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Fantasy Against the Gods' Will


Adjrenna came up from clearing her lungs to what she rather suspected was a goddess greeting her. The unknown goddess greeted her and then welcomed her and another figure, presumably another demi-divine. The divine woman asked whether they were alright and extended her hospitality to them, which was frankly a better welcome than Adjrenna had been expecting considering she had been expecting a call to some kind of fight. Rolling her shoulders she straightened up and was suddenly all bright-eyed and bushy-tailed again. Bouncing back from most anything was a well-learned skill at this point and this wasn't the first or likely the last time she would get the wind knocked out of her in an unfortunate spot.

She was about to speak when another demi-divine showed up, this time a man. He came through with a shower of playing cards and coins, but more interestingly for Adjrenna were the rations he came through with. She hadn't had British rations in a few years, since her mother had last worked with the British army, and she had developed a taste for the biscuits at the time. While the other two part divines spoke she half listened and quietly moved a little closer. Leaning over she grabbed a pack of the plain biscuits. In one smooth, practiced, motion she opened it and took a bite out of one. She had learned that particular trick from an old British soldier her mother had befriended.

Chewing briefly and swallowing she spoke, "It is a rather nice place for the other end of a portal that unceremoniously chucks you through it, isn't it? As to questions from before you arrived, I am fine now. Getting the wind knocked out of you in a dirt cloud is never fun, but it's so much worse in a sandstorm." Turning more directly to Artemis she turned a slight, respectful, bow before she spoke, "I would be happy to accept your hospitality. My mother told me to expect something like this so unless she contacts me again I am just going to assume that I am supposed to be here."

The Dancing Map
566247Andhrímnir nodded to most of what Aleksandros said, the reality of life not being a kind one. "It's more likely that the gods have bled their troubles into the mortal world... or perhaps it's just the natural state of people as a whole. There are always the assholes and the misinformed, and oh boy do they love causin' trouble."

He made a soft "hmm" sound when he asked of Athena.

"Well," he began, leaning back a ways, "She's well known throughout everywhere. She's another person I think would be pretty safe. She's brilliant, beautiful, and kind for the most part. She's pretty stern and has a temper, like most of the Greek gods. She spends most of her time either meddling with mortal affairs or running about like a chicken with its head cut off trying to solve internal quandaries."

"I can't really think of anything else off the top of my head to tell ya about, truth be told. What made ya ask of the 'Goddess of Wisdom' anyway?"

MorgathosTheRussian MorgathosTheRussian
The Wicked Wand
566250She chuckled, smirking at his surprise as well as his sudden interest in who she was, "Just a waitress for The Wicked Wand. I'm not really sure I have anything interesting to tell you about myself. I'm a tiny bit of a bastard child, a mixture between two rather... unagreeable factions of the Fae... Not something you'd usually expect, given my lack of wings or the sort. Fae aren't too friendly about hybrids, so I work here. My name's Nimh."

She chuckled like there was just an inside joke and turned away, retrieving him more water, "Where shall you go now since your lunch has finished?"

MorgathosTheRussian MorgathosTheRussian
~Andraste and Accalia~
The Excited Hydra
566252Elina listened eagerly, practically fawning over Accalia. "Oh, I am so jealous of you. You get to travel, you've gotten to see your homeland. Your life is such an interesting one," she said, smiling brightly, "Not to mention, you get to train people? That's wonderful. I'm sure whatever you teach, you'll do wonderfully at it."

She went quiet as Accalia started to eat, thanking her before starting to think over the other woman in the restaurant. Elina turned to look at her again, "Andraste! You wouldn't happen to be one of these students, would you? It would be wonderful to get to know each other before one is teaching the other, don't you think, Accalia?" She darted off, coming back with a plate of hummus and pita bread, "Here! You two can share and talk over what's happening. On the house."

"Really," she continued, smile dimming slightly, "It's something that has us all concerned. I'm happy the gods and goddesses are finally going to do something about it. I was worried they'd be too headstrong to admit they needed help... but, hey, they didn't, so there's less to fret over now. I just hope you can find out who's causing problems sooner rather than later. With you on the case though, Accalia, it's sure to get solved. You don't lay around and do nothing."

Kyrenka Kyrenka ZuluSlayer ZuluSlayer
Aleksandros smiled grimly as he listened to the Nord continue on. He was right, man always loved conflict, for it gave them a chance to release anger and exact vengenance. But there was always a heavy toll. Blood, money, and most valuable of all, time. Time is the most important resource known to man, and one that is always slipping through its fingers. To him, a watch wasn't a way of telling time. It was a reminder of the inevitable, of death. What he didn't realize, though, is that time was frozen for him, and he would live on for eternity, as one of the divines.

He ceased his thoughts of mortality and focused on Athena. "Since I was young, I always had a fascination about the ancient world. Specifically, my homeland in Tunisia and the Greeks. I loved the struggle between Athens and Sparta, and when I learnt the legend about Athen's founding, I became interested in Athena. Why do you ask?" Aleksandros asked.


"That alone is interesting enough. But as for where I'm going, no clue. I think I might just go to Durga's homestead, get to sleep early. Tomorrow will be a big day for me. But I'll be sure to come by often." Michiel said.
Andraste nodded her thanks, but didn't eat anything. She stayed focused on the bird-woman and her surroundings, and waited for a reply patiently. She let her mind wander, though, thinking of the glorious campaign she would lead to crush her enemies. Such dreams were the only ones allowed for her.
Kyrenka Kyrenka
~ Ma'at, Nadee, Alexander, Mia, Lugh ~​
566279Ma'at chuckled dryly through her nose at the sudden declaration from Lugh. She shook her head, but agreed, "Sounds like a wonderful plan. I'll count you in, though do remember, it won't be easy dealing with so many untrained youths."

Her conversation with Nadee and Lugh was suddenly interrupted by one such youth, one of the... stranger ones... at that. She smiled softly, almost apologetically as she felt sorry for the poor dear. She seemed so nervous.

"You didn't actually ask a question," Ma'at said politely, cupping her hands on her lap as she fully turned to face the girl, "The eldritch are a pantheon of gods and goddesses. They are regarded as the strangest among us. They are beings of chaos, of the unknown, of the void, and of the space beyond time. Cthulhu is one such god. He is the best known of that pantheon and is rather powerful. All of them are beings of potential insanity, credited with driving many a human insane. The creature mentioned is meant to act as a sort of caretaker while here, should you want to go with it. Cthulhu decided it would be best not to house people himself, and instead go with an intermediary to avoid people potentially going insane. Does that answer your questions?"

In the meantime, Alexander had found yet another interesting book! Prayers to the Awe-Inspiring Sky Gods certainly sounded like one title that was full of either ass-kissery or pride... or maybe both!

He would notice that the book seems to be somewhat lacking in actual prayers, but it does contain a large list of sky gods along with one sky goddess.
Dyeus, the chief sky father of the Proto-Indo-European religion
Debesu tēvs, the god of the day-lit sky and the chief god of the Latvian pantheon
Latobius, sky and mountain god equated with the Greek gods Zeus and Ares
Nuada, god of the sky, wind, and war
  • Prayer to be a Wise Leader
    Nuada of the Silver Hand
    Twice-King of the Tuatha De
    Help me find the wisdom
    To be a wise leader in my life
    May I see the greater pattern
    May I know the greater good
    May I act decisively and well
    Help me to see when to lead
    And when to follow
    Nuada, Guide me in wisdom
  • Prayer for Resilience
    Nuada, who lost an arm in battle
    Who bled and suffered
    and returned the next day
    To fight again, one-armed,
    May I find the strength within
    To overcome my own obstacles
    May I find the strength of will
    To keep fighting against all odds
    May I find the strength within
    To turn my pain to power
  • Invocation of Nuada
    I call to Nuada of the Silver Arm
    King of the Tuatha De Danann
    He of the Sword of Findias,
    He of the hawk, hound, and salmon,
    He of Slievenamon,
    God of the healing waters,
    God of the hidden sidhe,
    God of the rushing host,
    Lord of battle,
    Lord of victory,
    Lord of justice,
    relentless, powerful, wise,
    I call to Nuada Airgetlamh
    King of the Tuatha De Danann
Teiwaz, early Germanic sky god, also the god of law, justice, and the thing (assembly)
Aether, primeval god of the upper air
Uranus, primeval god of the sky
Zeus, king of the gods, ruler of Mount Olympus, god of the sky, weather, law, order, and civilization
  • Father Zeus, protector of the weak,
    help me to be strong against my fears.

    Father Zeus, protector of the wronged,
    help me to do right by all I meet.

    Father Zeus, protector of the home,
    help me to safeguard those within my walls.

    Father Zeus, help me to do what I must,
    be with me as I walk in the world.
Dyaus Pita, sky father
Caelus, personification of the sky, equivalent to the Greek Uranus
Jupiter, king of heaven and god of the sky and weather, equivalent to the Greek Zeus
Stribog, god of the winds, sky, and air
Triglav, a triple god whose three heads represent sky, earth, and underworld
Sabazios, sky father
Horus, god of the sun, sky, kings, and war
  • Hymn to Horus the Younger
    To Horus who was born of Isis, I offer my praise.
    O son of Osiris, true heir to his throne,
    O saviour of your father, contender with your uncle,
    O Horus who joined the two great lands,
    who wears the double crown, O king of gods,
    O god of kings, I call to you, O Horus.
    Upholder of the right and the good, defender of order,
    guardian of Ma'at whose work is unending,
    I honor your constancy, I honor your might.
    I pray to you, O Horus, grant me your grace,
    grant me the gift of integrity, grant me the strength
    to do what must be done, the will to pursue
    the true and the just. Horus who was born of Isis,
    child born of magic, born of death into life,
    I call to you with reverence; I call to you with faith.
  • Hymn to Horus the Elder
    To Horus, O mighty Heru-wer, I offer my praise.
    Bright son of Geb and shadow-cloaked Nuit, beloved of Hathor,
    great lady of gold, O eldest of the falcon-gods,
    ancient of worship, ancient of name, O Horus
    whose left eye is the sun, whose right shines as the moon,
    I call to you for favor, I call on you for strength.
    Yours is the courage to seek out strife, to war with
    the wicked who would corrupt the work of Ma'at.
    Yours is the nerve to face what may come, whatever
    the chances, whatever the risk. Yours is the will
    to persevere through any misfortune, any restaint.
    Yours is the heart to fight the good battle,
    to struggle and strive and to succeed. O Horus,
    mighty Heru-wer, overcomer of obstacles,
    share with me, O god, your gift of determination.
Achamán, Guanche creator and sky god
Asherah, sky goddess and consort of El; after the rise of Yahweh, she may have become Yahweh's consort before being demonized and the Israelite religion going monotheistic
  • Oh Great Goddess Asherah, I pray to you.
    Your sacred pillars show me to stand tall, strong and proud
    But I'm only human and I fear failure.

    Beloved Mother Creatrix, hear my prayer,
    For I am your daughter and I need you now,
    Fill me with your energy,
    Fill me with your moral strength,
    Give me insight on what I should do,
    Oh Great Goddess Asherah I pray to you.

    I have search far and wide
    And found only you as my guide,
    I have searched without as well as within<
    And there I found you waiting.
    Oh Great Lady Asherah of the Sea,
    Fill me guide me, be with me
    from this day on until forever,
    I will follow you.

    Blessed be.
El (god), original sky god and sky father of the Israelites (and other Semitic tribes) before Yahweh
Yahweh, deity whose origin is unclear, but rose to prominence among the Israelites, was conflated with El, and became the sole god among them; the Bible heavily associates him with the sky and shade
Ilmari, godlike smith-hero and creator of the sky
Ukko, supreme god of sky, weather, thunder, crops (harvest) and other natural things.
Taara, Oeselian chief god of thunder and the sky
Kugu Jumo, chief god of the sky, creator of the world, associated with a duck
Värde-Škaj, Mokshan supreme god of the sky
Niškepaz, Erzyan supreme god of the sky
Jenmar, Komi sky and chief god, creator of the world, associated with the moose
Horagalles, Sami god of the sky, thunder and lightning, the rainbow, weather, oceans, lakes, human life, health and well-being.[7]
Num, god of the sky
Num-Toorum-Aś, Ob-Ugric supreme god and ruler of the kingdom of the sky in the north
Hwanin, sky god
Virococha, sky god
Anguta, sky father and psychopomp
Torngarsuk, god of the sky
Cabaguil, god of the sky
Hunab Ku, sky father
Tzacol, sky god and creator deity
Eototo, Hopi head kachina and sky father
Badessy, Vodou loa associated with the sky
Mulungu, Nyamwezi creator and sky god
Nyame, Akan supreme deity, god of the sky
Olorun, Yoruba supreme deity, god of the sky and heaven
Shango, Yoruba sky father and thunder god
Umvelinqangi, Zulu sky god
Xamaba, creator and sky god of the Heikum of South Africa
Denka, Dinka god of sky, rain and fertility
Khonvoum, supreme creator god and sky father of Mbuti Pygmies
Utixo, Khoikhoi sky god
Altjira, Arrernte creator and sky god
Baiame, southeast Australian creator and sky god
Bunjil, Kulin creator and sky god
Numakulla, a pair of creator and sky gods
Zanahary, sky deity of Madagascar
Ao, god of light and the sky
Ranginui, sky father
Amai-te-rangi, sky demon of Mangaia
Atua I Kafika, supreme sky god of Polynesia
Laufakana'a, Tongan creator god and sky father
Tangaloa, Tongan sky god
Trời, sky god in Vietnamese indigenous religion
Teshub, god of the sky and storms
Izanagi, creator of Japan and sky father
Phaya Thaen, the sky personified with a rank equivalent to marquess (Thai Phraya)
Tengri, god of the sky
Ani, god of the sky
Tinia, god of the sky
Anshar, god of the sky
Anu, king of the gods, associated with the sky, heaven, and constellations

Kyrenka Kyrenka GreenEyedStranger GreenEyedStranger Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
a883fce03dc06e43abc5862d9d1f0632.png" If you ask me i'll say they are some creepy damn Nonces" Lugh stated dryly as he took another sip of his flask. Those gods creeped him out alot... no living thing should have that many tentacles... but no that he was a teacher he was thinking what to do for training. Hand to hand combat was an obvious one. But teamwork was heavily needed. Maybe drop em on an island and have a god watch from the shadow to see how well they survive for a week. He would have to write something up for it. " Well... Ma'at.... how do you feel about... Team building exercise... such as dividing them into squads and have them do activities with their squad... make them study together. train together ... drop em on an island in the ocean for a week together. seems like a great way to train them to work with others. " He noticed Nadee slowly nodded along before looking shocked at the mention of the island and she looked down gripping her fist. She probably wanted to say something but is too nervous.

988258ddb6333023d040f42884a08f17.png Amor strolled about the streets as she fiddled with the new crossbow she had bought with a smile " Everyone is so lively around here ! Guten tag! Hola! " She said frequently greeting people in the two languages she knew the most being german and spanish, she had developed a habit of mixing the two languages together when talking but hye. gods should know every language right? well whatever. For now she had set her sights on finding Artemis, She seemed the best bet for a house. And archery training!
Deathkitten Deathkitten
566324The angel that was taking their orders looked perplexed, glaring at Chrysos. Zekera looked at him, stunned, before stuttering out her order, "Um... I... I think I would like just some water and some Molokhia soup... please."

The angel huffed a bit and took both of their menus before turning and walking away. She muttered something to another angel near the door to the kitchen before heading in.

Zekera turned to Chrysos with wide eyes, "Jesus juice? Seriously? You just called wine that to angels? And yes, it IS overwhelming, but I think the best thing we can do is fit in... not... make jokes at people who could be hostile to us. We're not here for fun, remember? We didn't even choose to come here. Greek gods tend to be pretty testy in the myths, but so does the Christian God. We have no idea how angels act. I mean... just look at this place. It's spotless and so white it looks like they took it from a hospital. They aren't human... and... I really don't want to get hurt..."

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
16df444e824ff093dcf1a07913b3e1e2.pngChrysos seemed perplexed at the angel and Zekera. " what did I do wrong? I read the menu... I'm not the best at reading english.. did I read it wrong? " He asked confused as he remembered the Tampered menu. He truly didn't know what he did wrong. " If I read it wrong i'll leave a big tip and immediately go apologize...but I was sure that's what it said... It did look like some part was scratched off though " He said about to stand up. He didn't mean to seem rude. He was truly ready to do so.
"Once you... three... get cleaned up," she corrected herself as yet another person came crashing in, this time a man. Artemis rubbed her face, groaning internally at the mess this now was. He was clearly playing poker or something, a man of ill repute perhaps, and he was now here with two girls... three, if she counted herself. But no. She couldn't simply cast out this man. He was here and confused like every other one of them. She needed to treat him fairly.

She sighed loudly and with a bit of flair, snapped her fingers. This time, all three of them were cleaned as though they had just had a nice shower and were now dried off. She shook her head and ran a hand through her hair in irritation, "Alright. Basically... you guys are here to join a fight for your world. Evil gods and goddesses are threatening to cause Armageddon. We don't know who yet. We figured the demidivine should have a chance to save the world they live on - that's you guys. Each of you is related to a god or goddess of various pantheons. Shocker, I know. Now then-"

She made another small motion, and three coin bags appeared in front of them, "Here are 50 gold coins. Currency works like this: 10 copper to a silver, 10 silver to a gold, 10 gold to a platinum. Yes, places take human currency, it just depends on where. You get to choose which god or goddess you house with. Myself, Zeus, Dionysus, Tyche, Thor, Loki, Freyja, Bastet, Durga, a creature of Cthulhu, Ryūjin, or Amaterasu. Choose one and you'll get teleported to the right house. Is all of that clear?"

"Now then. Do you three want food or just want to go to a house?"

SweetRose SweetRose Fenris Fenris rivers and oceans rivers and oceans
[class=titleblock] width:450px; text-align:right; font-family:Oswald; color:#D1A3CD; text-shadow:2px 2px 0px #111; position:relative; top:-110px; font-size:20px; [/class]
[div class=titleblock]Mikael KassinovLocation: The Solemn God

A warm breeze wafted through the trees around him and ruffled the grass under his head, this was the first peaceful moment Mika has had in what felt like years. However, like most things in life, the moment was fleeting. Mika had been just on the edge of drifting off in a field a little ways away from the gypsies camp when the ground had started to shake around him.

"Damn it all,"He muttered, not bothering to open his eyes. Whatever this was it would surely pass. Right?

Wrong. In seconds, he felt the ground beneath him disappear and soon he found himself free falling into what must of been Hell. His eyes snapped open almost immediately and he was able to stop the momentum of his fall right before he hit the ground. A bubble of anger began flickering in the pit of his stomach; as if he needed any more stress or added confusion in his life and here this goes and happens. Hell, he'd just gotten a handle on his weird abilities and unnaturally long life but now he's falling through the ground into the pits of Hell...Or well, maybe Hell adjacent. That is unless Hell had a particularly upbeat gardener who had no clue where he was.

Mika looked around at his surroundings; there were quite a few others who seemed to be as confused as he was. Luckily, that confusion was somewhat cleared up by a tiny girl in a kimono who claimed to be a goddess. Interesting. He floated along with the group as they travelled out of the garden and into a city straight out of the future. Mika was about ready to put this whole experience under the label of "Weird ass dream" when a lady decked out in Egyptian garb entered and explained that they were there to fight a war their parents were too busy to fight. Troublesome.

He wasn't going to fight in any type of war that in one way or another didn't concern him, what did pique his interest, however, was the mention of their so called 'godly' parents. His whole life, Mika had always thought of himself as completely and utterly alone. No parents, no friends, no one he considered himself particularly close to either; and no, he isn't 'looking for something/one to believe in' or someone to mentor him or coddle him. Mika wanted answers as to why he was created and by God if that answer is to fight in some bullshit war and to have a target on his back, he might as well end his life there and then.

Agitation was growing in him as their little debriefing came to an end and they were all free to go. He sat in the back of the auditorium as it emptied out and watched as the supposed goddess Ma'at conversed with the others. She's the Head Mistress, huh. If he wanted more indepth answers, she'd be the one to go to. As they exited, Mika hovered out behind them, sitting with his legs crossed in mid-air with his arms propped up on his knee and hands bridged under his chin as he followed them.

His amythest eyes darted around as he moved down the street after them, taking in all there was to see in this foreign land. And oh was there alot to see. Too much actually; the people, the creatures, the buildings the languages and smells - it was all too overwhelming. There was too much to take in and with how easily distracted Mika was, it began to effect him. In all his 96 years on this Earth, he'd thought he'd seen all that was worth seeing and yet here hes was in the land of the Gods', and for the first time in his life wondering who his father was.

They came to a stop up ahead just as a nauseating migraine blurred the edges of Mikas vision. The pain was making it hard for him to stay afloat in the air but he had a feeling that he wouldn't fair much better on foot so he stayed in position as he entered into the building. The Solemn God. Not so solemn at the moment, it appeared that he had entered in the midst of the lunch rush. His eyes scanned the room until they landed on several familiar faces from the auditorium. Bingo.

Floating above the heads of everyone there so as to not touch any one and cause an even bigger ruckus by putting them into a deep sleep, he made his way over to the Egyptian Goddess.
"Do you know who our parents are?" He didn't waste any time cutting to the chase and he didn't feel the need for petty introductions or formalities, especially since he wasn't quite sure if this woman was an actual goddess or someone seriously deranged. Hell, this whole thing could still be a dream. It wouldn't have been the first time he'd drifted off and woken up somewhere else, all the weird technologies and creatures could very well be one of his daydreams gone wild. Nonetheless, he had to ask.
Deathkitten Deathkitten
Last edited:
The Dancing Map
566694He smiled fondly, stretching and standing up once again, "It just seemed like a question out of the blue. She's a good person, though. I don't keep too up to date on the Greeks though if I'm bein' honest. I prefer to deal with the Norse pantheon. They're much calmer... plus they can hold their liqueur better."

He laughed at his own comment, hand landing on his belt, "Right then. I've got to get on and get busy. Ask me if you need anything else. I love to be of help." With that, he was gone, back to the kitchen after talking to some of the more drunken patrons at the bar.

(( MorgathosTheRussian MorgathosTheRussian Sorry for the short post.))
Desmond Vincent Darcy
Scion of The Morrigan

There was a certain comfort in seeing the lion tailed women easily handle one of the rations which had made the trip with him; even if Desmond usually wasn't the sharing type. It reassured him the others weren't as otherworldly as one might have expected at first glance. Hotaru, who did not exactly seemed thrilled by the gathering, responded as well before plucking one of the playing cards out of the air. Despite being far more petite than the athletic Adjrenna and shorter than his shaggy self the pink haired woman exerted a presence that would not allow her to be overlooked; much like Artemis. The goddess which now displayed some mannerisms Desmond was used to seeing among superior officers.

After taking the welcome liberty of treating them to the magical equivalent of a shower Artemis began to explain their situation in broad strokes. Perhaps, this wasn't all the old crow's design... “Out of the frying pan and into the fire.” he muttered, with a note of strained amusement. Facing a bunch of gods hell bent on bringing on the end of times seemed like an awfully tall order in exchange for a bag of coins. A bag which quickly disappeared within the folds of Desmond's clothes, leaving only a single coin to dance between his fingers as he mustered it with passing curiosity.

The list of hosts named was impressive, even if not each and everyone of them was easily placed; yet Desmond was not partial to bloodshed and preferred to be housed by one who might give him advice outside of wading into battle. “I could hardly impose on your hospitality any further, so unless someone wants shuffle some cards or wash down the taste of biscuit with a stiff drink I'd like to house with Loki... though Tyche might be able to explain my recent luck.” Desmond announced, looking at the assembled divine and demi-devine's in turn, awaiting their replies.

The Wicked Wand
566701"Well then! I recommend you get going. Sleep up and impress your peers. I'm sure it will be fun. I'll be looking forward to you returning to this little place," Nimh said, still smiling at him. She turned away then, looking back towards the kitchen for a moment. The girl stepped away, going towards there, but turned again to look at him, "I look forward to seeing you again, Michiel. Do try to survive, yes?"

She ducked away, though she could be seen walking swiftly back and forth past the kitchen door carrying various objects; cups, a stack of plates, some tickets, etc..

Meanwhile, Michiel's stomach seems to be disagreeing slightly with the food. Perhaps it's gas?

MorgathosTheRussian MorgathosTheRussian
566760Zekera groaned out a huff, rubbing her face with the palms of her hands. He looked genuinely concerned... so he probably didn't do this on purpose. "Eres ridículo," she muttered to herself in Spanish, continuing to hold her head in her hands for a moment more, "Podríamos estar muertos en un latido del corazón o menos, y que cometer el mismo error."

She sighed, reaching out to touch his arm, "It's probably fine. When they come back, just apologize. It was probably some idiota before us writing it in if it looked scratched off. Jesus juice refers to the whole blood... wine... thing that the Christians have. I don't really get it, I don't really know about it, but I'm worried. I don't want to offend them somehow."

The angel, still looking rather annoyed at his commentary, came back with the water and the wine. She turned to look at Chrysos more than Zekera, "Your food will be out soon."

Cam E. Leon Cam E. Leon
"Thank you for your time, sir." Aleksandros said, leaving one last coin on the bar and then leaving the establishment all together. After leaving the bar, he stretched a bit and said, "One ticket to the home of Ba'al Hammon, please." Time to meet the Father of Carthage!


Michiel gave a smile back before instintively reaching for his stomach. The food was too rich, he thought. He always heard stories about how Boer prisoners gorged themselves on food after being starved for days, and then vomiting it all back up. He didn't want that to happen to him. He scanned the room for a bathroom, and if he saw one, rushed for it with haste. But, if there wasn't, he'd leave the restaurant and try to find a nice, secluded corner to puke stuff up in.
988258ddb6333023d040f42884a08f17.png Amor came across a garden and what she saw was three people around her age and a refined brown haired lady talking to them. " hmm maybe that fraulein is a god as well? she seems to be lecturing them.. " She wondered aloud before thinking, she really wanted to find artemis so she can join her house. Well no use hiding around. Amor walked out from where she stood and waved her hands in the air shouting to them " ¡Hola hola hola! ¿Sabes dónde puedo encontrar al dios Artemisa? " she figured the god would know her language.. aren't gods all knowing in this stuff. if not she decided to repeat her words in english. " do any of you know where I may find Artemis?" she kindly asked giving a gesture meaning hello.

16df444e824ff093dcf1a07913b3e1e2.png Chrysos seeing the angel return decided to try and make amends. " I'm terribly sorry if I seemed rude. I can speak english well but my skill in reading it is quite lacking. I simply read what I saw on the menu, I believe it was tampered with. If not I will pay for my meal and leave the establishment I meant no harm.. I apologize twice from the bottom of my heart." He had stood up giving a near straight 90 degree bow to have his head face the floor in shame. He had used every bit of etiquette he was taught for this apology, a scene which was quite rare for anyone experienced in Chrysos habit. He had only apologized like this enough times to count on one hand.

Deathkitten Deathkitten SweetRose SweetRose Fenris Fenris rivers and oceans rivers and oceans
~Alexander Williams~​

Closing the book, Xander frowned. Well, that felt pretty useless. There were so many names that Xander couldn't even hope to remember them all, but he did put in the effort to memorize the three prayers at the beginning of the book. They sound more like spells than prayers. Maybe he could use them to do...something? Like a superhero! Despite the fact that he could practically hear his mother warning him about witchcraft and Satan, the brunet decided that it couldn't hurt to try. Besides, I'm not trying to conjure Satan. Just a morally dubious deity. Turning his attention to his plate, Xander sighed. The meal had been delicious, but he wasn't sure if he had to order more in order to keep reading or if he was allowed to stay. The thought of dessert popped into his head, and he beamed in content. Dessert and a book sounds nice. His parents didn't like giving him too many sweets but damn it, he deserved it after the day he's had! Making his way back to the bookshelves, Xander replaced Prayers to the Awe-Inspiring Sky Gods and carefully examined the remaining titles. Books about necromancy and a cannibal goddess sent a shiver up Xander's spine. No thanks. This time, the brunet grabbed Broadswords: A Revised Legendary History. It would make sense that deities would give them swords and shit, right? Why not get a little familiar with them before they were tossed at him? Although, this city is pretty futuristic. Would we be using something different? Suddenly, excitement filled Xander as he recalled some of his church's sermons. Wasn't there an angel with a flaming sword? The image of him wielding a flaming sword excited the teen to no end. Eagerly, the brunet made his way back to his seat with his new treasure and kept an eye out for any sign of Umakoti. He hadn't seen any dessert on the menu, but restaurants sometimes had a separate menu for dessert. Either way, he still needed to pay and he didn't mind waiting if that meant that he could potentially find a flaming sword in the book.

Deathkitten Deathkitten
The demi-human's feathers puffed up at Elina's praise. Getting too prideful and arrogant was something Artemis encouraged her huntresses to avoid; after all, countless warriors have fallen due to underestimating their opponent. However, the Caladrius didn't see anything wrong with accepting praise every now and then. She happily ate more of her meal when Elina piped up again. "Andraste! You wouldn't happen to be one of these students, would you?" Andraste. So that's her name. The woman in question was doing her best to appear as unassuming as possible, but the chipper waitresses had already drawn attention to the warrior. "It would be wonderful to get to know each other before one is teaching the other, don't you think, Accalia?"

Grinning at the student in front of her, Accalia responded, "Yes it would be."

Elina darted off, coming back with a plate of hummus and pita bread, "Here! You two can share and talk over what's happening. On the house." The waitress shuffled a little before her expression dimmed. "Really, it's something that has us all concerned. I'm happy the gods and goddesses are finally going to do something about it. I was worried they'd be too headstrong to admit they needed help... but, hey, they didn't, so there's less to fret over now. I just hope you can find out who's causing problems sooner rather than later. With you on the case though, Accalia, it's sure to get solved. You don't lay around and do nothing."

The Caladrius gave Elina a reassuring smile, "Oh don't worry, I'll whip these kids into shape! By the time they're done, they'll be worthy of their own legends." Accalia meant it too. Dionysus himself was a demigod and he was seated as one of the great Twelve Olympians. There was was no doubt that these children had the heritage and natural abilities to become great heroes, the question was if they had the will to become great heroes. Eyeing the woman in front of her, Accalia set down her utensils and pushed her empty plate aside. There was no sense in continuing this game of pretending to ignore each other. Not to mention, she's a promising huntress. "So, Andraste was it? You seem to already have a bit of training. However, as a warrior you know that there is always room for improvement." The demi-human paused before continuing, "Although you were brought here to be trained and grow as a warrior, you can only go so far in this lifetime. However, as a huntress of Lady Artemis we are offered a blessing that can improve our abilities. It's also helped me to become a better huntress. Although, the lifestyle isn't for everyone." Taking a sip of her water, Accalia let the silence hang for a moment. "You are not required to pledge yourself to Lady Artemis, but she is a benevolent goddess and has made me into a better warrior than I could ever hope to become. You seem like you'd fit right in with us which is why I'm bringing it up, but remaining chaste has proven difficult for some women. If you're not planning to fall in love and settle down, then I'd recommend considering Lady Artemis to be your chosen patron." A odd frown formed on her face as the Caladrius added, "If you do not choose Lady Artemis, then I highly recommend Lady Durga. She's a remarkable warrior and does not require chastity."

Deathkitten Deathkitten ZuluSlayer ZuluSlayer
Artemis was a mighty warrior, this all was true. And improvement was nessecary in the ever-changing game of warfare. But Artemis was Greek, and being bound to the code of one was as attractive as being held prisoner. To Andraste, they were both the same. "I do not plan to settle down. I do not plan to follow the path set by the Hellenic world. I plan only one thing: to follow the will of my parents and bring glory to my people." She stared the woman in the eye and said, "The day I swear an oath to any Greek is the day my father slays me for that shameful oath." Even the thought was disgusting. Her countrymen had been enslaved and sold like cattle to Greeks, Romans, and more. They had divided her country too many times. Never again, she swore, never again. She did not betray her disgust and anger, keeping a blank face.
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Adjrenna's newly acquired biscuits disappeared speedily and were fully gone by the time Artemis snapped her fingers and cleaned everyone off. She shook herself slightly as the goddess spoke, and grabbed the little bag of gold, tucking it away on the belt she still wore. Her tail twitched forward and rubbed against it slightly as she half listened to the newly arrived man speak, thinking to herself about which god she should house with. She was mildly surprised when another new arrival showed up and called out looking for Artemis twice. She grinned slightly and spoke half to the new arrival and half to Artemis, "I won't spoil that surprise, but I think I will just stick around with you Huntress. I don't have much of a connection to any of the other god's you listed besides Bastet, and Sekhmet and Bastet don't get along especially well."


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