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Realistic or Modern Almost Mighty (Super Hero RP)

Also, busy day for me!


Cleaned 10 stayovers and 10 checkouts and I'm ready to nap for the rest of fall to gain back energy.

Buuuut I've got roleplays to be a part of and I got a book on Asexuality I want to read so no napping for me.
Since I can't wait for the next post I did some doodeling :)

Also, is there any confusion as of now? Because I sort of think I've been vague with some details. Go on and ask questions if you need more info in order to post :)
Wavebird said:
Since I can't wait for the next post I did some doodeling :)
Also, is there any confusion as of now? Because I sort of think I've been vague with some details. Go on and ask questions if you need more info in order to post :)
Dang that is a good drawing. 10/10. And yeah, I was just going to give some others more chances to post before I post my next bit.
Thanks @AlphaDraco ! Im actually considering to improve upon it since it is just a doodle right now :)

And no worries about posts, but we've got a lot of people biding their time right now. We're so many xD I was expecting just a few people to join :P
[QUOTE="Linwe Lossehelin]Is it safe to assume that we're all migrating to that "apartment"?

Pretty sure lol.

I think if anyone were to get along with Nate, it might be Eddie, so I want to see them meet. :3
And...I didn't mean to not include Liam.. I just don't know exactly what would be going on with him, assuming he's also been taken to the same room, and I didn't want to control his character.
My character just came out of the closet. Literally, lol. xD I was thinking of a way to put her into the room, and I thought that putting her hidden away in the wardrobe would be a good plan. Yep.

(And please tell me if there is ever something inaccurate in my posts! I easily overlook things I'm afraid. :o )
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Great posts everyone :)

@Captain , the only inaccuracy about your post is that it treats the closet as if it was in the main room (the one with the sofas and the kitchen) while the only closets I described should be in the bedroom which is a separate room. But if you want your character to have hidden in a closet in the main room, that is ok too! Just clearify whichever is the case :)
Wavebird said:
Great posts everyone :)
@Captain , the only inaccuracy about your post is that it treats the closet as if it was in the main room (the one with the sofas and the kitchen) while the only closets I described should be in the bedroom which is a separate room. But if you want your character to have hidden in a closet in the main room, that is ok too! Just clearify whichever is the case :)
I've changed it! The closet is now in the living room. I mixed up two rooms together accidentally. ^^
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One correction that I may give is that Roark burst out of the room after she went out of the closet and gave the speech. Plus he kind of flashbanged minus the banged everyone in the room.
AlphaDraco said:
One correction that I may give is that Roark burst out of the room after she went out of the closet and gave the speech. Plus he kind of flashbanged minus the banged everyone in the room.
I think @Somersault might have missed that as well if I read her post correctly.
I'd also like to point out that Nate moved Johnny from the floor to the couch. I feel like a lot of people missed that. Characters keep referring to him as though he's still lying crumpled on the ground.
AlphaDraco is right, and if Wavebird or I aren't here to answer them one of our other wonderful roleplayers will probably have an answer :)
I'd like to point out..

I got nufin. :V

Yeah I was gonna point out people kept saying someone was on the floor, I was like 'who?' But yes, Nate moved Johnny to the couch. :3
In case of post-inaccuracy, just retcon it. Also, we're in a place where everyone interacts, keep it stream lined if possible. I did design this part for 5 players tops, so this might be bumpy till we get things properly on the road. But don't worry, we'll get there :)

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