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Fandom A Game Called Life (Accepting)

That night's sleep hadn't been kind with Lloyd, who kind of looked like a shambling zombie moving through the street. He, however, wasn't so sleep deproved as to not notice the sudden change in character of the general denizen population. "I wonder what happened, could it be the bell somehow awoke some hidden part of their mind? For that matter, why am I any different, like other adventurers?" He started mumbling while walking through town, bumping into random denizens who this time did not miss the chance to send him to fuck off and other colorful expression of the sort. Before he could understand where he was going, he found himself in a part of town he never explored, near a blacksmith's workshop. "Hey... if it isn't.... uhm.... Ronaldo right? Upgrading your gear are you? I'd join in on the fun, but I'm almost all out of money." Lloyd added in a sleepy voice.
"I'd prefer a Katana," Orlando stated. "Besides, I don't like using swords in general, doesn't go with my fighting style. Besides, I never said I wouldn't take you up on that cake offer, its just that I'm a bit exhausted from the fight with Gleamfang to celebrate tonight, but I would be happy to tomorrow. Also, I thought that we only would get cake for myself, you and Mira?"

A new voice was heard as Lloyd from earlier joined in the conversation. "Orlando's my name not Ronaldo, and yeah I'm using some of the stuff from Gleamfang to get an upgrade."

@Lana Valentine @Pierrot8 @Kimura959
Roku waved at the other person before handing the fang back to Orlando. "Yeah but, Pannie is going to make your katana sooooo... She deserves cake and this guy too." Roku added pointing at the person she didn't know yet. "The fastest way to be friends is with punch and cake otherwise no one ever comes." Roku nodded at her own comment believing it to bs a pure fact.


@Clockwork Syringe


(Sorry about the short posts guys >_< )

Valentine stared at the boy who had made an unnecessarily bold, and flamboyant entrance. He blinked at the boy as he went on about his services and his ability of love and passion and blah...blah...blah, blah. Valentine wasn't impressed nor did he care. He blinked once, twice and then looked back to the girl as if the boy of red hair didn't even move in the first place.

"I want to party with you because you seek knowledge. You have a sense of desire that others lack. Im the same way. I want to know how this world operates and moves. I want to know its philosophies and its understandings. I want someone who wants to know as much as I do. But I know something you don't. The only way to get knowledge in this world is to experience it. You can read as many poorly written books as you so wish, but they will not show you whats out there. I need a partner to take on the Arathea Ruins. I need them to be patient and have the want to explore. Thats you. Plus! They are ruins! Its history destroyed and unexplored. Let us explore the ruins and gain insight into the world that no others have."

@Kel Vas @revior

(Sorry for the short post, but I think it gets the point through)
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Panoplia reached out her hand and took the tooth out of Orlando's hand to closely examine it. "Hmm" Panoplia holds it into her fist and stabs her shield with it. Surprisingly it didn't break and left a dent in the shield. Impressed she looks back to Orlando. "It is an interesting material to work with...but I'm not sure if I can add it to your weapon because of a couple of things. First, I might not be high enough level to work with boss loot, I barely knew what I was doing with my shield. I think the only reason I could buff my shield because I felt like I've done something like that before." It was a weird feeling. Panoplia thought before resuming. "Second, cake wouldn't be accepted by the blacksmith as payment. If it was me, I'd accept. And lastly, I'm not sure if there is enough of the material to make a long sword like a katana..." Panoplia looks puzzled as she stopped abruptly. How did I know that, this is weird. "Sorry, as I was saying, it is a single tooth. But maybe I could try something..." She looks at her hand and then back at her shield. "Since I'm smithing it I'll decide the price." She looks to Orlando. "If I can craft a weapon with this, you'll cover the cost of course, with some cake if you want" She said winking at Roku."But if I do mess it up you don't have to worry about it, but I do want cake for the efforts." Panoplia then turned to the new one entering the shop. "Don't worry about it, shop'll still be here when you get some money." Panoplia handed the fang back to Orlando and sat back into her seat. She put her shield on the side of the anvil and awaited Orlando's answer.

@Lana Valentine @Clockwork Syringe @Pierrot8

(Sorry for late reply, I just got home and in about an hour I'm going to have to go out again. Real life can be sidetracking.)
"Depending on how much it may cost, I may have the capital to provide you with it currently, I was one of the people who killed Gleamfang. However, I do believe that since this from a monster with a relatively similar, if not more experienced battle form, you might be able to craft with it" Orlando started. "I would look forward to possible strategies as long as they can result in a good weapon, perhaps a bit stronger than the one i'm currently wielding," Orlando pressed up the hilt of his katana slightly to reveal the blade whilst in its' sheath.

((Short post kinda, don't know what else to put.))

@Lana Valentine @Kimura959 @Pierrot8
Alexander slowly pushed himself back up, having sufficiently recovered. Sighing he looked around at the damage he had caused. "Just forget it. Move on. I have better things to do. C'mon. Chin up." He took a deep breath and attempted to follow his own instructions, only failing slightly. "We have more adventures to go through! Like..." He sighs. "Like exploring some ruins... I did say I would go there immediately after I fought GleamFang. And I can't break such a promise to myself." He stood up and stretched, still upset but slowly recovering. "Yeah. There are more fights to be fought. More mystery to be uncovered. I'll get stronger along the way to the top. I won't need help from others eventually. I'll fight till I drop and then get back up because that's who I am... YEAH!" His excitement quickly died down though. "But still... Maybe I should pick up a hobby or two. Maybe a pet even." He glances around the cavern. "A wolf would be nice... Strong, loyal, fierce. Perfect for me. But that's for later. Now..."

He smiles grimly at the exit of the dungeon as he gets in a ready position. "Now... Now I uncover the mysterious of this world. After all, wherever there is mysterious." His smile turns bloodthirsty. "There is bound to be tough opponents jealously guarding them. And what I don't love more than a good challenge in all the possible ways. Hah! Talk about two birds one stone." With his final piece said to himself, he took off, sprinting out of the dungeon and off towards where Arathea Ruins lie. After all, he had a meeting with a few stingy goblins and trolls about what they could possibly be hiding. And he was going to get his answers.
"Yeah....... I get it... I guess nobody really needs a courier nowadays, huh."

Apparently being ignored, Joshua fell straight into depression, curling up in a ball as tears flow down from his eyes like the Niagara Falls, wherever that is.

"It ain't easy you know, running around all day delivering junk. *Sob* The hours are long and the pay is crap. I haven't had a decent meal in days. *Sob* All I ever get is some bread curbs and small slices of apples that turned brown after being left out too long. *Sob* *Sob* I can't afford rooms in an inn either, so I sneak into the library and make beds out of books, except that the books are too damn hard and it was no different sleeping on the floor. *Sob*"

His crying intensifies as he rants on.

"Guess I had really been played for a fool haven't. *Sob* I mean, she's right there, literally twenty steps away! There was really no need for me to deliver them stupid weapons that she doesn't really need cause she never leaves the shop anyway. *Sob* *Sob* *Sob*"

And poor, pathetic Joshua cried, and cried, and cried, all within the background whilst other have more important things to deal with.

@Edward Valentine @Kel Vas

(Yes, it's a short post. No, I'm not sorry. Okay fine, maybe a little.)
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Panoplia looked at Orlando's blade from where she sat. "Not bad. Because of the item and the materials I feel about two-thirds of the money you got from the dungeon shall suffice." Panoplia got up and proceeded to go about the shop collecting alloys. She then put them on the anvil yet again and looked at Orlando. "I feel a good and cheap option for you is to use the Tooth for a spear head. It would be good for your fighting style and add some different and new styles for you to use. But your other options include a dagger, which could give you some sneaky attacks and a good close range off hand weapon and a chain sickle." I'll leave the option up to you but I have all the materials here."

@Clockwork Syringe
"3/5ths of the money I got from the dungeon and you have a deal. But what if the option of a smaller katana? less of a blade length, the katana equivalent of a shortsword, Orlando stated "Im more of a blade man myself but the idea of the chain sickle does appeal to me slightly. Alas, back to the subject at hand, would a smaller less in length Katana be possible? otherwise I think the chain sickle might be useful as a way to remove boss' weapons from their hands if they possess it severely limiting their power."

@Kimura959 @Lana Valentine
Panoplia smiled at the offer of three fifths. "You know how to haggle huh? Fine three fifths but I expect some cake too." Panoplia selected some of the alloys and put the others aside. "I believe I could stretch the tooth out to a short sword length, maybe a little less but that'll help with the katana shape." Panoplia grabbed the Tooth from Orlando and put it in the forge's furnace along with the alloys. After a little while she pulled them out and placed them on the anvil. "Here we go" she thought as she started hammering the tooth. It glowed with heat as she hammered it some more on its now malleable surface. The shop began to warm up with the exertion of heat and Panoplia began to sweat. After getting the tooth to a short sword size, she applied the alloys on top and continued to hammer away. After some time the materials melded together creating a short katana that is a grayish white. Wiping the sweat off her face she placed the blade in the tub to cool. She then grabbed some steel and began to make the hilt. It went much quicker since a katana hilt isn't very fancy. Taking some leather strips, she wrapped the handle and finished the hilt. Fishing out the blade she placed the two halves together and finished the blade with a few last hits. "Wow, I'm a natural. It ain't too shabby but nothing the blacksmith couldn't do. I feel the name Gleaming Fang would be appropriate for this sword but I'll leave that up to you." She places the sword on the anvil and presents it to Orlando. "I'm sure we have scabbards somewhere." she says as she gets up to look. She winces and rubs her shoulder as she does. "Damn that's a workout and a half." Panoplia goes to some shelves and takes off a light gray scabbard and weakly hands it to Orlando. "Well I hope you like your new sword cause it was tough as I thought." She smiles weakly as she runs her shoulder some more. She looks out to the group. "I'm afraid I'm gonna have to close up. The blacksmiths not here and I'm tuckered out. But do come back tomorrow and I'm sure I'll be able to help out some more." She looks back to Orlando. "But first you owe me some money"

@Lana Valentine @Clockwork Syringe @Pierrot8
"Indeed I do know how to haggle for some odd reason," Orlando remarked. He stood in silence watching the blacksmith work her metallurgical magic as she took the tooth and made it elongated before placing it in a cooling tub as she began to work on the hilt. Once it was done, she placed both halves together creating the custom shorter katana he wished for. As she handed it to him he took it in his hands and unsheathed it taking it in his left hand. He swung it several times in order to test it before sheathing it again placing it on his right hip as the other katana was on his left hip. "It's a nice sword, I like it, you did a good job. As for the payment, one moment." Orlando swiped his fingers to open his items and counted out 180 coins to pay Panoplia for a job well done. He sent the request off with the coins and then closed the window. "If I ever decide to have another item made, I'll definitely stop by in the future," Orlando said with a wink and a smile. "Oh and about that cake, I will get to that tomorrow some time, but I'm tired, much like you. I wish you a good nights rest. Roku, Lloyd, we'll probably meet again sometime tomorrow." Orlando walked off feeling smug about his new weapon, however, he felt that it would take the place of his dagger, so he felt as though he would need to sell it sometime very soon so he can make space for other items. He was starting to get drowsy so he headed to the nearby inn and rented a room, perhaps in the future he could own his own house and decorate it how he pleased. Probably just wishful thinking Orlando thought as he went up to his room, and unlocked, went inside and locked the door before readying himself for bed.

@Kimura959 @Lana Valentine @Pierrot8 @xEmoBunnehx @revior @Exanis @Edward Valentine @Kel Vas

((Tagging everyone as it might be time to start to transition to sleep time for more adventures the next day!))
Mira had finished draining her mana bar and repeating the same spell over and over again against the poor tree. "Ha... Who knew that talking was THIS hard..." she placed her wand back to her belt slots and took off her gloves. The night had lasted quite a while, if she doesn't get enough sleep, her energy could deplete faster. The tree might have also took a lot of beating from her attacks, Mother Nature won't be happy with what she's done. "Time to go back to the town... It was... That way!" she said, pointing at a strange etched stone in the distance. "I'm sure it was that way. I just have this feeling, I can't be wrong. The town is also definitely in that entrance, nobody can say no to this!"

She dragged herself to the entrance of a strange hill and peeked at the insides. Small grunting and laughing could be heard, that doesn't sound right. Mira turns to her back, but a blunt object hit her before she could retaliate. Her wand fell to the ground, her vision started to faze too. "Who... Are..." she slowly uttered, as her body plainly fell. The tiresome she felt didn't help either. Though, her body didn't vanish into pieces, the health bar didn't lower down that much, but a status effect was seen on the side of it. She couldn't get glimpse of it as Mira began to doze off. Something tied her up and carried her inside... Seems like she can't move for awhile.
As the night went on, Exanis finally made it to the entrance of the ruins. Sneaking over slowly, he glanced around for any possible sentries. Seeing none, he continues onward slowly and steadily. As he neared the entrance in the side of the cave, he spotted something on the ground. "A wand...?" He glances inside the cave and frowns. There very well could be a person inside the caves, which meant his plan of resting a bit and then coming back in the morning was, in a word, over. Picking up the wand and sighing, he looked around once again. No one still. Moving off to the side to hide in the darkness, he took a breath and began an incantation, using the wand for it. "Darkness. Manipulate. Remain. Consume. Chain. Light. Manipulate. Remain. Consume." Almost immediately after he finished the incantation, he began to disappear, the light and darkness bending around to give him a form of stealth. To his dismay, he saw the how much mana it costs to hold this spell up. He'd have maybe ten minutes maximum if he really tried to push himself. He was thankful that he found the wand too, because he knew that if he tried with only his gloves, he'd barely make it to five.

Taking another deep breath, and clipping the wand onto his belt alongside his claws, he began to make a run for it throughout the entrance of the ruin. As he made his way through, he saw handfuls of goblins and trolls scattered here and there, laughing, playing whatever games that they did to pass the time, eating, chattering away. He found that they weren't all too different from humans in that aspect. Maybe one day he'd try to talk to them. Maybe. But for now, he had a person to rescue, and he only had so long to do it. Around seven minutes left of mana. Scowling, he tried to remember if he every bothered grabbing a mana pot back in town. He thought he got one or two just in case he was casting spells for no reason. He'd deal with that problem when it came to it, but for now, he needed to find this missing person and fast.

After a few more stressful minutes of quietly sprinting through the ruins, because goddamn these things were long, he nearly shouted in relief when he saw what looked to be a tied up person. Unfortunately, they looked completely out of it, which spelled trouble for him. Inching forward ever so slowly as to not alert the nearby goblins standing guard, he nudged the tied up girl once, twice, then thrice to no avail. Looking around he realized he had two options. One, hope he had a mana pot to keep this spell going long enough for the girl to regain consciousness, or two, kill the goblins guarding this area so he could turn off his spell and recover, but he'd have to hope and pray that they don't manage to raise any alarms, or that no one comes down this path long enough for him to get the girl awake and get out. He couldn't even use a teleportation crystal for her if she did wake up, he didn't have one on him after all, which meant she either had to have one to get out, or that they'd be running out. Sighing and looking through his inventory, he found that he had two mana pots on hand. Twenty minutes. That's all he had before he went with option two. He drank one and went to hid in the darkest corner, waiting for the girl to wake up, and mentally cursing himself for getting into this situation. He just KNEW he was gonna die, and it may very well be because his exhaustion is catching up to him. Nevertheless, he waited, and prayed that the girl would wake up soon.

With the sky darkening, a number of adventurers begin to turn in seeking to begin the next day early. For those awake, you should now actively seek a place to remain until morning.

Ashlynn's eye came to rest upon the new individual, which was he who perched atop the bookcases. He was an abnormally jaunty individual, that was of course, until the more familiar of the two came to ignore him to answer her question. With his position lowered it was somewhat difficult to to tell whether or not he was still up there, however his voice rang clear. Perhaps she could more similarly relate to this individual, however she never actively sought to earn currency. For her duration within this world she was perhaps running on the bare minimal to ensure her time could be dedicated to her studies. On the other hand, there was the boy that seemingly came to take her away for some other purpose, that mostly befitted his own desires whilst denouncing her own path within his mind. More so, if she could recall, she already stated her intent to venture out to another place. Not that it mattered, seeing as no matter what his thoughts were, they did not effect her in their current state.

"Rather than I, if you wish to partake in these 'dungeons', 'vaults', or whatever you may call them, there appears to be another who would gladly take the chance at earning an income. As well, as a 'Super Ultra Delivery Boy' he must be decently quick on his feet. Furthermore, with the capability of doing repetitive tasks, he is surely an individual that could be initially claimed as patient. I, however, shall learn of the entirety of this world within it's current condition. Only after that will I enact change to test the limits of this plane. Though, I will wish upon you the best of luck."

With words expiring within the air, Ashlynn waved to the open air, allowing the two to decide whether it was meant for them or not. Surely Serena would forgive her if she chose to rest rather than watch. Clouding herself within the shadows that was the depths of the library, she headed towards the back of the structure. Perhaps for tonight she would simply sleep within the storage room where unshelved books remained.

@Edward Valentine @revior
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It was only a few seconds til' she woke up. Although Mira couldn't move her body and her vision was stained with darkness, she could hear voices. They don't belong to humans because of their strangely high-pitched voice, the only remaining assumption is that they were some kind of intelligent monsters. Could they be getting smarter every second? Or is this what they always do?

Nonetheless, they seemed to have tied her up. She had no time to spare, moving unexpectedly could cause aggression between these hunters and herself, but not moving at all could lead to certain death. Mira couldn't see anything but the status ailments Blindness, Immobilized and Silence. Immobilized and Silence then run out, but the blindness might take about 5 or 10 minutes. It was only a matter of time, she could feel something... Or someone nudging her, Mira's movement is restricted because of the rope binding her, but it could easily be burnt down using a small fire spell. Luckily, her gloves was still on and her mana bar is at 25%, a weak fire touch could be made.

She recited her weak incantation, without the wand her mana can deplete easily so empowerment can empty out her mana with just this spell. "Fire, Touch, Erupt, Consume...", and with the incantation completed, a small fire lit near Mira's palm draining her mana bar too. The heat was quite small without the wand, but it tore a fraction of the rope, she could then use her strength to remove the restriction. Knowing the blindness might be problem, she decided to keep quiet for now. Hopefully nobody was watching her, Mira started to shake her body off slowly and quietly to start her escape plan. "Uggh... This is bad bad idea." she uttered silently, continuing her plan.

Alexander's eyes widen and he rushed closer to her, putting a hand over her mouth and stopping her wiggling with his other hand. "Shhhhh stop. I'm friendly. Listen well because I can't repeat this. We're about ten minutes into the ruins, and that's at my sprinting pace, so we're pretty deep in. We have two options to get out, either use a teleportation crystal, or run out. I don't have any crystals so I can't take option one. I need you to nod if you have a crystal. Okay?" With his part said, he took his hands off of her and slowly backed away, keeping an eye on the nearby creatures and making sure that no one noticed anything.

Mira stopped as someone stopped her from struggling. The voice seems... Familiar. He explained the current situation they were in and asked if she had a crystal. She can't really remember much and seeing as the blindness won't work well for her, she can't say for sure. Mira gives off a shrug before shaking her head implying that she has no crystal. The darkness is definitely a problem, if this place was deep then it may take a while before they could get out. They are also at a disadvantage as it's supposedly night time, more powerful and many creatures may come out and hinder their plans of escape. Since she's still an average magic-user, she can't fend off a pack of wolves on her own, most of her spells easily deplete her own mana... Mira's finding a way around this though.

Roku had left the blacksmith herself after saying goodbye to her hopeful future friends. Though many appeared to be drifting off to sleep Roku remained wide wake as if the concept of sleep didn't really seem to matter to her. "I'm bored now, everyone is sleeping but, I wanna do something." She said to herself. Roku also knew she didn't have any money to her name to rest anywhere either having spent all her starting money on things to look cooler.

Roku sighed as her similarly let out a small growl as well. "Now of my cake tactics worked either." She said pouting to herself. Roku after walking for a long time found a place that seemed to be closed for some reason. "Stables?" She attempted to open the door herself but found it sealed. She huffed and froze the door completely with her magic and then shattered it. It opened up to her surprise as she peeked in and saw a darkened area.

The area was a typical set of stables that seemed to be unused as if they weren't available yet. She stretched her arms however and then light up the lights within. Roku proceeded to do her best to make it her own for now and even put her name on the sign outside before she finally settled on a pile of hay and attempted to sleep though it still felt impossible to come to her.
Alexander sighs and nods to himself. Looking around he slips on a claw and cuts off the ropes holding her. He quickly then pulled her into the area of his stealth spell. However, the moment he did this he noticed the mana drain doubled. Shit. Five minutes now. "Okay listen. We're invisible right now. I have five minutes of stealth. With the two of us. Here." He hands her the wand that he picked up. "I assume this is your wand. I have one mana pot left, so I have ten minutes maximum of stealth left assuming nothing happens. But with you here, it's gonna take longer to get back to the surface. So what I need you to get on my back so I can sprint us out of here. Got it?" God they needed to get out of here fast.

She takes the wand from him and listens to his suggestion. "E-Eh..." Mira blushed for a bit before shaking it all off. Sure it's embarrassing, but it's just the two of them, so it's naturally fine? She nods at his plan, it's that or they fight the horde of monsters here. "L-Let's just make it quick! Yeah! Let's do that! Erm... Let's... Do that." she uttered, trying to keep her voice down to ensure safety. Mira hops on his back and held on to his shoulders, waiting for his sprint. Hopefully, she isn't that heavy, hopefully.


•Tris Marigold•


Tris ran a hand down her sharpening rock. The rock heated up quietly in her hand letting out a small flicker of fire. Tris blew on the rock after it had become red. She then unsheathed her sword and ran the rock down the point of it. She continued gaining speed until her finger softly slipped.

Blood dripped from her finger which now had a cut on it. Putting the rock down she tested her blade.

"Perfect, just perfect. See I didn't need a blacksmith for you." Tris mumbled sheathing her sword.


"Alright, hold on tight." With a breath, he took off, making sure she was stable and fairly comfortable. Luckily, Mira wasn't all too heavy, but the added presence of another person did slow down his speed. He knew he had ten minutes of invisibility. But it would take them about fifteen minutes to get back to the surface due to his exhaustion and the extra weight. And that was if he kept up his pace even after he became visible again. Which meant he would have to stay running as he got attacked. "Listen... When the monsters start attacking us, you'll know I'm completely out of mana. At that point we're still gonna have a five minute run to the surface. I know you barely have any mana, but if possible use anything you have to hold them off even slightly. I'll let you use my scythe too since it has quite a bit of range." He then pulled out his other mana pot and drank it, and took out his scythe, handing it to Mira.

Five minutes passed too fast, and soon enough the monsters began to take notice of them. One by one they starting clamoring after them and shouting ahead for the others to attack them. While Alexander was able to outpace the ones behind them, the ones ahead began swinging at them. He did his best to make sure Mira didn't get hit even if it meant taking the hit's himself. "Three minutes! If I fall or die, just keep running! Run as fast as you can okay?" With that he pushed onwards, ignoring his health bar that slowly ticked down with each hit he took.

Mira held on, he was quite surprisingly fast. "W-Watch out!" she shouted, although the guy didn't listen, he kept on charging even with his health starting to go down. He explained what to do, but... She can't just leave someone behind! He helped her get this far, there must be something she can do... "Ah... Healing spells! But... I don't know any." she stared at her own mana bar, it was quite low because of the previous incantation. Even if her mana bar was full, information about her says that she's unable to use Black or Aether magic. "Hnngggh!"

She slides her fingers in the air as a wide variety of icons appear, pressing the items icon, there was a few items displayed. Her only limit for now is one because of this severe chase. Mira tapped the Mana Potion x4 and one potion conjured onto her hands. "This has to work". She chugs the liquid and throws it in front of her. Afterwards, Mira held her wand into position and quickly yelled at him. "Right! Stop moving for at least 10 seconds! I have a plan!"
"This better work, because ten seconds of not moving is nearly suicide." However, he does stop and stares down all the monsters, making sure that none of them could come at him from behind. "I hope you can do whatever you're doing with me keeping them from killing us both. And if it looks like we're in trouble, I'll take my chances with running." With his piece said, he slips his claws back on and continues to stare down the other monsters, growling at any one of them that takes a step forward. This only works for maybe two seconds before they all get the though across that they just charge him and he can only do so much. Wanting to be as still as possible, he only reacts when they are within claw reach, and even then, it's a quick jab to the face to discourage them from further attacks. He continues this, taking more his than he sends out, still ignoring his now rapdily depleting health bar.


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