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Fantasy 14th Black Crusade - Fantasy RP (Open)

[QUOTE="Past Paradise Tears]
Once the witch hunter left, Arias was left alone once again. He let out a shaky breath, getting up and stumbling off so he'd be anywhere but here. His breathing was labored and sweat was slowly dripping down his hot forehead while he started to shiver. 'Potions can't help and my own magic is useless... I don't know what to do any more' He thought, getting about 3 streets away before exhaustion and the fever finally caught up to his and he collapsed unconscious onto the floor. "...help...." He managed to utter ever-so-softly before he fell unconscious. Luckily it wasn't possible robbing him as his satchel had charms on it that kept it on his person and didn't open for anyone but him. If he survived, at least he'd have all his possessions with him.


"My,my, what a troublesome situation." The voice of the mage resonated by the alley that he choose as a route to wander by the city, his violet colored eyes focusing their gaze at the young boy that laid unconcious at the ground. "It seems that someone has quite a special body and doesn't know how to manage it." The mage voiced his thoughts to no one in special, clearly immersed into thoughts while looking at the boy.

After a few minutes of conjecture, the mage finally approached the kid, pressing his right hand against the boy head while muttering a few archaic words. The words where used as the trigger for a simple spell meant to relieve the excessive mana from the kid's body. The spell was a rather simplistic application of Arcane Magic that would rarely be used for healing, as generally expelling mana from someone body would be more harmful than helpful, that somehow made itself useful when dealing with the abnormal body of the boy.
Spanner said:

"My,my, what a troublesome situation."
The voice of the mage resonated by the alley that he choose as a route to wander by the city, his violet colored eyes focusing their gaze at the young boy that laid unconcious at the ground. "It seems that someone has quite a special body and doesn't know how to manage it." The mage voiced his thoughts to no one in special, clearly immersed into thoughts while looking at the boy.

After a few minutes of conjecture, the mage finally approached the kid, pressing his right hand against the boy head while muttering a few archaic words. The words where used as the trigger for a simple spell meant to relieve the excessive mana from the kid's body. The spell was a rather simplistic application of Arcane Magic that would rarely be used for healing, as generally expelling mana from someone body would be more harmful than helpful, that somehow made itself useful when dealing with the abnormal body of the boy.
As the foreign holy mana expelled from his body, the healthier he seemed to become, slowly recovering from his fever but would probably still be left with some of it and the exhaustion of the travel. He stirred, eyes quickly fluttering open and he looked up at the stranger that probably helped him. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes to try and get rid of a bit of the daze he was left in. "H-Have you helped me..?" He asked after a moment of hesitance, big blue eyes peering up at the stranger. He looked rather vulnerable and harmless despite when he might be, and this time, appearance wasn't deceiving anyone's eye, the white-haired boy was definitely harmless.
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RobinDenstro said:
Richard stood in absolute awe, his hand instinctively coming upward to protect his eyes from the great light. The spirit he beheld before him was like nothing he had ever seen; he took a stride back to take up the view as best as he could. At first, a marvelous light show erupted from the sky, before coming down in a torrential wave of magical power. In moments, the light became as a woman, appearing before him in flight.
"I... I know not how to possess such power! And is someone such as myself worthy of such a thing?" He said, in both humility and fear.
"You have proven yourself worthy beyond all doubts. I am yours. Do not fear me, Richard Valthorian. Once we are one, I will choose a form that better puts you at ease." Arrelidardilian flashed forward and embedded itself into Richard's flesh before diving deeper and melding, as one, into his life energy, his mana.

The process was painless and over promptly. He would feel a wave of power pass through him as his physical strength was bolstered and all fatigue fell away. He would feel lighter and more sure on his feet, his senses would be enhanced slightly, he would feel the wear and tear of time fade away.
Constantin said:
Tyson Hulkrow

Tyson ignored her petty words, sheathing his rapier and drawing a second pistol, firing one after the other. Directly after each shot he dropped his pistol and drew another and fired it at the demon. After eight or so shots he ran out of pistols. The Hunter drew his blade out again and stood below the demon, glaring up at her with equal hatred. 'The God-Emperor prevails against the dark, demon, humanity is the light in the dark. The dark is that which is evil and wrong.'

@Daniel reaving
Silith stood there breathing heavily her clothes shredded and little cutts littering her body from the bullets but she was still there. "You will die eventually, and I won't. The demons you kill will live again, eventually." She said as her body started to be absorbed by darkness before she disapered to run away
[QUOTE="Past Paradise Tears]As the foreign holy mana expelled from his body, the healthier he seemed to become, slowly recovering from his fever but would probably still be left with some of it and the exhaustion of the travel. He stirred, eyes quickly fluttering open and he looked up at the stranger that probably helped him. He slowly sat up, rubbing his eyes to try and get rid of a bit of the daze he was left in. "H-Have you helped me..?" He asked after a moment of hesitance, big blue eyes peering up at the stranger. He looked rather vulnerable and harmless despite when he might be, and this time, appearance wasn't deceiving anyone's eye, the white-haired boy was definitely harmless.

The mage simply gazed at the boy, his apathetic expression showing no change despite the boy actions. The only part of the mage body that moved were his eyes, as his gaze constantly wandered by the boy body, apparently examinating his unique constitution.

"Yes, I was the one who helped." He finally answered after a few moments, the violet colored eyes finally resting while his gaze focused at the kid. "So, what are you? At least 3 diverging bloodlines, clearly not human and yet weak as a true kid. That's a rather weird combination." The mage's countenance was as apathetic as always while voicing his conclusions, but a hint of curiosity was clearly demonstrated by the strange glow of his violet colored eyes. The most surprising was that there was no change in his posture even after he openly determined that he knew about the boy bloodline, as if it didn't represent nothing more than an especially interesting subject.
[QUOTE="Daniel reaving]Silith stood there breathing heavily her clothes shredded and little cutts littering her body from the bullets but she was still there. "You will die eventually, and I won't. The demons you kill will live again, eventually." She said as her body started to be absorbed by darkness before she disapered to run away

Tyson Hulkrow

The metallic smoke tasted familiar on his tongue, the marketplace was now totally coated in black powder. The citizens peered out from their humble homes, witnessing the destructive power of the Witch Hunters. An order already feared was now elevated to even more terror from the common folk. Tyson walked up to the spot where the demon used to be and clambered up onto the roof using nearby crates. There were little drops of dark blood on the slate, he knelt down and gathered a few drops into an empty vial. "And when they live again, the Order will be there, waiting for them." He mused to himself. After collecting the blood and gathering up some of his pistols, Tyson returned to his inn room, where he crafted a very well-worded, urgent request to the High Priests of the Order. He described in detail the happenings that night and called for a grand cleansing of the entire city. Looking rather smug, he sealed the letter with a wax burning moon of the order. For the rest of the night, he sat in a wooden chair facing the window, two pistols resting on his lap, his rapier waiting in hand.
Delacare said:
"You have proven yourself worthy beyond all doubts. I am yours. Do not fear me, Richard Valthorian. Once we are one, I will choose a form that better puts you at ease." Arrelidardilian flashed forward and embedded itself into Richard's flesh before diving deeper and melding, as one, into his life energy, his mana.
The process was painless and over promptly. He would feel a wave of power pass through him as his physical strength was bolstered and all fatigue fell away. He would feel lighter and more sure on his feet, his senses would be enhanced slightly, he would feel the wear and tear of time fade away.
Before he could ask how she knew his name, he was completely overcome by the swell of power she pressed into his body. His veins pulsed with mana. His eyes glowed with streams of light. He felt more awake than he ever has before. He looked with anticipation as the two became one.

He felt it. He felt the sand on his arms, the grass beneath his feet, and the gently wind brush through his hair. He could feel every breath he made. But even further, he felt the loss and gain of time. Each moment passed, and it was disapponting. But he himself gained his own love for the new moments that passed him by; all so quickly, so instantaneously.

"I... feel it. I feel different. I feel everything."
[QUOTE="Past Paradise Tears]didn't your character dislike magic and stuff? or am I just mixing up shit?)

((He believes that you don't need magic to live or to fight. Everyone is special, everyone has a purpose, so on))
Spanner said:
The mage simply gazed at the boy, his apathetic expression showing no change despite the boy actions. The only part of the mage body that moved were his eyes, as his gaze constantly wandered by the boy body, apparently examinating his unique constitution.
"Yes, I was the one who helped." He finally answered after a few moments, the violet colored eyes finally resting while his gaze focused at the kid. "So, what are you? At least 3 diverging bloodlines, clearly not human and yet weak as a true kid. That's a rather weird combination." The mage's countenance was as apathetic as always while voicing his conclusions, but a hint of curiosity was clearly demonstrated by the strange glow of his violet colored eyes. The most surprising was that there was no change in his posture even after he openly determined that he knew about the boy bloodline, as if it didn't represent nothing more than an especially interesting subject.
He gave a little grateful dip of his head before he scratched his head. "I'm not really sure.. I'm half angel and part demon.." He said, tilting his head and closing his eyes for a moment before he opened them again. "I'm a vessel otherwise.. I'm looking for a master to seal a contract with and become his or her or their weapon" He said, fidgeting before he tried to slowly stand up but ended up wobbling and stumbling back against the wall, letting out a little wince. His face hurt from falling onto the ground. "I'm not actually sure how old I am.. I was just found once day three years ago by priests and was supposed to become their ..um.." He trailed off, trying to remember the word. "High priest? Unless someone of more pure blood showed up.." He said, giving a soft shrug. All the while his little hands kept fidgeting and fiddling with the moonstone and silver necklace around his neck.
Silith appeared in an alley way breathing heavily as she fell to her knees in pain as blood dripped off her body as she tried to stay up
Jobin The Drinker

Jobin continues his way down the street, occasionally taking sips out of the canteen and stopping into stores. He figured he was about due for a new pair of clothes, and since he had all this tip money now was as good a time as ever. Jobin continued his way down the road, peeking down various alleyways. His sense to explore was high.
[QUOTE="Past Paradise Tears]He gave a little grateful dip of his head before he scratched his head. "I'm not really sure.. I'm half angel and part demon.." He said, tilting his head and closing his eyes for a moment before he opened them again. "I'm a vessel otherwise.. I'm looking for a master to seal a contract with and become his or her or their weapon" He said, fidgeting before he tried to slowly stand up but ended up wobbling and stumbling back against the wall, letting out a little wince. His face hurt from falling onto the ground. "I'm not actually sure how old I am.. I was just found once day three years ago by priests and was supposed to become their ..um.." He trailed off, trying to remember the word. "High priest? Unless someone of more pure blood showed up.." He said, giving a soft shrug. All the while his little hands kept fidgeting and fiddling with the moonstone and silver necklace around his neck.

The mage reaction was as indifferent as always, consisting in scratching the side of head with his right hand for a while before once more talking. "Then you're basically a tool with free-will? " The Mage asked, his face showing a change for the first time as he frown, aparently recalling something.
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Kiba started laughing looking at Silith "well, do you want my help now?" Kneeling down he lifted her chin examining her "I found you through the smell of your blood"
RobinDenstro said:
Before he could ask how she knew his name, he was completely overcome by the swell of power she pressed into his body. His veins pulsed with mana. His eyes glowed with streams of light. He felt more awake than he ever has before. He looked with anticipation as the two became one.
He felt it. He felt the sand on his arms, the grass beneath his feet, and the gently wind brush through his hair. He could feel every breath he made. But even further, he felt the loss and gain of time. Each moment passed, and it was disapponting. But he himself gained his own love for the new moments that passed him by; all so quickly, so instantaneously.

"I... feel it. I feel different. I feel everything."
Once again bound to living being, the Esper giggled as more human mannerisms became possible.

"This is not everything. If you felt everything, it would destroy you. This is what you would have felt if we had become bound before the last Black Crusade. This is merely a remnant of what I was it will pass." The voice came from within, and it saddened at that last statement.

Just as It finished speaking, there was a dull thrum that would run through Richard's body as all his senses fell into a more human scope of possibility, still impressive, just nowhere near as impressive as before. Though still slightly aware of it, time would fade from his notice as well.

"See? Still better than anything you've ever felt. You can call me Sactuary, by the way; Arrelidardilian can be quite the handful to say ((and type)) all the time."
Ceat6 said:
Kiba started laughing looking at Silith "well, do you want my help now?" Kneeling down he lifted her chin examining her "I found you through the smell of your blood"
"N-no sh-shit." She said to him before coughing and nearly collapsing in pain
Spanner said:
The mage reaction was as indifferent as always, consisting in scratching the side of head with his right hand for a while before once more talking. "Then you're basically a tool with free-will? " The Mage asked, his face showing a change for the first time as he frown, apparently recalling something.
He opened his mouth but closed it again, averting his eyes. "Yes, I'm a servant under whom even makes a contract with me. But it would be nice to be friends with said master.." He pointed out, continuing to fidget nervously. He felt so nervous under scrutiny, he wasn't used to it anymore as he was used to travelling alone through the land with only the nature as his companion. "But aside from that, I don't know much of anything about being a vessel.. I am a novice" He shrugged softly. Being a novice wasn't necessarily bad, it meant there was room for major improvement, in both forms, vessel and human. It was obvious though that his speech and thinking was far beyond that of a 6 year old child's capabilities.
Kiba sighed "I can't just leave you here" picking her up again letting her head rest on his shoulder. "What is your name?" He asked, trying to keep her awake as he headed for the woods. "Mine is kiba, I'm a werewolf, I'm an alpha"
Ceat6 said:
Kiba sighed "I can't just leave you here" picking her up again letting her head rest on his shoulder. "What is your name?" He asked, trying to keep her awake as he headed for the woods. "Mine is kiba, I'm a werewolf, I'm an alpha"
"s-silith. I-I'm a high demon. A-a nightmare." She winced to him as she nearly passed out in his arms
[QUOTE="Past Paradise Tears]He opened his mouth but closed it again, averting his eyes. "Yes, I'm a servant under whom even makes a contract with me. But it would be nice to be friends with said master.." He pointed out, continuing to fidget nervously. He felt so nervous under scrutiny, he wasn't used to it anymore as he was used to travelling alone through the land with only the nature as his companion. "But aside from that, I don't know much of anything about being a vessel.. I am a novice" He shrugged softly. Being a novice wasn't necessarily bad, it meant there was room for major improvement, in both forms, vessel and human. It was obvious though that his speech and thinking was far beyond that of a 6 year old child's capabilities.

"Yes, yes. I can recall it now." The mage suddenly said, apparently finally reminding the cause of the familiar feeling from before. "You're definitely weaker than the one from the first era." He continued in an apathetic tone, surprisingly talking about a few dozens of centuries ago as if it wasn't that much. "And if my mind does not betray me, you're probably dying right now because you don't have a master , is that correct?" The mage finally completed his conjectures after a few seconds of mumbling, apparently quite satisfied with being capable of recalling his old memories, as his mouth curled up into a half-smile.
Kiba laid her down, removing his shirt he placed it under her head. "Silith, that's an interesting name, although I guess so is Kiba" Laughing, he had begun to examine her for and external wounds. "You know for a demon you don't really seem like a bad person, misunderstood like myself"
Ceat6 said:
Kiba laid her down, removing his shirt he placed it under her head. "Silith, that's an interesting name, although I guess so is Kiba" Laughing, he had begun to examine her for and external wounds. "You know for a demon you don't really seem like a bad person, misunderstood like myself"
"We are only bad because of men l-like that." She told him in a strained voice as she looked to him with her white blind eyes
Spanner said:
"Yes, yes. I can recall it now." The mage suddenly said, apparently finally reminding the cause of the familiar feeling from before. "You're definitely weaker than the one from the first era." He continued in an apathetic tone, surprisingly talking about a few dozens of centuries ago as if it wasn't that much. "And if my mind does not betray me, you're probably dying right now because you don't have a master , is that correct?" The mage finally completed his conjectures after a few seconds of mumbling, apparently quite satisfied with being capable of recalling his old memories, as his mouth curled up into a half-smile.
He watched him, his breath catching in his throat in a lump at the word 'dying'. He might not mentally be a child and he might not be scared of being murdered, but the thought of dying so slowly, at the rate he apparently was at, somehow terrified him and further intensified the desire for a master. "I-It's probably true... I-I don't know.. if I had any knowledge of it.. i-it's gone.." He whispered, hugging himself as chills overcame him. "I-I guess I'll h-have to work a bit harder at finding a ma-master..." He breathed out, lowering his head a little. "B-But who from the first era..? What do you mean..?" He asked, he'd question how he knew about something like that at a later date if he ever saw this stranger again.
"you know if I make a pact with you, I can help the pain stop" Kiba held her hand not seeing any physical wounds "you are far too....beautiful to be treated in such a manner, if he comes for you again I'll rip his throat out"
[QUOTE="Past Paradise Tears]He watched him, his breath catching in his throat in a lump at the word 'dying'. He might not mentally be a child and he might not be scared of being murdered, but the thought of dying so slowly, at the rate he apparently was at, somehow terrified him and further intensified the desire for a master. "I-It's probably true... I-I don't know.. if I had any knowledge of it.. i-it's gone.." He whispered, hugging himself as chills overcame him. "I-I guess I'll h-have to work a bit harder at finding a ma-master..." He breathed out, lowering his head a little. "B-But who from the first era..? What do you mean..?" He asked, he'd question how he knew about something like that at a later date if he ever saw this stranger again.

"Oh my, it seems that I said a little too much." The mage said in the same apathetic tone, his right hand moving to once scratch the side of his head while he thought about what would the most simple away of changing the topic without achieving a bad outcome.

After a few moments immersed into his thoughts, the mage finally answered "The first era was the period before the birth of the human who would be known as the God-Emperor. It was also the period that the Elfs made their old empire, that would be destroyed in the end of the same era." Apparently, the answer that he thought about was simply answering the question literally, as he continued the narration. "And during the first era, one vessel played a large role during the 6th black crusade, helping the humans at achieving the victory that was deemed impossible, laying the foundations for the future ascension of the human race as the dominant race." The mage had the usual apathetic expression when he finally finished talking, but his breath was irregular, almost rough, as if simply tired him.

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