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Fandom Overlord Alternative

Nemo & Co

Mercy and Mirtillo guided Niiko towards their creator, who was having a short training session with the demon siblings.

Pandemona swinged her fist with great force, and Demonbane came out of her shadow for a lightning-fast attack, but...

[Time Lapse: Deceleration]

Their moves became incredibly slow, and as soon as they made contack with his shields...

[Physical Counter]

They where both blown away by the strength of their own attacks.

[Law of Attraction]

Yet Nemo would not let them get away.

[Propulsion]+[Meteor Shield]

As Pandemona and Demonbane were pulled towards him, Nemo combined two skills. One was for propelling himself rapidly towards them, and the other was to cover one of his shields (Stone Age) with dark rocks, making it bigger, while at the same time causing it to heat up. A few seconds after the impact, the two demons were on the ground.

"That was brutal, Nemo-sama."
"I apologize Pandemona but it is for your tra-"
"I love it!" she said, with sparkling eyes.
"As expected of a Great Lord. Such power." added Demonbane.
"Uhhhhh...Ok. I am not that powerful compared to you two. There is more to combat than pure power. You two lack tactical thinking and proper positioning. This training is for you to develop that."
"We are sorry for our weakness, Lord Nemo. We shall work hard as to not disappoint you in the future." said Demonbane.
"I apologize, Nemo-sama. I promise I will improve." Pandemona was frustrated.

Nemo smiled and patted the little female demon on the head, while also giving a thumbs up to Demonbane.

"Sorry t-to disturb, L-lord Nemo, someone whishes to talk with you." said Mercy, anxiously. Mirtillo put a hand on its shoulder as a way of telling the mare to calm down. The doppelganger turned around to see who came to visit.

"Ah, Niiko. NPC of Nyamiko. How may I help you?" he asked, cheerfully. Yet, he had a bad feeling.

Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow
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Drix and Co

"Don't worry if your treasury is low. We are new to the... The area so trading books, maps, and anything else that can provide us information will be a sustainable trade comity, for now at least" Drix explained as they said they may have been low on funds to buy his goods. Then they insulted Fabian... or well really just don't say it was the best of the best and that they would love to have it. Fabian was a bit touchy of the subject and if you didn't think his work was the best then. "They just haven't seen it work in real combat, that's all," Drix said trying to comfort Fabian. Though after Fabian sent his telepathically message Drix's mood to comfort Fabian turned to worry about the lives of the town's leaders. Drix just nodded to Fabian before following Sigra into the building and out of the public eye.

Just before going in Drix turned to Fang, Typhoon, and Pearl. "You guys go over to the golems and make sure they have set up the stalls nicely and keep guard of them in case of anything bad happens" Drix order with Fang and Typhoon bow to him. Pearl on the other hand though was still about to following Drix into the building, but then she was dragged off by the twins to the golems and their stalls. By this time the golem had already got everything set and began trying to sell a variety of wears to the locals.

Nastarial Nastarial HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Petroshka Petroshka Dante Verren Dante Verren
Co-Mod Post
The Unnamed Town
"Um.... Excuse me, Miss? Please don't joke about this sort of thing. Those demons are not some thing that anyone can claim to banish." The Guard said, raising a brow at Jyeen's rather odd words. But then he started to wonder about her choice of clothing. Certainly odd to say the least. Not to mention the fact that she was a really huge woman. Almost like a miniature giant in the guardsman's eyes. That's when he decided to change his mind, perhaps this odd woman might be able to help them. Possibly.

"Well... I'm not one to stop you I guess.... I suggest you wait around the tavern. If a demon hunting party is ever formed, I'll inform you. Now if you'll excuse me." The guardsman excused himself when he noticed his superior shout out his name and wave him over, leaving Jyeen alone.

PlusUltra PlusUltra

Meanwhile in the Church, a second miracle. As the odd mist swept over the town, the Church suddenly seemed to glow and chased away the confusing mist. And much to the confusion and joy of the priests and priestesses, the Angel had declared that he would stay. So long until the mist cleared. It was then that a little girl, earlier sick with pneumonia, slowly walked up to the bed the Angel sat upon. Her bright blue eyes staring up at the Angelic being. In her hands there was a small, semi-wilted flower. Its once bright maroon petals now faded.

"Um... M-Mister Angel...?" The girl stepped closer and held up the flower, a shy little smile curling upon her lips. "You look a little sick so... You can have m-my flower... M-Mama said flowers can m-make people smile...."

OverconfidentMagi OverconfidentMagi


  • MwrUntV.png

    ??? Town Streets/Tavern
    Mood: Calm
    Mentions: Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow

    She gives a short nod at the man "The offer is there and i dont jest. Ive Slain them before. The name is......." what name should she use?, this world is diffrent so her old one is definately going to trigger alarm bells for any high ranking players, not something she really wants to deal with right now especially with so many people around. "Pamela, i should not be hard to find if i want to be".

    Without another word she departs, sending a message to thing to get a update and try and locate this tavern. A second later she is assaulted by information the smaller -girl- had gathered, the town name, the local area, stories of the surroundings, local citys, favoruite foods........She sighs internally *I should have been more specific, you just copied there entire beings, right just the relevant, can you direct me to the tavern. Also check with the others and see if they have noticed anything on the scouting, they should have scanned out outleast a few leagues by now given the broods speed* she takes the directions and moves through the crowd to the tavern, taking in the various people and buildings with her own eyes as well.

    All the animals were looking straight to her, great she hadnt been specific so Thing had likely infected them all by now, it would come in useful at least to have that many ears and eyes but still.....at least it wasnt painful for the small animals, they didnt even realise what was going on. The thought was confirmed as she felt something scurry up her coat and onto her shoulder, turning to see a small tabby alley cat smiling at her before leaping off the shoulder onto a adjacent low fence. She wonders if this tavern will be anything like YGGDRASILS, given by the smaller buildings likely not but it should be quaint either way, unless anything stops her she will arrive and enter to take in the scene.

    Far away back at the Guild HQ, The Operations room map is flowing outwards like ink, raising and lowering as the map continues to fill, names hovering over set locations with other information as Thing sends what she has found over, the same with Xenashift and Cruelers efforts. The Tall Pinheaded woman known as Cenachomp moving hands quickly filtering through the large influx, several chains ratting around doing similar actions. "Such a Pain, Such a Pleasure...Just like the good and bad old days." her face set in a neutral expression.

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"Boooring" Said the doll as she sighed after the Knight's response. "even if you do fall, do you think I will remember you with a prefix like that?"

As she was being carried, the doll pondered hard on her mind until...

"Got it!" She claped her hands "I will call you 'Don' then, stands for Abaddon" *giggle* "Aren't you glad? At least if you are dying your grave will be 'Here lies Don The Goblin Slayer' kukuku" The doll continued to let out a small laughter as she was still being carried like a luggage.

I wonder...was interacting with other people this fun in YGGDRASIL?

Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach Petroshka Petroshka

Amamiya / Ragare Lupus
Sir Ragare Lupus
Petroshka Petroshka , Asagi Asagi

"Cute... I can feel her Charismatic aura whenever she speaks." Amamiya spoke in his head.

Trudging through the wasteland, he kept going and going, paying no heed to the Undead they meet as they're not disturbing them. Amamiya couldn't help but think of the words that the Doll spoke to name him, Abaddon the Angel of the Abyss, The Destroyer and The Angel of Death. Amamiya was surprised that the doll associated him with the legend that he knows in real life. Those words rang in his head like a record that keeps on repeating the song it was playing since the beginning.

Unfazed by the smell of death that's invading his nose and the senses piercing his brain, Amamiya silently trudges through the wasteland as he carries the cackling doll with him, laughing at the name she gave to him. Don the Goblin Slayer.

"No grave can hold me down... Doll... Why do you wish to remember a Knight who holds nothing but death and destruction?" In a deep growling voice muffled by the helmet of his dark armor, Amamiya replied to the doll's statement earlier trying his hardest to act as his persona.

"Very well... If you wish to know my name, then I am nothing but the one you associate as so called Angel of Death and Destruction. Sir Ragare Lupus of the Knights of the Abyss..." His voice in a growl, His eyes glow red while dragging his heap of Tauberg iron of a Great sword on the ground with his free hand, its sharp edge never dulls and sets fire to where it slices, bringing death and destruction to where it touches.

"May as well remember that name... or never at all... there's nothing of importance there." Amamiya went silent afterwards. this was something that forced him to deviate from his normal character, one who stared at the abyss as the abyss looked back.

Hamilton Cipher
Something Is Amiss
Location Identified: Trost
"Talk to you? You sure got awful lot more confident now that we're in somewhere private, Sir Cipher." The Captain scoffed at Hamilton's words. What was this odd man trying to prove anyway? That he was in control of the situation? Not in his town, the Captain thought to himself as he stared into the masked man's eyes. As for Hamilton himself, he was busy wondering about the situation outside. He wasn't quite sure if it was the effect of his various detection skills or some off sense of precognition but the town was starting to feel a touch off. Like something odd has entered it.

"Well my good Captain, I am a man with many faces after all. Not only that but what I will say next will be a little... odd." Hamilton took a moment to think about what he was about to say. Would this make the Captain believe him? Or will it make things worse? Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained as they say. "The real reason why my workers sound crazy and constantly insisting on the existence of a lake is because... Its true. We really do come from a little place by the lake but it seems that some sort of arcane magic has summoned us to your world. You see... Where we come from, is a world that is something like yours but different in a sense."

"Another world?" The Captain muttered, glancing between Hamilton and the other two oddities he has in the room. As he was thinking, a guard entered the room. "I have that map you requested, Sir."

"Ah thank you..." The Captain took the map and laid it out. It was barely laid out when Hamilton smirked and let out a small laugh.

"I knew it.... This is a new world. Sorry Captain but if you are asking me to point out where we came from, I can't do it." Hamilton chuckled as he studied the map once more, taking in all the detail. The Captain was starting to feel a little numb at the man's behavior. After all, the only other thing he has heard about people from another world would be the Hero during the War. Shaking the thought from his head, he simply stared at Hamilton.

"Next question then.... Who summoned you?" The Captain asked. Hamilton took a moment to think about it. Summoned? Well maybe they were but it didn't seem to be that way. It was all confusing really and he was a little miffled that the topic only brought up more questions.

"No one did. I mean if we were summoned by an outside force, I would expect them to inform us about this world, no?" Hamilton's answer only brought him a hard stare from the Captain. It was at that moment when a guard came into the room.

"Captain! Sorry if this came in late but Fischer ordered the city to be in lockdown! Looks like there might be a demon roaming about the farmlands!" The guard notified the Captain who immediately rose from his seat. "What?! Send out a small messenger party to Kiel at once! Warn them and request for assistance immediately! You four, head to your posts! As for the three of you...."

"You are free to go. Get a room in the tavern to wait out this lock down." The Captain ordered. Hamilton rose from his seat, a rather grim but determined look on his face. Demons? This could mean trouble. He has to help!

"Allows us to help, Captain. We mig-" Hamilton started before the Captain held up a hand.

"Leave this to us. I'd rather not have an outsider worry about our problems. Now leave before I change my mind." The Captain threatened, jerking a thumb towards the open door. Feeling defeated, Hamilton sighed and gestured for the two NPCs to follow. "As you wish.... Captain."

As Hamilton left the room, he caught a most peculiar sight that made him do a double take. What seems to be a little girl was leaning on the wall next to the open door. Glancing around at the guards, it doesn't seem that they notice or let alone even seem to realize that she was there. Was she a player? Or perhaps an NPC? Either way, she was clearly an oddity so Hamilton did the only thing that came to mind. He smiled at her before pretending like she wasn't there and leaving the Guard HQ.

"So.... what shall we do, you two? I'm really interested to know you a little better, Little Maid. Or should we discuss this map over in the tavern instead?" Hamilton suggested, holding up the rolled up map he nicked from right under the Captain's nose, a rather mischievous smirk on his face.

Petroshka Petroshka PlusUltra PlusUltra Damafaud Damafaud Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach

  • 123123123.png
    Trost Streets
    Mood: Curious
    Mentions: Damafaud Damafaud Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow Petroshka Petroshka Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach

    Thing simply smiles widely as the man looks to her, now he was interesting, especially the topics she had overheard. Another Lake? Multiple people? oh Jyeen was going to be so happy!. She quickly forwards what she had heard across to her in the tavern, as Jyeen passes it to Cenachomp in the operations room to pull up the archives on the old world.

    Cenachomp pulls up the records with a annoyed expression at the limited information on the new person of interest, Lake of Tears, Lake Mityhrim, Possum Lake, Lake La-Li-Lu-Le-Lo, Lake Placid.....126 results of Lakes, now the time to cross reference with a Cipher in the meantime, it was likely one of the smaller groups but still knowledge was knowledge, just it took time to acquire.

    Back in Trost Thing notices as the man's reaction which was actually surprisingly, very few had the common sense to walk away. Most would scream, run, stare confused, or approach.....they definitely had either common sense, or maybe just a good gut. She maintains her grin as she vanishes from sight, appearing once more as she follows just to the edge of his vision each time but vanishing before he can focus. She really wanted to observe this man a little longer, his mental defenses stopped her normal gathering of information by just delving into the mind but that just made it all the more fun, what could he do? oh so many possibilities, nevertheless she would have enough eventually.

    As she carrys on her trailing it now seems he was referring to the Automations, and it really was not good manners to suddenly interrupted so she keeps following along, the grin getting even wider as he mentions the Tavern. Oh Lucky Lucky Lucky! And she didn't even need to eat the Rabbithorse Clover stew this time!, hmm i wonder how he will react? If he is from a passable guild he might recognise Jyeen, and given his earlier reaction he should have some smarts there....but what about the Automations?, She sooooo wanted to spark something off but she was under orders, maybe her luck would continue and some more exciting stuff will happen.


"eh?" Sigra was taken aback buy the mans outburst more confused than anything, "Privilege? Extra comments?" She didnt know who these people were but now she is starting to get a sense of their mannerisms. It seemed they were quite full of themselves, privilege? Yes, privilege is being sent out to a frozen wasteland to a city in the middle of no where like this, Privilege is being forced to 'work' with cowards like that cat and that bird. Now with these new 'people' to which she had only shown her good side to they decide to insult her! Narrowing her eyes at the man who had insult her in a childish tantrum she quietly watched him go inside. Followed by the winged woman who seemed to sympathize with her which helped to quell her anger just for a little bit. She overheard the lizardman explain the terms of payment with the other two and decided to walk inside. Indi and Quinn followed beckoning the lizard inside. "We can pay for you after we discuss about the matters at hand."

Inside the building Quinn, Indi, Sigra, and several guards were inside the meeting room, the guards were standing near the walls it seemed they were minor leaders i their own right compared to the main three. There was a large table in the middle of the room with only a few seats, the walls were lined in various old paintings of beastmen and what seemed like empty weapon display rackets, bookshelfs and other such decor. Quinn grabbed a scroll from under the table and unrolled it on the top, showing a large map labeled. 'The former Kingdom' "this is our most updated map, the big thing in the middle is where we think the spawnlings came from." Quinn explained. "It used to be the largest and most glorious city in the world, now it is in ruins." Indi commented in a sad tone.


Nastarial Nastarial general ostruppen general ostruppen HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest ChazGhost ChazGhost Dante Verren Dante Verren

Just slightly north of Amaz near one of the many craters that dot the land that have turned into lakes ironically supplying people with fresh water where there were once destructive magics a heavy mist fell over the mostly unpopulated lands on the coast. Above the mist was a particular castle-like structure, if one was sane they would think that it was some sort of illusion in the distance, and if one comes near they'd find there was no way into the structure nor can they see through the mist.

Azure Sky Azure Sky

The wastes/walls

Suddenly without warning ontop of one of the mountain peaks a flash of white light shown throughout the wastes that the group was in, if one looked around while not blinded, they could see that the land was indeed wretched, the soil was dry and cracked, there were several dead trees still standing, decaying, and dry. For a quick second everything turned back to its usual dark overcast but the mountain peak that had flashed the light started to exclude what seemed like a faint beam of light that streaked into the skies, the only thing showing with what the light revealed were the dark clouds. The light soon directed itself down to the wastes where the group was and like a spot light, or a lighthouse, started to comb the area, going far beyond and near by the group. With unknown intentions and unknown entities what shall happen should they be found?

Far removed from both sight and sound the high walls still stood, tired and wary soldiers watched vigilantly for any sign of undead, such an event has never occured before or after the war with the demons, even then it was never to this extent. Old gates never thought, needed to be open brushed off their dust, blood, and soot. While a sizable contingent of soldiers marched through into lands not touched by the living in several millennium, so the stories told. Their armored boots cracked the scared land that had been so long a battlefield between living and dead, corpses too damaged to be reanimated either by blade or fire became the ground. The soldiers that had left their sacred land and into the forbidden one looked around frantically for any signs of movement, what was putting these men and women on edge wasnt what they saw, but what they heard. Nothing, other than their footsteps, their breathing, the shouts from behind the safety of the walls.
"What happened?"

Asagi Asagi Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach
"Alright, I am getting down"

The doll quickly got on her feet, and gazed at the lands, or rather the wasteland that met the group.

"I wonder...what is that?" She pointed at the source of light that was drawing near them, like searching for any sign of life. "maybe it is a beacon...if so what would happen if they find a living doll and a zombie wandering alone?" Despite the possibility of danger, the doll still threated it like an amusement and laughed "Kukuku, maybe they will tie us down and throw rocks, or maybe cleanse us from this land?" the doll spinned around and around, making circles as she moved "Say, Don The Goblin Slayer, would you care to join me in a performance?" and with a quick blight, the dolls appearance changed to the form of a human girl, removing any trace of her real form.

"Illusions are a speciality of mine you see...so shall we get going O-n-i-i-C-h-a-n" After that, the Doll let out a sadistic smile, removing any sign of innocence her mask was supposed to give.

Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach Petroshka Petroshka
Hex & Omen

Hex didn't need to wait for long. Suddenly the little town was in a state of turmoil as the rumors regarding a demon spread. A demon that summoned forth a thick mist. "Oh that's probably me." He thought, not caring too much. Shortly after, Hamilton and his companions exited the barracks as well. But... what was that strange creature that moved around Mr. Chiper? Even with his eyes closed, Hex had passives that granted him supernatural senses, thus he could see Thing, but could not properly distinguish its shape. How bizzare, he thought, as he got up and struck a pose.

He walked, still pretending to be a blind man and acting as if he needed his cane, until he was right behind Hamilton, and opened his eyes, revealing the black scleras and red irises.

"Greetings Mr. Chiper, how's life insurance?" He asked, jokingly. Now with his eyes open he could distinguish the forms around him better. Besides Hamilton there was a maid, a man that gave off the same vibe as your average nerd, with an intelligent expression nonetheless, and... a mysterious girl messing around.

Is he cursed, or something?

Meanwhile, Omen was invisible and stayed silent.

Ignis & Harvest

Ignis had just recently came back to the guild from what he thought would be his last "hunt". Never again would he be filled with joy when fighting strong foes, never again would he relieve his stress when making salty noobs cry. This made him sad. All other guild members have already left the game, some days ago, some months ago. What a shame. They shared so many beautiful things together, went through many adventures, created an amazing guild with great NPCs and yet they could not be bothered to attend the final moments of the game.

"Damn shame." With that said, Ignis merely waited for his last seconds of happiness to come to an end.


Nothing happened. Was it an error? For the moment he'd try to see if he could log off manually and...

"Huh? I have no menu. Heh. THEY TOOK MY MENU!" Ignis's voice roared through the throne room.

"I apologize profoundly, Lord Ignis. I have no knowledge of this menu you speak of, therefore I do not know how to help you." Someone replied. It was a beautiful female voice. Ignis looked around to see who was talking to him. A blonde woman dressed in white, with pale blonde hair and red eyes. She had a hallow above her head, and had an iron pumpkin flail shackled to one of her legs. It was the Guardian of the Throne Room, as well as Overseer of Guardians, Candy Crusher.

"Ah... I see. It is all clear now." He said on a solemn tone. He finally reached a conclusion.
I'm going crazy.

To be continued.

Petroshka Petroshka Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow PlusUltra PlusUltra Damafaud Damafaud Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach
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The small girl continues her game, despite her movements and vanishing to the edge of vision all evidence continued to point to her being a simple low level commener, while she could see the fact someone was there even Hex's advanced eyes were unable to pierce through the viel of whatever was obscuring her true nature leaving him with only the image of the smiling enigmatic young girl. Perhaps someone else was in the distance moving her around? or perhaps merely a high level illusion to the senses? whatever the case all that was clear was something wasnt as it should be.

She continues to stand there with a aura of innocence yet she drops her more advanced deceptions for a moment to come into view of the rest of the public, skipping out from the alleyway to the side and standing close by with hands behind her back bouncing slightly. "Mister Psy-Psy sure seems popular today" Excitement clear in her tone at the turn of events, and prospect of the fun that could come. Still though...orders were orders.

Trost Town
Barrack ==> Street
Interaction: Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow Azure Sky Azure Sky
Mention: Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach PlusUltra PlusUltra
While Lord Hamilton took over the conversation, Acles passively continued to process the information around him. Number of guards. Atmospheric quality. The concentration of hormone in the general air suggested an air of unrest had covered the town. Did something happen? His sense detected the entrance of several other figures into the barrack nothing too unusual. His attention was returned to the conversation when the guard captain produced a map.

Map scanned. Geography area named. Comparing research data to assumed visual representation. Compiling information into a single file. Compressing...

Acles nodded in satisfaction as he finished his general report on the immediate surrounding of Lake Coven. All he need to do next was to transmit the data to Lady Alishia, who would process the information into a book for everyone to read.

The guard captain dismissed them after an explanation. Acles followed Lord Hamilton outside, a few steps behind. The street remained as busy as it was, though the general air of unrest had spread. The appearance of a demon seemed to be the cause, according to the guard captain. No matter. There was nothing that could endanger him, Iota, or Lord Hamilton in their current vicinity. His sensor detected a vague observer somewhere, but if he was not close enough to be registered clearly, he would be of no threat.

"My lord, I would like to ask permission to return to Lake Coven. Reporting my observation to Lady Alishia is-"

Red alert

A blind man had approached Lord Hamilton. In matter of miliseconds, Acles' sensor had decoded the identity of the entity and revealed to him the rudimentay profile of the man. His eyes widened. A turn of his palm, and a rapier appeared in his grip. He activated his fencer skill, aiming at the man's head.

[Feather Blow]

"Back off, Serial Killer!" He shouted at the man.

Swan-like feathers fell from the air, following the trajectory of the piercing strike. His database, among other function, had a section dedicated to the profile of dangerous, hostile individuals. Hex, the Humanoid Serial Killer, was among the profile stored.
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  • Amamiya/Ragare Lupus
    The Burning Hells
    Petroshka Petroshka , Asagi Asagi

    Amamiya stopped dead in his tracks, His helmet provided just enough cover to shield his eyes from the flash of light coming from the peak of the mountain. by a mere moments, what he saw confirmed to what he believed to be, it is hell, or rather hell on this world, a Wasteland devoid of life, its land salted by so much death and despair, trampled by the shambling dead unlike him. As the beacon of light shone upon the deadlands, Amamiya watched as streaks of light danced around the land of the dead, he watched the lights go far beyond and back with one being a close call as it barely touched them by a mere meters.

    But then he realized, those were not mere Light-shows just to enlighten the dark and depressing land, the way they patterned as it combs the land implies it was search for something, searching for them. As Amamiya was in a deep thought, he felt the doll drop down on the ground after freeing herself from his grasp, snapping him out of it. He looked at the Doll before him as she transforms right in-front of his eyes. her skin changed like that of a human being. Ragare stared at her for Abit as she spoke to him, attentively listening to what she's saying, ignoring the dancing lights that was trying to search for something on the desolate land they're in.

    "Did she... Call me Oniichan? No no no... She's a player right? Right!? Oh c'mon I'm not a big brother type of person... I'm the youngest in the family!!!" Amamiya thought to himself as he stared at the cute yet sadistic companion he has.

    "Nothing can hold me. Doll... but you've proven yourself even by a small margin." Amamiya watches his beloved companion, ignoring the fact that the dancing lights of the mountain might be a danger to the both of them.

    "Even if they try to capture me, I'll rip them apart until it is done... you can't stop me nor the gods of this world." He added. his voice was akin to a growl under his helmet, his eyes glowed red with a vengeful aura surrounding him, black fog eminates from his black armor with only his Eyes and the outline visible to anyone who could see him.

    "...All they do is just make me puke." Amamiya slams the tip of his greatsword on the cracked soil as it spit flames of the Tauberg Dragon's vengeful fury, he watched as his companion breaks up in a smile, a smile showing how sadistic she can be and asking for an assistance for the coming days.

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"Straight to the point Don?" she clapped her hands as she admired the small display of her companion " *giggle* I do have another way to approach things though" and with a quick snap of her fingers "Mio"

"Yes Miss Neire" A figure emerged from the shadows behind the knight and the puppet, it was one of Neires own NPCs, the Vampire Mio.

"We are about to play a game with unknown guests, so please assist me fully to make this a top performance!" Neire jumped like a child on a party trying to get one of the raffle prizes.

"What are your orders Miss Neire"

"This will be more like an improvisation because we don't know the identity of our guests, so I want you to separate from us and..." she pointed towards a zone behind them "raise a couple of fodder zombies in case we need them, surely in this wasteland there is plenty of material... Now for our roles!" In all moments she retained a childish act, as a she was enjoying a new toy she got for Christmas "I will be the poor and defenseless girl" She did an elegant bow as she continue explaining "Don you have the star role!" she generated confetti from the palm of her hands, one of the functions her skin had, the point of purpose of it was a mystery for the community of yggdrasil "You can be Don the Undead Hero, Don the Undead Bodyguard, Don the Clearly not an Undead, or my favorite and most likely role, Don the Capturer, lolicon and possibly a molester Undead!" she smirked as she started to fake a sobbing display, while pretending to tremble in fear " if they are enemies they will probably engage us, if they are allies they are probably going to rescue both or just me, so stay in this zone with Don in case we are separated"

The Vampire stared at the knight for a couple of seconds, after clicking her tongue "... As you wish" saying that, the Vampire quickly vanished from sight "Oh don't mind her kukuku, we were not used to do these activities with other people... Non you stay with me"

"All is for my mistress"

The puppet then fixed her clothing, made sure her voice was attuned, like she was about to take an audition.

"Well then... Uhh w-where I am... Mommy, Daddy...Please save me... An-anyone... K@!rito-kun...alright that should be good kukuku" the doll laughed and laughed, displaying a devilish bloodthirst.

Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach Petroshka Petroshka

Rex had taken a step back and watched as the others began to introduce themselves, after this had finished and Fabian stormed off he thought on what he had just witnessed. 'As subtle as a ten pound hammer,' he thought to himself as he followed the group further into the building. His interest was peeked when the map was displayed, silently moving towards the map. He began studying the map roughly committing it to memory.

"We should like to make copies of the map," Rex spoke not looking away from the map.

Rex was thinking of ways to end the Spawnling threat, a direct attack into The Center would be the most direct and effective if it were only Sigvold, but such an attack would likely scatter the horde out into the world. He doubted his allies would approve, so the first they most prepare before the burn the nest.

Petroshka Petroshka
Gazing silently at the map, Fabian's focus was heavily on the center. More accurately the mountains. Sending another telepathic massage to his companions, Fabian began to list off prospects for the area. "If we can clear out the area, I can send in my Ice-sprites to begin construction of a fortified mountain city... If it's rich in ore, it would be an economic boon, but also a strategic staging point for our forces. Not to mention the area surrounded by said mountains would produce a well protected city. I recommend a large scale assault, striking from the north, east, and west, then funnel the stragglers to the south where we can mop them up."

Taking a deep breath, Fabian once again spoke aloud. "Drix... How much are we looking at in cost of resources for an extended campaign?" He asked, marking each section of the mentioned points on the map with a small figurine of pure ice.

ChazGhost ChazGhost Mekuto Mekuto Nastarial Nastarial Dante Verren Dante Verren Petroshka Petroshka
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Drix looked over the map and tried to remember as much as he could from it. "Rex if you think you can make copies and if these fine gentlemen let you, I'd go for it," Drix commented to Rex's plan to make copies of the map. As he did Fabian telepathically made plan of what they could do with the center area if was cleared out. Drix as thinks of talking to him in the same method when he just spoke out loud. "Well, I can't say for sure. It depends how many soldiers and soldier type we bring to there. Golems are cheaper to maintain, without any needed food or water cost for them. But regular golem may not be enough for that the attack the center of the Spawnling, I would need to use some of my experimental magma golems to do it..." Drix said before looking up and looking at his owner of the map. "It's probably better to discuss the details of something like that with Selvernas before doing anything like that though," Drix said turning to his guildmates.

"How long have the Spawnlings been around? Also, how would you guys feel about us going out and... Dealing with the Spawnling problem permanently?" Drix asked his graces hosts.

HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest Mekuto Mekuto Dante Verren Dante Verren Nastarial Nastarial Petroshka Petroshka
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Alyssa Morrow

So command the wake of dreams
To restore the world, cut 'way the seams....

Alyssa gazed at the map once it was produced and listened intently on the words of their host and her allies. Frowning, she inwardly sighed. "Before we go about willy-nilly, it would be better to do some recon to ensure that these spawnlings do indeed come from this place." Their host had said 'think' and thinking is by far no assurance, especially since they didn't seem up to task and all the work would truly be done by Insomnia. She'd much rather be sure. It was slower, yes, but the end result would be cleaner. And with the need to purge these things with fire, being well-prepared would help shorten the length of any prolonged battles. She even had an idea and looking at Insomnia's resident master-craftsman, she grinned. With a telepathic message, she said, I have a project in mind that would help with any efforts toward taking that massive crater in the center. How long would it take you to make a collar sized for Melanite to augment his breath weapon?

With luck, Fabian would realize her idea. The black dragon typically spewed acid, but that tactic didn't seem to work well when the insane lich had used it, but if he had fire instead... Well, the results would be rather glorious. She could also bring Almandine for the lesser spawnlings, but that idea would be put on hold until the area had been properly scouted and Selvernas had been properly appraised of the situation and approved of any plans put forward. "I've no qualms helping fund the efforts," she said casually. She did have quite the reserve of gold, a veritable mini-horde -- and that was if you didn't count the coin that acted as her mattress in the Lair. "That being said, if Selvernas doesn't approve of this... well, no need to worry about any of it." She gave a rather cheerful smile to her comrades. "After all, I won't take part in something that may be kin to the last incident." This remark hardly dampened her smile. She didn't think the boss would have an issue with their mini-campaign, and it made her quite excited to have something of a large scale battle happen. It made her quite nostalgic.

So obtain the fate you sow
On this path, be weary friend and foe...
Petroshka Petroshka HighSanguinaryPriest HighSanguinaryPriest ChazGhost ChazGhost Mekuto Mekuto Dante Verren Dante Verren
Hamilton Cipher
Old Friends New Foes
"Please Lass, just call me Hamilton. Its the least I can do for a new face such as yourself." Hamilton kindly smiled at the maid-like automaton. He wasn't sure why but he felt an odd sense of sadness as he looked at her smile. After all this NPC wasn't one of his or his companion's so he couldn't help but wonder who her Creator was? Was it one of the players who simply logged off before the shutdown? Or has she been idle for much longer than that? No matter, she was one of his, a member of the Coven and he'll make sure she feels welcome. That being said, Hamilton couldn't help but feel the fact that he was being watched. Was it that odd girl he kept seeing skirt around his peripheral vision? Or.... No. There was another. An almost familiar sensation... He then noticed the effect the mist had on the people. They seemed.... Confused? Thankfully Acles was able to bring his attention back to the matter at hand.

"Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to rep-" Hamilton started to say when he heard a rather cheeky sounding voice address him directly. "Life Insurance? They have those here?"

Hamilton turned to see a seemingly blind man open his eyes and smiling at him. Time seemed to slow as Hamilton wondered and briefly panicked as to who this mystery man was, his hand even reaching for his holstered, and still invisible, Meddlesome Bore pistol when there was something about the eyes that seemed to make him put two and two together. The mist, those odd eyes, the voice. It seemed that so long ago.

"Hex?! ACLES STAND DOWN!!" Hamilton cried out, noticing the NPC activating one of his Fencing skills.

Damafaud Damafaud Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach Azure Sky Azure Sky

Co-GM Post
The Conditions In Trost
All along the walls, guards can be heard barking out orders to their subordinates as they went about manning their posts. Those who had the 'honor' as serving as the outside gate guards were nervously grasping their weapons and scanned the mist enshrouded surroundings for any forms of movement. As for the Captain, he was busy organizing a Hunting Party and seemed to be having an argument of sorts with one of his men.

"Those blasted outsiders?! You want us to rely on them? By the ancestors I pray this mist didn't melt what little brain you have left..." The Captain sighed. His mind felt oddly foggy after his short walk outside and he wonders if the mist really is cursed or laced with some unknown magic. The words that the odd man he interrogated earlier. He did offer to help, he sounded like he knew what might be going on but it seems his lapse of judgement and pride let that chance slip away. Maybe.... he should give those outsiders a chance....

"Very well.... Once preparations are done, send a messenger to the tavern. Ask for those... outsiders. Tell them that I may require their assistance." The Captain's words were met with stunned silence but the guards simply nodded and went about their work. Was this a sign of things to come? As for the simple folk, the market was rife with rumors.

"I heard dear Hans met a demon earlier..."
"Poor man, he seemed so shaken up. I worry about his wife and children."
"And what about those odd folk from earlier."
"Oi! Something is going on here!"

A small crowd had gathered, realizing that a commotion was happening in the middle of the busy market street. What looks like a young man about to skewer a poor, blind beggar! What sort of madness is going on here?! Meanwhile, a small child was distracted by what appeared to be a cat and began to chase it.

"Come back kitty!"

Mikazuchi Niiko
Business as Usual
"Lord Nemo, a pleasure to meet you." Niiko smiled and politely bowed towards the Great Lord standing before her. After raising her head, she simply pulled out her scroll and got a charcoal pencil ready. A sweet smile forming upon her lips as she stared at Nemo for a bit. This man, just easily ordered the destruction of a whole District. And for what? If Niiko could be honest, she was a little shaken. After all, after the Carnival, Yoshiwara had the reputation of being a den of hidden torture and unsavory activities under its comforting appearance.

"Seeing as you are busy, I will keep this brief. My Mistress would like to hear your reasons for destroying the Late Lord Greer's District. Please ignore my own personal discomfort and answer honestly." Niiko recited her clearly rehearsed inquiry. Even when away from Sigvold, Nyamiko's watchful eye over the whole place can still be felt. This time in the from of two fox-like, yellow irises that stared right into Nemo's own.
The shorter girl keeps watching as the scene unfolds though as she detects the audiance the young girl act turns to frigthened letting out a scream "What are you doing?! Hes not done anything wrong!" playing to the gathering as she sends a message off to Jyeen. She sure enjoyed working on the fly with plans and this was shaping up to be amazing!, this really was getting fun. The ghost from before even revealed himself for her, I mean the other plan went to waste but the end result was the same. Now a little side show, her eye moving to the cat that runs off away and into the arms of the large woman just rounding the corner.

Head perking up within the empty tavern she lets out a low sigh before exiting, she should have expected Thing to start something but from the sounds of it there was atleast some results. As she exits the building and is rounding the corner a small animals leaps into her arms, causing her to raise a brow at the cat within her arms followed by a small girl bumping in right after. Looking to what seems to be a fight about to start up the road and then down to the smaller child. Kneeling she extends the arm with the animal "I suspect she is yours, are you ok?"

Hex was quite surprised when Hamilton's companion suddenly launched an attack towards him. Serial Killer? What was that all about? Omen did not interfere. It knew it had no reason to. Hex's cane was actually a magical item with a hidden blade. As a close quarter unarmed combat warlock, Hex would have zero proficiency while wielding any weapon, thus it would not advantage him in the slightest to use one, yet he had the cane. He was fond of it, using it from time to time to catch people off guard.

[Inner Accel]

Hex, who had maxed out agility, increased it further with two high tier buffs. To be more specific, only Unchained increased his Agility Stat. Inner Accel, however, accelerated the time flow of his own body, thus making him faster and everything around him would be perceived as slower. He unsheated his blade at inhuman speed and parried Acles's sword strike.


So, this fellow's name is Acles, huh? I wonder why he's so aggressive towards me.

"What are you doing?! Hes not done anything wrong!"

Ah, we created quite the commotion.

Hex did not want to stand out. He needed to think of something.

I guess I'll just improvise.

"It is good to see you have not lost your touch, Acles." Hex smiled, while closing his eyes and sheating his blade. "I commend you for your quick reaction and not letting strangers approach you from behind. Yet, I am also quite saddened that you would not recognize your former swordplay master. Am I in such a sorry state that you would not distinguish my features? Heh, maybe I am. Hard to tell when you are blind, right?" He asked rethorically. "On the other hand, you must be as tense as I am because of this demon business, so I can't really blame you for keeping your guard up. I apologize."

It was pure bullshit. But Hex thought the crowd would belive it.

Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow PlusUltra PlusUltra Damafaud Damafaud Kokurai Gaisgeach Kokurai Gaisgeach


Of course Nyamiko would send her NPC to investigate this.

"Whether we like it or not, when we Great Lords created NPCs, they each inherited a part of our ideals in one way or another. We created you to our liking after all. Greer was an unstable person with selfish ideals, and I knew the settings of his NPCs and district all too well. It was a multi-purpose district full of min-maxed powerful undead, that held the utmost loyalty to Greer alone, and powerful traps, that could function independently from the guild. Now then, since the selfish, anarchic, and unstable Greer had created blindly loyal NPCs that inherited his will in some way, I feared for the safety of the guild as a whole. Thus, before it was too late, I decided to take action on my own and completely eliminate the threat." Nemo responded in all honesty.

  • Amamiya/Ragare Lupus
    Authorization; Neire
    Petroshka Petroshka , Asagi Asagi

    Amamiya kept to himself as the dolls gave him more nicknames that were absurd or knowingly sarcastic. He lets them slide as she goes on lollygagging about while the lights from the mountain combs the area for something or someone, knowing something bad would happen, His grip on his sword still strong and ready to swing to anyone who would dare attack the Knight of the Abyss. Confirming that he would protect his newfound companion despite of her shennanigans of using her Illusion powers, what she doesn't but he realize is that his classes nullify the effects of offensive illusion magic made against him once Berserker's Rage activates, rendering him immune to such attacks made against him, yet he found it useful as his form is like that of a monster, a Black Knight who walked through the Abyss back and forth. to be hidden under a layer of Illusion magic to avoid getting too much heat on them both.

    As He watched his Companion summon one of her NPCs, he realized that she too is a Player who got transported in this hellish world, he wondered what she has done to be sent to hell, let alone be sent with him, but with a sadistic smile that she has shown and what appears to be an attempt to bait anyone towards them, he realized that she is a murderous player who knows her way to deceive and kill anyone. However, Amamiya realize his way of thinking might be wrong and suddenly had an idea to check if she isn't really that type of person but rather a choosy one who would willingly ally herself to someone stronger and work together as a team.

    But Amamiya was ready for anything, be it undead horde or a betrayal, his blade stood by beside him, ever ready to be pulled into battle and scorch anyone who attacks him.

Helnex, unknown walled city
Wandering Grim Hollow Wandering Grim Hollow Petroshka Petroshka

"I have to get back" Ryu or as he better known by his screen name, Helnex rushed through the woods heading back to Lake Coven to his friend one last time. "I know I can get there in time!" Ryu yelled as the time for the shut down grew ever closer. Then it hit midnight. Ryu paid no attention to the clock as he ran. But then something strange began to happen, Helnex surrounds seemed different then they were only second or even just a blink ago. But Helnex had no time to worry about that he had to get back to the lake. Then through the woods, he saw an opening, one cover in mist. Through the mist, he did not see the Lake Coven but instead a walled city.

Helnex finally stopped for a moment and tried to bring up the game menu to check the time and maybe a map. But he couldn't do it. Helnex then began to be worried as he knew something felt off. Like the whole world was different, that he was different now somehow. Now conscious Helnex began moving slowly to the town, pulling and place smoke bombs into his hands in case he needed to get away quickly.

...Those looking into the fog from the gate could see bright blood red glowing eyes piercing through the fog and the woods. Soon after the body of the owner of those eyes came more visible. There was a tall man with dark grey spiked armor walking calmly to the gate. One could assume he was a great warrior, but those blood red eye could make other think very differently...

Helnex made his way to the city gate, slowly as to try to not make the guards go on the defensive and assume he was there to attack the city. Though if the did Helnex began laughing in his head how men who were shakingly grasping there weapons like them would possibly try to attack him... and fail. Once he was close enough for them to hear he shouted out "What is the name of this city?".
Hiding AngelHeleL

Helel sat with his eyes closed in troubled meditation on his bed, attempting to calm a mind filled with shifting mists hiding phantom assassins. But it was just his imagination. Noel wasn't here, not out there in that mist, not anywhere he could reach. If she was... he'd have paid for his sins already. In his mind he saw his mother's face, but he couldn't bring himself to meet her eyes, so he opened his.

There was a human child standing before him. A young woman... no that was not right. A female child was a girl, so she would be a young girl. Young? From what he knew of human growth she would be around his age. What an odd thought. To compare a sinful human to a god, his head was truly in a bad way. But those eyes... Helel saw himself there, staring up with infinite love and joy towards his creators. He clenched his hands to still the rest of himself, both body and mind.

"Um... M-Mister Angel...?" The human girl approached Helel, holding up some dying plant towards him. No doubt she would ask him to restore its vitality and beauty. "You look a little sick so... You can have m-my flower... M-Mama said flowers can m-make people smile...."

Helel stared back at her uncomprehending of the idea that a human could possibly be attempting to console a god. Was that what was happening here? Should he be angry at that, defend his pride by rejecting her gift? No, it was not a gift. That is what he told himself as he reached out and took the wilted flower from her hand. Not a gift, an offering. A sacrifice from a lesser being unto a higher being, the sort of contract that gods had partaken in since the birth of time. That was his justification. What he said aloud was, "Thank you."

He cupped the flower in his hands and blew on it. [Recover] The broken stem straightened as brown faded into vibrant green and its twisted petals unfurled and spread wide to show off their deep violet-red hues. "It is beautiful." He looked at the girl's face. "What is your name, child?"

The girl seemed startled by him speaking to her. "M-my name? Ria." She fidgeted when she spoke, quickly breaking off eye contact with the angel to stare at the floor.

[Create Item] A second flower, identical in every way to the first, appeared in his palm. He tipped his hand so that it fell slowly onto the stone floor. [Growth] The flower began to grow the moment it landed, righting itself and sending out roots that spread like crawling ivy throughout the large room, across the floor and up the walls, up and around the beds, and then countless more flowers began to bloom inside the church, until the entire space was filled with beautiful color and scent. Helel showed the girl a small smile and held out a hand towards her. "Your hand."

The girl was hesitant but placed an unsteady hand onto Helel's. "Your mama must be a very wise person," he said to her. [Create Magic Item] A circlet came into being around the girl's thin wrist, seemingly formed by strings of light grabbed from the very air. He released her hand and sat back down on the bed. "For your kindness, I give you my thanks." He held up the flower she'd given him. "For your offering, I give you my blessing." He met her eyes. "For your name, I must give my own."

Just for a little while, he decided to let himself ignore the penance that awaited him outside these walls. Though he spoke to her, the entire room was attentive to the angel's every word. "I am Helel."

Hive Emperor| Cantabel & Jaxter |Demon King

Off in the distance quite a ways away from the guild hold of Sigvold, Two unusual figures suddenly appeared out of no where, their surroundings that of snow and pine, seemingly stretched endlessly. To their west, a mountain, to their east, they could see what seemed like a silver obelisk in the middle of a sea of white and green. A smell of salty humid air could be felt from a gush of wind blowing from the west to east.

"Huh." A tall black figure turned his head to stare out across the dreary snow-covered surroundings. Snow and trees as far as the eyes could see. Not at all like the volcanic mountaintop he'd stood upon mere moments ago. There was an explosion of snow and steam just next to where Cantabel stood. He glanced over to see Jaxter now standing on the scorched ground that had been hidden beneath the ice and snow. Snow continued to melt and then evaporate from around him as he left the [Flame Aura] on. "Not a bad idea," Cantabel agreed as he activated his own warming aura. Soon there was a large circle that the cold had been forced to give up. Cantabel failed to acknowledge that the cold he'd felt just then had been well outside the range for temperature fluctuation that DIVE games were allowed to simulate.

"So the servers were supposed to shut down, meaning we should have been booted off, but instead we got spawned somewhere completely different. Jackster, do you know what this means?" Cantabel spun around towards his younger brother's demon avatar with an excited flourish. Of course Jack didn't say anything to answer him, Jack never said anything, but he could at least have done something to acknowledge that he'd heard. Instead he was just staring at his hand as he turned it over and moved his fingers. Well, he was used to putting up with Jack's, and by extension Jaxter's, quirks. "It means YGGDRASIL 2! Those sneaky devs must have ported anyone still logged in at the end of YGGDRASIL's life right into a closed beta for their next game! Like a reward for their loyalty! Awesome devs, thank you very much!" Cantabel gave a thumbs-up to the sky, where he imagined the devs could see him. That gave him an idea.

"Jaxter, you hold tight right here. I want to get a look around and see what there is to see." He moved to open up the menu as he would have in YGGDRASIL. Nothing happened. "Oh right, new game. I wonder how much they've updated and changed in over a decade. Let's see... how would..." He realized that he'd already used a spell by casting [Flame Aura]. How had he done that? He'd just thought about wanting to use the spell and it had activated. "Wow, I can't even begin to imagine how much of a pain it must have been to set up a complete mental interface to get rid of the whole UI. Crazy devs. Awesome, but crazy."

Cantabel thought of the magic he wanted to use. [Flight] Suddenly he was off of the ground. "Woah! This feels so different from the first game. It's like I'm really flying!" Jaxter was staring up at him. "Right right, I'll be up and down before you can say anything." He flew up above the treetops and let himself come to a stop in a gentle rotation. "Trees, trees, trees. Oh! Nope, just a tree. Mountain. Hey at least it's not a tree. Tree. Trees. Many trees. Shiny thing spotted!" Cantabel let gravity take over and plummeted back down to the ground. He was going to just land, but feeling the falling and rushing wind was such a rush that he angled his fall away from the patch of melted snow and towards another spot still covered in thick white snow. He landed in an explosion of white powder.

"Hahaha! That was awesome! This game is such a huge leap from the first one!" Snow that covered Cantabel quickly melted from the heat coming off of his body. "I saw something cool over that-a-way. Let's go exploring and check out what it is." Jaxter turned to look in the direction he'd pointed, which Cantabel took as a sign to start walking. He took all of a step before a sudden expolsion just behind him made him turn back. There was the circle of melted snow where Jaxter had been, but there wasn't a Jaxter to be found, only two deep gouges into the ground where he'd been standing. Cantabel spun back around just in time to see Jaxter reach the apex of his jump... a few hundred feet in the air, and even further away. The explosion of snow thrown up by his landing put Cantabel's to shame. "Fine, if that's how you want to play it, you're on!"

[True Flight] Cantabel spread his bat-like wings as he stepped away from the ground. He hung in the air for a heartbeat, and then he shot off after his brother, moving fast enough that a flurry of snow was pulled in his wake. Jaxter waited for him to cover half of the distance before enlarging his legs and leaping over the snow again. [Accelerate] Cantabel flew even faster to catch up. The flurry behind him grew into a blizzard pulling the snow from the ground and trees as he raced past. When Jaxter landed the distance was even closer. He grew his arms and pulled himself forward, the snowy world blurring from the speed he moved over it. Cantabel was going to lose the race. [Time Accelerator] Everything slowed to a crawl, everything but the black figure racing to catch up to his brother. He closed the remaining distance, though even with time slowed he couldn't help but marvel at just how fast Jaxter had been going doing little more than running and jumping. "Ah well, it was never a fair race to begin with. My pride as the older brother was on the line after all." He shot past Jaxter and came to a rest a short distance away from the silver obelisk he'd seen from the sky. A few seconds after time returned to normal Jaxter skidded to a stop nearby. He was breathing heavy from the race. Cantabel wasn't so much as winded, since he'd used spells and MP rather than muscles and stamina.

"Maybe next time, Jackster," Cantabel laughed playfully, "but I win this time." He was forced to look as Jaxter pointed back the way they'd come from, where the flurry of snow pulled behind Cantabel in his mad flight to catch up to Jaxter had grown into a massive wall of white that was bearing down on them. "Huh, you raise a fair point. We should probably do something about that before the target of our exploration spirit is buried under all of... that." He waved his hand at the massive blizzard roaring towards them. Jaxter just stared at him with eyes that were just golden rings surrounded by black. "Fine fine, I'll do something about it. You can just sit there and marvel at how cool I get to be over here."

Cantabel spread his arms wide like he was some sort of conductor about to tell the instruments to play their parts. [Enlarge Widen Wall of Flame] [Widen Updraft] Where before there had been snow and trees and a raging blizzard, now there was only fire. As far as could bee seen in either direction and high into the sky, a wall of raging flames was all anyone could see. "That should about do it," Cantabel clapped his hands together, satisfied that this was the best was anyone could have gone about stopping a snowstorm. Jaxter just stared at him before turning and walking back towards the silver obelisk. Cantabel let out another laugh and followed after him.
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