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Fantasy A Nation In Havoc OOC (2.0)

Nia is stuck in the cASStle palace thing, until nightfall, when she could sneak out to go explore.

Same with Kruziik and Armandio. I was thinking Kruziik could head over to the Den and ask for some dead bodies, which might pique the interest of Cynthia, because who asks for dead bodies for any cause some might deem noble, amirite!?

Armandio's going to bed.
Avari Avari
Jenny's explosion was very small. Only dangerous to those in the immediate vicinity and even then they may have survived. The Den is not damaged, and will be accessible as normal tomorrow night.

Ambrose will be more interested in a order for dead bodies than Cynthia. She's too busy usually, but may be available for a passing conversation if she's around at all.

Cynth's gonna be arranging something of a heist in the coming days, and will be visiting the library tomorrow, as well as stopping by the Magic Fox to "inform" Jenny of her unacceptable behavior.

Gonna be Writing a scene now with Spartan with Cynthia and Ambrose, and then one final scene of Cynthia alone in the Den and that'll be me done for the "night"
Also TheCountryWarrior TheCountryWarrior I feel like it's too early for those two to cross paths honestly. Or if they do, it would be nothing more than a very brief hello. They're both busy and have no reason to be shouting about dark magic.
Jenny's explosion was very small. Only dangerous to those in the immediate vicinity and even then they may have survived. The Den is not damaged, and will be accessible as normal tomorrow night.

Ambrose will be more interested in a order for dead bodies than Cynthia. She's too busy usually, but may be available for a passing conversation if she's around at all.

Cynth's gonna be arranging something of a heist in the coming days, and will be visiting the library tomorrow, as well as stopping by the Magic Fox to "inform" Jenny of her unacceptable behavior.

Gonna be Writing a scene now with Spartan with Cynthia and Ambrose, and then one final scene of Cynthia alone in the Den and that'll be me done for the "night"
Either way, Kruziik needs bodies. Important magic stuff happening!
new possssstssss

That was the night before, so we're all on the same day now I believe.
Cynth's out shopping around the markets tomorrow, then visiting the library, then tracking down Jenny in the evening if anyone wants to cross paths. <3
She could bump into Decius or smth. But I am going to have him come to the den by the night anyway. Maybe she could hire him for the heist thing or whatever. Ur call really.
I did have an idea that might require some um

excessive violence.
Hmm... Excessive violence you say.. I just happen to know a guy who knows a guy who's uncles 3rd cat knows a girl who knows a guy who knows another horse that knows a soldier who knew an axe (before being chopped) an axe that knows a guy who might be able to provide.
Hmm... Excessive violence you say.. I just happen to know a guy who knows a guy who's uncles 3rd cat knows a girl who knows a guy who knows another horse that knows a soldier who knew an axe (before being chopped) an axe that knows a guy who might be able to provide.

How is he with honor? Defending the weak, the down trodden, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free?

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