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Fantasy After Earth

(Oh sorry xD )

Cassidy frowned when she saw a grey hat on the fox. Weird... She eyed the fox cautiously, she had a feeling there was something more to it. She didn't know what, but she figured she'd find out what sooner than later. "Are you ok? How about this, I'll take you back to camp." She reached out to the fox, beginning to wonder how she ever caught up with it.

@Sinya Luna
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Though her vision was slightly dizzy and distorted, she did manage to see a dark hand reaching out to her. With a small growl, she swiped a paw at it. Retracting her paw, she rubbed an eye and inched away from the being above her.
Cassidy jumped back, cradling her hand as beads of blood formed along some scratches. The fire disappeared from her hand as she slowly backed up from the fox. I guess she's scared too... Animals do tend to lash out when they're afraid.. She sighed, still holding her hand that had been scratched. "It's ok, I'm not trying to hurt you.. I'm heading back to my camp and if you want, you can follow me. How about that?" Cassidy waited a few moments before turning back to get back to camp and Mason. Only problem was.. She couldn't remember where it was, or how long she'd followed the fox. Oh crap... I am such a genius... She face palmed herself and turned back to the fox. "Ok maybe not. I kinda forgot how to get to camp, not to mention I have no idea where I am..." She frowned and began breathing deeply so she wouldn't panic. I'm lost....

Looking up from rubbing her eye, she finally got her thoughts straightened out. Caitriona peered into the darkness, making out the facial features of the stranger. She could tell that it was, in fact, a female. And by the looks of it, she was human as well. Yet, the fire that emitted from her hand made her grow more alert. Would it be safer to remain in this form? Perhaps changing back will help. She seems safe...helpless even. Still, she and the other stranger peak my curiosity. The fox even grew a little irritated, rolling her pale eyes. In her full Irish accent, she shakily growled, "Lost? You haven't been out here for more then ten minutes without chasin' me like a madman."
Cassidy stared at the fox in surprise. "W-what?" She kept staring until she realized that she was right, this was no ordinary fox, she was more than that. "But that's exactly it though... I wasn't paying any attention to anything but finding you... I have no idea where I am or where the camp was... I mean, I've only been there once, I haven't lived there my whole life...." She trailed off, defending herself verbally under the assumption that the fox thought Cassidy was stupid.

Straightening her hat, then brushing her chest off, the fox sighed. "Alright, alright. Don't get your flames in a twist. I'll find your camp." She came to her paws, trotted past Cassidy, and began on her way. "Your mates' probably missin' ya anyway."
Cassidy noticed a heavy Irish accent and smiled- she loved accents. "Really? Thanks!" Cassidy followed the fox again, glad that she wasn't as bad as she thought she might be. "Oh, by the way, I'm Cassidy, but you can just call me Cas." Any of the fear or confusion from before shriveled away quickly and was replaced with simple happiness and a slight smile.
She stopped for a moment and looked back at her new acquaintance. "Name's Caitriona. If that's too much, call me 'Cait' or 'Caity'. I honestly could care less, as long as you don't call me 'Lucky Charms'." With a huff, she turned and continued on her way. "That's just racist."
Cassidy giggled at the last comment. "Ok, I guess I'll call you Caity, it sounds cool." She continued following Caity, happy to have made yet another friend. She couldn't shake the smile off of her face- she was just so happy, at least nearly the happiest she's ever been, or at least that she remembers.
Caitriona paused once more, sniffing the air. She knew that checking the ground would do her any good, because the smell of smoke and fire traveled in the air. After a couple moments of this, the scent finally came to her little nose. "I think I've got it. This way." With that, she dashed off to the east.
Cassidy followed Caity and sprinted after her once she had dashed East. While she followed relatively close behind, she pondered about Caity. Maybe she has some sort of powers, like some sort of shape shifting type power. Maybe... Or maybe she's just some sort of fox that was affected so greatly by the meteor that she can talk and think like a human. Cassidy laughed almost silently to herself. I think the first idea I had was much more believable, I mean I'm kind of wolffish, so what's to stop someone from completely turning into an animal? Or maybe I just haven't been trying hard enough to be a wolf! She laughed again, dismissing the idea that she herself could shape shift too.
Caitriona ran, following the smoke scent until she came up to a line of bushes. Peering through them, she saw the camp, with the fire blazing in the center. "I think this is it. Look familiar?" She asked, looking back at Cas.
Cassidy sighed in relief. "Yeah, thanks Caity!" She rushed through the bushes to the fire, glad to be back. "Hey, I'm back Mason!" She smiled at Mason and glanced back at Caity. "You know, if you want, you can stick with us. We're heading towards New York. Apparently there's some sort of civilization up there." She hoped that she would stay, just that tad bit of hope she always had. As usual, she'd never admit that she loved company so much, but it was true. She absolutely hated being alone, even though she tended to pretend that she loved solitude.

@AnimeOfAnotherColor @Sinya Luna
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Caitriona's eyes widened, and she lifted a paw with a puzzled look. "Hold on a minute...I...I'm not so sure that following a complete stranger is smart. Ya seem nice...but I've only just met ya." She said before pausing, then looking into trees and continuing to speak. "In fact, I haven't been in America for that long either..."
Cassidy looked at Caity. "I'm not bad, trust me... Then again, I do know where you're coming from. Sometimes you just have to take chances. Besides, if we were bad, you've already shown you're fast." She cocked her head sideways, silently hoping Caity would stay.
Caitriona pinned back her ears in slight embarrassment, yet her face was still neutral, if not unsure. "I guess you have a point." While what she said next may not have any relevance to Cassidy, it meant everything to Caitriona. "Though, staying in either form is dangerous no matter what. If you're a fox, people might kill you for meat or warmth. If you're human, they might kill you for their own safety."
Cassidy slowly nodded. "I can see that concern, but hey, strength in numbers, am I right?" She smiled warmly at Caity, hoping so badly that she'd stick with her and Mason. "I mean, we've all got each other's backs."
Caitriona sighed. She knew that winning this 'debate' wasn't going to happen. Why does she want me to stay so badly? She thought. She seems like a perfectly independent person, yet she insists that I stay. Looking down at her paws, she gave one final thought. The least I can do is offer my protection. Caitriona looked up at Cassidy, giving a playfully mischievous look. "Alright, you've got yourself a fox. Well, half of one, anyway."
Cassidy's smile was like a little kid's in a candy store. Yes!! She cleared her throat and made her smile a little less obvious. I mean, I guess it's good that I have more company....Not that I need it or anything.... "Cool, like I said,we're heading towards New York. I just hope the rumors are true, that there is still kind of civilization up there..." She trailed off, staring into the fire, zoning out.
She gave an amused chuckle. "Even if there isn't 'civilization', the least we can do is get a decent hot dog, right?" Though she was joking, on the inside she was thinking about her next move. If I'm going to stick around, I may as well show my other half. It's probably for the best that I don't stay in fox form for too long. "Speaking of people, we'll probably be better off if I'm not a fox forever. I know I'm fluffy and cute, but that creatures like that don't live long nowadays. Sound fair?"
Cassidy laughed again and nodded. I wonder what she looks like as a human.. She imagined some short redhead with a cool sense of fashion. Actually I don't think that's what she'll look like... I guess I'll have to find out. Cassidy turned her attention from her thoughts to Caity, awaiting the transformation.

Star glanced down shocked at the male. And quickly set her daughter down. "Strella, go straight upstairs while I help your friend" She told her daughter. Strella nodded and staggered up the stairs back to her room. While Star picked up Daniel and transported him to her own room. Where she set him on her bed. Gathering up her first aid kit from her drawer and setting to work mending his wounds. Disinfecting them before bandaging them up.
Daniel opened one eye slightly, and smile, despite the pain. "Thank you, Star, I'm glad you're here for me..." He coughed, spray blood from his throat and splattering the ceiling. "...sorry....ugh.....I never took the time to learn how to tend to my wounds....but you seem pretty good at it." Daniel coughed once more, clearing his throat afterwards. "I don't want to mess-up your bed here, but it's very thoughtful of you."

Star smiled and sighed gently. "It's alright, it's not even mine" she said as she cleaned up from having helped him. Throwing bloody rags away, and sanitizing her tools. "Thank you for bringing Strella back" she said as she sat down in a wooden chair. "I would have torn this city apart looking for her"
Sinya Luna] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/9841-yoyoman200/ said:
Star smiled and sighed gently. "It's alright, it's not even mine" she said as she cleaned up from having helped him. Throwing bloody rags away, and sanitizing her tools. "Thank you for bringing Strella back" she said as she sat down in a wooden chair. "I would have torn this city apart looking for her"
Daniel sat up slowly, resting his lower back against the headboard of the bed. "I knew you would if I hadn't.....she really is an intelligent girl..." he said, watching Strella play, "not to mention the beauty she and her mother shares." Daniel rubbed the back of his head, smiling at Star.

As soon as Cassidy answered, she began to shift back into her 'normal' form. A swift, dim flash occurred, and in the blink of eye, a human stood in the place of a fox. The girl did have red hair, though it was not the usual ginger-orange type. It was a dark red that casually faded to black at the tips. Her eye color stayed the same unusual olive green with gold at the rims. She wore normal teenager clothing, yet the gray tweed cap remained on her head. "Does this form suit you better?" She asked.

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