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Realistic or Modern Alder High

"You're not funny." Artemis told Piper, "I don't want to kiss her. Nobody wants to kiss her." She rolled her eyes, "You're so ignorant." Piper seriously thought she was being funny?
Crystal laughs slightly. "I wouldn't make out with her anyways." She says. "And I am nothing like a princess. Why do you call me that?" She asked, rolling her eyes.
Brenden points his gaze to Artemis and smiles at her. "Hello random chick, who thinks its fun to call others freaks." He says, his voice sarcastic but his eyes genuine. He then pulls on one of Zyler's dreads. "Oh, I should go down there to him then, the last one who did my hair messed it all up." He says, doing the same accent from earlier.
"I'm not trying to be funny, hon. It's just the fact that it annoys you when I say it." She takes another sip of her tea before crossing her legs in her chair. Piper loved annoying people when it came down to it but, she did respect people if they respected her. And Artemis wasn't one of those people.
(winging it)

Anderson had been running a bit behind for lunch, so he was one of the last in the cafeteria. The room was bustling with Brenden was sitting with Crystal, Piper, and few others. Being that he new them all, he decided to join them. "Hey guys, sorry i'm late. I was running behind." He chuckled. "Hey man," He greeted Brenden, holding his hand out so her could grab it. The normal handshake guys do.
"I call you a freak because I'm honest and also because I haven't had time to give you a nickname yet." Artemis said to the random boy in her English class; then, she turned to Crystal, "It's short for Princess Perfect. Obviously." She rolled her eyes. Finally, she turned to Piper.

"You annoy me when you breathe." she said. She ignored the new boy.
Crystal smiles at Piper then looks back at Artie. "I'm sure loads of people wanna kiss me. You just happen to be the only person who doesn't. Which I am totally fine with." She says, rolling her eyes.
Zyler smiles at Brenden. "Oh but it's fabulous." He then looks at Artemis. "Sometimes, the whole "bitch act' can be attractive. But right now, it's not." He didn't want to be mean to any of these other kids. And they obviously knew how tic are for themselves. But this Artemis girl was just asking for trouble. And sometimes, you need to be careful about what you ask for."

He looked at the new boy who had arrived. He gave him a warm smile.
Anderson looked blank. "Uh... what did I miss..?" There was obvious tension between the students sitting at the table. Especially between Artemis, Piper and Crystal. He placed a hand on the back of his neck nervously as he watched the replies snap back and forth between the three.
"Then I guess my purpose at this school is completed." She winks at her and turns back to the rest of the group. "So, how are you guys doing?" Piper smiles at the others. She didn't have time for Artie's stupid remarks. "Don't worry, it's just her being a bitch trying to ruin people's day. Don't listen to her." Piper grins at the boy who was obviously confused.
"I'm not trying to be attractive." Artemis frowned at the boy, "That's the least of my concerns. I'm just being honest. And a little bit horrible. But the two things tend to go hand in hand." She was about to say that at least she didn't stare at people without speaking but oh wait, she did that earlier. Damn it.
Crystal also turns away and looks at Anderson. "You're always late!" She jokes and shakes her head. "Oh and there's a party at my place after school. You should totally come." She says to Anderson.
"Oh uh.. yeah, hehe..." Anderson didn't want to seem rude by agreeing with Piper but Atermis was seeming to be a little rude. He put his elbow on the table and his Hand on his chin. With his free hand he pointed to people sitting at the table. "Piper... Artemis... Crystal... Right?" He had recognized their faces since he had a few classes with them. Though he wanted to freshen up his memory by recalling their names. He smiled a cute, confident smile and narrowed his green eyes playfully.
Zyler raised an eyebrow towards all of the kids. "I have to go to work." he said blatantly as he got up from his seat and walked out of the door.
Piper grinned, "That's my name, don't wear it out!" She was always happy when people knew her name. "You're..." She paused for a second to think. "Andy?" She wasn't really good with names. Piper then watched as Zyler walked out, "Well, okay.." She then began playing with her hair again. It was the first thing that she does when she's nervous, bored, or anything else really.
He looked over at Zyler. "Oh, well by, dude." Zylar and Andy fist bumped briefly before he began to walk off. He sat up straighter. "A party, huh? Last time you threw a party, the cops showed up," He pointed out. His smile faded to a smirk that was followed by a laugh. "Ha, i'm in."
"I know! But it was a cool party. I mean come on." She laughs. "And I kind of wanna ditch school..." She says, mostly to herself, but loud enough for the others to hear. If you guys wanna come with me let me know now." She says, standing up.
"Bye!" Brenden calls after Zyler, then turns to Anderson. "Eh?" He says raising his eyebrows, obviously asking if they should go with Crystal or not. He didn't care either way, just as long as he wasn't left alone.
"Haha, fuck lunch I guess," He jokes as he stands up with Crystal. He was already an average student so ditching one day wouldn't effect his grades. "Where do you wanna go?" He asked, slinging his bag over his shoulder.
"Skipping school? I'm in!" She giggled again as grabbed her things she stood up. Piper was always giggling, it was her way of showing that she was contempt with the situation. "So, I'm gonna stop by my house and get my things if that's fine with you." She looked at Crystal making sure that it would be okay with her, Piper wasn't really one to do things without permission.
"Brenden, wanna come with?" He added on. He looked over at Piper, addressing her, 'Yeah. I don't mind waiting."
"Well I should probably go to the store and get some more food. I have a lot, but just in case we run out." Crystal replies. "And sure. Do you have your own car, or do you want me to drop you off and you can come with us to the store?"
"I'm in!" Brenden says, standing up excitedly and putting his fur hat back on. He slings his bag over his shoulder and jumps up and down slightly, the m&ms making him hyper. He was always hyper, though, so it didn't change much.
Anderson chuckled. "I got some Tequila at my place. I can bring it by where ever you wanna meet up, if you'd like."

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