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Fandom A Game Called Life (Accepting)

"Alright! Get near me!". She taps the potion option twice this time, conjuring two potions onto her belt. "HERE WE GO! Earth, Manipulate, Erupt, Disperse!" Mira waves her wand and the ground besides the one where the guy and hers are standing on, began to crack until it formed small holes. The creatures backed away for a bit before retaliating. The ground both of them were standing on was now shaped like a circle, she takes a mana potion from her belt and began sipping it. Her bar was then restored back to full.

"A second time! Earth, Manipulate, Erupt, Disperse!" she waves her wand once again, this time, the ceiling began to drop rocks and stone, these almost buried the other creatures, but what she was trying to do was make a ceiling for escape. The hole made was quite medium-sized, but it was perfect for escaping. "Look, I'm sorry. I don't think both of us are going to survive by just running away! We'd have to leave at least one behind." she held his hand as she began to drank the final potion she stored on her belt. "I'm not just gonna leave someone behind. Not again. Earth, Manipulate, Erupt, Disperse, Chain, Air, Manipulate, Erupt, Consume!"

With a final wave, the ground shook and air was beginning to envelop them. It was only a matter of seconds, Mira embraced him to ensure no one gets separated before the next operation happens. The earth lifted upwards and with the air surrounding them, it pushed them up high. It launched them quite high into the air, the moon radiated as they begin to fall back. Looking down, they appeared to have been flung far ahead. Aparches was below them now as they started to fall once again.

Alexander glances at his health bar finally. He was nearly dead, looking down he sighed at the height they were at. They were falling and fast. He pulls out his final health potion and drinks it as they continue to fall. "That's one way out. Now I'm guessing that you're nearly out of mana. So the question is..." He pulls out his scythe once again and uses it as walking stick as he stands to his full height. "Do you have enough mana to stop us from crashing and destroying whatever we land on and ourselves, or do we destroy this hunk of rock and jump?" He glances at the rapidly approaching ground and nearly groans. "We're gonna have to decide quick."

"We're just gonna have to do option two! I don't think I can pull up the menu from here, and I don't think I can even make a parachute yet!" she releases hold of the guy as she looked around. "So how do we do that?" she exclaimed, trying to not get blown away by the wind.

Alexander sighs again. "Well, sorta like this. And uh... Sorry in advance." He then grabs her once again and keeps an eye on how fast they were falling. "Closer... Closer..." He mumbles to himself as he slowly pushes the butt of his scythe into the piece of rock, being mindful of the cracks that slowly appeared as he pushed more and more of the scythe into the rock. Soon enough he pulls the scythe out completely and smashes down the head on the weak point he created shattering the rock into smaller, less destructive pieces. As he does so, he lunges forward, using the momentum of his swing and them falling in general to propel them forward. Flying forward, he maneuvered it so he would land on his back and Mira would be cushioned from the fall. As they land, he bounces a few times and finally skids to a stop. Looking at his health bar, he noticed it did in fact drop by around three quarters once again. "Ow..." With that he lays his head down and just sighs. Today... Was a weird day.

(For those who did not manage to make a resting post, I do apologize. More so, to Edward and revior, seeing as my lateness perhaps directly effected them from doing so.)

"And so the night slips away from the adventures, bringing yet another morn. With the orange star rising upon the horizon, the sky is filled with renewed youth. Not only are the Denizens within the towns more sentient, but it would appear as if those known as 'monsters' are also evolving. No longer bounded by strange patterns of movement, the enemies have become fiercer. It would seem the tutorial of this world was over."

Silence, it was near overwhelming as it lingered within the storage room. There were no hints of the passage of time from within the darkened chamber. Long since has dust remained, forgotten books layered and untouched. If it were not for Ashlynn's presence within the corner of the room it could be said that none ever entered this place. Her form, small and fragile as she was tucked into a ball, back leaning against the wall , with face buried into her knees. The only source of warmth was the cloak she could always be found in. With light murmurs, her frame began to take movement, eyes slowly coming to peer over that which was her 'pillow'. Another day had begun, this she knew as her internal clock was set to a near perfect degree. No matter the time she found herself falling into the allure of slumber, she always awoke with the sun's rising. Pushing herself up, the girl attempted to cross the room, hindered only by the pain within her knees from her previous position.

Entering the main segment of the Library, the new light proved to only be a mild bother to the girl, eyes unchanging despite the sudden transition. However, unlike the normal day she did not stop within the central section, instead her feet carried her all the way to the doors. Exiting the Library she took a moment, standing atop the stairs to look into the sky. Swirls of orange and whites took to the sky, as clouds hued that morning glow into a softer scene. Releasing a breathe, Ashlynn walked along the building's wall, hand gently grazing the side as she walked. Her bare feet clung to the dirt dampened from the morning dew, however she showed little care. As her venture took her to the rear side of the building, she paused by the corner, taking a few steps away before kneeling by the ground. Without hesitation her fingers began digging into the world, a process that proved both inefficient, and time consuming.

With time's passing a small mound would form, but at last her hand would dive into the dirt, as if to grasp an object. When she next arose to full height she would not be found alone, a sword coming to stand far above her own height resting along her side. With blade resting upon the ground, Ashlynn came to slowly feel the length of the handle as if to take proper measurement. Her intent was to rid herself of this weapon of destruction, in the hopes that she could make knowledge itself her blade. However, with the latest developments she could not idle any longer, she would have to make her own way to find that which she sought. "Return, Changdao", her voice rang softly, a slight remorse idling within her voice as her path lead to arms. With a burst of light the weapon disappeared as if it never truly existed.

Ashlynn, with a moment of peace, faced once more to the sky. The town's denizens would fill her ears with the general morning commotion that could be found from within the walls. They were livelier, she could here laughter as individuals conversed, as well the mild cheers as others celebrated who knows what. There really was a mystery amongst this place, one that made her question what else could change so suddenly.
(No worries Kel Vas, it happens.)

Now laying flat on top of the shelf, Joshua's face peeked out from the edge, looking towards that man whom he had dubbed, "the Pretty Boy".

"Falter not, pretty boy, when it comes to girls, what you need is patience. That, and also gifts, nothing is quite as effective a finding the right gifts for the right girl. If you need it delivered, you know where to find me. Nite-nite."

And just like that, Joshua went to sleep on the top of the shelf.

@Edward Valentine

And so, morning came, and Joshua woke just early enough to see the girl being wooed from last night leaving through the front door. Make no mistake though, Joshua is not a person who would have enough discipline to wake at such an hour. Rather, it was his stomach, the growling of his stomach had acted as an alarm clock, whatever that is. Having being awakened in such a crude way, the first thought of this person is of course, to eat, and he would gladly, if not for the fact that he's close to penniless, and the taverns wouldn't have leftovers for him till late at night. And so, poor penniless Joshua carefully climbed down the shelf, trying to to break his neck just moments after he awoke, and headed towards the back door, trying to sneak out without notice.

Exiting through a window at the back, because a door is not sneaky enough apparently, the ever whimsical Joshua ran into an interesting sight. What he saw was a girl digging into the ground and dug up a large sword, a sword that she made disappear into a burst of light with a whisper. Joshua recognizes this girl, she was the one the pretty boy was trying to woo, last night. After seeing her feeling around the handle of the sword with the tips of her fingers, he thought: Surely, she must like swords.

"That's a big sword for such a little girl."

Almost teasingly, Joshua spoke, not realizing that the girl is probably the same height as he is. (Joshua's pretty short himself.) And without giving her a chance to respond, he continued with his ramblings as he usually would.

"You know, little girl, about the pretty boy last night, I think you should give him a chance. I mean, sure, he seems stubborn, and pushy, and maybe a bit egoistic about his own ideals, but he ran after you, and that's a sure sign of sincerity. How did I know he ran after you? Well, that's because I know for a fact that no one else comes here at that hour, other than, you, me, and granny that is. Speaking of granny, I wonder where she went? Haven't seen her since last night. Well whatever, point is, pretty boy seems nice. But on the off chance this brainless husk of a man, Joshua, is wrong, feel free to give the Super Ultra Delivery Overlord a call, my service now extends to more than just delivering physical objects. Call now, and you have your choosing of swift, painless death, or a slow, painful one for that unfaithful boyfriend of yours for free."

As it turns out, it was all just an overly long advertisement of his new service, do pay no attention to this brainless husk of a man.

After saying whatever he felt like, Joshua ran into the sunset, or sunrise, or which ever direction the center of the town is at.

@Kel Vas

For about twenty minutes or so, Joshua was trying to drown himself in a nearby well. Why? Because apparently, all of his regular customers suddenly didn't need his service anymore. Of course, his suicide attempt only went as far as one would expect, namely nowhere. He kept finding hard to breath midway and had to come back up for a few breaths of air before continuing, completely missing the point of death by drowning. For about twenty minutes, he continued this, but got so hungry and he gave up and went to find something to eat instead.

"Death by hunger, what a way to end for the Super Ultra Delivery Overlord."

There was none, he could find an affordable(free) meal anywhere. He was about to give up and settle with death by starvation when he came across a stable and a mad idea.

"Hmmmmm, if horses can eat hay, why not humans"

Joshua was no alchemist, but he's just as prone with experimentation when it comes to food. There was one time he tested out a theory of his about food that has fallen on the ground, let's just say that didn't go very well. Currently, he's about to test his newest theory and went inside the stable, ignoring the sign outside and the eye-patched girl within. Driven by hunger, his eyes are focused on one thing and one thing only, the gold, shimmering hay. Without speanding a single second doubting his decision, he began munching on the handful that he had gathered from the ground.

@Lana Valentine
After that eventful night and day, Mira had "successfully" found her way towards the town. She doesn't remember much after falling out of the sky, but the guy and her parted ways after recovering. With the gold she received from the boss, she made her way to the inn and rented a room for the night. Hopefully, she gets herself her own house. As she lied down, the feeling of the comfortable bed eased her tired mind as she slowly drifted to sleep. With that day over, the sun rose from the sky, birds started singing a few tunes and the flowers was swayed by the calm cold wind. Her eyes opened as a new day begins, she was woken up by the alarm she set before sleeping. The interface was right in front of her, the words written onto it, "Wakey wakey, rise and shine! It's a beautiful day!". Indeed it was, Mira leaped out of her bed and stretched her arms upwards. It was time for her to get a move on as the rent had expired.

"Right, what to do now..." she thought, thinking about what to do today. Her attention was caught up by the sound of her belly rumbling, right, first objective today is to retrieve food. Then she'll get +50 FD. What does FD stand for? Food of course! Well, this so called system doesn't really exist, Mira just likes to make things up. The feeling of hunger started growing, as she gets an idea on where to buy food. "I'll need to start this day with a bang! I'll go to that bread shop and get myself something to munch on!" her voice spoke with excitement, something good might happen today and she can't miss it! This is why Mira needs to satisfy her body's needs before venturing off. A few minutes later, she was able to get a food called "Burger". It looked really juicy and delicious, once she took a bite, it was more than she asked for. Well it might just be bread with meat and a few vegetables, but this is better than just eating them all individually. Her hunger slowly fends off as she was full because of her sudden addiction to meat bread.

She stopped as the memories of the night came back to her. A guy almost died because of her weak sense of direction, the magic she uses is still very weak even though she was able to launch themselves into the air and miraculously land at the destination. To be fair, she was secretly using a portion of her charm which she only uses during extremely dangerous times. But if the charm was to run out of magical energy, then she'll be done for. All the while, she also remembered the events of the day. "Oh hold on. I haven't sent them any friend requests haven't I?" she muttered as she slowly pulled the interface once again. Touching the friends icon, there was only one person listed in there, but it doesn't matter for now. Mira tapped the "Add Friend" button and a list of names appeared on the screen. She first typed in "Roku" and another interface showed up saying "Friend Request sent to Roku Wolfhound!" (@Lana Valentine). And a second later, she types in "Orlando", and a third interface showed up. "Friend Request sent to Orlando Demrox!" (@Clockwork Syringe).

Now that that's over, she returned to her plans. Today, she needs to learn the Arcane Magics, it will take a while to figure out how to use them, but it'll surely pay off. The second thing she would need to do is buy runes, if she carves them up with incantations, her magic can be delivered in an instant. They might even be used for quick-healing, no potions required by then! Find information about these magics and get the runes, and then she'll be powerful enough to take over the world. She smiles and began to let out a maniacal laughter, Mira doesn't really know if she's joking or being a complete psychopath.
Orlando awoke with a start, the alarm that he had set for himself was giving off a ringing noise as he climbed out of his bed. Despite his disheveled appearance, he it would seem that he was used to this time of morning as he quickly fixed and readied himself back to the appearance he gave off yesterday. With a quick and fluid motion, Orlando opened the curtains that he had closed the previous night causing the sun to stream into the room, waking him even further. However, he had to shield his eyes a bit before they adjusted to the sudden change in sunlight. "I'm hungry lets see what we can have for breakfast," Orlando went downstairs to grab something to eat, but before he was able to walk down the stairs, he was bombarded by a message and an interface that suddenly appeared. The message read, "Friend request from Mira Astengiel! Accept Y/N?" Oh right Mira was that mage from yesterday without a sense of direction that he had encountered with Roku before Alexander had caused them to rush to his aid. Which reminded him that he should take a page of inspiration from Mira and send both Roku, and Kala a friend request, much like how Mira sent one to him. He swiped his hands and a menu popped up. He moved over to friends and typed in "Roku" to cause "Roku Wolfhound" to pop up so he sent her a request. Next, he typed in "Kala" which consequently caused "Kala Guaze" to appear so he sent her a request as well. It was strange though yesterday, to normal people, she might have looked frightening with the mask and dual colored eyes, but it didn't bother him that much, how odd was that? Anyway, there was no time for idle chatter, Orlando needed to fill his stomach with food and get some for later as well.

Orlando had satisfied his craving for food with a smart choice for breakfast, breads and fruits, both not a heavy meal, but one that would keep him satisfied until he would be eating midday to his hope. He had also grabbed some extra bread for trail food with some vegetables and meat that he would look forwards to that midday meal. While he was eating, Orlando hovered over his inventory. Apart from the gold that was there from last night's endeavor, his two katanas, some health and mana potions, his mysterious tome was still there. He remembered that the last hit message had said to him, "You may imbue any weapon with any elemental enchantment." Somehow, he felt he would be using it when the time came and it was most fruitful to activate. It struck Orlando that he needed to buy some cake for Roku, Mira, and Panoplia, lastly because she made his new sword and both Roku and Mira had helped him get to the boss and their original hope was to have cake once they celebrated. He made a mental note to stop by a bakery to grab a few slices of cake once he was about to leave. For now, he pondered that the true timing of the elemental imbuement tome would show itself in the near future, he just had to wait for the right time as he had thought before as well. With that said and done, Orlando decided to head over to the bakery to grab a few slices of cake.

@Lana Valentine @EXPMIRACLE @Kimura959 @xEmoBunnehx @Exanis @Kel Vas @Edward Valentine @revior @Pierrot8 @Pyka the Pikachu @Zeldafangirl
Roku awoke to sounds of someone munching on some Hay, she rubbed her dreary eye and automatically checked the messages she may have received first. She quickly accepted both requests from Mira and Orlando then sent one to Kala and Panopila as well. "Hehe, I've got friends." She said happily.

Her attention turned towards the person devouring the hay, "Hey hey, you shouldn't eat my hay!" She said in some annoyance poking the person in the arse with her staff. "Don't make me burn you, this is my sleeping area." She huffed to herself mostly realizing that whomever was desperate enough to eat hay was probably in the sane situation as herself, starving to death slowly.

@revior @EXPMIRACLE @Kimura959 @xEmoBunnehx @Clockwork Syringe
Alexander sighed as he got up from underneath the tree he decided to sleep under. After he and Mira had parted he decided that it would be too much trouble to get up and go to town, and instead just slept under a tree. Stretching his stiff limbs he looked at the sun and noted that it was still fairly early. With a nod to himself he slowly walked into town, appreciating the quiet for now. As he made his way through the settlement, he politely greeted both the Denizens of the town as well as plays while he walked towards a cafe that he had taken a liking to over the week he had stayed here. As he neared he noticed that it was open, bringing a small smile to his face. Stepping inside and greeting those there he took a seat and promptly ordered some green tea and a cinnamon bun. As he waited for his meal he began to think over the previous day. He immediately remebered that he has to turn in the request for the bear pelts still. He promised himself that he would do that after he finished eating, and with that thought he began to consume the food and drink that was placed in front of him.
Kendell just slept outside she didn't have any money she was so cold to sleep in the cold she smelt food she grab her sword she was a begginer she looked around the town. She saw some people eating as her stomach started to growl she didn't realize she was so hungry she wanted to eat something than again she didn't any money on her as she sighed. @anyone around the shops
The thing about hay is that they fact that it's extremely dry, both the flavor, and the object in question itself. Not to mention that it was difficult for human teeth to grind in down to a stare that is easy for ingestion. Joshua found that out the hard way and now has a bunch of hay stuck in his throat. The dry nature of this horse feed is simply too difficult to be swallowed.

Feeling something from his back, Joshua slowly turns around to face whatever's poking him at this time. As he turns, the one he turns to can see that his eyes are upturned, tears trailing down his mostly white eyes, snot coming down from his nostrils, and some foam leaking out of his mouth. And without warning, Joshua fell to the floor, his body quivering ever so slightly.

@Lana Valentine

•Tris Marigold•


Tris looked around seeing the girl and hearing her stomach growl. Tris had pretty good hearing, and she was guessing the girl was starving. With a sigh Tris ran into a shop and came out with a blanket and a baggie. The baggie was filled with chopped up pork and bread. She quietly walked over to the girl and held out the blanket and baggie. Tris didn't say anything just looked down. @Zeldafangirl

Roku started to panic and flail her arms wildly, "Ohmehgawd he's dying," Roku promptly began to punch him in the chest in a crude attempt to make him spit up the hay that had been choking him.

Roku uncertain if it was working at all picked an arrow from her quiver and pointed it at him. "I'll push down the stuff with this so open wide." Roku attempted to force the arrow into the male's mouth so she could somehow push the blockage downward.

(Roku is not trained for such matters >_> @revior )
Kendell was shocked what the girl did as she grabbed with bread" why do you want to help me" she say eating the bread as she had a blanket on her as she smiled looking" thank you so much miss i'm Kendell" she say as she looked at her as she was in awe she was excited about having the food @Bella Bloomet
On his way to the cake shop, Orlando couldn't help but notice two women talking with each other, probably in the same situation he was, but he currently wanted to grab some cake to treat his friends. Both of his katana were on his right hip this time rather than on each as it would make a better statement and improve his appearance. Orlando soon made it into the cake shop and was remembering which types of cake he should buy or what he should go about doing whether he should buy slices or just a whole cake.

@Bella Bloomet
Kendell noticed a boy looking at her before he entered the cake shope she just looked at the cakes as she sighed' i need to get stronger i need to get money' she thought to herself as she was thinking about some stuff while looking down" thank you again" she say to the girl she looked back at the boy in the shop as she was debating if she should talk to him since he was looking at her she just shook her head sighing @Bella Bloomet @Clockwork Syringe

•Tris Bloomet•


"Your welcome, I find helping people relaxing for some reason. The name is Tris." She said as she pulled her scarf down to talk easier. Tris turned around to see the boy in the cake shop then Kendall." So you must be a beginner eh?"

Tris asked.

Kendell looked at her" yup i'm a beginner" she say as she smiled to tris" its nice to meet you tris" she say as she smiled" i know i'm a begginer and all but i'll do anything to get stronger" she say to her as she gave her another smile" i kinda sleep on the streets i been through worse than sleeping on the streets" she say as she smiled

•Tris Marigold•

With: @Zeldafangirl


Tris was suprised at how Kendall smiled after sleeping on the streets. She studied the girl before smiling kindly." If you want to become stronger you have to have a proper place to sleep. You won't become stronger fighting the cold or hunger." Tris said leaning against her rapier which suprisingly held her up.

Kendell looked down" i know but.... i don't have no money when i started the game well the game didn't gave me any cash nothing" she say as she smiled looking at her" it don't matter i will become the best you want to be on my team i know i'm weak and all but i'll help you out" she say as she had her sword with her
•Tris Marigold•


'Team... Team I've never been in a team' Tris thought before smiling wider." Sure, though do you know how to use the sword?" Tris asked looking down at her sword." And don't worry you may think your weak, but you'll get better. Much Better."
Kendell looked at her" yes i know how to use a sword " she say as she smiled" thanks you really think i get better" she say she smiled looking at her holding onto the bag
After receiving multiple impacts upon his chest, some red liquid-like stuff began flowing out from Joshua's mouth along with the foams, turning the foams into a bloody red. Apparently, he's being assaulted at this point in time, well serves him right for trespassing. As Joshua tries to get away while choking, someone grabbed him and began shoving an arrow down his throat. Looks like Joshua had happened upon some madmen who did not like their privacy disturbed. The arrow went in and out of his throat like some sick fetishistic play carried out by someone less than professional and cut up several things that Joshua was quite damn sure shouldn't be cut. In but a short moment, the all of the golden hay stuffed within his mouth were dyed crimson red and Joshua can hear some sort of beeping in his head. In the moment after that, Joshua exploded into spectacular pieces of lights, with zeroes and ones floating about what's left of his as his light slowly fades away. It was ironic, that his death was more sightly than his life. Soon, all his lights faded and Roku gained the title of "Overlord(not really) Slayer".

@Lana Valentine

It was dark, yet so very nostalgic. Is there no light here? Or is it that the eyes could simply see nothing? Before these questions could be answered, tiny flickering squares of many color began appearing before his eyes and eventually formed various pictures of differentiates. He felt that he had found what he was looking for as he looks upon these images. The "diary"? This certainly feels like it. However, one picture is blank, it's content is complete blackness. A page has been burned away, and there is much sorrow in his heart.

Light entered his eyes. It was as if he had awakened from sleeping. In fact, he felt like he was sleeping, but even an idiot such as Joshua remembers where he went to sleep, and the temple isn't it. Before his eyes, a number popped up, the number "1". It flashes for a bit, before turning into the number "0".

"Huh, looks like I've just lost a life or something."

Joshua remained quiet for a second, for even he knows that this is no time to be screwing around.

"Crap, if I knew this was going to happen, I would have brought life insurance."

Yes, of course, for a penniless man who dies after eating one too many bundles of hay, resurrection after death was just something to be exploited.

"But I could have sworn that I saw my diary. Now where was that again? It felt like something terrible happened to it."

Joshua tried to remember, but alas, he could not remember, as if his memories had been left behind in a void somewhere.

"Well, I suppose I wouldn't have forgotten it if it were important."

Yes, it's not like he's forgotten most of his life up to this point anyway, right?

And so Joshua continues his journey in this new life, learning a very important lesson: Trespassing is bad.
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After he finished his meal Alexander placed the money he owed on the table and got up, ready to face the day. The first thing he did was head over to wherever he needed to turn his quest, and turned it in. Apparently it was a fashion shop, and bear pelts were in these days. With another bag of gold in his pocket, he went to the general shop and resupplied on the consumables he needed, that being three health and mana pots, and a single teleportation crystal. That had effectively taken out most of the money he earned from his bear quest, but he still had quite a bit left over. With all his menial tasks completed he decided to just walk around town for a while. Who knows, he might make a friend or two. Or get into a fight. Either one works.

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