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Fantasy Adventures of Prospero - OOC

Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Qro Qro Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Really hoping to see John do something really inspiring and badass to drive the dark hordes back, and then the people of the city would call him: "The Saviour of Tizca."

It'd be a good opener to his career as a hero and maybe a way to bring the party together. Medraut would stay because:
  1. Cute dragon <3
  2. Inspiring leader.
  3. Helping people.
Maybe Arya would stay because:
  1. Cute dragon <3
  2. Cute leader <3<3<3 (I ship it)
  3. Screw people, cute dragon!
Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Qro Qro Rin Nyx Rin Nyx
Really hoping to see John do something really inspiring and badass to drive the dark hordes back, and then the people of the city would call him: "The Saviour of Tizca."

It'd be a good opener to his career as a hero and maybe a way to bring the party together. Medraut would stay because:
  1. Cute dragon <3
  2. Inspiring leader.
  3. Helping people.
Maybe Arya would stay because:
  1. Cute dragon <3
  2. Cute leader <3<3<3 (I ship it)
  3. Screw people, cute dragon!
I'm thinking of something badass to do to drive them back. It would have to involve Sapphira of course, as she's gonna be the mascot of the group and the one thing keeping Arya there
Im currently working on something. A little sneak peak :|

Maybe Arya would stay because:
  1. Cute dragon <3
  2. Cute leader <3<3<3 (I ship it)
  3. Screw people, cute dragon!
Hahaha xD Reasons for Arya to stay:
1. Cute dragon is definitely a plus! Really, all Sapphira would have to do is just ask her to stay and she will.
2. John still owes her a drink, dammit! And now I'm coming up with dirty jokes for this ship to go along with Arya's sense of humor...heheheh...If that does play out, I will be prepared! xD
3. Cute dragon, woo! And maybe money. Is money involved?

Anyway, sticking around will probably help keep her from turning into an evil character...maybe ^^''

I'm thinking of something badass to do to drive them back. It would have to involve Sapphira of course, as she's gonna be the mascot of the group and the one thing keeping Arya there
Ah! I think I might have an idea for this! But also maybe not, cause I don't know how to involve Sapphira in that idea...hmm...
I'm not going to be here for the next two weeks, so I feel it's best that I wait until I return to get a post up.
Birdsie Birdsie Implying I'm going to let that dragon live.
Why does Xanthus want the dragon dead in the first place? Is it a kind of... resource denial thing? He doesn't like adventurers going around ruining his plans, so he will deny them powerful allies like a dragon?
Why does Xanthus want the dragon dead in the first place? Is it a kind of... resource denial thing? He doesn't like adventurers going around ruining his plans, so he will deny them powerful allies like a dragon?
Well, he'd prefer to capture it and add it to his roster of soldiers, but that doesn't seem very likely to happen so he'd rather have it dead than in their hands and it's a lot easier to do that when it's newly hatched and not a full-grown dragon.
Qro Qro Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Rin Nyx Rin Nyx

Damn, that's some hardcore coop they're doing against Xanthus. The rain got strong enough to cut metal and soon it'll be flooded with holy energies. There's woodland critters attacking him. Arya attacking with her scythe. Three arrows shot by Medraut, and Sapphira providing aid.

If I was Xanthus, I'd retreat then come back and take out one of them to weaken the group and try again.
Did you guys not read the last part of my post? Specifically the part about a large barrage of arrows and the thunderous footsteps of reinforcements?
Arya would pretty much just ignore the reinforcements (if John sends holy magic into the clouds so it starts raining holy water, they won't matter to her much), but the arrows, I forgot to include in my post >.> Oops, hold on and I'll edit to say something about those
Did you guys not read the last part of my post? Specifically the part about a large barrage of arrows and the thunderous footsteps of reinforcements?
I didn't think that they'd be aiming a barrage anywhere near Medraut since he's relocated to another sniping position, plus he's on a tall rooftop.
So how do I do new items? Just add them to CS with a [NEW ITEM] next to it?
You write that in the post you found an item in. Like this:

"Jeffrey stumbled upon a bottle and picked it up.

NEW ITEM: Bottle: It's empty."

Then you add the bottle to your CS.
Could I say this at the top of my post so that I don't have to put it into the middle?
| NEW ITEM/s | Example, Example | Definition 1 || Definition 2 ? Birdsie Birdsie

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