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Futuristic Agent of Maniacles OOC and Characters

Forgot CLayton, but I remembered as you were writing that. Assigning each buster level a number (House, street, city, state, country, continent, and planet) from 1 to 7, assigning that number to each member of the team according to their demonstrated or discussed abilities, adding those numbers (32) and dividing by the number of team members (13) the group's average is just shy of 2.5. I'll round up because I have no doubts that will grow by the end of this arc. That puts the group average at 3, which is city.

We're a team of city busters.
Forgot CLayton, but I remembered as you were writing that. Assigning each buster level a number (House, street, city, state, country, continent, and planet) from 1 to 7, assigning that number to each member of the team according to their demonstrated or discussed abilities, adding those numbers (32) and dividing by the number of team members (13) the group's average is just shy of 2.5. I'll round up because I have no doubts that will grow by the end of this arc. That puts the group average at 3, which is city.

We're a team of city busters.

Just use the Super Weight classifcation TVtropes provides

Also there's good reason to suspect Denton knows the genocide spell to. Probable. I'm not sure myself. Five people def know it. Two currently active. Two dead. One in stasis
But does he know the spell? That would bring the group average up significantly, making us state busters at lowest.

He knows how to set it up, but the Ascendant Spell is a tricky thing. It's not like it can be cast fast and easy. There is also some general question about whether the damn thing will work or not.

It's going to take at least a year of set up...maybe longer depending on the resources. A continent sized one is gonna take even more planning So have to have all the cards in order. You have to have the right amount of skill and power contain it or take the power into yourself when it goes off.

It'll wipe a continent sure, but not like blow it up. It will kill every living thing on it and the person who cast it will be able to reap the rewards of that so to speak. A domain where their 'will' will be done.

Not only would Denton never do it, but Denton got hurt from absorbing Yellow Owl's ghost. Same goes for Morgan and she's strong magically speaking. The chances of it going wrong are far more likely.

Ace Stardust was one of the powerful mages on the planet when he died. And most people not directly following thought he was insane. He had the most potential to pull it off, but even then if anything went wrong he'd easily be able to active his magic and perform the art of 'save scumming' but he got killed before he could pull it off.
So, he knows it, but he's not capable of it. Which means his level doesn't really change.

I know how a to build a bomb that'll take out a city block, but I can't actually build it, so I'm not street level. Same principal
By the way, y'all, this is the power scaling I used to calculate the average.

Power Scaling Levels
Mailbox- 0 Standard Joe Blows who can barely destroy a mailbox on their own.
House- 1 Characters capable of destroying small buildings on their own with relative ease within a short window of time.
Street- 2 Characters that can take out entire blocks or wipe everything off of a single street within a short window of time.
City- 3 Characters capable of wiping a city off the map within a short window of time.
State- 4 Characters capable of wiping out an area the size of Nevada within a short window of time.
Country- 5 Characters capable of destroying a small to medium sized country within a short window of time.
Continent- 6 Characters capable of wiping out everything on or completely destroying a continent.
Planet- 7 Characters capable of destroying worlds.
Cosmic- 8 Characters capable of destroying solar systems or galaxies.
Universal- 9 Characters capable of destroying universes.
Multi-Universal- 10 Characters capable of taking out multiple universes at once.

To determine a group average power level, assign the number next to the appropriate level to each character, add those numbers up, and then divide by the number of characters. Round up the resulting number if it is a decimal.

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