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Fantasy Adventures of Prospero - OOC

Alteras Alteras
Just a history lesson in nobility during the dark ages.
Nobility kept their family seal's in the form of rings.
They front of the rings were a backwards indent of the family seal so that when pressing hot wax onto a paper, it cam out facing the right way.
Rust some history on the family seal.
Alteras Alteras
Just a history lesson in nobility during the dark ages.
Nobility kept their family seal's in the form of rings.
They front of the rings were a backwards indent of the family seal so that when pressing hot wax onto a paper, it cam out facing the right way.
Rust some history on the family seal.
Ah, thank you.
I am use to Chinese wax seal stamps, so I was unaware of such differences. I'll see if similar things could be applied to my character, seeing as she's of a race I just made up.
Hey Qro Qro , are you planning on posting soon? Just wondering cause it's been a little while and I'm an impatient person >.>
Birdsie Birdsie it's been about a week since Qro Qro 's responded, do you think we can move on? Maybe just say something to the effects of the holy rain decimating his undead army and him and his general guy retreating and all that, and the town being saved?
I think I'll wait for the city arc to slow down before I try to introduce myself...
Birdsie Birdsie

Hey, can I have a rundown of the plot that has unfolded so far?

A lot of stuff. Recently, the undead attacked the city of Tizca and were beaten by a rain that contained holy energy in each drop. This melted most of the undead save for their leaders that ran away.

And that's all events of importance thus far.

A lot of stuff. Recently, the undead attacked the city of Tizca and were beaten by a rain that contained holy energy in each drop. This melted most of the undead save for their leaders that ran away.

And that's all events of importance thus far.

Well then. YAY! I'm caught up!
TFW you have an idea for a post that you've been sitting on for a week, but now have to wait until after work to be able to write it out >.> I ran out of work to do from home :(
I have another character I want to post, but their backstory also has the potential to generate a plot. That's fine, right?
Fun fact! I did a quick sketch last night of Arya attempting to crawl for her scythe :P I think it's sufficiently embarrassing for her, it even has a very slight panty shot and everything xD Ah, poor Arya
What is the currency in Prospero? Is it in the form of gold coins, bank notes, or is there a barter system in place? I had some Idea's for the name of Prospero's currency as well.
Maybe its coins: Gold = Sols = 10 Silver. Silver = Krone's = 10 Bronze. Bronze = Bits.
Or Banks Notes. I was thinking Slanc's for this.
Or mabye both?
1 Slanc = 10 Sols.
Birdsie Birdsie
What is the currency in Prospero? Is it in the form of gold coins, bank notes, or is there a barter system in place? I had some Idea's for the name of Prospero's currency as well.
Maybe its coins: Gold = Sols = 10 Silver. Silver = Krone's = 10 Bronze. Bronze = Bits.
Or Banks Notes. I was thinking Slanc's for this.
Or mabye both?
1 Slanc = 10 Sols.
Birdsie Birdsie
I was just using the D&D currency up until now.


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