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Fantasy A Nation In Havoc OOC (2.0)

Enjoy some carrots while you wait.
Just how much are platinum coins worth, exactly? I mean, I read the lore and everything, but I'm still not sure. Is it like a gold dragon from GoT?
Just how much are platinum coins worth, exactly? I mean, I read the lore and everything, but I'm still not sure. Is it like a gold dragon from GoT?
I've never put a dollar equivalent to the currency here, just know that most citizens of the world have never even seen a platinum coin in their lives.
I would say that 1 silver is the equivalent to a dollar or two. A gold would be a few hundred dollars and a platinum would be a few thousand/ten thousand. We do not really have a certain mathematical way to calculate these so the comparisons i gave might be bullshit but when I write this is how i see the currency.
I am going to write about Decius leaving the tavern in a bit. Maybe I'll have him wander to the same bar as the rest of the crew since I'd imagine he'd fit pretty well in there. I am just wondering if you wanted to have an interaction of some sort between Decius and Raimi.
MagicPenguin MagicPenguin
Could have sworn I posted in here already. Weird. Anway, I was looking to join, and was wondering if I could get a basic rundown on the nations, to help me make my character's backstory.

EDIT: I some how posted in the IC thread, but I know for a fact that I posted in here. I am SO confused.
Well, we do have some established lore (that HoD was basically too lazy to add in when we restarted the rp) that I shall impart on you now!

The Kingdom of Dalania: Basic happy monarchy (kingdom) with a little bit of crime, but it's mostly a really great place.

The Askary Republic: A scheming ball of crime, rife with corruption of pretty much everybody, with the Country not truly controlled by its leaders, but instead by Don Carbonaro the Crime Lord of Askary.
"A hive of scum and villainy."

The Holy Calcian Empire: A country devoid of elves due to the tendency of Calcians and Elves to try to kill each other when they come in contact. Whereas Calcian has it out for all Elves, the Elves know it's The Calcians that should be avoided. Calcia, while under the guise of a militaristic, ordered, holy religion for The Maker, is actually a corrupt city. The elders of the Church have long since lost their way, not even believing what they preach but loving the cash they can rake in. This is kept very secret however, the very Paladins of this faith still believe it in their hearts.

Fenwood: Homeland of the Elves, the Fenwood Forest was a safe haven for Elves in the beginning days of the Church. Now it's as safe as long as war is avoided. Towering trees, mysterious creatures, magic.

The Red Mountain: Home of the Dwarves, a hardy people with a knack for trade. In fact, while the rest of the world fights amongst themselves, the Dwarves are cool with everybody, due to the trade the Dwarves supply their allies... which is mostly everyone save those without a need for metal items. Dwarf craftsmanship is considered some of the best in the world.

Vilnius: It's just the Shire. *Shire music begins.* Ahh...

The Badlands: The homeland of the Orcs, who reside in small to large tribes, that war with each other and Calcia. Raids are unpredictable, but frequent, causing Paladins to not focus on elves as much as defending their borders to the south.

Nar-rar-Gazel: The jungle of the Goblins. Tales will say they are an unorganized bunch, all fighting each other for power... and the tales are correct. However this constantly shifting balance of power is regimented this way, designed to weed out the weak, and strengthen the Horde. Goblins are also surprisingly good sailors, taking to the seas in the form of pirates.

That's all of it I think. As I've said, this world is often very "anything goes".
I am going to write about Decius leaving the tavern in a bit. Maybe I'll have him wander to the same bar as the rest of the crew since I'd imagine he'd fit pretty well in there. I am just wondering if you wanted to have an interaction of some sort between Decius and Raimi.

I had Raimi leave very early in the morning in the aftermath of Decius and friends' shenanigans, so I figured he'd still be sleeping then. If they're both returning to the same inn later, maybe we could do an interaction then. I'm up for anything, really.
I had Raimi leave very early in the morning in the aftermath of Decius and friends' shenanigans, so I figured he'd still be sleeping then. If they're both returning to the same inn later, maybe we could do an interaction then. I'm up for anything, really.
I'm not really sure. With all the ruckus that was being caused I am pretty sure that no person would even be able to sleep in that inn at all. I have him in a state where he pretty much wanders the town to find things to do which include drinking and pretty much screwing around. The only reason that he would have to return would be the fact that he drunkenly took a room for more than just a night which sounds okay.
I'm not really sure. With all the ruckus that was being caused I am pretty sure that no person would even be able to sleep in that inn at all. I have him in a state where he pretty much wanders the town to find things to do which include drinking and pretty much screwing around. The only reason that he would have to return would be the fact that he drunkenly took a room for more than just a night which sounds okay.

To Raimi, Decius is now forever dubbed "The Bear." Anyway, we don't have to force anything right away. I'm sure they'll meet again.
I approve the name. But I basically want Decius to meet with everyone/run into them before the main plot starts.
She's a healer correct? I think a good interaction would be her buying that green gem from Raimi in the market. Maybe it turns out to be a powerful healing crystal thing thats a onetime use thing. She can explain what it does when she buys it unless she's a total dumbASS.
I approve the name. But I basically want Decius to meet with everyone/run into them before the main plot starts.

Well, if nothing else crops up, I intend to have her in the square the most of the day, then stop at a butcher's shop to sell some wild game she picked up on the way to town, then back to The Brazen Fox. They can cross paths pretty much anywhere in there. Though if something DOES crop up, I can't say where she'll be then.
Well, if nothing else crops up, I intend to have her in the square the most of the day, then stop at a butcher's shop to sell some wild game she picked up on the way to town, then back to The Brazen Fox. They can cross paths pretty much anywhere in there. Though if something DOES crop up, I can't say where she'll be then.
Alright then. I'll get Decius to "the Den", chill out there for about 2-4 posts, and then Ill have him go to the town center. Ill just think of something when I make the posts. Im better at improvisation than planning.
She's a healer correct? I think a good interaction would be her buying that green gem from Raimi in the market. Maybe it turns out to be a powerful healing crystal thing thats a onetime use thing. She can explain what it does when she buys it unless she's a total dumbASS.
Even she does turn out to be a dumbASS, she's still got a great ASS.
I suppose I should mention that I went with the plan where my first post happened on day one rather than as a flashback. The post I just made, I intended to be happening on day two. So I guess The Den should now have a large portion of it exploded from Jenny's stunt the previous night.
I suppose I should mention that I went with the plan where my first post happened on day one rather than as a flashback. The post I just made, I intended to be happening on day two. So I guess The Den should now have a large portion of it exploded from Jenny's stunt the previous night.
time time TIIIMEEEEE. With everyone split up we really need a way to keep track of it. But still though, I could have him check the place out regardless unless it is out of order or something.

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