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  • Users: Daisie
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Daisie

    Fantasy The Lulls Between

    Tall and ancient woods reached for the skies and cast the moss-coated forest floor in lazy shadows, swaying in the breeze. A relaxed river snaked through a valley between the Earth's mounds, not flowing enough to roll and rumble, but to trickle by softly. Clinging to the edges of the riverbed...
  2. Daisie

    Character Theory [SURVEY] Religion in RP?

    Hey, all! I'm a curious fella who has gone to crazy lengths to acquire knowledge for the sake of knowledge. I've done a detailed analysis on the average character height between genres of RP (Ask me if you want to see it). I have an on-and-off, ongoing study of the longterm trajectory of age...
  3. Daisie

    Character Theory There's a knock at your door... It's your character.

    There's a knock at your door. Oh, crap. The last character you roleplayed is standing on the other side. They're real, they are completely autonomous, and the worst part: They know who you are. They are acutely aware of everything you caused them, and there are no take-backsies. How do you...
  4. Daisie

    Story Next Stop: Nowhere

    To prove once and for all that I am better than @capMARVELOUS . There was a distinct bite to the wind that morning. It was the kind that scraped over the cheek like sandpaper as it passed. The kind that forecasted a serious storm. Matthew always respected the weatherman for trying his best...
  5. Daisie

    Story 911

    Content warnings: Suicide, murder, and detachment from reality. Proceed with caution. This is a grim alternate ending to my recently-concluded RP, detailing Ichabod Quinn's call to emergency services before his death. I made it a while back just for fun, but I figured I might post it somewhere...
  6. Daisie

    Viewpoint How normal is it for a RP to stall?

    I've got a friend I'm trying to help out. Now, this is specifically centered around group RPs rather than 1x1s, so I genuinely have no idea what's normal in this case... But if you have any experience with this issue at all, no matter which you play, I'd like to hear it! My friend is having...
  7. Daisie

    Digital I made a fake Netflix Documentary about my roleplay

    NOTE: There is no real documentary. I'd make one if I could, but I don't have anywhere near the budget, time, or energy for it, so I just edited some screenshots to look real. :) I got the idea for this past midnight last night, and have been working all day on it. Loads of fun! My roleplay...
  8. Daisie

    Journal Love is so out-of-style ❤️

    Feels like more than ever, it's so popular to hate the world. Hate like that tends to spread and fester, and you know what? I just don't want that. I'm not sure how often this thread will be updated, if at all, but I want somewhere to put my neutral-to-positive musings about the world and life...
  9. Daisie

    Character Theory [Help needed!] How to make a character likeable

    So I have this character that I'm trying to add a little bit more likeability to, and I figured I'd come here and get some advice on it. I don't think she's even particularly unlikeable, but because of her backstory, I do feel like I'm starting off at a bit of a handicap. I'll explain. Lucia...
  10. Daisie

    Video Daisie's Animations! ~

    MOST RECENT UPLOAD! Had COVID, made thing Hey y'all :) Friendly neighbourhood demon dragon has been practicing animation since January 1, 2023! I've been uploading them to my YouTube channel to have them all laid out somewhere - it helps my morale. It's been a wild year and I'm only gonna...
  11. Daisie

    Commission Let me paint your pet! [2/3 slots available]

    -- Font -- Intro -- Header -- Font -- Icon Box --fad fa-cat-space -- Text Box --GAZE UPON THE FUR BEASTS, MORTALS -- Icon Box2 --fad fa-dog-leashed fa-flip-horizontal -- Welcome -- WELCOME -- Creditbox --FIRST OF ALL, please thank @Ambiloquous for the aesthetics. This BBcode is her...
  12. Daisie

    Other Hey, you. Wanna do something weeeird? (Slots open!)

    :o Scandalous, looking at my naked code, you! Daisie, what are you doing now? . I'm up to my schemes again, indeed! This time with fancifully simple BBCodes for this fancifully simple brain of mine. Had a fun enough time picking out the colours. Wheeeeee! See, recently I began watching the...
  13. Daisie

    Fantasy This Bounty of Mine [Lore]

    @Bionic_Knee Lore goes here, when we develop the world a bit more! Just for reference later, if we need it.
  14. Daisie

    Fantasy This Bounty of Mine [CS]

    Name: Nickname: Age: Gender: Appearance: Personality: Backstory:
  15. Daisie

    Fantasy This Bounty of Mine

    The town of Finwood stood quietly at the edge of the Talon Empire, and the lake it was built around reflected the fiery evening sunset off its surface. Finwood was a small, agricultural town that didn't get a lot of visitors. Even so, they lived calm and blessed lives, housed around a lake...
  16. Daisie

    Poetry The Noise I Hear Often

    More than I'd care to admit... I hear this peculiar sound. And more than I'd care to admit... It falls from my thoughts Instantaneously. Be it when I sit in front of the fireplace, Or along my daily walks, In my room, In my car, In my head, It drifts in from the window Looming past my house...
  17. Daisie

    Experiences Tell me about your romantic ships~!

    Hey all :) As awesome as platonic relationships between characters are (I have some really good ones going right now), sometimes you just need a good old-fashioned romance story. I know I could talk about my character couples for hours, thus it occurred to me that I bet a lot of you could, too...
  18. Daisie

    Add a word to the sentence until a staff member posts

    Just add a word until a mod or admin posts. Then start over. See also How High Can We Count Without A MOD? Basically we want to make you suffer some more. The next post will be the be first word of the sentence. Enjoy!
  19. Daisie

    Character Theory What makes a compelling character?

    So I've hit a bit of a snag. After a short hiatus from both of my RPs, something has stood out to me about one of them. It's been creeping up gradually for awhile now. My partner and I have discussed this time and time again, we simply can't seem to find a solution... 2 of our 4 main...
  20. Daisie

    Tutorial Daisie's Anecdotal Advice for Roleplay & Storytelling

    Hey guys! It occurred to me that over the years I've been here on RpNation, I've made leaps and strides in my knowledge of RP and its intricacies. Storytelling is obviously - like any other type of art - a learned skill. It takes time to build and perfect. Some people like to tell their stories...