semi literate

  1. Fist Full of Frogs

    Multiple Settings Semi-lit partner search. (M4A)

    Hey, guys. I'll cut to the chase to avoid wasting anyone's time. I really miss roleplay and I want to shake off the rust. I want to rp this specific OC I made that I'm pretty proud of. I can tweak him for just about any setting or plot. If he seems like a good match for one of your characters...
  2. LiarLiar

    Fandom Hazbin Hotel rp (preferences pretty open)

    Hi, I know I'm super late to the fandom, but I did finally rewatch it after years (when it was still v much concept episodes on YT lol). Character Preferences Anyways, I'm looking to play Angel Dust, but I'm also okay with playing against someone who wants that character. MxM only for this...
  3. dreamthieves

    Multiple Settings A Grab Bag of Ideas

    Hey everyone, my name is Blue, and welcome to my attempt at an interest check after a years-long hiatus. I've got a bit of an idea of what I'm looking for to get back into things, but first a few things about myself. I'm 22 years old I'm transfem, and a lesbian, hence the following; I strongly...
  4. Melly

    Multiple Settings Looking for co-writers!

    Hi there! It's been a long time since I've used this site but I'm currently interested in doing some 1x1 rps! I go by Melly typically, currently 26 and have been roleplaying for about roughly like 10 years on/off. I write in 3rd person POV typically with a semi-literate to literate length...
  5. Hollowed_Vessel

    Fandom Looking to RP Hazbin Hotel.

    Hello! I am looking for someone to RP Hazbin Hotel with me, or Helluva boss. Anything like that to be fair. But I am just looking for anyone who would be up for that, but also making connections outside of just Rp. Just always better to get to know the people you talk and engage with. To start...
  6. Gummy Worm

    Multiple Settings *ੈ♡⸝A weird furrys search for niche things⸝🪐༘⋆ (1x1 partner search)

    ᴵˢ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵍ ᵒⁿ? Hello everyone!! My name is Gummy (Gum, Worm, whatever) I am a Demi boy (he/They) and 18 years old!! Im just a simple gay boy looking for fun rp partners to build worlds and stories with!!! Now then A little bit about me! Ive given you all my basic info but what do I bring to...
  7. Radioboy

    Multiple Settings Looking for rp Partner:D

    Hello im Damien and im willing to do any kind of roleplay from any fandom but i love doing oc rp the most! I especially love angst and fluff and developing characters. Im a wanna be artist and like to draw my oc’s sometimes, i love rping with oc’s but don’t mind Fandom rps either, I am...
  8. H0nk_the_goth_clown

    Fandom Gorillaz Roleplay (Possibly Phase 2-3? Or Any!)

    Okay so I’ve been wanting to rp this band for a while now ever since I got back into it and the lore etc lol I mostly do my oc but I can try some of the cannon characters! Also I’m totally fine with other ocs and also ships! I mostly do romantic/ship rps like oc x cannon but I'm fine with...
  9. Daleth

    Multiple Settings ~♡ Between Heaven and Hell ♡~

    Currently searching for any female partner semi-literate or above who would be interested in doing a one on one RP with my character below, I don't have a specific plot in mind and this is mostly just a casual RP where we'll make our OCs interact together, I have a preference for female...
  10. RolePlayGirl_2024

    Realistic or Modern Looking to RolePlay

    Hey there! I’m looking for a clean, wholesome roleplay with some darker topics if anyone is interested. I have a lot of starters and plots if anyone is interested. It can be anime or real life. I don’t mind. Just let me know any triggers you have and I’ll avoid them. Dm only. Please be semi...
  11. Winter Kakyoin

    Multiple Settings Hello! Looking for 1x1 RPs! RDR2/80'S interests!

    Hello, all! I haven't been on here in a good while, but now that I'm back, I'd like to start up some roleplays! Now, there are two certain things I'm looking for; Red Dead Redemption 2 80's Glam/Hair Metal Band(s) I do have an OC for both, just no particular plot ideas! Though, we could always...
  12. NachoGod

    Multiple Settings Raising Hell

    You are dead. At least you were. You lived your life, perhaps it wasn’t all good. Maybe you were a terrible person, maybe you just made some honest mistakes. Whatever the reason your soul was bound for an underworld that was not gonna be pretty. Yet as your soul hurtled towards the gates of Hell...
  13. Ducktective

    Multiple Settings Looking for Partners :D (Chill, semi lit/lit, multi-para)

    Hello everyone! I'm Ducktective! I'm a hobbyist writer that likes to make silly little traumatized characters and create simple but interesting original plots. My favorite thing in writing is trying to make interesting and complex characters , which to me is the fun part about roleplaying! If...
  14. Seraphine

    Fandom 𝖑𝖊𝖆𝖛𝖊𝖘 𝖋𝖗𝖔𝖒 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖊 | 𝖆𝖓 𝖆𝖛𝖆𝖙𝖆𝖗: 𝖙𝖍𝖊 𝖑𝖆𝖘𝖙 𝖆𝖎𝖗𝖇𝖊𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗 𝖗𝖕 (𝖈𝖑𝖔𝖘𝖊𝖉!)

    Designed and coded by @Nano. Please do not remove the credits or claim the code as your own work. If you found this code outside of my public workshop, please don't use it. I'd greatly appreciate it if you used the version of the code in that thread. If this code is not in the thread, that...

    Fantasy (OPEN! // RECRUITMENT) TIDE-CRAWLERS ;; THE ABYSSUM SAGA // Character Sheets!

    REMOVE EVERYTHING IN BRACKETS PLEASE! BASIC Name: Nickname(s): Gender/Pronouns: Place of Birth: (Goes with Class, don’t forget! Slums, Subburbs, etc) Class: Social Class: (Noble, Criminal, etc) Family: (pets, siblings, etc) Weapon(s) of Choice: Alignment: (Lawful Neutral, Chaotic Good, etc)...


    TLDR AT END HI!!!!!!!! First post! Wowie!! I'm excited to get this idea down! Mermaids, right? but here me out; DARK FANTASY MERMAIDS. I'd be looking for semi-lit to literate responses (1-6 paragraphs, 1 minimum 6 maximum) This is an interest check to see if anyone WOULD be interested...
  17. TheSpeck

    Multiple Settings Welcome to Forest Glade (casual, supernatural/lab, small group!) (CLOSED for now :])

    It wasn't always like this... At least not before the change of ownership. Forest Glade used to be an institute where those who were affected by the outbreak would take refuge and build new lives. Now , it was just a bloodbath, one that no one could escape, not even the people who worked for...
  18. MoonlitDoll13

    Fandom Fandom RPs 18+ Only!!

    I’m currently craving fandom rps and I have ocs I’ve been itching to work with. My fandom cravings are as follows Television My favorite shows are. Buffy The Vampire Slayer The Vampire Diaries Pretty Little Liars Star-Crossed ((I love this show, but nobody else seems to know it)) The 100...
  19. TheSpeck

    Multiple Settings Speck's RP search :]

    Hello everyone!!! I'm Speck and I've been writing as a small hobby for a few years now. My favorite way to write is with other people- which is why I'm putting this search thread out today! I'm hoping to find some long term partners, and maybe make some friends too! About me I'm just going to...
  20. TheBloodyRose

    Realistic or Modern Dead With A Rose

    The Bloody Roses have been dominant in Chicago for years. They are the...well, let's just say they are a more Robin Hood styled family. Steal from the rich, and give to the poor. Kill the abusers, comfort the abused. Be the ears for the deaf, the eyes for the blind, and the mouths for the mute...