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Fantasy A Shifting World

"I'll be quick, don't worry." Mag knelt down next to her as was becoming customary--at this point, she wouldn't be surprised if Kit was more familiar with the top of her head than anything else. She supplied the salve on one foot, wrapping it quickly, then wiping her hands against her robe before almost starting on the other. "That's what the fork is for. Like the soup, remember?" She stood on her knees so she could reach the table, taking the fork and stabbing the egg with it. "Like that. And remember, keep still." She finished with the other foot, packing the obvious wound she could find along the girl's legs, then took a breath. Time for the big one.

"Kit, I know it doesn't feel good, but I need to wrap this one as well. Keep still for me." She lifted the side of Kit's t-shirt gingerly, finding the long cut with her fingers. She moved as rapidly as possible, keeping her touch light, then bandaged the area. It was almost like playing at a race--how quickly can patch a wound before the girl runs out of patience? She winced even as she was doing it, vicarious pain lacing her own side. "Okay, okay, it's finished. Thank you for listening." Mag tapped her knee, returning to her feet. "Come back to the bedroom once you're finished eating and we'll get you get you ready. I'm going to get dressed and then I'll help you, right?"
The salve was cool, not a rough burn like the liquid had been the day prior. Kit kept her foot as still as she could, though occasionally Missulvan's movements would make her foot spasm and she'd nearly jerk it away. An odd sound left her at that time, and it startled Kit. Unaware of just what had happened, she went back to focusing on Breakfast, now with the aid of a fork. It was similar to the one she'd yesterday, although she didn't scoop the food with it the same. After a few flopped attempts, she managed to carry the speared eggs from her plate to her mouth, chewing happily.

The last thing on her plate didn't seem to like the fork. The red slice slipped and slid around, making Kit's fiery brows furrow in disapproval. She had just about managed to corner it when Missulvan spoke of her plans to clean the large cut. Abandoning the slice, Kit focused on keeping herself as still as possible while the salve was spread along her torso. Thankfully, like on her feet, it did not burn, only the smallest of stings that she could tolerate.

"Done," Kit informed her, no longer about to try and pursue the last piece of food. The eggs and toast had filled her well enough, anyways. Standing from the table, she repeated an action she'd seen Missulvan do, taking the plate, fork and her glass over to the sink and setting them inside. She fell into step behind the wise woman, following her to the room with bed again.
Mag turned her head slightly toward the clinking of dishes in the seat, somewhere between puzzled and impressed. She knew Kit was smart enough to pick up on things, but there was something almost polite about that particular gesture. "Thank you," she said, almost like a question, before continuing to the room. She'd found a dress she thought they could manage: a sienna dress with three buttons on the front, about knee-length. The buttons were large and few enough for Kit to do herself, and she hoped it was short enough for her not to trip on. They weren't too different in height--Mag herself was about five feet--so the length didn't seem like much of an issue. She helped Kit pull last night's shirt over her head and the new dress on.

"The first place we're going is somewhere I work," Mag started, doing up the first button. "You can sit down quietly, and people should leave you alone. We'll go to the grocery store to get food to bring home after that. You try." She brought Kit's hands to the buttons on her front, then moved behind her to tie the sash around her waist, being careful not to pull too tight and rub against her cut. "Tell me when you're finished, then we'll get your shoes on."
The room was much different than she remembered, peering around with interest. The large, soft surface that Missulvan had called a bed seemed to take up most of the space. Kit had just managed to make the connection that it was where she slept at night when Missulvan called for her attention. They needed different clothes.

Kit did her best to move as she was being asked to, lifting her arms up above her head for the shirt to be peeled off. She winced as her skin was pulled taunt beneath the the bandage, though she didn't whine. The cut wasn't Missulvan's fault, it was all Their fault. She would heal, as she always did, and likely faster with the care she was receiving.

Cobalt eyes narrowed as she watched the button process carefully. It seemed almost tricky, even though Missulvan managed to work them easily with no eyes. Her hands were slow and fumbled with the attachment, but after a few fumbles she did manage to push first one and then the last through their loops. Pleased with herself and beaming ear to ear, she turned to their next task. "Done," she proudly shared.
"Good. Go ahead and sit down now." She could hear the pleased note in Kit's voice as if she were proud of herself, and Mag realized she was smiling back in response. "These might feel a little uncomfortable, but you'll get used to it. They'll keep you from stepping on things that might hurt." Mag held a pair of socks and old shoes, worn but still in good shape. She figured a more worn-in pair would be easier on Kit's feet, considering her injuries. She almost asked Kit to do one foot as she did the other, then remembered the long gash along the girl's side and thought better of it.

Mag slipped Kit's feet into the socks, easing each one into a shoe and lacing them up, loose enough to be comfortable but securing the knot so she wouldn't trip over the laces. "There--does everything feel all right?" She turned back to the bed where she had laid her own dress, plain black other than the pearl-sheen buttons down the middle. This she tugged on easily, fastening each one quickly so she could turn her attention back to Kit. It was surprisingly easy to be in her presence, now that she'd gotten used to her being there, and the self-consciousness of the previous day had faded.

She slipped on her own stockings and shoes, then started back for the bathroom. "You're almost done. We just need to get your teeth brushed now, then we'll go."
The restrictive feeling on her foot was not one that Kit was a fan of immediately. Her brows furrowed as she stared down, watching her feet being eaten one at a time. There was some relief found when she could still wiggle her toes. They were there, which was good. Running was hard without them, she suspected. The socks would have been enough but then they were pushed into even tighter spaces.

"Don't like," she murmured as she stood up. A few tentative steps were needed for her to grow accustomed to the motions. She missed feeling the ground beneath the soles of her feet, but understood this was needed. She even paused to see Missulvan was putting on her own pair of feet captors. Likely if Kit did not wear these she would raise suspicion. That could mean They found her. Shuddering, she took a few more steps and felt as comfortable as she'd be with them on.

Missulvan's voice captured her attention once more, Kit turning and nodding. Teeth she knew, brush was somehwat familiar. The two together was a new concept and did not sound comfortable. Her hands hung at her sides as she followed to the bathroom, stepping in and finding the mirror now surprised who she was looking at, nearly jumping at the site. Her hand reached up timidly to her hair, still mostly secured in the braid but looking not all that different from Missulvan's. The dress was very pleasing to look at and Kit ran a hand over the material, her smile widening. "Look nice," she observed aloud.
"Oh. Yeah?" Mag smiled slightly, realizing Kit must have caught her own reflection now that they were in the bathroom. Maybe they would pick up a full length mirror while they were out, the dormitory kind, if that was something Kit would like. For now, she found her toothbrush and toothpaste, unwrapping an extra one for Kit and squeezing the paste onto the brush.

"That's to clean your teeth with. It's almost like soap, but not really. You just need a little bit." She put the toothbrush in Kit's hand, then did the same for her own. "Brush and spit. Don't swallow any of it." Mag brushed her own teeth, rinsing and putting the items away when they were done. Belatedly, she realized she wouldn't be able to tell them apart, seeing as both were the same kind and she didn't know if they were different colors, and wasn't sure if Kit would know the difference either. "We'll wrap yours in a paper towel," Mag decided, taking it from Kit once she was done. "Just don't forget that one's yours."

She made her way back to the hall and to the front door, taking her keys, bag, and cane from a small table by the door. She unfolded the latter as she turned to Kit. "Ready?"
Kit gripped the hard plastic handle, finding a good balance of where to hold it as she watched Missulvan. The odd looking paste was pushed right into her mouth, the bristles rubbed along her teeth in seemingly a pattern. Looking down at the brush she was given, Kit lifted it to her mouth to do the same. The moment the paste hit her mouth her brows furrowed. It was...a powerful taste. She coudln't think of anything to possibly compare it to, but her first reaction was to try and take more of it into her mouth. Missulvan's directions not to swallow it rang in her head and she quickly stopped.

The flavor seemed to only grow more and more powerful as Kit moved the rough bristles around her mouth. She found it was rough above her teeth, though the bone didn't seem to mind as much. The paste only spread, turning into more of a foaming substance that grew harder to avoid accidentally swallowing. Copying Missulvan, she quickly spat the foaming mess out into the sink, glad to see that relieved some of the discomfort. She continued the process until her mouth was coated with an odd feeling and the past was all gone.

Watching carefully as the brush was tucked away, Kit sorely hoped they would not be repeating that process. She wiped her hands on a towel that she found, not wanting to dirty the dress she was being given. "Ready," she repeated, unsure what else she should do before leaving.
Mag nodded, opening the front door and leading Kit outside. She breathed deeply as she locked it behind her, realizing her breath had tightened in her chest. She couldn't remember the last time she was responsible for someone other than herself, and the idea made her somewhat anxious, especially considering Kit wasn't like anyone else to begin with. They would have to be on guard, but not so wary that Kit would sense it and become afraid. Careful.

Mag grasped Kit's elbow gently as they started down the porch steps and out into the yard. Buna's husband, the grandfather she'd never been able to meet, had bought the patch of land for her and built the house himself. The house might have been small and old-fashioned, but Mag had always taken care of the yard surrounding it, planting whatever would grow and adding small ornaments where she could, wind chimes of odds and ends and small ceramic fairies tucked in the plants. She might have kept her home and clothing simple, but the garden was the one area she allowed herself a bit of frivolity. She thought Buna might have liked it that way.

"This is what I meant yesterday," she said, moving carefully through the yard. "In the house, out here, you can go wherever you like. But past the gate"--she put her hand on its door--"you shouldn't go by yourself. All right?"
Being welcomed by the outdoors was more therapeutic than concerning for young Kit. The outdoors smelled of wonders and possibilities, even if there was a chance of danger. Her eyes were alight with all the new sights and sounds, fighting the urge to pull away from Missulvan to explore. The wind chimes in particular were capturing her attention, head tilting to the side as she tried to understand their purpose. She controlled herself though, keeping at Missulvan's side.

The expansion of her walking stick was another surprise. It only took a few steps for her to realize it was what allowed Missulvan to know what was coming, rather than just relying on memory. Kit kept close by, deciding she could also help for what the walking stick's bounce missed, even if in the yard she didn't seem to need any help.

"Stay house or to gate." The wording for the greenery and it's fascinating contents escaped her, but Kit had confidence at some point she would learn it. "Past with Missulvan." She couldn't imagine who else she might have gone with, but that could be discussed at another time. Waiting patiently as the gate was unlocked, her head couldn't seem to remain still as she looked about.

Birds, trees, all these sounds. She'd seen a considerable about when she was trying to escape the Grey Room, but panic and worry kept her from enjoying what she had passed. Other animals could not be trusted in her small form, never sure who was a predator. The only thing her mind knew as her feline form raced through the brushes through the sopping rain was that she needed to keep running. Now she could take the world in - and at a slightly more manageable size!
Mag nodded, though mostly to herself. Kit understood what rules she was given, so there was little need to explain something twice. More importantly, she seemed to value the instruction, as if she knew they were put in place to help her and keep her safe. This eased a great deal of Mag's worries, and so she began to relax, even allowing herself to enjoy the morning outdoors.

They walked along a path cut through the trees, away from the road and moving uphill. The pines gradually grew less dense and the grass gave way to pavement. "This is the neighborhood I told you about, where Mrs. Bailey lives," Mag said, slowing her pace a little to allow Kit time to take the place in. "Their house is this one at the end of the street. Our house is right behind them, down the hill. Not part of the neighborhood, but almost." She followed the curve of the cul-de-sac, lightly guiding Kit along. It was a little strange to be the one leading someone else for a change and describing their whereabouts.

The little church was only a couple blocks away, which she was grateful for. Being a small town, most everything she needed was in walking distance of the area, but even if it wasn't, it wasn't too hard to find transportation. She had appreciated the fact before, but especially now that Kit was here--it wasn't a overwhelming as a city would have been, and they could walk short enough distances that hopefully wouldn't aggravate Kit's hurt feet too much.

They soon found themselves at the double doors of the church, and Mag led Kit inside. It was a peaceful place, and while she had never been a particularly religious person, she appreciated the quiet and predictability of it. Everyone was nice enough and left her mostly alone, and that was all she could ask for on an early weekend morning. Beside, money was money, and if Kit was going to be staying indefinitely, they couldn't afford to turn down an opportunity for another check.

It was still early enough that the building was mostly empty, save for a couple clergy and a few stray parishioners. Mag guided Kit along to the back of the room, where a foldable table had been spread with that morning's breakfast: a package of cookies and a plastic container of pastries from the local grocery. "Here." Mag took a pastry into a napkin and placed it in Kit's hands, then, after a second thought, pulled back the plastic on the cookies and stuffed several into a napkin, which she also tucked in Kit's pockets. Mag might have been proud, but not so much that she couldn't recognize a good thing when she spotted it.

"You can eat some of those if you get hungry. I have to be here" --she pointed vaguely to the front of the room where the piano was-- "but you can sit up here nearby. Mrs. Bailey might sit with you if she sees you, but it'll be all right. You don't have to talk to her if you don't want to." She led Kit to the front of the church, seating her on the first pew and setting her bag down next to her. "Here, you can hold on to this for me. You're feeling all right?"
It took a lot of concentration for Kit to stay focused on what was being explained to her. As they came out of the woods, she took in the faint peach house just behind Missulvan's. Ah yes, Mrs. Bailey was the one who came and didn't want to stop talking. Kit would be sure to avoid her at all costs. She had no idea just what she'd say if cornered, but assumed it wouldn't be enough for her neverending questions.

Longer stretches without talking were completely fine in her mind, enjoying the outdoors and feeling safe at Missulvan's side. The air was calming and there weren't a ton of things going on about them. The occasional person working in their yards, a man a few blocks down could vaguely be seen walking a dog. That was likely the most exciting thing so far, and Kit was disappointed when they did not walk closer to them. That was until another building came into sight.

If nothing else awed her in this world she had escaped to, the large multi-colored windows nearly had her rooted in place. The stained glass was simply beautiful and Kit longed to touch it, managing to grace the small piece on one of the doors as they passed in. It was harder than she had imagined, though still just as pleasant as it was before. The door closed with a soft thud and when she dared a glance back, Kit was treated to the delightful sight of the colorful rays of sun on the ground just behind them.

Nearly falling behind in her sheer awe, Missulvan's voice finally pulled her toward the table. Looking down at the pastry, her brows furrowed in deep thought. For as long as she had lived with the constant ache of hunger, there seemed to be food everywhere here! She decided to wait until she was seated to enjoy the sweet treat she was given, a whole new flavor for her to explore. It was even enough to dull out the threat that she'd likely need to sit with Mrs. Bailey.

Pausing midbite at Missulvan's question, Kit thought it over. How was she feeling? This was a lot, but also relatively calm, much like her house had been. Tucking the purse between her and the end of the pew, Kit nodded decisively. "Feeling all right," she confirmed. It would remain unseen if that would hold the same as more people entered, but for now she was content. She returned to the sweet bread she was given, mindful not to make a mess of the dress she had been allowed to wear, eyes flitting about as she examined the decor about her.
The small building gradually began to fill with people, and Mag took her place at the piano bench. Her concern for Kit lessened as the service went on, though she doubted it would ever completely fade. If there was one place Kit could be introduced to the world in a safe environment, it would be here, with limited social interaction and plenty to keep her busy but not overwhelmed.

Finally, she was able to sit back down with Kit for a short moment while the pastor gave his sermon. She linked her arm through hers, whispering, "Okay? It's almost finished." Remembering the cookies she'd packed into Kit's pockets, she pulled one out for herself to satiate the small gnaw of hunger that had started in her stomach. She'd eaten much earlier and less than Kit had, and was starting to plan what to fix for lunch when she felt a tug at her shoulder, followed by a whispered, "Hi, 'Lena."

Mag startled slightly at the touch, still turned toward Kit. So they wouldn't escape Mrs. Bailey after all. She popped the small cookie in her mouth, trying to chew discreetly as she turned to the voice.

"I see you've brought your new friend with you. How's she liking everything? Did the soup make you feel better?" The older woman's attention had turned to Kit. "Hi, Kit. Oh, you're looking very pretty today. I hope you're not feeling sick anymore? I get feeling under the weather myself sometimes, but a bowl of soup usually fixes me right up. Especially with a sprite and a handful of crackers, that usually does it for me."

The woman's whispers were much louder than they should have been, but she didn't seem to notice--or realize that it wasn't the ideal time for conversation. You needed very minimal effort to hold a conversation with Mrs. Bailey, seeing as if she supplied most of it herself.

"I was telling Tom when I got home yesterday--Tommy's here, say hi, Tom," (Thomas cut in with an embarrassed, "Hi, Miss Sullivan") "I told him we should invite the two of you over sometime, we'll do a potluck or something. If Kit's still here--"

"Excuse me," Mag cut in, offering a polite smile as she returned to the piano. Their time was almost over, so hopefully Kit had to deal with the Baileys for only a little while longer. She had to keep herself from bolting up once the service was finished, making her way quickly back to the pew where they had all been sitting. She could pick out Thomas's gentle voice from the murmur of chatter, seeming to address Kit.

"--told me about you yesterday. You're Kit, right? You look a little familiar."
There was nothing that could have prepared Kit for what transpired within those four walls. Her eyes were widened with amazement and wonder, abandoning a gaze on the windows to watch everything else that was going on. Missulvan sat with a large, glistening object and before long the room was filled with the most beautiful of sounds. Kit couldn't understand just how she knew which of the shining white and black pieces, but it was clear she knew precisely what order and pattern to press them in to make it pleasant to her ears.

The man who spoke once the piano stopped was less interesting than Missulvan though he told wonderful tales as well. Kit's attention was held captive as she heard stories and songs and odd chants from all around her. At one point she did peer around the room, interested to see that there were so many people of different shapes and sizes. They all seemed very focused on the man at front though, and so she decided she needed to be, too.

Missulvan joined her, but not for long it felt. Especially not when they were suddenly under attack by Mrs. Bailey and her never ending questions. Kit did her best to nod as she could for responses, but in reality she was slightly annoyed that she was missing the story man again. Thomas seemed to be just as held captive as Kit was, though she did give him a nod since it seemed to be what people did.

As everything was ending, Kit could tell she was being directly addressed, this time by Mrs. Bailey's son. Her head cocked to the side, her braid sliding along with her as she worked to understand the question. "I am Kit," she came to the conclusion, having heard many words that day and working hard to use as many as she could. "Stay safe with Missulvan. "
Mag was impressed by the way Kit was handling herself--she'd even seemed to pick up some more words and gestures in the short time they'd been together. A bit of pride pricked something in her, though it was soon accompanied by flash of apprehension at the girl's next words. Oh, Kit.

"What do you mean, stay safe with--I think we're safe right here?" Tom sounded understandably confused, but be changed tacks before either of them could step in. "I think I know you from somewhere. Do you go to Horace B? I'm a senior this year."

"Kit's visiting from out of town," Mag answered for the both of them. "She isn't enrolled at any school." She didn't want to say too much, but thought that the more she tried to shield Kit, the more attention it would bring. Seeming cagey would only make people more curious.

"Oh, all--all right. Well, how long are you staying? Maybe you could come hang out with the rest of us. Go to the movies or something. Or--"

"Tom, invite them for lunch!" Mrs. Bailey called from somewhere at the other end of the room.

"Or you could come for lunch today. Like, eat at our house. If you're not busy. If you are, it's no big deal."

Tom's interest in Kit gave Mag an odd feeling, something between sentimentality and wariness. It might be good for Kit to have a friend (someone her own age? She still wasn't sure). But she didn't know how safe the idea of all these things were, or how Kit would handle herself in any of them.

"That's a very kind offer, but we're on our way to the grocery store just now. Maybe another time we could go over, if that's all right with Kit." She took her elbow, turning to her as if silently asking the question: are you ready for this yet?

"Well, that's fine. Yeah, I mean, just call me or my mom whenever you want to come over. She's been trying to get you to come over one of these days, Miss Sullivan. But, yeah, Kit--let me know if you want to go do anything?"

"Tom, we're moving out! Go get your sister from Sunday school and let's go!"

Mag and Thomas both turned their heads toward his mother's voice.

"Right. Sorry. Well, I'll see you later. See you Tuesday, Sully. Ah--Miss Sullivan!"

Mag swore she could hear his legs tangling together as he hurried off, shuffling along the pews. She stared after him with an expression half incredulous, half wondering, before returning her attention to the other matter at hand.

"Well, that was weird," she muttered dryly, then more clearly, "Ready to go now?"
This young man seemed almost as persistent as his mother, though Kit decided he was significantly more pleasant. He was trying to ask her questions that she wished she had the answers for. She had no idea what a Horass Bee was, but apaprently it was a good thing. Her attention swung back ot Missulvan who seemed to know just what was supposed to be said once more.

Tom seemed eager to spend time with her, which Kit couldn't tell if it was typical. She didn't get a chance to try and answer again, but that was likely for the better. The last thing they needed to deal with was Mrs. Bailey rushing over and cornering them for even more questions. She'd have to ask Missulvan more about that once they were alone.

But there was an offer of one thing she did know: food. Coming to eat meant food - again! The soup from Mrs. Bailey was good too, so that made the offer even more enticing. Completely unaware of his request for a social moment, Kit nodded to Missulvan's question of her interest. Yes, of course she would enjoy food, though she chose to use a word she'd heard now from both of them. "Maybe," she answered, giving him a smile as it seemed to be common in the colorful place of stories and songs.

Thankfully the conversation wouldn't last much longer, seeing as Kit wasn't sure what else she was supposed to say. She didn't know what this Tom meant by 'do anything', another to add to her list of questions with Missulvan. There was so much she was scrambling to take in, out in this great big world. Communication was undoubtedly the hardest.

"Ready store," she confirmed Missulvan's question, before correcting herself after a moment of thought. "Ready for store." Kit felt confident that as she grew more exposed she would be able to mimic those around her with better accuracy. For now she would be a broken parrot.

Keeping an arm on Missulvan's as they exited the church, she was interested in how much brighter and warmer it had grown from when they entered. Not only that, but there were stil people clumped about, chatting away with other members of the congregation. Children played about on a hill, chasing each other and squealing with delight. She was so preoccupied with their delight that Kit nearly missed the bible someone had dropped just in front of their path. Missulvan's cane had missed it, just barely bopping past over the book in her exploration of the path ahead of them.

Quickly, Kit pulled her to a stop with an urgent, "Wait!" Stooping down, she picked up the bible just before Missulvan's foot could step on it and possibly lose her balance. Seeing a few others that were discarded on the grass to her other side, Kit set it down beside the others. Straightening, she found Missulvan's arm and gave it a squeeze like she'd received a few times. "Store for food." Time to stay on track!
Mag stepped back in surprise, momentarily worried that Kit had seen whoever it was she'd run away from, but relaxed when she heard her shuffling around near the ground, seemingly moving something out of the way. "Oh, it--thank you," she settled on instead, continuing their path to the grocery store. There was something comforting about Kit's presence, she thought. It was a surprisingly nice change from going about the day herself.

Mrs. Green's was cool inside, the air conditioner stationed at the front door blowing a welcome breeze to the back of her neck. Even with her hair pinned up, the day had been steadily growing warmer, aided by their walk through town. Mag kept her hand in the crook of Kit's arm as they made their way to the checkout aisle.

"You're here for Alex?" a teenage voice asked before she could speak, and she nodded. "Alex!" She flinched slightly at the shout, but soon picked out a familiar mumble along with "Miss Sullivan's up here at the register."

"Hey." This voice was much easier, a loose smile evident at the curl of the word. The sound of it made her smile in return as her own demeanor began to relax. "You've brought a friend with you? Who's this?"

"Kit," Mag said, "this is Alex. I went to school with them when I was younger. Alex is going to help us pick out some food for the week, all right?"

"Sure am." The two of them pulled out a cart from the rack, and Mag placed Kit's hand on the rail. "You can help steer the cart so we can put the groceries in there. Alex will be at the other end to help pull it."
The store, small in it's own size, was still a towering new experience for Kit's wide eyes. There was a soft sound that she soon recognized as similar to what Missulvan had played at the pretty glass building, though also quite different. Looking around, she soon came to the conclusion it was coming from the ceiling.

Her wandering gaze was pulled back as there was an unpleasant shout before they were joined by someone new. Alex? They were...well, Kit wasn't sure, honestly. Alex didn't have long hair like her or Missulvan did, but also didn't have stubble on their chin like Tom had the start of by the end of time at the church. Alex's clothes were not tightly fitting and Kit could not tell if there were soft bump on their chest like she'd seen of women, in varying sizes.

Beyond confused, Kit followed instructions and began to push the cart with them down the aisle. Occasionally she'd look over at Alex and her red brows would knit together to show her deep thoughts. She paused whenever Alex did, watching as many items were moved off of shelves and into the metal cabin. Her curiosity to understand was even outweighing her interest in the aspect of more food right then.
Mag followed behind the two of them, keeping close to the aisle. She usually would have pushed the cart, but she didn't want to crowd either of them, and so she kept a careful distance. She and Alex kept a running conversation about brands and sizes quantities, but otherwise didn't talk much until they asked quietly, "So your friend here. Out of town? Because I would have seen her around, and I don't think I've met her. I haven't met you, have I?" This bit was louder and addressed to Kit.

"Out of town, yes. She'll be staying for a while." She didn't offer any more explanation.

"With you?" Alex's voice held something of a questioning, teasing note. "Damn, I thought she was another student of yours, but no? A friend? I knew you've gone young before, but not--"

"It's not like that."

"Shit, okay, jeez." Alex's laugh was nervous, but they quickly bounced back. "I mean, I kinda hoped there was someone--God knows you--"

"I'm pretty sure if God had anything to say about my life, he'd have told me himself when I went in to work for him this morning."

This next laugh was a genuine, open-mouthed one. "If you say so." Alex's attention moved from her to Kit. "How's she been treating you? Does she let you do anything fun, or is she like this all the time?"

Mag frowned, but only halfheartedly. "I was just about to ask you if you'd take her to pick out something. Kit, why don't you go with Alex to find something you'd like to have? See what you two find."

"On it." Alex sped up the cart with obvious excitement, looking ahead at the sweets aisle in particular. "What do you like? These fudge stripes are pretty good if you like chocolate, and I know Mag likes these little shortbread ones with the raspberry in them. Or if you don't see anything here, you could pick out a bake mix and see if she's feeling generous enough to make something. You like lemon squares? With the little powdered sugar on top? Those are so good." Alex stopped, taking their eyes from the shelves to notice Kit seemed to be staring at them. "What? I got something on my face?"
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Each time there was a question asked, Missulvan swooped in too quickly for Kit to think of a response. At least not one she could vocalize. Alex seemed nice and was clearly friendly with Missulvan, even if the confusion hadn't died away. Alex had questions but they didn't seem to be attacks or anything, more like this was just how the two acted.

Lead away by the cart she held on to, Kit didn't know enough not to keep her eyes from lingering too long. Alex was an absolute mystery and she was dying to know more. That was clearly evident on her face when Alex pulled her away from her thoughts. But would she be getting her answers?

There was no need in Kit's mind to be tactful, since that was nothing she'd ever encountered before. "Alex... Alex is girl?" She paused, still not sure if that that right. "Alex is boy?"
"What?" Alex was clearly confused, but adapted quickly. "Um, Alex is Alex." They seemed to think about the question, then tried again. "You know how some people are boys and some people are girls? Some people just...aren't. Not everyone falls into the boy and girl category, you know? Like, some people aren't either of those things, and some people fall somewhere in between. Me, I don't really feel like either, but it's different for everyone." They looked at Kit, cocking their head to one side. "Does that make sense?"

Alex turned back to the shelves, pushing a stray brown curl away from their face. "Anyway, you're gonna want these." They picked up the box of lemon square mix, tossing it into the cart. "Have Old Lady Sully fix you some tonight. You'll want them for dessert, trust me."

"You're nearly the same age as me," Mag muttered, joining them again.

"You're the piano lady who lives alone on a little patch of land with a million cats--"

"One cat--"

"--and whose only date is with her incredibly good-looking grocer."

"This isn't a date."

Alex turned back to Kit with a "see what I have to deal with?" face, but smiled. "Find anything else you like, Kit? Anything else you guys need?"
Did that make sense? Of course it didn't! Everyone Kit had ever seen was a girl or a boy. The idea that someone wasn't...well that just seemed bizarre. Still, Alex seemed to be fine with it themselves. They didn't look nearly as distraught as Kit felt over this all, which meant it wasn't bothering them. After a long moment, she decided this too was something she could learn.

"Alex is Alex." That was just how it would be. She looked at the square box that was added to the cart, reminded of the table of food from earlier. Lemon bars. Maybe they would taste like the treat she had earlier.

Looking from Missulvan - now twice called Sully which raised a question - to Alex, Kit shook her head. "No," she couldn't think of anything she wanted right then. Realizing Alex was willing to help them since Missulvan couldn't see and Kit had no idea what they were doing there, she figured they owed them something. Reaching into her pocket, she pulled out the last cookie from that morning. It would have tasted good, no doubt as the others had, but instead of greedily indulging, she handed the cookie to Alex. "Thank you for coming by."
"For what?" Alex was once again confused, but Mag laughed, a bit more loudly than she usually did and much more than she'd meant to. Alex took it in stride once again. "I think you're the one who stopped by, but you're welcome?" Mag heard the rustling of napkins and Alex respond with, "Oh, sweet, I love these. Hey, thanks, dude. C'mon, I'll get you rung up."

Mag caught up with Kit, briefly putting an arm around her shoulders. "That was really nice of you, Kit. Next time, 'stopping by' is if they come to see you, not when you go see them. But you're doing really well."

Once at the register, they passed the items through the scanner as Alex piled them into two paper bags and Mag reached for her wallet. She kept her paper money folded in different ways depending on the value, which allowed to to quickly find what she needed and place the bills on the counter.

"Well, it's time for me to clock out," Alex said. "Let me give you a ride back. It's too hot for you guys to be lugging grocery bags all the way home, and honestly, I kinda want some of those cookies you got in there." The bag crinkled with the sound of their hand tugging it open.

"Good to see you have no ulterior motives," Mag replied. Thinking of Kit and her feet, she said, "Yes, we'd appreciate that. If you don't mind."

Mag picked up one bag, gently placing Kit's hand on her shoulder since both of her own hands were full, then followed Alex out the door.

Alex took the other bag and their keys, heading out to the parking lot and unlocking the car. They put both bags in the backseat and led the two women to the car, opening the passenger door for Kit. "You want shotgun? Go ahead, come sit up front." They waited for Kit to enter, closing the door behind her before slipping into the driver's seat. Mag had already situated herself in the back seat, in the middle of Kit and Alex.

"Well." Alex exhaled and started the car, the AC and radio both coming to life. "What kind of music do you like? It's your call, Red."
Even though Alex had seemed pleased with her offering, Kit was devastated to hear she had messed up. Her brows were once more furrowed together as she followed them back through the store. There was a machine where each item was presented and a sharp beep sounded, though Kit only jumped at the first two. When it was clear that no one else was worried by the sounds she tried to keep herself calmed.

The process of Missulvan producing paper for the bagged food was interesting. Another question for the safety of her home. For now she followed them all out to the waiting car. Hazy memories of the night before she found herself in Missulvan's house made her apprehensive, but eventually Kit slid into the front seat, clasping her hands tightly in her lap.

There were many buttons but as soon as the car was on, Kit couldn't be bothered with any of them. She squirmed in her seat at the blast of air and sound, longing to jump back out but able to tell she shouldn't. Instead she shakily tried to answer Alex's question. "Music?" Kit turned her head to look at Missulvan. At that point she was even more confused. How did Alex know about their story? "Red? Girl in red...red hood?"
"Girl in Red!" Alex whistled happily, scrolling through their phone. "I do have her on here. See, I knew you were cool. Anyone who keeps cookies in their pockets has to be cool." Satisfied with the song, Alex set the music to play.

I don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips

"Alex, you could lower both of those, please. The air and the music. Kit, do you have your seatbelt on?" She caught Alex's quiet but hardly suppressed snort, but both were lowered to a more manageable volume as she pulled the belt across Kit's chest and clicked it into place. "So you'll be safe," she said simply, knowing that would be enough.

Satisfied, Mag leaned forward, finding Kit's hand on the console and placing her own on top of it. "Like Red Riding Hood," she whispered back, as if it were a joke only the two of them shared. Another thought passed her mind, and she reached out to stroke the side of the girl's hair. "Is this what they mean by red, hmm?"

Eventually they arrived back at the house, and Mag stepped out to open the gate to allow them through. "Do you mind taking this?" Mag motioned to one of the bags as Alex killed the car, once again unfolding her cane and reaching for the other items: groceries, purse, keys.

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