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Futuristic Agent of Maniacles OOC and Characters

They are mercenaries though. Meaning that while they work with maniacles , they aren't officially affiliated with them...
I guess

True, but they are still considered on the payroll. Basically, you help out Maniacles. They help you. They arent really your friend, though.
Name: Kotsu
Age: 70 but looks 20
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Appearance: (all credit goes to GamerCarrot GamerCarrot because they're fucking rad.)


• Is good with manipulating my own blood into weapons, specifically the trademark dual whips and throwing knives, but also has training in Mixed Martial Arts.

•His blood can also turn into constantly moving blades giving them a chainsaw effect if he wills them to do so.

•Kotsu has four whips that sprouts from his arm as a result of vigorous training and constant combat experience.

Along with the speed and strength that comes from Level 3 Instinct, they are also good with reconnaissance and can pick up on people nearby or if people have been in an area as well as intelligence gathering. Also, good with creating and curing poisons, tending to wounds, and can read at an absurd speed.

Instinct Level: Level 3

• 5 healing vials
• 3 ration bars
• 3 random elemental bombs of Fire, Ice, Wind, or Earth
• 3 random vials of fire, ice, wind, or Earth
•3 Emergency blood pack rations,
•3 regular blood pack rations,
•Mixed Martial Arts combat,
•Linen cloth bandages,
• Pocket Sewing kit
• Fangs,

•Bowie knife with a whetstone in the sheathe, a compass on the handle of the knife and matches and a strike stone that are inside of the handle which can be screwed off that will help with emergency fires.

•Whips made from their own blood as well as throwing knives made out of my blood. (similar to Dracula from the latest Castlevania games.)

• A whip enhancement device that has its own elements of Fire, Electricity, and Ice that replenish on their own, made courtesy of Sam.

Backstory: Was a regular human who was an apothecarist, working with diseases, poisons, and vaccines. Kotsu wanted to help people of his town before one of his colleagues turned upon him, injecting him with a heavy dose of poison into his neck. Laying on the floor of his underground laboratory, begging for the poison to take its course and let him feel the sweet release of death, an angel approached Kotsu. Asking him if he yearned to live. To take revenge on the person he once was close with.

But unable to answer, he felt his heart rate in his ears, slowing to a near nothing and his vision faded before he could even think anything. With everything grower colder around Kotsu, he suddenly felt a burst of warmth starting from his mouth to his torso. A blazing inferno which forced him upright as if a more potent poison was writhing in his body. The war drums that replaced his slow and focused thinking was unbearable as he could hear every living creatures pulses and breathing. The angel, was gone. And Kotsu was reborn with a curious purpose. Vengeance, or forgiveness? An empty shell of the person he once was, Kotsu sought out the person who had betrayed him. Wanting to only know why. Kotsu was greeted to a grizzly scene when he arrived at his traitor's home. He smelled it before he walked past the door that had been kicked in. The blood was overwhelming, causing pangs of hunger and confusion throughout Kotsu's mind as the war drums beat harder in his skull, forcing him to his knees.

All Kotsu remembers is waves of red before waking up in a dumpster a few cities away a week and some few days later. His question of what happened to his home was answered when Kotsu walked by a convenience store while weak from hunger and sunlight exposure.

The news showed his home been destroyed beyond recognition. The line across the TV read "Massacre in small town, authorities baffled." Burnt remnants of a ghost town was all that was left when Kotsu came to view his old home. And with no sign of the angel who Kotsu now believed to be a harbinger of destruction, who had tainted his body with a new poison; Kotsu worked his way on tracking down that angel. He had questions. He had to ask the Angel why him. Why was he spared. Why wasn't he given the option of vengeance like he had been questioned on. It was unfair to give someone a question without letting them decide. It angered him. He's come close a few times but the Angel, as always, stayed one step ahead.

For now, Kotsu will wait until they make a wrong move. Make connections by being a mercenary. Get his blood supplied for free without having to rely on feasting on rats or deer in the woods. This will be more convenient. He still makes poisons and vaccines, helping out in the medical unit from time to time in return for blood bags. He drinks poisons to help him sleep at night, hoping that he'll be able to glimpse his old friend who betrayed him to get his answers as well. Yet still, he lies in wait for the Angel that will have to answer his questions.


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True, but they are still considered on the payroll. Basically, you help out Maniacles. They help you. They arent really your friend, though.
But you can still get combat training and the like and start your combat related career with Maniacles. Maniacles is always looking for warm bodies to stuff in metal suits and throw at the enemy after all.
Okay, do Pests react to inorganic material? Like if Sam tossed a DEHD into the swarm, would they focus on it?


They might take an interest in it, but woudn't know what it is. So a passing interest probably, but unless the Queen learned what it was and actively wanted it gone, the Pests would relatively docile to it.
Question, are multiple characters permitted? It's fine if it's not, I just had an idea.
Game is getting big. Which is great. But let's get through the first story here. Then we can cover like extra characters, side stories etc All of which are welcomed btw, subplots. Just PM me and Adept what y'all are thinking.
Yo guys I'm back but before I post and advance the plot I gotta know...

How many of you are wearing power armor?
To clarify, supernatural beings are mostly hidden. The average person doesn't commonly see magic, vampires, dragons, ghosts, etc.

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