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Futuristic Agent of Maniacles OOC and Characters

RP: "Don't worry everyone, I'll make sure you get out of this alive!"

01: "What about Yellow?"

RP: *Nervous sweating and whimpering.*
Gets pm: hey, fuck up the group
Quentin: goes apeshit
Group: doesn't even notice. 😭😭 Its time to lay Quentin to rest

Well going apeshit doesn't mean much without targets, dude. I kinda tried to steer you toward Denton but you didn't do much about it. If anything.
I set off two fire blasts and shot fireballs everywhere. But fair point in the Denton one.

Yeah, again though, everywhere is just a general AoE attack. People can dodge that, or at the very least hide behind supports, maybe even hide near bodies, etc. You gotta pinpoint a target for more reactions, change to different people for more reactions, forcing the other players to participate. Sam involved Aria and Yellow Owl, while focusing her hatred on Blue.

Quentin's trigger might have been Vivian but there were no other people he targeted even though he saw his allies as Dark Kotsu, so I nudged you further with Denton. Didn't budge much, honestly. I was kinda hopin' you would.
Is it too late to do that 😅

Uh... Kinda? I mean, you can go ahead and try, but since Denton's prone, he'd probably die. Which really wouldn't be beneficial. Be quite the opposite since he's tethered Yellow's soul, but do you. We can say all the clones and allies look like Denton too, for more variety. So you can attack the others.

Blue now looks like a huge Denton to Quentin. LOL
He's not a dumb villain. He'd never reveal himself to the group as it stands. Even with his omnipotence at the moment, Yellow would have been able to contest him on it. Now Blue could. LOL
I mean my idea was really dumb xD I was gonna go up and punch him.

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