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Fandom A RWBY Tale OOC (Closed)

Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre your powers are interesting, what's considered the sun? Does Ultraviolet lights work for your semblance?
Technically, yes. Her semblance does work on UV light albeit significantly weaker and almost impractical in combat if it came from an artificial light source. Like finger laser kind of powerful (even with stronger UV artificial light sources), Almira's semblance works best if she gets the main source itself, well, the sun. The same sun that grows veggies and fruit, hits your eye in the crack opening of the widow sill at 6 in the morning, the big burning orb in the sky that gives you sunburn. I hope answered is good enough.
Technically, yes. Her semblance does work on UV light albeit significantly weaker and almost impractical in combat if it came from an artificial light source. Like finger laser kind of powerful (even with stronger UV artificial light sources), Almira's semblance works best if she gets the main source itself, well, the sun. The same sun that grows veggies and fruit, hits your eye in the crack opening of the widow sill at 6 in the morning, the big burning orb in the sky that gives you sunburn. I hope answered is good enough.

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