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Fantasy After Earth

Cassidy stared and nodded. She had at least one assumption right. Caity's sense of style was awesome. Although, she had gotten the hair assumption was a bit off- it wasn't like a carrot color, but a dark red fading to black. Wow, she looks pretty freaking cool... Cassidy kept staring for a while, surprised there were no remnants of the fox Caity had just been, like how Cassidy had wolfish features.


Straightening her hat again, Caitriona cast a quizzical gaze at Cassidy. "You look surprised. Were you expecting something else?" She questioned. Though she tended to come off as a 100% sarcastic person, she was really just curious. Ironic, too, that this was how she was; for most foxes are known for their wit and curiosity.
Cassidy began to look slightly embarrassed. "In all honesty, I did picture something else, even though I figured you'd be pretty far from what I pictured." She left out the part where she thought Caity was really pretty and cool looking to avoid any awkwardness.

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Caitriona smirked and leaned up against the nearest tree, crossing her arms. "So," She sighed. "what happened to you?" Though it may have been a vague question, she didn't mind asking. "I'm guessing we'll be here for awhile, so we may as well chat."
Cassidy sucked horribly at small talk, but she gave it a go. "What happened to me? Well, I really don't know- no, more like remember- I don't really remember. All I know are the basics about the meteor, my mutation and fire power. Oh, and my name. Other than that.. I don't really know, I've just been surviving in the forest." She frowned, still upset that she never remembered anything before the meteor. She could've had tons of friends or family- and she'd never even have a clue.
Caitriona tilted her head curiously. "Hm. Odd. You'd think that you would at least remember a little bit more than that...maybe of what happened right before. But...I guess life's unfair. And a kick in the tail." She had a feeling that even if she was telling the truth about her memory loss, it probably hurt to talk about. In this case, she tossed the conversation aside.
Cassidy nodded. "Yeah, but at least it could be worse- I could have no memory at all, not even of my name. Now that," She stared into the fire and finished her statement by looking straight in Caity's eyes. "..would really suck."
Caitriona scoffed, but in a playful manner. "Fair point." She glanced about the area before looking straight back into Cassidy's eyes, meeting her gaze. "Have you seen any other people around? Besides me, that is." She was fairly curious about this, as she hadn't seen a single person since her arrival.
Cassidy cocked her head to the side and slowly shook it. "Not really besides you and Mason." She let out an awkward laugh. "I've actually been wondering the same thing though."
(Sorry for not answering. Seems like this rp hasn't really lasted...though it was fun. I really enjoyed roleplaying with you! Maybe we should start a new one sometime?)

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