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Fantasy 14th Black Crusade - Fantasy RP (Open)

Ceat6 said:
"you know if I make a pact with you, I can help the pain stop" Kiba held her hand not seeing any physical wounds "you are far too....beautiful to be treated in such a manner, if he comes for you again I'll rip his throat out"
"How do I make this pact?" She asked before blushing at his words and looking away
Spanner said:
"Oh my, it seems that I said a little too much." The mage said in the same apathetic tone, his right hand moving to once scratch the side of his head while he thought about what would the most simple away of changing the topic without achieving a bad outcome.
After a few moments immersed into his thoughts, the mage finally answered "The first era was the period before the birth of the human who would be known as the God-Emperor. It was also the period that the Elfs made their old empire, that would be destroyed in the end of the same era." Apparently, the answer that he thought about was simply answering the question literally, as he continued the narration. "And during the first era, one vessel played a large role during the 6th black crusade, helping the humans at achieving the victory that was deemed impossible, laying the foundations for the future ascension of the human race as the dominant race." The mage had the usual apathetic expression when he finally finished talking, but his breath was irregular, almost rough, as if simply tired him.
He listened to him, his eyes a bit big, the chills slowly going away. "They must've been a very brave vessel.." He breathed out, giving a small smile. "I don't think I could do something that great.. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.." He said, shaking his head to express his strong disagreement with harming another living soul. He then noticed the irregular breathing. "A-Are you alright, mister?" He asked after a moment of hesitance, genuinely appearing worried. "Maybe you should sit down somewhere?" He asked, looking around the street which made the mop of white hair atop his head furl around him like a storm.
"I'll take care of the hard part" Kiba closed his eyes as a pentagram formed under the two of them. Kiba leaned down pressing his lips to hers kissing her. His previous colar shattered and a new one with her name formed. A bracelet forming on her wrist just as a chain made of energy linked the two. Breaking the kiss he winced, some of her pain transferring to him. "Better?" He asked wiping blood from his lips.
Ceat6 said:
"I'll take care of the hard part" Kiba closed his eyes as a pentagram formed under the two of them. Kiba leaned down pressing his lips to hers kissing her. His previous colar shattered and a new one with her name formed. A bracelet forming on her wrist just as a chain made of energy linked the two. Breaking the kiss he winced, some of her pain transferring to him. "Better?" He asked wiping blood from his lips.
She blushed madly her eyes widening as she layed there feeling better then nodding in embarasment when it was over and blushing morw
[QUOTE="Past Paradise Tears]He listened to him, his eyes a bit big, the chills slowly going away. "They must've been a very brave vessel.." He breathed out, giving a small smile. "I don't think I could do something that great.. I wouldn't want to hurt anyone.." He said, shaking his head to express his strong disagreement with harming another living soul. He then noticed the irregular breathing. "A-Are you alright, mister?" He asked after a moment of hesitance, genuinely appearing worried. "Maybe you should sit down somewhere?" He asked, looking around the street which made the mop of white hair atop his head furl around him like a storm.

"I'm perfectly fine." The mage answered, his hand moving in a gesture that clearly meant to reassure the boy, starting to explain his situation after recovering his breath. " My body is extremely weak, so talking a lot or making any effort can easily make me tired. It's not something you should worry about."
"I won't just be able to take some of your injuries, we can know exactly how the other feels, when they are close and even your physical strength is increased when I fully transform" Brushing her cheek he looks into her eyes, as he helps her sit up. "You know, for a demon you're pretty cute when you're flustered"
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Spanner said:
"I'm perfectly fine." The mage answered, his hand moving in a gesture that clearly meant to reassure the boy, starting to explain his situation after recovering his breath. " My body is extremely weak, so talking a lot or making any effort can easily make me tired. It's not something you should worry about."
He tilted his head but smiled. "Your reassurance means little considering the state of your body... I wish I could help you somehow, mister" He said, fiddling with the strap across his shoulder of the satched he carried. It had invisible spell marks on it that normal folk or inexperienced mages would not be able to see. He was just about sure the stranger he was speaking to wouls ve able to see them but he didn't mind it that much. "Would you maybe need a vessel?" He asked out of the blue, it was rather random but he did sense the stranger wasn't the average mage. There was something different about him for sure.
Ceat6 said:
"I won't just be able to take some of your injuries, we can know exactly how the other feels, when they are close and even your physical strength is increased when I fully transform" Brushing her cheek he looks into her eyes, as he helps her sit up. "You know, for a demon you're pretty cute when you're flustered"
"Your a jerk." She grumbled in embarasment as she looked away in embarasment
"so where to, you can't exactly stay here with that guy after you" Kiba sat down looking at her in thought "yes I am a jerk, Kiba the Jerk is what they call me, I'm known world wide for saving ravishing beauties from the clutches of evil dirty men!" He said making his voice deeper, trying not laugh.
Delacare said:
Once again bound to living being, the Esper giggled as more human mannerisms became possible.
"This is not everything. If you felt everything, it would destroy you. This is what you would have felt if we had become bound before the last Black Crusade. This is merely a remnant of what I was it will pass." The voice came from within, and it saddened at that last statement.

Just as It finished speaking, there was a dull thrum that would run through Richard's body as all his senses fell into a more human scope of possibility, still impressive, just nowhere near as impressive as before. Though still slightly aware of it, time would fade from his notice as well.

"See? Still better than anything you've ever felt. You can call me Sactuary, by the way; Arrelidardilian can be quite the handful to say ((and type)) all the time."
He nodded in understanding. "Sanctuary... a beautiful name of choice. Did you decide on the name yourself, upon learning our language?" He stood, smiling, breathing in the fresh air. He looked down at this sword and frowned, knowing that it would have to be replaced. He still maintains his shield, though he doubts it will be any more difficult to defend himself with his newfound power. He then looked to the sky, feeling the air brush over him; as well as a collection of sensations. Foresight, even. "A... a fairy, I sense. Perhaps others? And beyond them... the demons I had seen before. They follow."
[QUOTE="Past Paradise Tears]He tilted his head but smiled. "Your reassurance means little considering the state of your body... I wish I could help you somehow, mister" He said, fiddling with the strap across his shoulder of the satched he carried. It had invisible spell marks on it that normal folk or inexperienced mages would not be able to see. He was just about sure the stranger he was speaking to wouls ve able to see them but he didn't mind it that much. "Would you maybe need a vessel?" He asked out of the blue, it was rather random but he did sense the stranger wasn't the average mage. There was something different about him for sure.

" A vessel? I'm not sure if I can correctly wield someone like you but..." The mage frowned slightly while considering the possible reaction that the vessel would have in his body, clearly wondering if it could help him with his own cursed condition. "That could work, if you need a master. But the road I follow isn't an easy one, and you should know that before deciding if you really want to be bound to me." For the first time the voice of the mage acctually changed it's tone, assuming a serious tone that denoted his own seriousness about the subject.
She glared at him childishly then frowned. "I don't know where to go." She said quietly

Ceat6 said:
"so where to, you can't exactly stay here with that guy after you" Kiba sat down looking at her in thought "yes I am a jerk, Kiba the Jerk is what they call me, I'm known world wide for saving ravishing beauties from the clutches of evil dirty men!" He said making his voice deeper, trying not laugh.
RobinDenstro said:
He nodded in understanding. "Sanctuary... a beautiful name of choice. Did you decide on the name yourself, upon learning our language?" He stood, smiling, breathing in the fresh air. He looked down at this sword and frowned, knowing that it would have to be replaced. He still maintains his shield, though he doubts it will be any more difficult to defend himself with his newfound power. He then looked to the sky, feeling the air brush over him; as well as a collection of sensations. Foresight, even. "A... a fairy, I sense. Perhaps others? And beyond them... the demons I had seen before. They follow."
"The name was given to me. When I bound myself to this willowoak, the nearby wise women named me Arrelidardilian, the Sanctuary Tree. I protected this land from evil for thousands of years. Until the 13th Black Crusade came. I was overwhelmed and trapped within that now accursed tree. You cannt fathom how wonderful it feels to be connected to something alive once again. Thank you Richard."
"me either, demons swallowed up my home and my last master, her final thoughts and emotions were....well let's just say horrifying" Kiba moved behind her, pulling her back gently letting her rest against him. "How about an inn? Or a ship, I know captain and an inn keeper who keeps her clients information a secrete"
Spanner said:
" A vessel? I'm not sure if I can correctly wield someone like you but..." The mage frowned slightly while considering the possible reaction that the vessel would have in his body, clearly wondering if it could help him with his own cursed condition. "That could work, if you need a master. But the road I follow isn't an easy one, and you should know that before deciding if you really want to be bound to me." For the first time the voice of the mage acctually changed it's tone, assuming a serious tone that denoted his own seriousness about the subject.
"I-I believe wielding me is more of trial and error than knowing how to.." He said before he listened to him, not missing a single word. "No one's road is easy for another but I feel like it would be a chance at gaining more knowledge and experience." He said, looking pretty determined. "S-so I'd like to be your vessel and aid you in any way I can. But.. I still don't know your name, mister.. I'm Arias" He said, holding out a hand to shake.
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Ceat6 said:
"me either, demons swallowed up my home and my last master, her final thoughts and emotions were....well let's just say horrifying" Kiba moved behind her, pulling her back gently letting her rest against him. "How about an inn? Or a ship, I know captain and an inn keeper who keeps her clients information a secrete"
"Inn. I need a normal bed for once." She told him quietly as she curled up against him enjoying the body heat that came off him
"there is one thing I forgot to mention....I have to obey any order you give me, even if it is to kill you" Kiba stood up holding her as if she were his bride. Heading down the road with her in his arms. "Warm?" He asks her, his ears perking up.
She nodded. "Mhm." She said softly as she closed her eyes and leaned her head against his shoulder to rest while they headed for the inn
[QUOTE="Past Paradise Tears]"I-I believe wielding me is more of trial and error than knowing how to.." He said before he listened to him, not missing a single word. "No one's road is easy for another but I feel like it would be a chance at gaining more knowledge and experience." He said, looking pretty determined. "S-so I'd like to be your vessel and aid you in any way I can. But.. I still don't know your name, mister.. I'm Arias" He said, holding out a hand to shake.

"Arias? That's a good name." The mage said while pressing his hand against the boy's hand in a handshake, his normally expressionless face now clearly showing a smile. "I'm Sigmund, a court magician from the Mankind empire and probably the oldest being alive that can still be called a Human." He said, clearly choosing the most impacting words that he could use without revealing that much about his own background, as he still didn't had a bound with the Vessel.
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After several hours Kiba had arrived at the inn. Not wanting to wake her he got her a room. Laying her in the bed he covered her up in a blanket then sat down on a stool near the bed to keep watch over her, just in case the man from earlier had somehow found them. Looking back to Silith he removed his headband and leaned down placing his forehead to hers, checking her temperature. "She doesn't seem to be sick after all that.." standing up straight again he walked to the window peering out. "If the town is owned and had been established by demons...then just like myself you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover" smiling as he rested against the window frame trying to cool off.

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Delacare said:
"The name was given to me. When I bound myself to this willowoak, the nearby wise women named me Arrelidardilian, the Sanctuary Tree. I protected this land from evil for thousands of years. Until the 13th Black Crusade came. I was overwhelmed and trapped within that now accursed tree. You cannt fathom how wonderful it feels to be connected to something alive once again. Thank you Richard."
Richard stretched his arms, shaking them off. "What shall we do now? Where do you wish to go? I myself have come here lost, fleeing the demon hordes that are coming upon our location... but I feel that there may be friendlies nearby." Richard smiled deeply, taking a deep breath through the nose and out through the mouth. He took a step back toward where he came, heading in the direction of those in the forest before him. Perhaps others were headed toward Ravenloft? He felt the auras of others, some magic users; perhaps even demons that may not hold their allegiance to evil.
RobinDenstro said:
Richard stretched his arms, shaking them off. "What shall we do now? Where do you wish to go? I myself have come here lost, fleeing the demon hordes that are coming upon our location... but I feel that there may be friendlies nearby." Richard smiled deeply, taking a deep breath through the nose and out through the mouth. He took a step back toward where he came, heading in the direction of those in the forest before him. Perhaps others were headed toward Ravenloft? He felt the auras of others, some magic users; perhaps even demons that may not hold their allegiance to evil.
"Perhaps before we go running off playing hero, we should work with out new body and see what our limits are. We also need to learn about each other; we are as one, but due to my weakened state we are not actually one, not like we should be. From the moment I joined with you, everything you are and everything you've done should be open to me, but it is not. I know your name, your age, your dominant hand, even your complete and total lack of magical conditioning. These are things easily deduced, but I do not know you, Richard. Given enough time, just being as one would meld us closer and closer together, however, I feel that we don't have the time to wait or waste. Please, tell me of yourself as we train."
Alesia ran a small whetstone on the blade of her sword, listening with intent focus the sound that the thing made as it slowly slid down the razor's length. A dead beastman stood, not far from her, its head cut off and thrown to the ground next to her, as a means to make sure that beast would not rise up again to bother her. Those aberrations deserved every bit of violence they were victims of, but she always made sure to give them quick and clean deaths. She knew many beastmen had once been normal men, unluckily tainted by the corrupting hands of chaos. That, and she really hated the way they screamed and shouted when in pain, that irritating mix between a dying goat and a suffering man.

She sighed, sheathing her sword and standing up, staring at the decapitated head of the creature, kicking it away in a moment of cold, quiet fury, before pushing it closer to the corpse of the goat man. She dosed it in oil, lit a stick, and threw it on the carcass, watching as the fire consumed fur and meat. This would keep the other aberrations at bay and afraid to approach, hopefully.

She adjusted her hat, straightened her pants and coat, tightened the leather straps of her armour and the holster for her gun. She pushed a lock of hair from her face, and started to limp back towards the city, as blood slowly dripped from a wound on her leg.
Spanner said:
"Arias? That's a good name." The mage said while pressing his hand against the boy's hand in a handshake, his normally expressionless face now clearly showing a smile. "I'm Sigmund, a court magician from the Mankind empire and probably the oldest being alive that can still be called a Human." He said, clearly choosing the most impacting words that he could use without revealing that much about his own background, as he still didn't had a bound with the Vessel.
He gave a little smile, feeling proud of his name that the priests gave him. It probably wasn't his birth name but he loved it anyways. "Thank you" He said before his eyes widened with awe and wonder. Even with the mind of an adult, Arias was still a kid so he quickly got consumed with wonder and curiosity. He hoped Sigmund would tell him some stories if/when they make a contract, short ones so he doesn't get too tired. "That is really awesome." He whispered, just to better express his amazement over Sigmund's words.

(Sorry it's so late but I had to sleep)
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Ceat6 said:
After several hours Kiba had arrived at the inn. Not wanting to wake her he got her a room. Laying her in the bed he covered her up in a blanket then sat down on a stool near the bed to keep watch over her, just in case the man from earlier had somehow found them. Looking back to Silith he removed his headband and leaned down placing his forehead to hers, checking her temperature. "She doesn't seem to be sick after all that.." standing up straight again he walked to the window peering out. "If the town is owned and had been established by demons...then just like myself you shouldn't judge a book by it's cover" smiling as he rested against the window frame trying to cool off.
She groaned in her sleep when he layed her down and got comftorble in the bed to rest as he watched over her. She knew she didn't show it but she was happy he was around now so she wasnt alone

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