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Fantasy 14th Black Crusade - Fantasy RP (Open)

"yes master, this was the last time" Kiba leaned back looking at her face. "Could I ask you something serious?" He had sobered up rather quickly when she told him that.
Ceat6 said:
"yes master, this was the last time" Kiba leaned back looking at her face. "Could I ask you something serious?" He had sobered up rather quickly when she told him that.
"What do you wish to ask me?" She asked him softly as she curled up on his lap to play off the lover thing
"if anyone attacks you...what do you want me to do? If we are found out?" Kiba rubs her back. Leaning to her lips he kisses her passionately "it's like a witch hunt for demons" he whispered, breaking the kiss.
Ceat6 said:
"if anyone attacks you...what do you want me to do? If we are found out?" Kiba rubs her back. Leaning to her lips he kisses her passionately "it's like a witch hunt for demons" he whispered, breaking the kiss.
She blushed when the kiss happened then spoke when he broke it. "I'll let you know when the time comes." She told him before burring her face into his neck to relax and hide her blush
"your wish is my command....lady Silith" Kiba whispered into her ear. Stroking her back as he watched the old man return and motion for them to follow him. "It's time to go, do you want me to carry you?" He asks as the old man pulls the cart to the front of the inn waiting on them.
Ceat6 said:
"your wish is my command....lady Silith" Kiba whispered into her ear. Stroking her back as he watched the old man return and motion for them to follow him. "It's time to go, do you want me to carry you?" He asks as the old man pulls the cart to the front of the inn waiting on them.
"I need to get my things. Ill meet you out there." She said to him softly before she got up and headed back to there room to get her stuff
Kiba went out to the man's cart waiting for Silith to return so he could help her in. "Thank you again friend, we won't let any harm come to you or your cargo" shaking the old mans hand before the old man climbed onto the front picking the reins up.
Ceat6 said:
Kiba went out to the man's cart waiting for Silith to return so he could help her in. "Thank you again friend, we won't let any harm come to you or your cargo" shaking the old mans hand before the old man climbed onto the front picking the reins up.
Silith quickly came out her bow and quiver tied over her shoulder as she quickly went to kiba with a small smile. "Let's go." She said as she set the back pack she had in the back if the carrage
Kiba picked her up putting her on the back of the cart then climbed up sitting close to her. "Did you know you subconsciously hold or cuddle up to whoever is next to you when you sleep?" He asked her, pulling his dagger out to examine it.
Ceat6 said:
Kiba picked her up putting her on the back of the cart then climbed up sitting close to her. "Did you know you subconsciously hold or cuddle up to whoever is next to you when you sleep?" He asked her, pulling his dagger out to examine it.
"I'm guessing that's how I ended up in your arms last night?" She asked with a small smile as she leaned onto him and relaxed
RobinDenstro said:
((Holy shit I'm playing Halo))
Richard nodded, bracing himself for a moment before dashing forward, following the light path presented before him. He jogged, dodged, rolled, and jumped when prompted to, as if Sanctuary was providing him with the indication to act before the obstacle even presented itself. He managed to make quite a bit of distance in a short amount of time, but he did not dare look back. He pressed forward, following the trail drawn for him.

"I..." He hesitated, being sure to agilely leap over a fallen tree before him before continuing. "I believe that magic should not be a necessity of life. Those who wish to achieve power can gain it without magic. Those who wish to fight tyrants may topple them without the handicap of mana. I made this a prominent position in my life, before; but now I keep it as a stance for others. I know many that have a difficulty utilizing magic, and more who cannot use it at all." He stammered, shaking his head.
((Honestly I had Temple Run like games on the brain))

"I do not understand. Magic is a part of this world. It is a talent, ability, and skill all at once. Magic is life energy put to use, and mana is the lifeblood of all things from that largest titans and mountains to the smallest insect and stones. It could never be a handicap. Not only that, but magic is open to all. Many believe they cannot wield it because they look for a bad match. Even you, who have tried to cut yourself off from amgic have potential; I see the potential for holy and life magics." Sanctuary laughed as It realized the truth.

"Even your potential for magic places you at the defense and assistance of others."
"you would be correct in assuming that, so what do you think we should do? Help the humans?" He whispered, placing an arm around her with his dagger in his lap. He closed his eyes stroking the back of her neck. His ears perked up and his tail wagging.
Ceat6 said:
"you would be correct in assuming that, so what do you think we should do? Help the humans?" He whispered, placing an arm around her with his dagger in his lap. He closed his eyes stroking the back of her neck. His ears perked up and his tail wagging.
"I honestly don't know. Maybe the humans.. Maybe my brothers and sisters. I'd say we just wait for a side to accept us." She told him as she relaxed enjoying his running of her neck
"and if I decide to do unspeakable acts?" Kiba asked as he put his arms around her. "For example if we side with the demons and I tear apart an entire town of humans?" He asked Silith,  placing the tips of his fingers under her him he lifted it, kissing her deeply.
She quickly pulled away from the kiss looking away from him  as she spoke. "Then that's what happens if we join the demons." She told him as she slid off his lap and contented her self to just sit with him. She didnt understand why he kisse her so much. Did he love her?


(this new update is complete shit)
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Kiba closed his eyes relaxing "we should be there in a few hours, you might want to get some sleep, we have a lot to do once we reach the next city" he suggest. After an hour of travel it had been quiet in the forest trail. A group of bandits been in wait, a bolt fired from a cross bow passed through the cloth of cart and into kibas shoulder nailing him to the cart.
Silith still slept soundly by his side not knowing of the attack, but her powers did, oh they did indeed. A massive sinister aura of fear started to radiate out of silith as she slept as her subconscious ness's attempt to make the attackers think other wise.
The assault stopped, the bandits fleeing as they tripped over each other, returning to their camp and leader.  Kiba wincing placed his hand over the tip of the bolt to put pressure on the wound. Looking down at Silith, blood running down his lips as his vision blurred. The bolt was poisoned, it was starting to affect his ability to move. "Silith..." he said weakly, he had already started to sweat and grow weaker.
Silith slowly opened her eyes and looked up. She quickly frowned and sat up fully her hands going to the bolt with worry 
@Kylesar1 @Firebright @Iskander @Gabriel97 Starting post... "Master! How much further!?" Norman cried out, crushed by the weight of the items he had to carry around for Aldred. "Oh, my god! This is torture!" he complained again, in distress and pain. Aldred was sitting on a white horse, with Zuro walking next to them. "If you were 60 you would truly know what a torture is. Do you even know what my back does at night?" Aldred said, with a wise, slightly irritated tone himself. Norman responded "No, and I don't want to. Please, spare me the details..." with a pleading voice. They were nearing the town gate when Norman said "Master, maybe on the way back we change? I'll ride the horse and you can carry all the heavy stuff?" with a slightly hopeful voice, thinking there might be a ray of chance for his pain to be gently lifted from his shoulders. "I don't think so. I am the master, after all. And you are my student. Isn't that right, Zuro?" Aldred said, looking at his faithful dog. Zuro barked in compilance and joy. The only thing that compelled Norman to move further was the promise of fortune and power in the future. He sighed, and the city gates opened before them, as they both walked inside. Aldred left his horse for the stablemaster and looked at Norman. "Very well. I will take some of it now, that I need it. You can go around and buy whatever you want. Meet me here in an hour." and took some of his things, then walked towards the market district with Zuro. Norman said "Yes, master!" and cried out in relief, that the baggages were lifted off of him after the long travel to Kemoor.

Amadi A girl standing around 1.70m tall was walking in the same street as Norman and Aldred. Her scarf around her neck was keeping her neck extremely warm, and she was beginning to sweat, but she didn't dare to take it off. She never did since...the event. Amadi took out a wooden canteen and drank water from it, as she screws the cap back on and puts it in her backpack. She looked down at her feet and kept walking forward.

The sounds of the bustling crowed and sailors shouting in the distance was very common at the docks. Nami had with her a couple of guards, and with them a few traders and sellers of fresh-fish. Their stock was always worth buying, they could catch fish faster and better than most of the sailors in the town. She sat upon a cloth, a guard at each of her sides as she was finishing up a trade for a Golden Bangle with a local. “I wouldn’t sell this Bangle for less than twenty shillings.” “Twenty shillings!? It’s not worth more than seventeen!” “Twenty no more, no less… The reason for my High-Price is the depths of which we have to dive to retrieve these treasures. Consider it to be a fee, for our effort.” “Would you be willing to do, fifth-teen shillings, and a fancy knife I found across the sea?” Nami closed her amber hues, in a moment in thought. She didn’t dismiss the thought in the slightest. Waving her hand to the guard on her right, she extended her open palm to the trader. “May I please see the Dagger..?” The guard asked the man. He acknowledged and complied after moments of inspection of the blade. Handing the sheath back to the trader, she leaned down to whisper into Nami’s gilled ear. “The handle is made of Ivory, we could probably sell it for seven shillings.” Nami nodded in acknowledgement. “Well sir, after some consideration I can accept your offer.” “Thank you, I’m going to use this Bangle for a Marriage declaration.” The two bodies exchanged coin, and items with each other, another successful trade for the caravan of Merfolk.

Aralyne shook the dog slobber off of her, and floated up to Aldred's face. "The blacksmith is this way." She exclaimed, zipping through the crowd without realizing she left Aldred behind,

"Men, we're heading in." A bunch of men cheered. This was a group of brute pirates, led by what looked like an aristocratic man, saber strapped to his side. "Now remember, we meet back at the gates at sundown. No breaking laws and no bar fights." His order was met with a bunch of "aye aye" from the men The gates opened and they stepped in, then split up to do their own thing. Floyd walked around the market in the city, buying things like food and armor, ammo and such. He bought things in bulk and summoned barrels to put it all in, before unsummoning them back to the ship. He headed in the direction of the blacksmith, but a thief ran by, apples on his back. Floyd decided to just see what happened with him, it could be his death, so he ran after the thief @Birdsie @Ceat6

He gave a little smile, feeling proud of his name that the priests gave him. It probably wasn't his birth name but he loved it anyways. "Thank you" He said before his eyes widened with awe and wonder. Even with the mind of an adult, Arias was still a kid so he quickly got consumed with wonder and curiosity. He hoped Sigmund would tell him some stories if/when they make a contract, short ones so he doesn't get too tired. "That is really awesome." He whispered, just to better express his amazement over Sigmund's words. (Sorry it's so late but I had to sleep)
"Not really, but certainly it is useful when you try to give a magnificent impresion. " The mage said in a nonchalant tone, abandoning the apathetic expression as hardly someone would pass by the alley now. "So, how are we supposed to make a contract? Although I do remind the last vessel I wasn't his contractor so I have no idea about how that work." Surprisingly the head of the mage tilted to the left side while asking, in an almost infantile expression of curiosity, something that directly contrasted the previously apathetic behavior. (Also sorry for the late answer, apparently our reasons are the same.)

"Not really, but certainly it is useful when you try to give a magnificent impression. " The mage said in a nonchalant tone, abandoning the apathetic expression as hardly someone would pass by the alley now. "So, how are we supposed to make a contract? Although I do remind the last vessel I wasn't his contractor so I have no idea about how that work." Surprisingly the head of the mage tilted to the left side while asking, in an almost infantile expression of curiosity, something that directly contrasted the previously apathetic behavior. (Also sorry for the late answer, apparently our reasons are the same.)
that's ok. the contract making isn't something I really planned on how it goes so something can be made up) He let out a little hum, giggling for a moment before he opened his satchel and rummaged through it. "I'm not really certain on how it works.. I know I had something written in a scroll I always carry with me but it's written in ancient runes and I can't read it..." He said, pulling out the scroll that had a divine wax seal on it, though it was opened already. "So troublesome..." He whispered, frowning as he didn't like the fact he couldn't read something the priests found on his person when they took him in.

well, A divine vessel is a weapon for battling. considering your char is a bard, idk how it'd work out xD)
(Where there's a will there's a way)

She smiled when she hit him knowing it barely did anything but it was still something. Then she saw the bullet flying twoards her and reacted. He left hand engulfed with shadow as she practically caught the bullet and spun launching it right back at him before disapering into the shadows and appearing a ways away in town again and lettin lose three more concealed arrows hopping they would hit. Her left hand had a little mark on it from where the bullet hit but it was fine for now
Tyson Hulkrow The small metal bullet ricocheted off of his shoulder guard and buried itself into the wooden wall of the building behind him. 'By the God-Emperor, this battle will draw out friend and foe alike, I should think.' Three more arrows came to him, he managed to block one with his shoulder guard, he ducked and rolled out of the way of the other two, which sank into the earth and disappeared. He stood with his back against the wall, pulling out a vial of holy water, which he drizzled over his blade. After that, he sheathed his pistol and withdrew a larger pistol from inside his coat, this one shot holy silver bullets only, designed to bring down a seasoned Blood Letter of Khorne. After a deep breath, he spun around the corner, holding the emblem of the God-Emperor in his left hand and the demon-killing pistol in his right. For now he kept his aura totally concealed, this way the demon would have to rely on sight alone to aim at him. This meant he could bait an attack and then track her. The Witch Hunter crept through the marketplace with surprising grace, considering the load of gear he was wearing. His pistols and bullets quietly jangled and clicked with every step. His senses were heightened in the dark, he was listening very carefully and using his counter-magic training to track the demoness. @Daniel reaving

As the lone warrior hacked at the dead tree, layers of the tree fell away, revealing the rotten core, which vaguely resembled a prison composed of demonic runes. As his blade struck the the core, the blade would shatter. "Give me your heart. Lend me your hand. Trust in me. That is my only demand. The flow of this tree has long since died. Open yours to me and inside I shall reside."
Richard hacked away until his blade shattered, shards of broken steel flying up and against his torso, forcing him to shield his face. With a shuttering hand, he looked at the bizzare core of the tree with awe, brushing a hand over the seals while the woman's voice chanted. Or... was it a man's? He heard both in his mind, one spilling over the other. "I trust you, strange being... whatever you are. I trust that you won't kill me when I release you!" He stammered.

I realized that you all may be having issues finding your RPs again.
Has anyone seen the creator of this one? I want to keep going but....until I know where he plans to move to we are really just spinning our wheels on the story progression.

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