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Fantasy 14th Black Crusade - Fantasy RP (Open)


The God-Emperor of Mankind
In the Emperor's name, we will not let it happen...

Map of Eden
(Hexagon = 20km)


The town of Kemoor, a part of the Empire of Mankind's oversea colonies, far to the south has been a minor trading outpost and a good place to ressuply for ships that swim further towards Ravenloft, or for some insane reason; towards the South.

The Southern areas of the world were always known to be very dangerous. On nearly every map one might see a 'Here be deamons' mark placed somewhere south. As men rarely visit these grounds, it has become a breeding ground for the Neverborn, and other hellish nightmares that one might never imagine with his own mind. They leak into our dimension, through hellgates left over since K'bundah's reign. The Dark God fortunately has been dead for centuries....

Or has he?

Dark clouds surround Kemoor, and weather gets worse and worse all day. Orcish warriors, and human knights from the keeps that ensure no demon gets past have stopped communicating with the city lately, as if they vanished from existence.

No one knows what is going one, but one is sure; something bad is about to happen. Every hour, huge flocks of birds fly above Kemoor, away from the south and up north, as if something dangerous was coming from the south.
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@Kylesar1 @Firebright @Iskander @Gabriel97

Starting post...

"Master! How much further!?" Norman cried out, crushed by the weight of the items he had to carry around for Aldred. "Oh, my god! This is torture!" he complained again, in distress and pain. Aldred was sitting on a white horse, with Zuro walking next to them. "If you were 60 you would truly know what a torture is. Do you even know what my back does at night?" Aldred said, with a wise, slightly irritated tone himself. Norman responded "No, and I don't want to. Please, spare me the details..." with a pleading voice.

They were nearing the town gate when Norman said "Master, maybe on the way back we change? I'll ride the horse and you can carry all the heavy stuff?" with a slightly hopeful voice, thinking there might be a ray of chance for his pain to be gently lifted from his shoulders. "I don't think so. I am the master, after all. And you are my student. Isn't that right, Zuro?" Aldred said, looking at his faithful dog. Zuro barked in compilance and joy. The only thing that compelled Norman to move further was the promise of fortune and power in the future. He sighed, and the city gates opened before them, as they both walked inside.

Aldred left his horse for the stablemaster and looked at Norman. "Very well. I will take some of it now, that I need it. You can go around and buy whatever you want. Meet me here in an hour." and took some of his things, then walked towards the market district with Zuro. Norman said "Yes, master!" and cried out in relief, that the baggages were lifted off of him after the long travel to Kemoor.
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A girl standing around 1.70m tall was walking in the same street as Norman and Aldred. Her scarf around her neck was keeping her neck extremely warm, and she was beginning to sweat, but she didn't dare to take it off. She never did since...the event.

Amadi took out a wooden canteen and drank water from it, as she screws the cap back on and puts it in her backpack.

She looked down at her feet and kept walking forward.
Gabriel97 said:
A girl standing around 1.70m tall was walking in the same street as Norman and Aldred. Her scarf around her neck was keeping her neck extremely warm, and she was beginning to sweat, but she didn't dare to take it off. She never did since...the event.

Amadi took out a wooden canteen and drank water from it, as she screws the cap back on and puts it in her backpack.

She looked down at her feet and kept walking forward.
Aldred passed by, and noticing the scarf decided she must be a local. After all, it's really cold down south. "Excuse me, young lady." Aldred approached, then continued explaining "Do you know where the nearest blacksmith is? I need to make a few adjustments to my sword. It's really hard to get some good service in the keep, and there's those damned lines every day." he asked with a polite tone, of a wise old man. One could tell just from the way he talked, and his appearance that Aldred saw his fair share of things in life, and had much more than one crazy adventure back in the day. Zuro proudly stood next to his master, trying to maintain a focused, but firmly friendly stature.

Meanwhile, Norman decided to look around the place, but didn't wander too far away from the city gate, fearing of getting lost.
Birdsie said:
Aldred passed by, and noticing the scarf decided she must be a local. After all, it's really cold down south. "Excuse me, young lady." Aldred approached, then continued explaining "Do you know where the nearest blacksmith is? I need to make a few adjustments to my sword. It's really hard to get some good service in the keep, and there's those damned lines every day." he asked with a polite tone, of a wise old man. One could tell just from the way he talked, and his appearance that Aldred saw his fair share of things in life, and had much more than one crazy adventure back in the day. Zuro proudly stood next to his master, trying to maintain a focused, but firmly friendly stature.
Meanwhile, Norman decided to look around the place, but didn't wander too far away from the city gate, fearing of getting lost.
Amadi stuttered a bit. "U-uhh...what is wrong with the sword? M-aybe I can help..." She muttered, twirling between her fingers a little badge.
Gabriel97 said:
Amadi stuttered a bit. "U-uhh...what is wrong with the sword? M-aybe I can help..." She muttered, twirling between her fingers a little badge.
Aldred was audibly confused. "Hm? Are you a blacksmith, young one?" he asked, with an unsure voice. He wanted to get it clear before all else, as to him Amadi didn't look like a blacksmith, and if she was she would probably be in the forge.
Birdsie said:
Aldred was audibly confused. "Hm? Are you a blacksmith, young one?" he asked, with an unsure voice. He wanted to get it clear before all else, as to him Amadi didn't look like a blacksmith, and if she was she would probably be in the forge.
"I am a knight...if the damage is not too big I can fix it." She said with a more secure tone, as she showed him the badge.
Aralyne's small form darted around the marketplace, and anywhere she was, the scent of flowers and quite a number of sparkles where left. She giggled a bit as she sat on a tarp above a fruit stand. She noticed an elderly knight, a young boy, and a commoner talking to one another, and decided she would watch them. She bit into an apple that was around her size, giggling.
Gabriel97 said:
"I am a knight...if the damage is not too big I can fix it." She said with a more secure tone, as she showed him the badge.
RomanticDaffodil said:
Aralyne's small form darted around the marketplace, and anywhere she was, the scent of flowers and quite a number of sparkles where left. She giggled a bit as she sat on a tarp above a fruit stand. She noticed an elderly knight, a young boy, and a commoner talking to one another, and decided she would watch them. She bit into an apple that was around her size, giggling.
Zuro was able to smell Aralyne out, and walked up to her. He sat down on the ground, watching with a firmly polite, but friendly face. Seeing her eat the apple, his dog instincts gave in and he whimpered a few times, looking at the apple with lustful eyes and his tongue out. For a dog, apples were pretty amazing.

Aldred nodded and said "Ah, a Knight. Back in my day Knights didn't carry badges around. Instead, we would rend our enemies limb from limb, and make contests who can brew ale from their blood. Often using the fingers as little spoons, you know?" with a wise tone, he sounded perfectly calm as he talked. He sighed, then chuckled. "Just kidding. But really, I am an Elder Knight from Castow Keep. I would know if you were one. So yer either from a different keep, not a knight, or my old senile eyes are starting to fail. Which one is it?" he asked, not noticing that his dog companion walked off somewhere.
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Aralyne bit off a large peice of the apple and threw it the dog, smiling at the creature. Aralyne loved animals. People were another story. She flittered down to the dog's face and began to pet it.
Birdsie said:
Zuro was able to smell Aralyne out, and walked up to her. He sat down on the ground, watching with a firmly polite, but friendly face. Seeing her eat the apple, his dog instincts gave in and he whimpered a few times, looking at the apple with lustful eyes and his tongue out. For a dog, apples were pretty amazing.
Aldred nodded and said "Ah, a Knight. Back in my day Knights didn't carry badges around. Instead, we would rend our enemies limb from limb, and make contests who can brew ale from their blood. Often using the fingers as little spoons, you know?" with a wise tone, he sounded perfectly calm as he talked. He sighed, then chuckled. "Just kidding. But really, I am an Elder Knight from Castow Keep. I would know if you were one. So yer either from a different keep, not a knight, or my old senile eyes are starting to fail. Which one is it?" he asked, not noticing that his dog companion walked off somewhere.
"I am from the order of the Sun...and this base is not from the order...it's just mine." She exclaimed, as she put it in her pocket and waited for the old man's response.
RomanticDaffodil said:
Aralyne bit off a large peice of the apple and threw it the dog, smiling at the creature. Aralyne loved animals. People were another story. She flittered down to the dog's face and began to pet it.
Gabriel97 said:
"I am from the order of the Sun...and this base is not from the order...it's just mine." She exclaimed, as she put it in her pocket and waited for the old man's response.
Zuro caught the apple piece, and consumed it with a smile. His reaction afterwards, was a happy and content bark towards Aralyne whom he deemed a friend from now on. He sticked out his tongue to express friendship and thanks for being fed, and he let Aralyne pet him, with an imprevious, still very happy expression.

Aldred 'hmm'ed' and started explaining his problem with the sword. "I see. Anyway, it's not about the damage of the sword. I just wanted to adjust it a bit. You see, the handle happens to decrease in diameter as it goes down. It makes it really uncomfortable to wield. Possible to wield, but uncomfortable. Although the handle is not wooden, but it's also mithril. That's why I need a blacksmith for the job." and then looked towards Zuro, as he heard the dog bark at something. He saw a pixie floating above his head and muttered "Making friends wherever he goes... whenever he goes..." with a short sigh afterwards. It didn't seem to be dissapointed, it was just the 'it's happening again' sigh.
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Aralyne giggled and gave a big smile, plying with the dogs ears. She turned her attention to its master, the elder knight, who wasn't too far away. In her high pitched voice, she asked the dog "Is that your master?" She pointed to the elderly knight, who seemed to be preoccupied.
RomanticDaffodil said:
Aralyne giggled and gave a big smile, plying with the dogs ears. She turned her attention to its master, the elder knight, who wasn't too far away. In her high pitched voice, she asked the dog "Is that your master?" She pointed to the elderly knight, who seemed to be preoccupied.
Zuro looked at Aldred, trying to see what Aralyne was pointing at. The dog answered with several happy, and positive barks. Aldred made his way over to the dog and pet him, then looked at Aralyne and said "I see you two became friends? My name is Aldred Augustus, Elder Knight from Castow Keep. And this here loyal companion you have met is Zuro. The pleasure is mine, my lady. I could recognize a royal figure from a kilometer away, after what I've been through." with a happy tone. Zuro tried confirming what his master said, by barking excitedly a few times.
Norman was in the docks, trying to find something to buy like his master advised; however Norman wouldn't dare spend Aldred's fortune on trivial things, in an attempt to gain the favour of his master. Being an Elder Knight sure was something... having all the servants... authority in the keep... and Aldred could have anything he wanted with one word. But for some reason; his master was so senile that he instead travelled to Kemoor himself... and he had to curse Norman with the terrible burden of carrying all the heavy stuff around. Can't the horse do it for once? Norman sighed in irritation, then muttered "Just when will that old man kick the bucket?" and accidentally, stumbled upon a bucket. He kicked it, to relieve stress, with great strength. He wasn't really angry, just irritated like hell. Unfortunately for Norman, the bucket happened to hit a wooden pole, on which a seagull was sitting. The seagull was scared, and with it many others. They assaulted Norman, and pecked him a few times.

They flought away, and Norman growled, this time in anger. "Damn rats with wings..." he muttered, then looked around and noticed that people were staring at him. He calmed down, and decided to play it cool. He took support on the same wooden pole that he kicked the bucket into, whistled, crossed his arms and puffed his chest out, trying to look calm, ordinary and collected. Once he saw his plan being a success, he sighed in relief and looked out into the sea.
The sounds of the bustling crowed and sailors shouting in the distance was very common at the docks. Nami had with her a couple of guards, and with them a few traders and sellers of fresh-fish. Their stock was always worth buying, they could catch fish faster and better than most of the sailors in the town. She sat upon a cloth, a guard at each of her sides as she was finishing up a trade for a Golden Bangle with a local.

I wouldn’t sell this Bangle for less than twenty shillings.

Twenty shillings!? It’s not worth more than seventeen!

Twenty no more, no less… The reason for my High-Price is the depths of which we have to dive to retrieve these treasures. Consider it to be a fee, for our effort.

Would you be willing to do, fifth-teen shillings, and a fancy knife I found across the sea?

Nami closed her amber hues, in a moment in thought. She didn’t dismiss the thought in the slightest. Waving her hand to the guard on her right, she extended her open palm to the trader. “May I please see the Dagger..?” The guard asked the man. He acknowledged and complied after moments of inspection of the blade. Handing the sheath back to the trader, she leaned down to whisper into Nami’s gilled ear. “The handle is made of Ivory, we could probably sell it for seven shillings.” Nami nodded in acknowledgement.

Well sir, after some consideration I can accept your offer.

Thank you, I’m going to use this Bangle for a Marriage declaration.

The two bodies exchanged coin, and items with each other, another successful trade for the caravan of Merfolk.
Aralyne smiled at the introduction, but frowned when Aldred mentioned her royal family. "I don't talk about that..." She said, looking down at the ground. "But I'm Aralyne!" She flashed a point toothed grin, then turned back to Zuro. "You are adorable!" She began petting him again, throwing praises left and right.
Tsukihi said:
The sounds of the bustling crowed and sailors shouting in the distance was very common at the docks. Nami had with her a couple of guards, and with them a few traders and sellers of fresh-fish. Their stock was always worth buying, they could catch fish faster and better than most of the sailors in the town. She sat upon a cloth, a guard at each of her sides as she was finishing up a trade for a Golden Bangle with a local.
I wouldn’t sell this Bangle for less than twenty shillings.

Twenty shillings!? It’s not worth more than seventeen!

Twenty no more, no less… The reason for my High-Price is the depths of which we have to dive to retrieve these treasures. Consider it to be a fee, for our effort.

Would you be willing to do, fifth-teen shillings, and a fancy knife I found across the sea?

Nami closed her amber hues, in a moment in thought. She didn’t dismiss the thought in the slightest. Waving her hand to the guard on her right, she extended her open palm to the trader. “May I please see the Dagger..?” The guard asked the man. He acknowledged and complied after moments of inspection of the blade. Handing the sheath back to the trader, she leaned down to whisper into Nami’s gilled ear. “The handle is made of Ivory, we could probably sell it for seven shillings.” Nami nodded in acknowledgement.

Well sir, after some consideration I can accept your offer.

Thank you, I’m going to use this Bangle for a Marriage declaration.

The two bodies exchanged coin, and items with each other, another successful trade for the caravan of Merfolk.
Norman noticed the traders of a race closely unknown to him. They don't look that much Elf... not human either... Damn, I wish I could approach, but I'm just a coward. What if I offend them? I can't imagine what sort of punishment Aldred would have his servants prepare! By the God-Emperor, no, thanks! I'm going away! Norman thought, as he became slightly scared and started moving away from the docks. But then he stopped again, he was just near the strange people of an unknown race and he heard their whispers. Ivory? Damn... that's probably worth a lot... And master won't let me use his money for buying stuff, so I have to use my own money... Hmm...

The first thought that popped into Norman's head was: Maybe I can steal it? And the second thought was: I will get an ass-whooping if I do. And his third thought was: Wait a second, I'm a demon-hunting knight that lives in the far south. I could try to outsmart them, into trading it for some worthless scroll! The idea of extortion made him happy on the inside. He looked into the backpack with his master's stuff... A lot of things to trade in it. He put it back on, took on a tender smile, cleaned his throat and approached.

"Hello, I couldn't help but notice the particular dagger you happen to be in the possession of. Would you be willing to trade it? I have some quite interesting items myself, if I do say so... myself." with a suave voice, but if someone had enough insight, they could tell that he was in reality; pissing his pants on the inside. "What would you happen to be willing to trade it for?" he asked, with a curious voice, trying to play it cool and be suave. His heart was beating, his veins were hot and a demon could probably smell weakness from him.
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RomanticDaffodil said:
Aralyne smiled at the introduction, but frowned when Aldred mentioned her royal family. "I don't talk about that..." She said, looking down at the ground. "But I'm Aralyne!" She flashed a point toothed grin, then turned back to Zuro. "You are adorable!" She began petting him again, throwing praises left and right.
Aldred said "Oh, I see. Absolve my negligence, my lady." with a brightened up tone. He looked around and said "You seem to know your way around here. Do you perhaps know where a blacksmith is, m'lady? I must get going very quickly. My apprentice might do something unspeakably stupid without me around, and knowing him; he probably already did."

Zuro smiled at Aralyne and let out some whimpers and barks of happiness, joy and contention. Zuro was more than enjoying Aralyne's presence and care. He sniffed her a few times, to remember her smell, in order to be able to track her. He did it, because he considered her a friend, and wanted to know where she is. The dog was rather curious of her, as he's never seen such a being as a pixie before. Zuro barked, then licked Aralyne as a sign of acceptance.
Aralyne shook the dog slobber off of her, and floated up to Aldred's face. "The blacksmith is this way." She exclaimed, zipping through the crowd without realizing she left Aldred behind,
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RomanticDaffodil said:
Aralyne shook the dog slobber off of her, and floated up to Aldred's face. "The blacksmith is this way." She exclaimed, zipping through the crowd without realizing she left Aldred behind,
Aldred was slightly surprised by her hurry, and said "Quick, Zuro!" then ran forward after her, the dog after him. Aldred lost her in the crowd, but Zuro had her scent, so Aldred followed his companion.
Birdsie said:
Norman noticed the traders of a race closely unknown to him. They don't look that much Elf... not human either... Damn, I wish I could approach, but I'm just a coward. What if I offend them? I can't imagine what sort of punishment Aldred would have his servants prepare! By the God-Emperor, no, thanks! I'm going away! Norman thought, as he became slightly scared and started moving away from the docks. But then he stopped again, he was just near the strange people of an unknown race and he heard their whispers. Ivory? Damn... that's probably worth a lot... And master won't let me use his money for buying stuff, so I have to use my own money... Hmm...

The first thought that popped into Norman's head was: Maybe I can steal it? And the second thought was: I will get an ass-whooping if I do. And his third thought was: Wait a second, I'm a demon-hunting knight that lives in the far south. I could try to outsmart them, into trading it for some worthless scroll! The idea of extortion made him happy on the inside. He looked into the backpack with his master's stuff... A lot of things to trade in it. He put it back on, took on a tender smile, cleaned his throat and approached.

"Hello, I couldn't help but notice the particular dagger you happen to be in the possession of. Would you be willing to trade it? I have some quite interesting items myself, if I do say so... myself." with a suave voice, but if someone had enough insight, they could tell that he was in reality; pissing his pants on the inside. "What would you happen to be willing to trade it for?" he asked, with a curious voice, trying to play it cool and be suave. His heart was beating, his veins were hot and a demon could probably smell weakness from him.
As the male approached the Merfolk Noble, the guards on both of her sides placed their spears across her in the shape of an X guarding her. They would wait for her decision.

It’s alright Umami, I will see what this male has to offer.

Yes mi ’lady.” The one whom she called Umami was the same guard who had inspected the blade. It was clear that she had some knowledge of appraisal of weaponry. Nami had picked up the Dagger she had just made a trade for and would unsheathe the blade for the male, letting the gleam of the sun shine across the blade before sheathing it once more. “If I was to sell this blade, I would hope to fetch at least… Seven shillings. If you have something to trade, please show me what you have.” She closed her golden hues, extending her open palm to male for a greeting. “My name is Nami, it’s polite for our folk to exchange pleasantries before a sale or a trade.
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Aralyne arrived at the blacksmith in no time, flitting around. She turned around, looking for her new companions. She saw many people shuffling out of someone's way, and happily assumed it was Aldred and Zuro.
Tsukihi said:
As the male approached the Merfolk Noble, the guards on both of her sides placed their spears across her in the shape of an X guarding her. They would wait for her decision.
It’s alright Umami, I will see what this male has to offer.

Yes mi ’lady.” The one whom she called Umami was the same guard who had inspected the blade. It was clear that she had some knowledge of appraisal of weaponry. Nami had picked up the Dagger she had just made a trade for and would unsheathe the blade for the male, letting the gleam of the sun shine across the blade before sheathing it once more. “If I was to sell this blade, I would hope to fetch at least… Seven shillings. If you have something to trade, please show me what you have.” She closed her golden hues, extending her open palm to male for a greeting. “My name is Nami, it’s polite for our folk to exchange pleasantries before a sale or a trade.
Okay, now or never Norman. Think of something she might want. He thought, and then was caught offguard by her. "Oh, I'm Norman Khargivon. Squire to Aldred Augustus. He's an Elder Knight, in command of a keep, south from here. We guard the south and hunt demons.... I guess that's all about me." with a polite, firmly friendly tone. Seven shillings, you say?

He looked into his backpack, and looked through it. "What do you say about this?" he asked, then took out a scroll in demon language that belonged to Aldred. While Norman was fully aware it was stupid to mess with powers he couldn't understand, he also knew he needed that dagger. "It's a..." he opened it, and saw the demonic writing moving around the page due to magic and enchanting. "A-a-a scroll! of..." he said, attempting at a suave tone. "Yeah. Not this... it's..." he looked into the scroll again, the letters said 'You will die...' in demon speech. He quickly covered it, and dropped it into the bag again. "Not for sale..." he finished, then continued "Let me see..." he muttered, looking through. "Oh, how about this? I learned Telekinesis from this!" he said, taking out a small book, roughly the size of a student guidebook. "You could make a small fortune with this, by selling it to a novice mage." he described the item, then showing it to Nami. The book had an elegant outer decor, and was made from what seemed to be cow leather of above average work. The book's title was: 'Adeptus Astra Telekinetica: Unum' clearly written in some old language. "It's pretty much useless to me at this point, so I am willing to sell it for the dagger." he said, being aware no other, normal merchant would accept a magical book as payment.

RomanticDaffodil said:
Aralyne arrived at the blacksmith in no time, flitting around. She turned around, looking for her new companions. She saw many people shuffling out of someone's way, and happily assumed it was Aldred and Zuro.
Zuro arrived at Aralyne's location, then Aldred ran towards the two, huffing and puffing. He looked back and said "Old, but I still got it. Heh..." he walked towards the entrance of the blacksmith shop and looked at Zuro. "Wait for me here, alright boy? Play with Aralyne." then walked inside.
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