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Fantasy A Royal Engagement//OOC

Sorry for the terrible posting consistency.

My friend let me borrow Until Dawn and I literally spent 12 hours straight playing

I was so exhausted this morning

But I'll be posting in a bit

madame moiselle madame moiselle
Congrats to your brother love!
Thanks! ^^ Now, I kno this might be bit too much, but this song is perfect for anyone and everyone but only IF Argonia enters war xD

Apparently I stopped getting notifications for this thread, despite watching it!!!

Andrew is too pure for this world.
Bless his little heart. With the exception of Josie (in her defence she's a child), Andrew might be the only one who doesn't want to get it on with anyone at this stage. So committed to his duties!


My life currently consists of work, empty void as I stay at home to save money for my next trip, and reluctantly going to sleep. Therefore, I'm currently on here way too much.
I love the direction this rp took


Totally unexpected

Like I was in a rp similar to this and it's so different I love it
Someone recap for me please xD I'm supposed to go to sleep, but because I really want to, I'm gonna post xP It'll be not as good, because I'm once again cured to the phone. I tried to prepare my posts on the comp (like copy and paste my characters' pics) but I forgot to paste Lucas's pic. Ugh.

Ms. Sparrow Ms. Sparrow Melanin-Gxdess Melanin-Gxdess
Alright, from what I gather so far, Feyn, Andrew, Rosie, Frederick and Edward are conversing while Leo is taking Josie on a walk

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