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Futuristic Agent of Maniacles OOC and Characters

Basically Kotsu at this point

I also had a vampire I was working on, but I realized I had no way to describe her gear. Nor could I find a vampire in a torn wedding dress.
Alright guys, I gotta wait for Exzalia Exzalia to make a post, then after that, you all will probably have to fight Blue for a bit while Kotsu tries looking for a way out and Human Kotsu works on his plan with Mr. Rose Petal. It's taking some time, but well worth it.

Also, that Dark Kotsu wasn't a clone. He just made himself fade into the shadows like one, fun fact. 🤐 That's all I'll say for now though.
Oh. See, my character has a perma-nerf in that regard. I play a Majin named Pepti. I can't find a boost beyond Kaioken x20

Potential Unleashed. You get it by getting Z rank on all the class rank upgrading missions. It restores ki faster, and combined with Divinity Unleashed it's fucking ridiculous and doesn't take any ki, stamina, or health drain

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