is one store. This is a Mall, there are other places to go so don't go to crazy. So far you're doing good, though." Shu would admit, looking between his hands and into the cart. She had maybe five hundred dollars worth of stuff picked out already, that is if she decides to get the boots he recommended.

Nodding at his confirmation of the animal as a 'drop bear,' Lilith leaned away from the cart and started to walk again. Though, instead of heading towards the shoe racks, she was walking over to the changing room. Seems she wanted to get that sweater on, along with the jeans. Anything to take his boxers off. Talking as she walked, her tail swayed behind her in excitement. "Oh, Shukun. With a 'Ukun.' You know, no offense, but you don't look Asian at all. What's with the unusual name?" She asked, now a bit curious about that. Indeed, he looked far from Asian. To her knowledge, at least.

"I'll grab the shoes in a bit, alright? Actually, can you get a pair for me? I'm a size five in woman's, duh. I want to put this sweater on, it feels so soft. And yeah, yeah. Other stores, do we even need to go? This place is awesome, I already got like four sweaters!" She said in an excited tone, before she actually began to walk away from him. She wasn't even waiting for his answer, instead now nearing the changing room. The attendant looked rather spooked at her approach, but she was no idiot. Shukun was standing nearby, which meant the demoness was let in with an excited squeal. The door soon swung shut, and Lilith was stripping out of everything but her undergarments. Goodbye, boxers.

After a minute or two, the door opened. Her heels were still on, which meant a clicking was heard as she walked back towards Shu. Her previous outfit was held in her arms, but there was nothing less of a grin on her face. The sweater wasn't long enough to fully cover her stomach, revealing a thin silver of red skin from her stomach. The light jeans were tugged on snuggly, her tail barely pinched upward to stick out of the pants. She would have to cut out a hole later, but this would do for now. Walking towards Shu, she gave a small spin and spread her arms.

"Ta-da. How does it look?"
Detective Zhao Shukun
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It is only once Lilith disappeared behind the door of the changing room that he'd simply look to the now nervously sweating retail associate, one who was looking to him as if he was going to provide an answer that would make everything less tense.

"Watch this cart for me, please." Is all he'd say before turning and walking away from where he was, during the time she was getting changed and trying things on he'd simply go to the winter wear area and sift through the boots. After a few minutes, he'd return with a pair of Timberlands boots, the standard tan color with the dark brown leather cuffs. He actually was wearing this same pair, but in dark grey right now. That, and in size eleven and a half. "God, she has tiny feet." Shu mused to himself as he made his return, comparing the shoe size to his hands at the moment.

It's once he got back that she'd pop out, the boots already in the cart and his eyes on her. "Oooo, look at you. So fierce." He'd jest, raising a hand to gesture towards Lilith. The retail associate who was stationed here following his hand and looking to Lilith only to swallow hard. "Y-yeah. Looking good." The random twenty something year old girl nervously complimented Lilith, her hold up wasn't with Lilith being a Demon but with the attitude that came with her being here to begin with. For some reason she felt like she was in trouble.

"I have no idea how you keep warm, I can see your belly button for crying out loud." As he commented on this, his gaze was in fact on her tummy, an awkward smile on his face all the while. "Anyway, how about we pay for all this, then walk around and look at what else there is. If nothing gets your interest, pizza, then home. Sound good?" His golden eyes seemed a but brighter, not that he was exactly hally or excited on his own, but he was definitely infected by Liliths excitement.

Hurrying over next to him, she adjusted the large collar of the sweater and simply grinned upward at him. Her arms were spread out in both directions, before she dropped them down to hold her hips. "Fierce? I was thinking cute, pssh. I don't always need to be sassy, but I guess the tail and horns add to the affect," she said as she raised her arms up, tapping the top of her horns with each pointer finger. While she hadn't poked anything with the horns, they definitely looked sharp as hell. One did not want to be on the receiving end of those suckers.

"Also, demons generate a natural heat. Hence how I was fine walking around with so little on yesterday and this morning. See," she said, before leaning forward and towards him. The back of her hand was pressed against his cheek, instantly warming it up. In fact, her skin was fairly hot. If it was belonging to a human, most would assume they had a fever. Luckily for demons, human diseases didn't affect them. Whoo-hoo! Pulling her hand back, she leaned forward to peer into the cart at the fancy shoes. Biting her lip with excitement, she just leaned back and nodded. "Yeah, I wanna go try them all on at your house. I'm also already hungry for some food, and pizza sounds amazing right now. Did you get anything today?" She asked, sounding almost hopeful. A shopping spree isn't a shopping spree unless they both walked out with bags on their arms. That being said, she had only seen it in the movies. Doesn't mean she wants to try it any less.

Lilith reached forward, and gave a light tug on his arm with another happy smile. Her canines poked out, tugging on the plump skin of her lips as she did. How the hell does she keep them so moisturized with no damn beauty products? The world may never know.

"Are there shower products here, or do we have to go to another store?"
Detective Zhao Shukun
With her now directly before him, exclaiming she should be cute and not fierce he couldn't help but agree. She was cute. Very, in fact. Especially with her now reaching up to poke at the tip of her horns, trying to understand with her own reasoning why she couldn't ever be cute. Reality of it is she was doing just the opposite.

It's now that she'd bring her hand up, a motion that caused him to lean back ever so slightly as if to avoid her touch, though soon enough her hand would come to press against his soft and fuzzy cheek. Immediately the warmth began to flow from her skin to his, and it was noticeable how hot she really was. The blood soon gathering to his cheeks, he'd reach up and bring his hand to her wrist, guiding her hand away before giving a simple nod. Some color to his own cheeks, it wasn't because of her touch but due to a thought that crossed his mind. If she was that warm outside, what about...

"Lush." He'd speak up, not against eating now but wanting to get a the shopping bit done now. "We can go to Lush, I have to replace some of my bath stuff anyway, and I have no shame in shopping there. I'm sure you'll love it, too." As for what he planned on getting, the list was small. All he wanted was a few things from Lush, and lunch. Otherwise, he didn't have anything else on his list. He'd already ordered the Chief of Police a gift from online, and it was waiting at home - A watch, and a fine one at that. As for clothing, he didn't shop at Macy's for that. There was a Nordstrom in the Mall as well, but he didn't see any point going in right now.

Turning back to the cart, he'd put both hands on the rail and direct it towards the direction of the registers. "Besides clothing, and bathroom stuff, anything else my place lacks that you can't live without?"

Taking notice of the light blush on his cheek, a cheeky grin would spread over her face. Was that really how simple it was? Surely there were some other factors in the red hue that now spread over his cheeks, but perhaps she had unlocked some sort of chest. She'd have to test the theory later, but she was pleased with current expression on his face. Bouncing up and down in place, she just gave a firm nod a few times, patting the side of the cart with her free hand. "Alright, yeah, go pay for these now, go to this Lush, then get food. I'll be super quick there, so we can eat," she assured him, before she began to walk forward and towards the cash register. At this point, she couldn't even be bothered to notice the sharp gazes of anyone still glaring at her. She had just shopped in a Macy's. When had a demon ever done that?

"And hmm...I'm not too sure. You have basically everything in your house that someone would need, but maybe it needs something a little more..." She trailed off as she thought, leaning back on the cart with a pensive expression on her face. "Oh! I know, maybe. You know those little wax melters, or steam diffuser? That would be fun, I always thought they were cute when I saw them in windows blowing steam everywhere. Maybe I can put it in the guest room to liven it up? Oh, and those string lights! That would be super cute too," she started, leaning off the cart as she walked towards the counter once again. "But it's your house, you can do what you want."

However, the puppy-eyed glances she was shooting him suggested that she really wanted to brighten up the room. For the sake of others, at least!
Detective Zhao Shukun
As infectious as her excitement was... "No, I'll pass on that." He said, giving her a look that suggested she was just being silly now. That was hardly an essential that was needed, and the room had plenty of lighting. Sure, the style was very modern and simple, but it was a guest room meant to be used for temporary use. What she was suggesting was insinuating she just may be there long enough for the purchase to be worthwhile, and as far as he was concerned she was out by the end of this week - Hopefully.

"You can live without those. If you see anything on the way to and from Lush we can pop in and check it out. If and only if it is reasonable." While he was indeed going on a bit of shopping splurge with her, in his mind this was both charitable and also some stuff she needed to be comfortable while in his company for however long that may be. Fortunately he had the extra toothbrush, and other essentials in the guest room for any occasion similar to this. Not that he'd have ever expected exactly this.

By now they were being rung up, items being placed into bags and while the cashier normally would ask how everything was and if they had any questions they were far to nervous to say much of anything. At some point, wasn't it worse that people were quiet and nervous than belligerent? At least then they could both put the person in their place, but in this situation they were just quiet and seemed generally unsure. By the end of the sale, Shu would pull out his phone and hold it near a scanner to quickly pay for the transaction, no other steps needed. Two bags now filled, he'd pick them both up and hold one in each hand, the paper material crinkling as they pressed against his outer thighs. "I think Lush is to the left outside the Macy's, through the food court." Shu said plainly, his head nodding towards the a door that lead deeper into the mall, the opposite direction of where they initially entered from.

On the way there, of course, they would pass a few other shops. A Gamestop, which was amazingly still around, an Apple Store, a Hot Topic, and a Victoria Secrets. The Lush being directly next to the popular female clothing store, one which sported models on posters just outside. One of which a pure white woman with silken blonde hair wearing little devil ears and all red lingerie. Kind of ironic, since this store would certainly never cater to an actual infernal.

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