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Fantasy After Earth


((This is 15 year old star after having stolen money from a drug dealer X3))
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]"Mwommas home"
She said with a big smile. Sitting down and crossing her legs. Looking up at him with her big eyes. Her little toes flexing "I's ploring!" She explained proudly her chest poofing a bit proudly. The shadows seemed to swirl around her. Dancing around her little toes.

Daniel nodded, looking around once more. "Well, let's get you back, shall we?" He said as he lifted her onto his shoulders.
AnimeOfAnotherColor said:
((Cool! And...where are all the characters? AFK?)
Yoyoman200 said:
Daniel nodded, looking around once more. "Well, let's get you back, shall we?" He said as he lifted her onto his shoulders.

((Stars in a fight with what his face, what her face is in the hotel, Daniel and stars daughter are in stars city in an alley. Cassidy and Mason are somewhere in the woods. Personal I would rather everyone start in smaller groups than meet up into a big group,(it helps everyone get use to each other's style of rping, and makes things less confusing) but looks like everyone's gonna run into each other at once X3))

The girl shook her head. "Can we pway?" She said rolling around on the ground for a little. Her black curls sweeping over the dirty alley way cobble. Getting her little pink t-shirt dirty.
((I understand. And AFK means Away From Keyboard. It's basically Brb.)) As Caitriona continued to advance into the city, she grew more and more cautious. As she hadn't been around other people - or creatures, for that matter - in awhile, it was hard to keep from glancing over her shoulder. Something in the back of her mind was telling her that there were others here. Then again, she wasn't sure if meeting up with people was the right choice. After all, she had survived just fine on her own up until now.
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]((AFK?))
((Stars in a fight with what his face, what her face is in the hotel, Daniel and stars daughter are in stars city in an alley. Cassidy and Mason are somewhere in the woods. Personal I would rather everyone start in smaller groups than meet up into a big group,(it helps everyone get use to each other's style of rping, and makes things less confusing) but looks like everyone's gonna run into each other at once X3))

The girl shook her head. "Can we pway?" She said rolling around on the ground for a little. Her black curls sweeping over the dirty alley way cobble. Getting her little pink t-shirt dirty.

Daniel nodded. "Of course we can play, little one, but we need to get back to your mother, she must be worried about you!" Daniel thought once more. "If you allow me to bring you back, then you'll get a surprise.."
Yoyoman200 said:
Daniel nodded. "Of course we can play, little one, but we need to get back to your mother, she must be worried about you!" Daniel thought once more. "If you allow me to bring you back, then you'll get a surprise.."
She gasped quietly and her head popped up. "Weally?!?" She asked happily as she scrambled to her little bare feet and waddled after him "Mwy name is Strella!" She said happily waving her arms in the air proudly. Introducing herself excitedly.
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]She gasped quietly and her head popped up. "Weally?!?" She asked happily as she scrambled to her little bare feet and waddled after him "Mwy name is Strella!" She said happily waving her arms in the air proudly. Introducing herself excitedly.

Daniel chuckled as he watched her catch up with him. "Very nice to meet you Strella, my name is Daniel." He walked ahead of her, out of the alley and across the street to the back of the hotel, where Star lives.
Yoyoman200 said:
Daniel chuckled as he watched her catch up with him. "Very nice to meet you Strella, my name is Daniel." He walked ahead of her, out of the alley and across the street to the back of the hotel, where Star lives.
Strella skipped forward and took his hand. Wobbling alongside him as she skipped. Her little curls bouncing as she made her way down the street. Humming softly a little tune to herself. She liked to see the big world around her. Glancing aroun curiously as she stared up at the tall buildings around her. Surrounding her in the safe dusty streets she had always known
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]Strella skipped forward and took his hand. Wobbling alongside him as she skipped. Her little curls bouncing as she made her way down the street. Humming softly a little tune to herself. She liked to see the big world around her. Glancing aroun curiously as she stared up at the tall buildings around her. Surrounding her in the safe dusty streets she had always known

Daniel smiled he took Stella's tiny hand in his enormous badger paw, and led her inside, back to her home. "Star?" he called out, now in the lobby of the dusty, abandoned hotel, "it seems you've lost something." He said, waiting for her response and he smiled wearily down at Stella. Blood dripped off his chin and onto the floor in a steady stream.
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]((Does anyone want me to draw there character? I'm bored))

(I would absolutely LOVE that. I'll give you the specifics in a bit.))
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]((Oh, star is currently tackling someone, they just haven't been online yet, so she's frozen))

(Damn, who's she tackling?)
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]Suddenly there was a presence behind the man. Star had sensed him, and had believed him to be an intruder. Her fingers wrapped around the back of his shirt, yanking him back. Tossing him to the ground. Her green eyes glaring, her hands in tight fists. Shadows swirled around her feet, and her fists. Clearly angry. No room would be allowed for stuttering or lies. She was ready to kill.

Yoyoman200 said:
(Damn, who's she tackling?)
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]Paul))

But j think I might just magically Make it so it never happened cause he hasn't been on for a while))
Cassidy followed Mason without question and wondered what his place looked like. She had always liked admiring different kinds of architecture for some odd reason, even though most buildings had been completely ruined now or utterly destroyed by the meteor. She wagged her fluffy black tail and enjoyed Mason's company, although she'd never admit it. Cassidy looked down at her hand and remembered that she had summoned fire and it had died by now. She frowned, feeling pretty exhausted from how much energy she'd used throughout the day. She smiled, realizing that she would have a nice sleep at wherever Mason was going.
Mason least her to his campaign. A small lean-to, made up of branches and a old shack roof. There was a small fire place, smolderin With warm coals. "Me Casa is Su Casa!" He purred as he motioned to the camp sight
Cassidy looked at he cute little campsite and smiled. Sleep... She went to the fireplace happily and snapped her fingers, another small flame appearing in her hand. She threw sticks onto the fire and dropped the flame from her hand to the cute fireplace. Once the fire was revived, she was happy and plopped down next to it, staring at the small ashes as they floated away and at the flickering tongues of fire. Unknowingly, she had drifted off into a deep sleep after a few minutes.
Mason layed down in his make-shift leaf bed. Curling up to sleep soon after Cassidy had. It was only a few minutes until he was asleep to.

the world Spun. Glowing Amber and green. Waves of warm wind passed in pulses. The roaring of the red skies echoing through the entire city. The city was in ruins. Crumbling and falling from earthquakes. The screaming was real. The pain was real. It burned in Mason. Gripping his chest. Almost worse than the pain, it was the screams. Of the young, the old. Every race. Every sex. It didn't matter. God had no mercy. Not in Mason's eyes.
Cassidy didn't dream much, but she did dream of finding a giant castle full of jars that were filled to the brim with candy. She dreamt of stereotypical little kid dreams, at least until she had some weird dream. In it, she was in an empty room, all alone, and she couldn't remember anything. In that room, there was a little toy stuffed dog sitting in the corner, staring at her with its unsettling beady eyes. Suddenly, Cassidy woke up with her heart beating fast. She had no idea why that last dream scared her so much, it just did.
Mason was already awake when she got up. He was sat the edge of the fire. Poking it with a long, whittled stick. His blue eyes concentrated on the flames. Memories glowing through the reflect of fire in his eyes. Eyes were a window to the soul. That was always what his mother had told him. You could see their past, their feelings. Sometimes even their future. Through ones eyes you could see more than years of studying them would ever tell.
Cassidy glanced over to the other side of the fire and saw Mason poking at the fire with a stick. She rubbed her eyes and stretched. She looked curiously at him, wondering who he was. She certainly didn't know who she was. All Cassidy could remember was the meteor, life going hell, her name, and the strange mutation that happened to her. Other than that, it was all just some random, dreamy blur.
Caitriona came into the greater ruins of the city, closely observing her surroundings as she walked. Glancing at the ground, she noticed a small shard of glass. She curiously crouched down, picked it up, and brushed it with her fingertips. Not finding much use in it, she stood and tossed it aside; resulting in a small "clink" that shattered the silence. "Must be bouncing off the buildings and rubble..." She thought. Complete silence wasn't something she had taken a liking too, and with that said, she continued on her way, whistling a cheerful tune.

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