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Fantasy After Earth

Star sat on top of building. Staring down at the city below her. The city over grown with weeds, covered in dust. The soft Atlantic winds curled through her black hair. Spinning the thick threads of hair through the humid air. Her pale skin was scar covered from the fights that broke out among the survivors. And from her childhood in the streets. Her green eyes glared below her, her curled black horns on his head.
Kei lumbered along the debri and rubbush of the city, smashing cars open to see if there are any supplies to procure. She found box or two of emergency kits which she emptied into her bag, for now it was one-shoulder back pack, she usually changes once her bag is either broken, stolen or she just finds another she likes.

"Well, can say no to a few more bandages and energy snack bars" she said stuffing them in her bag. She sneezed as the wind blue, even if she was wearing a thick jacket over a hoodie, her finger-less gloves didn't offer much warmth.
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[QUOTE="Kaishi.Semper]Keri lumbered along the debri and rubbush of the city, smashing cars open to see if there are any supplies to procure. She found box or two of emergency kits which she emptied into her bag, for now it was one-shoulder back pack, she usually changes once her bag is either broken, stolen or she just finds another she likes.
"Well, can say no to a few more bandages and energy snack bars" she said stuffing them in her bag. She sneezed as the wind blue, even if she was wearing a thick jacket over a hoodie, her finger-less gloves didn't offer much warmth.

Star peered down at the city. Her home. Her territory. When suddenly her eye was caught by a slow moving figure. Searching her cars. But the figure would find nothing. She had already claimed everything of use. Hiding it in her house. Her tail lashed aggressively, as she stood. A wisp of shadows surrounded her. And suddenly she was gone from the building top. And appeared behind the female. Staring rather bitterly at the creature. "what are you doing in my city??" She snarled
Kei jumped, more surprised to be scared of defensive. "Passing by.....?" She blinked as she turned aroun. Oddly, she didn't feel much danger when she saw the figure, only the slightest but this didn't cause her much alarm. "I''m on my way to New York or wherever there is people and or civilization" she said, peering at the horns and tail that whipped behind. "Cool..."
[QUOTE="Kaishi.Semper]Kei jumped, more surprised to be scared of defensive. "Passing by.....?" She blinked as she turned aroun. Oddly, she didn't feel much danger when she saw the figure, only the slightest but this didn't cause her much alarm. "I''m on my way to New York or wherever there is people and or civilization" she said, peering at the horns and tail that whipped behind. "Cool..."

"My eyes are up here" she snapped rather annoyed, flickering her tail to wrap around her leg. Her green eyes glaring down at the shorter female "Than I expect you to leave. Now." she said sharply "I'll escort you to the end of my territory." She proclaimed, leaving no room for argument.
"Well, aren't you a fun lady...listen, can't you just let stay for a rest? I've been walking for days now and I am starving." She tried to say as she was being escorted to the "end of the territory".

"Just one night is all I ask. I am dying for some shut-eye. I'll be no trouble, promise." She said, her accent showing a slight English. "I won't even ask for anything from you, except where I can sleep...and then I'll be outta your hair...horns...or something"
[QUOTE="Kaishi.Semper]"Well, aren't you a fun lady...listen, can't you just let stay for a rest? I've been walking for days now and I am starving." She tried to say as she was being escorted to the "end of the territory".
"Just one night is all I ask. I am dying for some shut-eye. I'll be no trouble, promise." She said, her accent showing a slight English. "I won't even ask for anything from you, except where I can sleep...and then I'll be outta your hair...horns...or something"

Star glared at her for a moment, from over her sharply curved shoulders and signed. "Fine. One night" she hissed, stopping than heading down a street to the right. Leading them to the east of the city. Towards a hotel. "If you hurt anything I'll kill you" she warned viciously, her nearly serpent eyes flickering with a serious flame. Her tone grim, hinting that she would kill her. The cement was cracked, and evidence of a fight was engraved into the brick buildings and asphalt. There was even a few skeletons. Clearly mutants from the way their bones were unnaturally formed
" Thanks lady! I'm called Kei by the way, Kei Cleary. So I just sleep anywhere?" She called in a slightly cheery voice. There is probably a mall or a department store or any sort of mart nearby she can crash in and probably re-supply if ever. "Hurt anything....how can I hurt something in this dead-end zone? " she scratched her head lightly as and pocketed her hands from the cold. A small sneeze came about and she snuffled as she started to walk along.
[QUOTE="Kaishi.Semper]" Thanks lady! I'm called Kei by the way, Kei Cleary. So I just sleep anywhere?" She called in a slightly cheery voice. There is probably a mall or a department store or any sort of mart nearby she can crash in and probably re-supply if ever. "Hurt anything....how can I hurt something in this dead-end zone? " she scratched her head lightly as and pocketed her hands from the cold. A small sneeze came about and she snuffled as she started to walk along.

"You'll be staying in the hotel" she said as she lead her towards a tall, once fancy hotel. The front door was a clear replacement. Wooden compared to the glass walls. Once the question of "them" was asked. She cleared her throat. Her tail curling slightly behind her. "I shelter shadow creatures" she simply said "Wounded animals whom otherwise have been rejected" she said simply. But was very rigid and hostile. Clearly protective of her little friends.... Well, they weren't very little "You'll be staying on the first floor. So you shouldn't see any of them. Just do not go up stairs" she said as she walked into the dusty, hotel. That had once been a beautiful, five star hotel. Ten stories tall.
Kei nodded her head, trying to wrap around the thought of Shadow Beings, "but what is up stairs?" She wanted to asked but kept it to herself. "Thanks again lady." She said happily. She went around to look for somewhere soft or comfortable to lie. She gave a low whistle at her surroundings, though caked in dust and debri, it was still beautiful to Kei. She picked up a few of the diamond shards on the floor from the grand chandelier. She went to the front desk and rang the desk bell and gave a small laugh. "I think...this was the same hotel we checked in years ago..." She jumped over the desk and landed in the surprisingly still soft chair. "Yeah...it was the holidays...and it was full of light and life..." Her eyes looking in the distance, piecing the memory into the now desolate place.

She closed her eyes and almost could hear it, the sound of guests and staff bustling around, the faint holidays songs in the background, all those happy noises. "Those were the days..."
[QUOTE="Kaishi.Semper]Kei nodded her head, trying to wrap around the thought of Shadow Beings, "but what is up stairs?" She wanted to asked but kept it to herself. "Thanks again lady." She said happily. She went around to look for somewhere soft or comfortable to lie. She gave a low whistle at her surroundings, though caked in dust and debri, it was still beautiful to Kei. She picked up a few of the diamond shards on the floor from the grand chandelier. She went to the front desk and rang the desk bell and gave a small laugh. "I think...this was the same hotel we checked in years ago..." She jumped over the desk and landed in the surprisingly still soft chair. "Yeah...it was the holidays...and it was full of light and life..." Her eyes looking in the distance, piecing the memory into the now desolate place.
She closed her eyes and almost could hear it, the sound of guests and staff bustling around, the faint holidays songs in the background, all those happy noises. "Those were the days..."

Star glanced over her shoulder at the female. Rambling to herself about 'the good ol' days' as if there was such thing. Life had nothing to offer. it was not kind. It was not good. Star simply new the world as a horrible, and gruesome place. And would only refused to die, simply because death seemed like a worse option. It was unknown. She would rather live with the monster she knew, rather than the one she did not. Leaving the girl behind, she headed up the flight of stairs, ignoring the sounds of animals growling and yelping. Barking and snapping playfully. heading to her room. The fifth floor, where she could find a bit of peace. She did not sleep, and would spend her time building, fixing and healing.
Ryan watched the exchange between the girl and Mrs. Crabby. Mrs. Crabby is formally known as Star. He had done some work for her before. Mrs. Crabby was particular with her territory. She usually would kick them off her grounds, not letting them stay. This picked up his interest and could help alleviate some of his boredom. His ears followed the sound of their feet crunching on the ground. He quietly jumped up on one the dusty railings inside the use to be 5 star hotel, unnoticed he noted. His tail twitched, Ryan could sense the other animals on the upper floors. He watched as Mrs. Crabby left the mystery girl alone, his tail twitched.
Kei looked towards the stairs. "So I guess she stays upstairs and those 'shadows' are up there with here..." she got out of her seat and decided to roam the first floor before getting some actual sleep. "She probably took all the goods already...seeing she stays here..." she mumbled as she walked through the halls.

She reached the large event room/ballroom and a huge smile.came across her face. She laughed as she ran in, arms out, spinning, tumbling, over-all enjoying this massive free space.

She closed her eyes and imagined how it used to look in its prime. Her arms still held out, she seemed to dance to some unheard music for a while.

She opened her eyes and went over to the instruments that lay abandoned and caked with dust. She brushed of a violin and held it in her arms. She plucked at the strings and miracously, they still had that twang. She picked up the bow and ran smack dab in the middle of the hall, her footfalls the only noise.

She placed the violin under her chin and played a very simple melody.
Ryan sighed, he knew that watching these people wouldn't cure his boredom. He couldn't a job at the moment... He had to wait. So instead of people watching that increase his boredom, he decided he would see if he could pickpocket some unlucky fellow. He got up and leapt from the railing, the only sign he had been there was the imprints on the dusty railing. He headed down the dirty asphalt rode, his tail flicking back and forth as he walked.
[QUOTE="Kaishi.Semper]Kei looked towards the stairs. "So I guess she stays upstairs and those 'shadows' are up there with here..." she got out of her seat and decided to roam the first floor before getting some actual sleep. "She probably took all the goods already...seeing she stays here..." she mumbled as she walked through the halls.
She reached the large event room/ballroom and a huge smile.came across her face. She laughed as she ran in, arms out, spinning, tumbling, over-all enjoying this massive free space.

She closed her eyes and imagined how it used to look in its prime. Her arms still held out, she seemed to dance to some unheard music for a while.

She opened her eyes and went over to the instruments that lay abandoned and caked with dust. She brushed of a violin and held it in her arms. She plucked at the strings and miracously, they still had that twang. She picked up the bow and ran smack dab in the middle of the hall, her footfalls the only noise.

She placed the violin under her chin and played a very simple melody.

Something watched from the shadows. It's large red eyes looking up at her from beneath a half broken table. A long lizard like tail curled around its paws. It was young, proof of its large eyes and paws. And unbalanced features, like large ears and a small dog nose. When it began to hear the melody, slowly it shifted out from the shadows of the darkness. Fluffy, black fur, with a whip like lizards tail. A row of horns down its back. It's head was turned to the side, curiously approaching the female. It's eyes wide, glowing red.
With pip in his step Paul jogged through the street, he had been jogging for some time. He had collected a few solar lamps people used to put on their front lone and rewired them to his half broken ipod. He didn't know why but he felt like jogging in this direction was a great idea, maybe it was just insight on a bigger plan for himself through his subconscious. "Oh I wish I was in Dixie ho-," he stopped himself as he thought he felt something around him. Looking to his right and popping his ear phones out he heard what sounded like a violin. Like a force of gravity he began jogging in the direction of the sound, it wasn't too far but so far if he hadn't focused he wouldn't have heard it. Stopping at the doors he looked it over slowly, he pressed his finger tips and with a push it squeaked open,"Sometimes I wonder if creepy hotel doors always squeak open." His voice rang out like a black sheep among most of the sounds.
jole875 said:
With pip in his step Paul jogged through the street, he had been jogging for some time. He had collected a few solar lamps people used to put on their front lone and rewired them to his half broken ipod. He didn't know why but he felt like jogging in this direction was a great idea, maybe it was just insight on a bigger plan for himself through his subconscious. "Oh I wish I was in Dixie ho-," he stopped himself as he thought he felt something around him. Looking to his right and popping his ear phones out he heard what sounded like a violin. Like a force of gravity he began jogging in the direction of the sound, it wasn't too far but so far if he hadn't focused he wouldn't have heard it. Stopping at the doors he looked it over slowly, he pressed his finger tips and with a push it squeaked open,"Sometimes I wonder if creepy hotel doors always squeak open." His voice rang out like a black sheep among most of the sounds.
Suddenly there was a presence behind the man. Star had sensed him, and had believed him to be an intruder. Her fingers wrapped around the back of his shirt, yanking him back. Tossing him to the ground. Her green eyes glaring, her hands in tight fists. Shadows swirled around her feet, and her fists. Clearly angry. No room would be allowed for stuttering or lies. She was ready to kill.
ClickyVikki said:
Cassidy perked her ears and heard some sort of dispute between survivors, not far from where she was. For the past couple days she'd been looking for exactly that- survivors. Never in her lifetime would she admit that, but it was very true. Cassidy also noticed the sky beginning to darken and she snapped her fingers, causing a small flickering and weak flame to appear. She continued towards the sound until two figures came into view in front of what appeared to be some fancy hotel.
((Hey I was thinking we could have Mason(my character) and Cassidy meet, have them go on a bit of an adventure themselves, than later join the other group))
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]((Hey I was thinking we could have Mason(my character) and Cassidy meet, have them go on a bit of an adventure themselves, than later join the other group))

((K, how do we do? And should I delete my first post?))
Daniel dragged himself through the streets of the abandoned city, pushing cars and debris out of his way, but with plenty of effort. This task would usually be easy, but he had just retreated from a fight, in which a group of hostile mutants challenged him. He was ashamed to retreat from the fight, but he had to in order to save himself, and his dignity. Blood dripped down from his scarred face as he ripped away the torn scarf barely covering it. Wounds were reopened, but more carved through his gritty fur, staining much of his face red. He limped noticeably, as he fought the urge to collapse from exhaustion. Suddenly, his small ears perked-up as he heard the unmistakable sound of a car engine. Daniel hesitated, uncertain how to react to such an unfamiliar sound. Then, a sedan burst through the brick wall opposite his side of the street, showing no signs of stopping. The vehicle hit him square in the stomach, driving him through the building next to him. Daniel grasped to hood of the car for dear life, and barely got a glimpse of the driver before the car burst into what seemed like a hotel, heading across the abandoned lobby and towards the doors.
ClickyVikki said:
((K, how do we do? And should I delete my first post?))
((Deleting your post would help to avoid confusion. And I'll just have Mason doing something, and say Casaidy hears him, and follows the noise till she runs into him. I'll post now))

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