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Realistic or Modern Almost Mighty (Super Hero RP)

Yes. I think. Because... uh... prison still?

They're still being held captive. It's just that they're in more plush surroundings.
Ah, well, that's not what I meant lol. Does everyone each get their own apartment? I understood that we were all going to be in the same one as Miya, but she locked it from the inside. :0
CloudyBlueDay said:
Ah, well, that's not what I meant lol. Does everyone each get their own apartment? I understood that we were all going to be in the same one as Miya, but she locked it from the inside. :0
OH. I am so far behind.

I am so sorry. I am so more on top of this but headaches scramble everything.

Well... there are a lot of ways to get around that.

You could try knocking, for one xD

Also, yes, same apartment for everyone or the rooms are connected somehow.
RubyRose said:
Your character is off to a great start. I think they're pretty great but... I feel like the history is a bit vague. I think you could flesh that out a little more. After that, I don't see any reason to keep Kandi from joining int he fun :) I truly think she's fantastic. I just want to know a little more about her.


<3 Your character. I'm impressed. He's fantastic. (Did you draw him?)

You are good to go and I look forward to getting to know Roark better!
Unfortunately I did not get to draw my character. My pen I use for drawing on my laptop has been missing for weeks.
RubyRose said:
OH. I am so far behind.
I am so sorry. I am so more on top of this but headaches scramble everything.

Well... there are a lot of ways to get around that.

You could try knocking, for one xD

Also, yes, same apartment for everyone or the rooms are connected somehow.
So they would take my character and dump him outside the apartment? O.o So he could knock?
CloudyBlueDay said:
So they would take my character and dump him outside the apartment? O.o So he could knock?
Creativity Cloudy. I know you can be creative xD

Perhaps they would

Perhaps they'd hide the key somewhere

Perhaps he just shows up in the room despite it being locked because they have a key regardless of if it's locked from the inside?

This is one of those... 'how do you get past the obstacle and write it out for your character' things.
I'm trying to figure out if I'm supposed to be creative or I'm missing something lol.

Scary men: *dumps Miya in room, allows her to lock room*

Scary men: *dumps Nate outside room. Presumably has no way to get back to cells. Closed hallway to apartment door*

Nate: wat
Uhm, I imagined her locking the bathroom door, and not the door to the cell/apartment. They'd have the key to that and probably locker her in when they left. Sorry for not being clear xD
I attempted to draw the grump.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/IMG_20151023_214928.jpg.833a904c0b70a813ac1c3a81fa1b38d2.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="81912" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_10/IMG_20151023_214928.jpg.833a904c0b70a813ac1c3a81fa1b38d2.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



  • IMG_20151023_214928.jpg
    1.6 MB · Views: 11
There, I decided not to proceed much at all again (seems like you guys are busy as is anyway, so I'll leave you to that :D )


I'll get right to it :) Expect feedback in a little while
AlphaDraco said:
Yeah, Roark is in the new place, though I decided he should come out in a bedroom instead of the main room. For reasons.
That's what I guessed, but there was no way I could be certain :P

Also, @AnimusLight , I think your character works out great for this from what I can tell :) I'll just have to let @RubyRose have a look at it as well before I officially accept your character :P
So, what's everyone been up to today? A busy Saturday much? :P

Also, @CloudyBlueDay , I meant to give you some feedback on your cool drawing, but forgot :) (I had a quite busy day and night, stayed up for over 30 hours, then slepts for 3 lol). Anyway, I like it that you try to catch his personality in the picture, grumpy, as you phrase it :P How about trying to define the rest of the picture just as you did with his face? Like, it's well defined and very nice looking with dark and clear lines ^^ I think that would really be even more so if the surrounding image was given a bit more weight and detail to compliment it
Wavebird said:
So, what's everyone been up to today? A busy Saturday much? :P
Also, @CloudyBlueDay , I meant to give you some feedback on your cool drawing, but forgot :) (I had a quite busy day and night, stayed up for over 30 hours, then slepts for 3 lol). Anyway, I like it that you try to catch his personality in the picture, grumpy, as you phrase it :P How about trying to define the rest of the picture just as you did with his face? Like, it's well defined and very nice looking with dark and clear lines ^^ I think that would really be even more so if the surrounding image was given a bit more weight and detail to compliment it
I've had to work on a lab report and then a 10-12 page paper. So yeah, busy.
AH thanks for the critique! I might try to do that in another pic, but that one was just a quick messy sketch x3

I have a piano competition tomorrow so I'm practiciiiiiiing loooaaads~
Wavebird said:
So, what's everyone been up to today? A busy Saturday much? :P
Also, @CloudyBlueDay , I meant to give you some feedback on your cool drawing, but forgot :) (I had a quite busy day and night, stayed up for over 30 hours, then slepts for 3 lol). Anyway, I like it that you try to catch his personality in the picture, grumpy, as you phrase it :P How about trying to define the rest of the picture just as you did with his face? Like, it's well defined and very nice looking with dark and clear lines ^^ I think that would really be even more so if the surrounding image was given a bit more weight and detail to compliment it
One of the very few Saturdays that I didn't have to work. So, bope. Not busy at all.

Took my Staffy on 5 mile run this morning, and other than that...caught up on the walking dead and a few roleplays.
Playing piano, writing lab reports, out running 5 miles. You're all doing such productive or healthy things. I, on the other hand, played games all night

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