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Fantasy After Earth


The sickening snap of bones breaking echoed fromhrough the tall, curled and pink trees. Their leaves fluffy like cotton. The bark appearing to be plastic. The body of the wolf creature slid from his arms, and he left it fall to the base of the tree. Blood white as snow dripped from his torn forehead, making his blue eyes seem to glow even more. The wolves circled. Two left. His breath came in heavy gasps, his chest heaving, while his body was rattled with aching wound s. The purple blood of other wolf was staining his shirt. Decorating the twisting trees behind him. The wolves circles around him grew tighter. And he readied. His arms cracking with the noise of bones tubing together, breaking and changing. White blood pooled from punctured skin as his own bone ruptured the skin. Causing spikes along his arms. Blood dropped to the ground, glistening like pearls. And the wolf kept in a flash his arm was up. The wolf impaled, a sharp pain in his own shoulder. The wolves claws limply fell from the fresh wound on his shoulder. And he tossed it's body to the side. Preparing to finish the last wolf.
Cassidy heard loud noises nearby and rushed over to them. She wagged her fluffy black tail with curiosity and perked her ears. She finally reached the source of the noise and stopped at the sight of lots of blood, a wolf, and some mutant that looked like he'd been through a lot. She saw the wolf and decided to help, being the caring girl she was. Cassidy let out a low growl and held her tail extremely high, snarling at the last wolf.

@Sinya Luna
Ryan noticed it was getting dark so he make a small camp for himself. He got some dry branches and twigs out rocks around them. Ryan curled up next to the fire, in a cat like way, purring to the the heat emitted from the burning objects.
ClickyVikki said:
Cassidy heard loud noises nearby and rushed over to them. She wagged her fluffy black tail with curiosity and perked her ears. She finally reached the source of the noise and stopped at the sight of lots of blood, a wolf, and some mutant that looked like he'd been through a lot. She saw the wolf and decided to help, being the caring girl she was. Cassidy let out a low growl and held her tail extremely high, snarling at the last wolf.
@Sinya Luna
Mason couldn't have cared less where this girl had come from. She was helpin him. That was all that matter. As the wolf was distracted by the antics of the small female, and swooped in. Nailing a kick to its rib cave. A sharp bone sticking out of his foot and stabbing the wolf. It began to spit up blood. Hissing violently, before turning tail and running
Cassidy watched the injured wolf make its escape. Then she turned her attention to this person she'd just helped, who had long black hair, horns, and blue eyes. Suddenly, she sensed fire and grinned. It was getting dark and she knew the cure to darkness. Cassidy snapped her fingers and a baseball sized flame appeared in her left hand, illuminating the surrounding darkness.

@Sinya Luna
ClickyVikki said:
Cassidy felt some source of fire and smiled. Perfect... She thought to herself, suddenly snapping her fingers. A flame the size of a baseball appeared in each hand and she kept snarling at the wolf, grinning as it fled after a few minutes.
ClickyVikki said:
Cassidy watched the injured wolf make its escape. Then she turned her attention to this person she'd just helped, who had long black hair, horns, and blue eyes. Suddenly, she sensed fire and grinned. It was getting dark and she knew the cure to darkness. Cassidy snapped her fingers and a baseball sized flame appeared in her left hand, illuminating the surrounding darkness.
@Sinya Luna
"Hey!" Mason said with a tired smile, the bones in his arms and feet retracting back into his skin "thanks for the help" he said with a thankful nod of the head. His black hair bouncing. "I'm Mason" he introduced simply
Cassidy nodded, "I'm Cassidy, or just Cas." She gazed at the fire in her palm intently for a few moments. "And about helping, no problem, I love helping." She smiled as the flame spread warmth. Fire is so wonderful... She thought as she wagged her fluffy black tail.

@Sinya Luna
ClickyVikki said:
Cassidy nodded, "I'm Cassidy, or just Cas." She gazed at the fire in her palm intently for a few moments. "And about helping, no problem, I love helping." She smiled as the flame spread warmth. Fire is so wonderful... She thought as she wagged her fluffy black tail.
@Sinya Luna
Mason smiled and motioned towards the edge of the forest. "I have a small camp set up if you'd like to stay the night"
Cassidy slightly hesitated. She loved being around others and would never actually admit that. However, there was a chance that Mason had junk food, and that pretty much cleared any hesitation for Cas. She nodded eagerly but decided against flat out asking for delicious candy or junk food.

@Sinya Luna
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With a huff Paul sighed and stood up slowly and dusted himself off. "Well good day isn't it but if I might say its a mighty bad idea to put your feisty hands on strangers, mam," Paul said with a small smile. With a little bit of a yawn he looked up at the hotel, it was a pretty good looking hotel quite elegant by Paul's own standards but he didn't much care. He didn't like being touched but everybody gets a warning,"I'm sorry if I may have startled you but I just felt like this was the place to be not for any certain reason sadly but I assure you I ain't much of a thief."

@Sinya Luna
SaberTail13 said:
Ryan noticed it was getting dark so he make a small camp for himself. He got some dry branches and twigs out rocks around them. Ryan curled up next to the fire, in a cat like way, purring to the the heat emitted from the burning objects.

((Hey, could your guy to with my character rather than Sinya's? She's my sister and she says it's fine. It'll make things less confusing))
Cassidy looked over at Mason curiously now, taking in all the unusual details. Then again.. Who isn't unusual? She almost laughed but kept the giggles inside so she wouldn't have to explain a sudden burst of laughter. "So where exactly is this small camp thingy?" Cassidy cocked her head and sniffed, the overwhelming smell of blood hurting her nose.

@Sinya Luna
ClickyVikki said:
Cassidy looked over at Mason curiously now, taking in all the unusual details. Then again.. Who isn't unusual? She almost laughed but kept the giggles inside so she wouldn't have to explain a sudden burst of laughter. "So where exactly is this small camp thingy?" Cassidy cocked her head and sniffed, the overwhelming smell of blood hurting her nose.
@Sinya Luna
"Just this way" he said walking to the north. Towards the edge of the plastic like forest. His black horns dripping with the purple blood of the wolves. His shirt was torn, and he acknowledged that he would need to use this as scraps now.
Cassidy followed Mason in what seemed to be North. She sighed in relief as her nose stopped burning from the strong smell of blood and it began to feel much better. Her expression was hopeful and happy at the opportunity to not be so alone.

@Sinya Luna
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]Something watched from the shadows. It's large red eyes looking up at her from beneath a half broken table. A long lizard like tail curled around its paws. It was young, proof of its large eyes and paws. And unbalanced features, like large ears and a small dog nose. When it began to hear the melody, slowly it shifted out from the shadows of the darkness. Fluffy, black fur, with a whip like lizards tail. A row of horns down its back. It's head was turned to the side, curiously approaching the female. It's eyes wide, glowing red.

Yoyoman200 said:
Daniel dragged himself through the streets of the abandoned city, pushing cars and debris out of his way, but with plenty of effort. This task would usually be easy, but he had just retreated from a fight, in which a group of hostile mutants challenged him. He was ashamed to retreat from the fight, but he had to in order to save himself, and his dignity. Blood dripped down from his scarred face as he ripped away the torn scarf barely covering it. Wounds were reopened, but more carved through his gritty fur, staining much of his face red. He limped noticeably, as he fought the urge to collapse from exhaustion. Suddenly, his small ears perked-up as he heard the unmistakable sound of a car engine. Daniel hesitated, uncertain how to react to such an unfamiliar sound. Then, a sedan burst through the brick wall opposite his side of the street, showing no signs of stopping. The vehicle hit him square in the stomach, driving him through the building next to him. Daniel grasped to hood of the car for dear life, and barely got a glimpse of the driver before the car burst into what seemed like a hotel, heading across the abandoned lobby and towards the doors.
As Daniel walked, a small peep came from the alley way of the town. A small creature lurked in the shadows. Unaware of the cautious around her. Star didn't know she had gotten out. At least with all the chaos. The tiny girl was chasing a butterfly through the alley. Her little black curls bouncing. While her little black lions tail lashed around happily. She was like a mini star. Only with big golden eyes.
ClickyVikki said:
Cassidy followed Mason in what seemed to be North. She sighed in relief as her nose stopped burning from the strong smell of blood and it began to feel much better. Her expression was hopeful and happy at the opportunity to not be so alone.
@Sinya Luna
Mason least her to his campaign. A small lean-to, made up of branches and a old shack roof. There was a small fire place, smolderin With warm coals. "Me Casa is Su Casa!" He purred as he motioned to the camp sight
( xD I supposed all is forgiven.)

Daniel heard the noise coming from the alleyway, and realized that he needed to stay out of sight, in his vulnerable state. In his wounded daze, as he limps down the narrow alley, he sees what seems to be a small girl chasing after an insect. Then, he notices her tail and ears....."There can only be one person in this city that child can be related too..." he thought as he approached the child wearily.
Yoyoman200 said:
( xD I supposed all is forgiven.)
Daniel heard the noise coming from the alleyway, and realized that he needed to stay out of sight, in his vulnerable state. In his wounded daze, as he limps down the narrow alley, he sees what seems to be a small girl chasing after an insect. Then, he notices her tail and ears....."There can only be one person in this city that child can be related too..." he thought as he approached the child wearily.
The little girl roared playfully as the blue butterfly landed on her nose. She giggled and she battered at it playfully. It fluttered up into the air. Causing her to spin trying to follow it. Than she froze. She smelt something funny. She looked around with her golden eyes confused. Tilting her head softly taking a step back. "Wello?" The little four year old asked quietly. Her lion tail curling up around her leg. Her horns were only beginning to grow. And were merely little stumps poking through her silky black curls.
Daniel stumbled a bit, before he brought himself into the sunlight. He looked down at the child, a warm smile on his face. "Hello, young one." He said softly in his deep voice. "Where is your mother?" Daniel look up and down the alleyway, slightly afraid that an aggressive mutant should appear.
Yoyoman200 said:
Daniel stumbled a bit, before he brought himself into the sunlight. He looked down at the child, a warm smile on his face. "Hello, young one." He said softly in his deep voice. "Where is your mother?" Daniel look up and down the alleyway, slightly afraid that an aggressive mutant should appear.
"Mwommas home"

She said with a big smile. Sitting down and crossing her legs. Looking up at him with her big eyes. Her little toes flexing "I's ploring!" She explained proudly her chest poofing a bit proudly. The shadows seemed to swirl around her. Dancing around her little toes.
Caitriona walked along the barren ground, casting a hopeful gaze ahead of her. She had been searching for some kind of civilization for days, and recently noticed a city; not too far ahead. Not wanting to lose the opportunity, the young female had decided to take the risk and venture into the unknown. She was just now coming to the brink of the land and currently stood on a hillock. She surveyed the land, alert for signs of life. Her pale optics not catching anything, she moved on and into the city.
AnimeOfAnotherColor said:
Caitriona walked along the barren ground, casting a hopeful gaze ahead of her. She had been searching for some kind of civilization for days, and recently noticed a city; not too far ahead. Not wanting to lose the opportunity, the young female had decided to take the risk and venture into the unknown. She was just now coming to the brink of the land and currently stood on a hillock. She surveyed the land, alert for signs of life. Her pale optics not catching anything, she moved on and into the city.
((I could make a mutant animal that could become her companion if you'd like?))
[QUOTE="Sinya Luna]((I could make a mutant animal that could become her companion if you'd like?))

(Oh...Thanks, but no thanks. :3)

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