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Fantasy Age of Wonderbeasts (OOC)

Also the burrow humans should discuss any preexisting relationships they have with each other. As they are on the rock climbing team together, it makes sense they would be at least familiar acquaintances (or possibly close friends, romantic interests, etc.)

As for the mutes, that really depends on whether or not they have cross paths with each other. If so, was that a positive or negative encounter, etc?
Great! I’ll try to get a starter post up in the next couple of days. Do you guys prefer keeping discussion in this OOC thread on RPN or a discord?
Prolly a good idea.

I'll give a general vibe for 'Rias and you guys can decide if your characters would have prodded a bit harder.

Flame generally comes off as cold and aloof, speaking in short, three-to-five word bursts if they ever do open their mouth. They usually seem either bored or angry at first glance.

More often than not, while climbing, Flame will all-but trip over the climbing harnesses, making risky jumps to higher rocks and sometimes all-but jumping up the walls (think Spiderman; Homecoming, the tower scene). Quite a few times, they'll completely forget about the harness and accidentally jerk the other climbers.

If confronted, Flame stays very neutral, if a little curious, addressing the issue logically in a flat deadpan.
Overview of Jonathan:

Jonathan comes off as cold and confrontational, glaring daggers and spitting curt insults at anyone who gets on his nerves.

While climbing, Jonathan keeps his focus solely on himself for the most part, so long as everyone else kept up. If the others lag behind he would shout at them to hurry up, and if they continued to lag behind he would start to chew them out. If someone would rush on ahead Jonathan would take it as a challenge, and rush forward to try and overtake them.

He can usually be found off in a corner by himself, enjoying the company of himself and disliking when someone disturbs it. He doesn't mince words, and isn't above barreling through a fragile situation if he felt like it.

As far as relations, He would probably see Rias's erratic climbing as a challenge and seek to match it with equally risky jumps. Maybe a begrudging amount of respect, depending on how often it happens. Unless the other members would approach him, he would keep conversation to a minimum unless it was to call something out or respond to the instructor.
"Look upon the field I grow my fucks in and see that they are barren."

An accurate description of Flame
AMadHat AMadHat hey syphus looks cool but I just wanted to make sure you read my CS template for all the things you need to include in your CS!
i Literally just found it and my stupid internet loaded the page, I’ll look at it again though!
Prolly a good idea.

I'll give a general vibe for 'Rias and you guys can decide if your characters would have prodded a bit harder.

Flame generally comes off as cold and aloof, speaking in short, three-to-five word bursts if they ever do open their mouth. They usually seem either bored or angry at first glance.

More often than not, while climbing, Flame will all-but trip over the climbing harnesses, making risky jumps to higher rocks and sometimes all-but jumping up the walls (think Spiderman; Homecoming, the tower scene). Quite a few times, they'll completely forget about the harness and accidentally jerk the other climbers.

If confronted, Flame stays very neutral, if a little curious, addressing the issue logically in a flat deadpan.
Overview of Jonathan:

Jonathan comes off as cold and confrontational, glaring daggers and spitting curt insults at anyone who gets on his nerves.

While climbing, Jonathan keeps his focus solely on himself for the most part, so long as everyone else kept up. If the others lag behind he would shout at them to hurry up, and if they continued to lag behind he would start to chew them out. If someone would rush on ahead Jonathan would take it as a challenge, and rush forward to try and overtake them.

He can usually be found off in a corner by himself, enjoying the company of himself and disliking when someone disturbs it. He doesn't mince words, and isn't above barreling through a fragile situation if he felt like it.

As far as relations, He would probably see Rias's erratic climbing as a challenge and seek to match it with equally risky jumps. Maybe a begrudging amount of respect, depending on how often it happens. Unless the other members would approach him, he would keep conversation to a minimum unless it was to call something out or respond to the instructor.
Looks like we have a lot of cold/aloof type human characters... Ardyn probably won’t care about their cold exteriors and will try to make conversation with them anyway during their rock climbing practices. She’s a pretty bold and passionate person but also easily stressed so if Jonathan tries his risky jumps a lot repeatedly, I can see her blowing up at him at the end of practice. Over time, I’m sure they all grew more familiar with each other, although I’m not sure if any of them will have let Ardyn in in any way? Unless something happens (like being thrown into the sewage and popping out onto the surface then being almost eaten by mutes)
Looks like we have a lot of cold/aloof type human characters... and by a lot I mean all of them except for Ardyn. She probably won’t care about their cold exteriors and will try to make conversation with them anyway during their rock climbing practices. She’s a pretty bold and passionate person but also easily stressed so if Jonathan tries his risky jumps a lot repeatedly, I can see her blowing up at him at the end of practice. Over time, I’m sure they all grew more familiar with each other, although I’m not sure if any of them will have let Ardyn in in any way? Unless something happens (like being thrown into the sewage and popping out onto the surface then being almost eaten by mutes)

Question: Does she like roasting people?

Because if she's one of those people who likes exchanging hard burns, Flame'd have probably let her past their first wall; AKA the cold exterior.

Flame is the one that starts the risky jumping, tho, lol, though likely won't make any jumps that they know would drag the team down if they landed.
Looks like we have a lot of cold/aloof type human characters... Ardyn probably won’t care about their cold exteriors and will try to make conversation with them anyway during their rock climbing practices. She’s a pretty bold and passionate person but also easily stressed so if Jonathan tries his risky jumps a lot repeatedly, I can see her blowing up at him at the end of practice. Over time, I’m sure they all grew more familiar with each other, although I’m not sure if any of them will have let Ardyn in in any way? Unless something happens (like being thrown into the sewage and popping out onto the surface then being almost eaten by mutes)

As far as conversations go that it would have usually been up to others to start and keep it moving. There may be a small amount of understanding between Jonathan and the group, since he would have had to learn to trust others for his safety, so he may have been more talkative than he would be with anyone else. As far as opening up goes, normally that's a wall that would never break down. However, nearly drowning in sewage and learning that nearly everything you've been taught is a lie has a way of breaking those down.

As far as jumps go, Jonathan would either try and match Flame's jumps, or attempt to one up them. Sometimes these attempts to one up cause problems for the others, especially if he ends up missing the jump entirely.
Question: Does she like roasting people?

Because if she's one of those people who likes exchanging hard burns, Flame'd have probably let her past their first wall; AKA the cold exterior.

Flame is the one that starts the risky jumping, tho, lol, though likely won't make any jumps that they know would drag the team down if they landed.
Yes she definitely enjoys teasing people, especially as a way to get past their hard walls, but sometimes she doesn’t know if she’s gone too far. In that case, I can see she and Flame having a shooting the shit / calling each other out on things / roasting each other kind of relationship

Lol, all these cold aloof people. Then there's Kirri-Girri XD
Lol I know right. I can see Ardyn and Kirri Girri getting along well tho (once she realizes this talking mongoose isn’t gonna eat her)
Yes she definitely enjoys teasing people, especially as a way to get past their hard walls, but sometimes she doesn’t know if she’s gone too far. In that case, I can see she and Flame having a shooting the shit / calling each other out on things / roasting each other kind of relationship

Then Flame, around Ardyn would generally be a bit of a little shit. Pessimistic to a fault and usually roasting everyone and everything around them. They'd probably find a way to mutter comments to her, maybe passing a coded note, occasionally.
Oh something that I forgot to mention, which I will add to the World page now, is that the symbol for their burrow is a clover. The rock climbing clothing/gear that they are wearing also have this clover symbol on them. (This will be important later.)
Alright everyone, the starter post is up! You'll notice I also added a Chapter 1 post with an overarching goal/summary for this chapter. This RP will be split up into different chapters based on certain plot points that will happen, as I did create a rough story outline for us to follow. Please feel free to let me know if you want to add any subplots for your individual characters, as this is a very rough outline that allow for a lot of flexibility and room for other events.

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